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Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything!!


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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


You need to look at some of the game play videos like the ones found on IGN and Youtube. GW2 has great looking graphics from what I have seen and like atleast 3 times better char creation options than TOR has. I have not played it myself and have no plans to anytime soon. But I know some who have played it and they are excited for it's release. TOR and WoW also will lose some players to it I am sure.

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Yeah, it's not out yet, but some of my friends have already played the beta, and they're saying things on how GW2 has just stuff that's better than SWTOR. I don't know how to speak on their behalf since I've never played GW2, but I probably never will anyways.


It's just really sad to see the direction this MMO is headed. Not pretty. :(


they say that now since its new... its shiney... talk to them again in 3 months

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I never said I unsubbed or said I was going to. :rolleyes:


I do admit, however, that I might be one of those players that shall unsub once this game is truly recognized by a majority of the MMO players as a sunken TORtanic when the time comes.


lol... really??


players asked a lfg tool they got one.

they asked something to do about low pop servers you are on a crowded one now! you asked higher AA settings , you got them.

you asked to make levelling alts less tedious , , you got xp boosters. and im sur ive forgotten stuff.

and here you and others telling the rest or at least give the impression that they dont listen to feedback. play the game or leave and come back when you think that you will enjoy it then.

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The made the mechanics too simple and too accessible that eventually it wouldn't appeal to anyone


The game appeals to me and to many others. Thanks Bioware, Lucasarts, and EA.

Edited by ahnog
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I haven't played since day one but I have been playing for 5 months. I only have one level 50 but I have 6 more toons between level 25 and 41 & I still find this game fun with plenty of things to do. My HUGE problem with this game is the overkill "voluntary" server transfers. Many of the people playing this game like low-mid population servers & smashing everybody into already full servers is just another way they are causing people to unsub. Yes I like to group with people for some content but since the storylines are such a big part of this game 90% of the time I don't need there to be 200 people on a planet with me. Go ahead and tell me "it's an mmo if you don't like it...blah blah blah" you are entirely missing my point if that is what you think.
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There are alot of things I enjoy about this game. But there are also some things that wear my love and dedication down. I currently have 5 50s 2 mid 30s and a 10. 2 of my 50s are run EC and the other 3 are in the HM OP progression stage.


Things I like.

Companions- I honestly cant think of another game that provided anything remotely as fun as this.


Story-This has been one of the most fun and enjoyable parts of the game, lots of chuckles and good times going thru the story lines of the republic classes and the few imperial classes.


Crafting-I have always been a big crafting and I do like the crafting system in the game.


The look and feel-There are some really beautiful scenes in the game and the planets are well designed and beautiful albiet a bit to linear. The sounds of moving thru snow or wet ground are well done also. There are some things I miss like weather cycles and day and night but I am still ok with it.


End Game Content-I really enjoy the current content structure and how its more about cordination and playing smart rather than just being a tank and spank.


Things that drain my enthusiam for the game:

Credit sinks-I am the type person who makes things for guildies and as such i am not able to sell alot on the GTN so tend to have to constant grind out dailies to get money. My solution would be to remove the credit sink involved with removing mods. It is really silly to be paying that much to have a force ghost unlock a mod so we can remove it. Why not have a vendor sell something for less money that will unbind all mods in an item, anything but this current system.


Datacrons not being legacy wide is another grind that wears on me.


Lack of meaningful world pvp areas where there are things to capture that gives your side a xp bonus or something to help get people involved in it.


Lack of customization at character creation and the absurdity of some of the endgame armor. Also the fact that medium sentinel armor doesnt hide the hood.


I really do enjoy this game alot and am fortunate to be part of an awesome guild. I am hoping that we can get 8 more character slots soon which will expand my enjoyment for a even longer period of time.


As far as the people talking about guildwars 2, I played 1 for a year. I played some in the beta for II and to be honest i think there will be alot of folks disappointed in it at release. I might pick it up next year after some things are ironed out but I will still be playing here as long as Bioware continues to show they are working to make the game more enjoyable.



