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This was actually addressed in the Q&A. Bioware has stated that they are working on infastructure to close all origin servers by the end of the summer and all remaining characters on those servers will be moved to available destination servers. They have also stated there are no plans to ever delete any characters even if you have all slots filled. They are working on a fix for this problem at present. They also stated there are no plans for paid transfers or transfers from one type of server to another at this time, but they're not ruling it out.


And there you go. Questions answered. Not really BW's fault if you missed it.

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And there you go. Questions answered. Not really BW's fault if you missed it.


So ? Where does it answer my question what happens if my destination server is full ? Or why they suddenly start to backpedal from paid transfers when they have been promising those for months.


And why are some origin servers locked and others are not. None of this makes any sense.

Edited by HammersteinSW
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Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.


Because we're the ones keeping the game going. It's not about being "privileged" it's about a rapport between developers and community. It's funny though, this community is my introduction to people like you the "you deserve nothing" types who throw around words like "self entitlement" and spew other such nonsense. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen the word entitlement get so abused. Back in the early days when many fans complained about stuff.. mostly out of them wanting the game to succeed and so they came on here and made long posts constructively criticizing various different things about the game.. So many people hated on these guys and talked about how they're entitled to nothing.. well you know, they were entitled to take their money away from the game and so many of them did and this gave birth to such terms as the tortanic.


So once again, while we're not technically privileged, we're the guys who are keeping the tortanic afloat. How many people are currently getting bored of the game and decide to have a peak at the forums to see what new is in store? Take their boredom and add the doom and gloom and general unhappiness exhibited here, I wonder how many of them either cancel their sub or start thinking about it.

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See, you don't get to say communication isn't happening and then throw in the little disclaimer "outside of the Q&A". That's exactly what I'm talking about. There is a forum in place in which the players are avoided the opportunity to communicate directly with the developers. Yet each time the Q&A is mentioned, people run to their keyboards to say "the Q&A sucks/is a joke/they only pick the easy questions" etc. That's their response when someone points out that communication, the very thing they claim they want, is in fact happening. That's like saying "I never get to eat except when I get to eat". And I guess I just have a different idea of communication than you do because I consider news released from the developer team concerning the game to be communication and you apparently consider it to be a forum thread in which the developer spends X amount of time posting in direct response to everyone's comments on the boards.


Well if we're going to be all snarky and stuff, then I'll retort with: You're welcome. I aim to please. And thank you my friend, for informing me of exactly what I was assuming. I was unclear about my assumptions before but now thanks to you I've got it.:p


Not sure if trolling or just ignorant...


If a child says "I never get to eat" and the parent says "Here's some crap" should the child say thank you? No.


The Q&As don't answer questions the vast majority of the community wants to know. Maybe at some point they did but definitely not now.


Also you claimed earlier that BioWare let us know about a new planet and a new species etc. First of all most of that was at E3 which was over a month ago so get your facts straight. And second as far as I'm concerned a new skin that has 0 bearing on anything I do isn't new content.


So yes IT IS TRUE. Don't sit there and call me a lier when you don't even know what you're talking about. Most of this content was revealed on June 4th. It's almost August 4th which will have been 2 full months since E3.


Here's proof - http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/06/04/e3-2012-swtors-limited-f2p-trial-and-content-plans/

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So ? Where does it answer my question what happens if my destination server is full ? Or why they suddenly start to backpedal from paid transfers when they have been promising those for months.


And why are some origin servers locked and others are not. None of this makes any sense.


They said they're aware of that concern and they're working on it. I would like to see where they promised paid transfers because I haven't seen that anywhere communicated from any dev yet. As for some origin servers being open and others not, its supposed to be if you have a character on an origin server that server will not be locked to you, but as far as I've heard the instance that you're speaking of isn't intended.


As for your most current response, its not fair for you to say you want some information about certain issues when the info is actually out there already. If you don't like that info that's one thing, but to complain that the info isn't out there when it actually is out there is the fundamental problem with these boards atm.

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Not sure if trolling or just ignorant...


If a child says "I never get to eat" and the parent says "Here's some crap" should the child say thank you? No.


The Q&As don't answer questions the vast majority of the community wants to know. Maybe at some point they did but definitely not now.


