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Still trying to accept your gift of the best playing experience here. I've said it before, there are not enough glowies in the Black Hole to go around. Everyday there's some argument in general chat about someone stealing an objective from someone else. The respawn rates of all these need to increase drastically to accommodate the new populations. It's not like we have low population servers as a choice anymore.


If it was a PVP issue, would something have been done by now? They seem to get immediate results.

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Still trying to accept your gift of the best playing experience here. I've said it before, there are not enough glowies in the Black Hole to go around. Everyday there's some argument in general chat about someone stealing an objective from someone else. The respawn rates of all these need to increase drastically to accommodate the new populations. It's not like we have low population servers as a choice anymore.


If it was a PVP issue, would something have been done by now? They seem to get immediate results.


They could do what GW2 did, and make it so people can pick up gathering spots/objectives without effecting other players. Also anyone who attacks the mob all get experience and gets credit. So you can play with other people without getting mad at the competition, thus encouraging people to play together instead of against each other. Genius really, since these are Massive Multiplayer Online. But alas BioWare didnt think for themselves with the exception of cutscenes and story, and kept the, "Lets have them compete for stuff, instead of bringing the community closer together.", mentality.


As for the PVP part. PVP actually has alot of bugs within warzones. Especially when it comes to ranked WZ as well (see

). But it doesnt mean PvP issues get fixed faster than PvE issues, as BioWare is equally slow to address any of this. Hell, bugs on both sides(PvE and PvP) that have existed since launch, and still do exist. So saying, "If it was a PVP issue, would something have been done by now? They seem to get immediate results.", only proves you're being ignorant, and I would even say trying to drive the community further apart. Like the PvE thread crying for PvP players to leave the game.


So in conclusion to my second paragraph. You're issue is with BioWare. Saying remarks about either side of PvE or PvP, is just gonna drive the community apart. While we're waiting for BioWare to fix all of the bugs in the game, can't we all just get along? :) Or should we put up a fence between both sides of the game, and yell at each other? :rolleyes:

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Still trying to accept your gift of the best playing experience here. I've said it before, there are not enough glowies in the Black Hole to go around. Everyday there's some argument in general chat about someone stealing an objective from someone else. The respawn rates of all these need to increase drastically to accommodate the new populations. It's not like we have low population servers as a choice anymore.


If it was a PVP issue, would something have been done by now? They seem to get immediate results.


While in some areas the respawn does need to be faster!


The problem you describe is actually a PLAYER ISSUE, not EA issue


MANNERS, they work offline and online


Someone killing the mobs guarding or blocking the quest item,

the polite and PROPER thing to do is let them get the quest item and you wait for the respawn


Thats the proper and polite thing to do.

Unfortunately very few actually practice this "outdated" concept of manners in game.


I practice what I preach, but sadly Im the 1% (heh just had to use that).


Side note, I found doing dailies AFTER 10 pm local time on the week days cancel out 90% of the the garbage you refering to.


Older and more mature crowd playing normally and much of the kiddy antics/mentalities doesnt exist (mostly, there always a few in every crowd).

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I do the same thing Kalfear. Let someone else grab it instead of pushing them aside so I can grab it. Like armaments when we had Ilum, or the bombs/mining equipment/etc for dailies. But I think the OP's main issue is that, long respawns are long...


That's why I think if they just made it so someone getting an objective in a quest, could not effect other players also doing the same thing. Eliminate the competition of having to be the first one to get a quest objective, would eliminate the problem entirely. But, I dont see them doing it... :( And when we had Ilum getting the armaments was fine if theres only you and 1-2 other people. But when there were 5-50, it was best to just sit on your *** in the middle of central and wait to kill some Jedi. :p

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They could do what GW2 did, and make it so people can pick up gathering spots/objectives without effecting other players. Also anyone who attacks the mob all get experience and gets credit. So you can play with other people without getting mad at the competition, thus encouraging people to play together instead of against each other. Genius really, since these are Massive Multiplayer Online. But alas BioWare didnt think for themselves with the exception of cutscenes and story, and kept the, "Lets have them compete for stuff, instead of bringing the community closer together.", mentality.


As for the PVP part. PVP actually has alot of bugs within warzones. Especially when it comes to ranked WZ as well (see

). But it doesnt mean PvP issues get fixed faster than PvE issues, as BioWare is equally slow to address any of this. Hell, bugs on both sides(PvE and PvP) that have existed since launch, and still do exist. So saying, "If it was a PVP issue, would something have been done by now? They seem to get immediate results.", only proves you're being ignorant, and I would even say trying to drive the community further apart. Like the PvE thread crying for PvP players to leave the game.


So in conclusion to my second paragraph. You're issue is with BioWare. Saying remarks about either side of PvE or PvP, is just gonna drive the community apart. While we're waiting for BioWare to fix all of the bugs in the game, can't we all just get along? :) Or should we put up a fence between both sides of the game, and yell at each other? :rolleyes:


I did hear that about GW2. That would be superspectastic, but I honestly think that would be asking too much. <- back-handed-snipe-at-the-complacent :p


Aaaaaand you make a solid point about my unwittingly pushing fellow players away, (but jee willakers you could have said, "naive" or "not knowing the whole story," but ignorant... ? I mean ow, man... my feeling! Oh, wait I didn't bring it.)

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It's like a 3 minute respawn for the crates


There are several areas with 2 near each other, you can just camp them out and be done in like 12 minutes.


It's, in my opinion, 100x less frustrating than the Ilum armament situation.

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Takes me 40 minutes to get all the dailies done on Corellia on TOFN, I don't get what all the yapping is about


It's not about the time itself, it's about what you spend that time doing.

40 minutes of killing stuff can be entertaining. The problem is when that time includes a lot of running around in circles looking for quest objectives, or engaging a group of mobs protecting a quest objective, resource node, or security chest, only to have someone else ninja your prize while you're fighting.

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Aaaaaand you make a solid point about my unwittingly pushing fellow players away, (but jee willakers you could have said, "naive" or "not knowing the whole story," but ignorant... ? I mean ow, man... my feeling! Oh, wait I didn't bring it.)


Eww, my bad. Glad you didn't take it to heart. But looking back, you're right. "Not knowing the whole story", would have been a better way to phrase it. Sorry. :)

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