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lol... really??


players asked a lfg tool they got one.

they asked something to do about low pop servers you are on a crowded one now! you asked higher AA settings , you got them.

you asked to make levelling alts less tedious , , you got xp boosters. and im sur ive forgotten stuff.

and here you and others telling the rest or at least give the impression that they dont listen to feedback. play the game or leave and come back when you think that you will enjoy it then.

Hmmm, I'm not sure if fanboi, or troll. I'll go at it, anyways. :rolleyes:


We got a LFG tool. Could it be improved? Yes. They did something about queues and low pop servers. Could they have done it way better? Yes (way, way better...). They made leveling alts less tedious. Yet is it still a grindfest? Most definitely.


God, I can't wait till you're knocked back into reality that this game wasn't the game changer for all MMOs everyone thought it was gonna be.


/failed :cool:

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Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.


This. I see all these negative remarks being thrown around about TOR yet not one points out how its better elsewhere. Even the OPs "points" are just baseless "i dont like x,y,z." Seriously ...


There's lack of endgame content; there's lack of innovation; there's lack of incentives; there's lack of social features; there's lack of variety. There's just not much to do really at endgame instead of doing the same dailies and weeklies over and over again, but also, I feel like leveling up can be extremely boring. In fact, maybe a tad bit more boring than endgame.

Endgame: You LFG tool heroics to get epics then raid ... or you take the PvP route and grind the same damned available pvp instances over and over. Thats how it is in all other MMO's, especially WoW. Oh no the World PvP sucks ... yeah so does it everywhere else.


Innovation: They gave you their innovation, it has more than any other MMO out there whether you like them or not. Companions, dialogue, datacrons, space mini game battles, and personal class storylines. What do other games got? Random events in Rift? PQs in Warhammer? Action combat in TERA? Gimme a break!


Incentives for what? The hell are you talking about? Pretty much everything you do here has rewards. Its a video game, your "incentive" should be fun. If youre not having fun the by all means leave but dont come on here with this non sense as if there are more magical incentives in other games.


Social feature!? Are you kidding me? Their is grouping, and guilds... which is all there is in other MMOs. Here there is even a social xp bar and gear/titles that come from it (omg are those called incentives!?) Let me guess, you want pazaak, and pod racing which arent even offered in other MMOs save maybe FFXIV ... and good luck with that one.


No variety either huh? Nope, I guess all those things ive mentioned before are just figments of my imagination. What was this incredible variety in other games again? The hundreds of mounts you can collect/buy in WoW? :rolleyes:


Leveling up!? Really!? This game has the most variety of leveling up ive ever seen! Seriously, name a better one! WoW? "Oh .. but I can like go to Arathi instead of Stranglethorn at level 30!" Great! And do what exactly? Ah, mindless questing. Only memorable thing I have in Stranglethorn is that Hunting challenge ...k? Oh and I remember killing some Trolls on the East side of Arathi. What was I doing here at level 30? Well, Empire or Republic? Different things for both and all. Might need to be specific on class too if you want the extra detail. Sure, after one run through each faction youre left with pretty much the same thing 90% of the time (-class story and dialogue) but um, whats so much better elsewhere? Thought so.


Keep hating haters.][color=

Edited by MasterKayote
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Unfortunately, instead of sticking to story like they claimed they would, they are delivering to a crowd that won't stay anyway, I am sure some will, but when games like GW2 comes around, they will jump boat to that one for a couple of months, rinse and repeat.



This. As a whole the endgame gear grinding population doesn't care about the IP or the mechanics or the story or anything else. They care about the treadmills and the false sense of achievement they gain from it. They will leave any game that doesn't give it to them. Guild Wars 2 is no different. I give Arenanet credit for not walking into that trap.


Hopefully Bioware will understand and correct their error before it's too late.

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This. I see all these negative remarks being thrown around about TOR yet not one points out how its better elsewhere. Even the OPs "points" are just baseless "i dont like x,y,z." Seriously ...