Also you claimed earlier that BioWare let us know about a new planet and a new species etc. First of all most of that was at E3 which was over a month ago so get your facts straight. And second as far as I'm concerned a new skin that has 0 bearing on anything I do isn't new content.


So yes IT IS TRUE. Don't sit there and call me a lier when you don't even know what you're talking about. Most of this content was revealed on June 4th. It's almost August 4th which will have been 2 full months since E3.


Here's proof - http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/06/04/e3-2012-swtors-limited-f2p-trial-and-content-plans/


You're right, most of that was released at E3 and some of it, like the legendary weapons and items were announced after that. Yes, HK-51 was revealed to be future content in the game at E3, but since then we've learned that players will need at least one lvl 50 on one faction, and at least a mid level (possibly in the 30s) toon on the opposite faction in order to acquire him. They also revealed their progress on nightmare mode for some of the current operations since E3. So while this content was revealed at E3, in the last 30 days we've gotten additional information about this content from the devs. I can see you are not excited about the Cathar which is fine, but that doesn't mean nobody is excited about it.


Your claim that the Q&A doesn't answer the questions that most people want to here is of course relative. I would be willing to bet the Q&A hasn't answered the questions YOU want answered, but then my next question to you would be have you ever submitted a question to the Q&A? Not trying to speculate, just wondering. I can say for sure that at least one person in this thread who I've responded to has had their question addressed in the Q&A. They may not be satisfied with the response, but their question WAS addressed.

Edited by aurellian
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Patch 1.4 would give me a reason to stick around


But for now my plans are to ditch Swtor for GW2, if Swtor improves when I'm gone, I would come back, if not, I would forget it ever existed.



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Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.


Because we are the customer.

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No we shall ignore you give you SpaceWoW and take your hard earned monies!


We arent privileged nor think we are, We expect something to stop the tortanic from sinking slowly, please patch this boat before we all die yo. That too much to ask? Either way, I have decided to jump ship before the nuclear engine exploads(Game goes P2W).


Heck, one month ago I dident understand why the forum was all hate, now im part of it >.>

Edited by Daethorz
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You're right, most of that was released at E3 and some of it, like the legendary weapons and items were announced after that. Yes, HK-51 was revealed to be future content in the game at E3, but since then we've learned that players will need at least one lvl 50 on one faction, and at least a mid level (possibly in the 30s) toon on the opposite faction in order to acquire him. They also revealed their progress on nightmare mode for some of the current operations since E3. So while this content was revealed at E3, in the last 30 days we've gotten additional information about this content from the devs. I can see you are not excited about the Cathar which is fine, but that doesn't mean nobody is excited about it.


Your claim that the Q&A doesn't answer the questions that most people want to here is of course relative. I would be willing to bet the Q&A hasn't answered the questions YOU want answered, but then my next question to you would be have you ever submitted a question to the Q&A? Not trying to speculate, just wondering. I can say for sure that at least one person in this thread who I've responded to has had their question addressed in the Q&A. They may not be satisfied with the response, but their question WAS addressed.


All my questions have been asked over and over by the community in every Q&A so I won't be posting. And in 60 days you think that telling us we need to have a character on both pub AND empire is a good thing? That's almost nothing.


Listen the HK-51 teaster was nice but the developers need to stop treating this like its a movie and start treating it like an MMO. Players need to know whats going on or a ton of them will just leave. Obviously people like yourself are willing to stay no matter what, and while thats nice, a lot of people simply don't have that midset.

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All my questions have been asked over and over by the community in every Q&A so I won't be posting. And in 60 days you think that telling us we need to have a character on both pub AND empire is a good thing? That's almost nothing.


Listen the HK-51 teaster was nice but the developers need to stop treating this like its a movie and start treating it like an MMO. Players need to know whats going on or a ton of them will just leave. Obviously people like yourself are willing to stay no matter what, and while thats nice, a lot of people simply don't have that midset.


Most people wont stick around, especially when this games endgame is a copy of a even larger game.


The E3 content is more of the same, it wont last long, it might regain subs for a month or two, but after that the game will go right back down.

Edited by Daethorz
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Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.


^ This.


We'd all like to hear from the team constantly...but in all honestly they don't have to do a damn thing between updates.

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They said they're aware of that concern and they're working on it. I would like to see where they promised paid transfers because I haven't seen that anywhere communicated from any dev yet. As for some origin servers being open and others not, its supposed to be if you have a character on an origin server that server will not be locked to you, but as far as I've heard the instance that you're speaking of isn't intended.