Endgame: You LFG tool heroics to get epics then raid ... or you take the PvP route and grind the same damned available pvp instances over and over. Thats how it is in all other MMO's, especially WoW. Oh no the World PvP sucks ... yeah so does it everywhere else.


Innovation: They gave you their innovation, it has more than any other MMO out there whether you like them or not. Companions, dialogue, datacrons, space mini game battles, and personal class storylines. What do other games got? Random events in Rift? PQs in Warhammer? Action combat in TERA? Gimme a break!


Incentives for what? The hell are you talking about? Pretty much everything you do here has rewards. Its a video game, your "incentive" should be fun. If youre not having fun the by all means leave but dont come on here with this non sense as if there are more magical incentives in other games.


Social feature!? Are you kidding me? Their is grouping, and guilds... which is all there is in other MMOs. Here there is even a social xp bar and gear/titles that come from it (omg are those called incentives!?) Let me guess, you want pazaak, and pod racing which arent even offered in other MMOs save maybe FFXIV ... and good luck with that one.


No variety either huh? Nope, I guess all those things ive mentioned before are just figments of my imagination. What was this incredible variety in other games again? The hundreds of mounts you can collect/buy in WoW? :rolleyes:


Leveling up!? Really!? This game has the most variety of leveling up ive ever seen! Seriously, name a better one! WoW? "Oh .. but I can like go to Arathi instead of Stranglethorn at level 30!" Great! And do what exactly? Ah, mindless questing. Only memorable thing I have in Stranglethorn is that Hunting challenge ...k? Oh and I remember killing some Trolls on the East side of Arathi. What was I doing here at level 30? Well, Empire or Republic? Different things for both and all. Might need to be specific on class too if you want the extra detail. Sure, after one run through each faction youre left with pretty much the same thing 90% of the time (-class story and dialogue) but um, whats so much better elsewhere? Thought so.


Keep hating haters.

This is what happens for those who critique the games. They're called haters by the fanbois. :cool:


I'm just gonna speak about this overall and maybe some tidbits here and there cause I'm not gonna feed another fanboi. I just thought this game would be a gamer changer for the MMO market, just like many of the other players who are critiquing this game and telling BioWare to add the things that would have made this MMO amazing.


Let's look at social features. This game highly lacks it because you cannot use chat bubbles like many of the RP'ers are asking for. You cannot sit in chairs and interact with objects and other people. The only thing I've really seen that you can interact with is the elevator buttons.


Endgame can be boring and is sometimes, but leveling up is even more boring overall. Leveling up is so tedious that I have to use my legacy XP bonuses to buy all the WZ XP bonuses. I don't want to do the side-quests. I don't want to travel through the same planets and their locations again. I just wanna get my alts up to 50 and since I'm a PvP junkie, I'll do that with WZs and class quests.


I dunno, honestly, it feels like you kinda are trying to agree with some of my points but at the same time attack them to defend this game. :rolleyes:

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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This is what happens for those who critique the games. They're called haters by the fanbois. :cool:


I'm just gonna speak about this overall and maybe some tidbits here and there cause I'm not gonna feed another fanboi. I just thought this game would be a gamer changer for the MMO market, just like many of the other players who are critiquing this game and telling BioWare to add the things that would have made this MMO amazing.


Let's look at social features. This game highly lacks it because you cannot use chat bubbles like many of the RP'ers are asking for. You cannot sit in chairs and interact with objects and other people. The only thing I've really seen that you can interact with is the elevator buttons.


Endgame can be boring and is sometimes, but leveling up is even more boring overall. Leveling up is so tedious that I have to use my legacy XP bonuses to buy all the WZ XP bonuses. I don't want to do the side-quests. I don't want to travel through the same planets and their locations again. I just wanna get my alts up to 50 and since I'm a PvP junkie, I'll do that with WZs and class quests.