As for your most current response, its not fair for you to say you want some information about certain issues when the info is actually out there already. If you don't like that info that's one thing, but to complain that the info isn't out there when it actually is out there is the fundamental problem with these boards atm.


First of all... they promised a while back that there would be no forced transfers. Now there are forced transfers. Now to answer a question about "what will happen to my characters if my slots are full on the destination server".. we get "Characters wont be deleted. We are working on it" ....


That tells me that bioware doesnt have a *********** clue on what to do. They could have made this whole situation so much better but they half assed it like they did everything else in the game. Look at Rifts server transfers. They are a perfect example of what to do. ToR server transfers are the perfect example of what NOT to do.


They answer 5 bogus questions a week, sometimes they are even delayed or not at all. This is not communication. Im sorry you think it is but it isnt. They are not communicating 1 bit about the important things going on with this game. You can defend them all you want but its not going to stop the mass exodus from all the players that feel the same way.

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First of all... they promised a while back that there would be no forced transfers. Now there are forced transfers. Now to answer a question about "what will happen to my characters if my slots are full on the destination server".. we get "Characters wont be deleted. We are working on it" ....


That tells me that bioware doesnt have a *********** clue on what to do. They could have made this whole situation so much better but they half assed it like they did everything else in the game. Look at Rifts server transfers. They are a perfect example of what to do. ToR server transfers are the perfect example of what NOT to do.


They answer 5 bogus questions a week, sometimes they are even delayed or not at all. This is not communication. Im sorry you think it is but it isnt. They are not communicating 1 bit about the important things going on with this game. You can defend them all you want but its not going to stop the mass exodus from all the players that feel the same way.


The questions they answer are "bogus" according to you. I personally have been very pleased with the responses in the Q&A. The Q&A itself has been delayed only once I'm pretty sure. You continue to say they aren't communicating about the "important" things in this game, but outside of character transfers you haven't identified anything that you think is "important" that the team hasn't addressed. And they DID address your concern about character transfers, you just weren't happy with their answer. That is understandable, but COMPLETELY different than them NOT addressing your concern. And for all the players who are, according to you, going to mass exodus, there are a bunch of players like me who aren't anywhere near that point yet. I'm not trying to convince you to stay, I'm just pointing out the fact that your claims that the dev team is not communicating with the players is not accurate.

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The questions they answer are "bogus" according to you. I personally have been very pleased with the responses in the Q&A. The Q&A itself has been delayed only once I'm pretty sure. You continue to say they aren't communicating about the "important" things in this game, but outside of character transfers you haven't identified anything that you think is "important" that the team hasn't addressed. And they DID address your concern about character transfers, you just weren't happy with their answer. That is understandable, but COMPLETELY different than them NOT addressing your concern. And for all the players who are, according to you, going to mass exodus, there are a bunch of players like me who aren't anywhere near that point yet. I'm not trying to convince you to stay, I'm just pointing out the fact that your claims that the dev team is not communicating with the players is not accurate.


Saying "we dont know" is not answering any question, now is it? Are we ever going to get any content? "we dont know" Is this game going to last the end of the year "we dont know". Those arent the questions they answer but that is the basic answer they give.... does that sound like communication to you?


Tell you what... go look at the DEV TRACKER... and tell me how much communication you see. They have not answered any serious issue with this game and you know that, you just dont want to look bad. If you dont know what the serious issues are then you have blinders on. Its all over the forums and all unanswered. This communication problem is nothing new... they didnt communicate in beta either. First beta, that I have ever been in, where the developers did not interact with the community. Ive been in just about all betas.

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One thing is for sure, their level of communication with us has diminished greatly of late, even though they had said that communicating with us more frequently was one of their new initiatives.


I suppose they'll talk to us when they feel like it. I just wonder how many of "us" will be here to hear them when they do deign to speak.

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Dude or Dudette,


Please read what I'm typing and don't knee jerk me. Just 'hear' me out. What do you want to hear from them? I mean, what?! This stuff is the same stuff peeps were saying before 1.2, after 1.2, yada yada yada. What do you want them to say? That they have everything well in hand? That they DON'T have everything well in hand? That they don't care one way or the other? That they've got our best interests at heart and are doing everything they can to make the game better? I mean, what?!


This is an MMO. It's had a rocky bunch of months and some good ones. The company has been shaken up on multiple occasions with cuts, layoffs, developers and producers leaving, etc. What the heck are they supposed to say to you that will make *YOU* feel better? Your title says, 'We,' and yet I am a part of that 'We' and need no reassurance from the devs. When I was dissatisfied with the game, I simply stopped paying and playing. I have only recently started back up and have been VERY pleased with all the changes and fixes they've made thus far. As far as I've been able to tell by perusing the forums and Q&A's, they're doing more than the average MMO devs at talking with the community and less so than others. Many would cite WoW here, because Blues have really been more in contact in the last couple of years....but c'mon: it's Bashiok. I'd rather have a syphilitic baby responding to my posts on an MMO than that guy.


Anyway, I know everyone is always frothing at the mouth for talky talky from devs and stuff but the fact is that most of the time it's regular PR drivel that in the end doesn't tell us squat, including the aforementioned Q&A's and yet: that's what you're gonna get from ANY company. I'd rather just have silence and information when it's ready to be released than constantly read that somebody thinks Bioware should pay a guy to just come on here and yuk it up with retarded message boarders all day long. WoTC are doing that over on the DoTP board right now, and it's horrible.


Suffice to say, I don't think there's a response in the world that would please you coming from the devs, unless it's: 'We're giving you everything you ever dreamed of, right now in this patch we're releasing seconds from now. Enjoy!,'.

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See, you don't get to say communication isn't happening and then throw in the little disclaimer "outside of the Q&A". That's exactly what I'm talking about. There is a forum in place in which the players are avoided the opportunity to communicate directly with the developers. Yet each time the Q&A is mentioned, people run to their keyboards to say "the Q&A sucks/is a joke/they only pick the easy questions" etc. That's their response when someone points out that communication, the very thing they claim they want, is in fact happening. That's like saying "I never get to eat except when I get to eat". And I guess I just have a different idea of communication than you do because I consider news released from the developer team concerning the game to be communication and you apparently consider it to be a forum thread in which the developer spends X amount of time posting in direct response to everyone's comments on the boards.


My idea of communication is, again, a back-and-forth. Which we only get with the Q&A. I'm not talking about about the questions answered therein, I'm saying that's the only communication there is. Because it's them actually talking to us, not at us. Compare other companies - you'll find Turbine Diaries, the GW Manifestos, Dev Roadmaps.. hell, even Ghostcrawler babbling about yachting and making stupid jokes is a better level of communication.


Maybe I've a higher criteria, but two posts in the Dev Tracker actually replying to people and some Trade Show Press Releases aimed at potential customers just don't cut it.

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And once again, the original poster claims that Bioware isn't communicating with the players, but they conveniently leave out the fact that in the last 30 days, Bioware has announced a new planet, a new species, a new companion, new story content, a new warzone, a new operation, legendary weapons and armor and a level cap increase. Like seriously, all this information was released last month.


lol, fanboi. None of this was new.

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Dude or Dudette,


Please read what I'm typing and don't knee jerk me. Just 'hear' me out. What do you want to hear from them? I mean, what?! This stuff is the same stuff peeps were saying before 1.2, after 1.2, yada yada yada. What do you want them to say? That they have everything well in hand? That they DON'T have everything well in hand? That they don't care one way or the other? That they've got our best interests at heart and are doing everything they can to make the game better? I mean, what?!


Stuff like ''Yes, we hear you, we will fix the bugs in groupfinder''. Or ''yes, we hear you, we will add more end-game content''. Or ''Yes, we hear you, we will have bigger servers so you don't have to queue for half an hour as DPS''. Or ''yes, we hear you, we will do something about useless crafting missions popping up''.


Anything to give us a glimpse of hope, a reason to stay on this game!


They had two rounds of lay-offs, including BIG names, and they don't give ANY comments for weeks... Ofcourse people will assume the worse, and the ''free-to-play'' rumors (also known as ''pay to win'') aren't helping.


This lack of communication is one of the things that show Bioware has no experience in MMOs. You communicate different to a MMO audience (where you got to convince people to keep paying 15$ a month) then to other audiences (where you got all the people's money you'll ever take upfront).


At the moment, they are paying their lack of experience in MMOs dearly.

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