I dunno, honestly, it feels like you kinda are trying to agree with some of my points but at the same time attack them to defend this game. :rolleyes:


........................... LOL! Oh this is just classic


Thanks for proving my point. So basically, what you just said is that the social aspect of this game sucks because you cant sit down in chairs, and because there are no chat bubbles. I mean ... yeah, other games have it, and maybe RPers like to use them a lot .... but notice how youre are completely ignoring all the other stuff I mentioned in this game regarding its social features ... completely ignoring it, and making seem like the game is just fail because there are no chat bubbles. Wow ... just wow.


As for the endgame ... you are yet again, ignoring my points and just reiterating what you said earlier. Sure, it may be boring to you, I never said it isnt, but as an MMO, it does it just fine. You may hate it, but my point is you have got to hate it everywhere else because this one has what other MMO's have and then some. Maybe YOU dont like leveling in MMO's at all but it sure as hell has NOTHING to do with SWTOR or its leveling design. Is that why your friends quit? Because they were "so boooored" of questing? Or was it the chat bubbles. Let me ask you, where in the hell did they go? Cant be WoW? Guild Wars 2? You really think that game is going to have an unlimited amount of new stuff for people to do? Right ...


I just thought this game would be a gamer changer for the MMO market,


Um ...


A) Uh huh, im sure chat bubbles and being able to sit down at the local Cantina wouldve made all the difference. :rolleyes:


B) Your fault. Expectations were way too high. You expected this game to be some amazing new thing that changes everything. It didnt. It took stuff from other games and improved it ... thats how these things progress, even games like WoW.


So knock yourself out dude, call me a fanboi all you want, I attack BW and especially EA where its deserved (their programmers sucks, theyre slow, incompetent, and their communication SUCKS!). I dont however come to the forums making the game look bad by complaining about X, Y, Z and how its "lacking" when in fact its already better in most of not all aspects than others.


Still waiting for you (or anyone for that matter) to tell me exactly which other game has more endgame, innovation, incentives, social features, and variety than SWTOR. Because I not only see it on equal terms to whats available in others, in some cases I see even more.

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........................... LOL! Oh this is just classic


Thanks for proving my point. So basically, what you just said is that the social aspect of this game sucks because you cant sit down in chairs, and because there are no chat bubbles. I mean ... yeah, other games have it, and maybe RPers like to use them a lot .... but notice how youre are completely ignoring all the other stuff I mentioned in this game regarding its social features ... completely ignoring it, and making seem like the game is just fail because there are no chat bubbles. Wow ... just wow.


As for the endgame ... you are yet again, ignoring my points and just reiterating what you said earlier. Sure, it may be boring to you, I never said it isnt, but as an MMO, it does it just fine. You may hate it, but my point is you have got to hate it everywhere else because this one has what other MMO's have and then some. Maybe YOU dont like leveling in MMO's at all but it sure as hell has NOTHING to do with SWTOR or its leveling design. Is that why your friends quit? Because they were "so boooored" of questing? Or was it the chat bubbles. Let me ask you, where in the hell did they go? Cant be WoW? Guild Wars 2? You really think that game is going to have an unlimited amount of new stuff for people to do? Right ...




Um ...


A) Uh huh, im sure chat bubbles and being able to sit down at the local Cantina wouldve made all the difference. :rolleyes:


B) Your fault. Expectations were way too high. You expected this game to be some amazing new thing that changes everything. It didnt. It took stuff from other games and improved it ... thats how these things progress, even games like WoW.


So knock yourself out dude, call me a fanboi all you want, I attack BW and especially EA where its deserved (their programmers sucks, theyre slow, incompetent, and their communication SUCKS!). I dont however come to the forums making the game look bad by complaining about X, Y, Z and how its "lacking" when in fact its already better in most of not all aspects than others.


Still waiting for you (or anyone for that matter) to tell me exactly which other game has more endgame, innovation, incentives, social features, and variety than SWTOR. Because I not only see it on equal terms to whats available in others, in some cases I see even more.

Here you go. :cool:


By the way, it's still lacking in many, many areas. You just fail to see that part of the spectrum for SWTOR for some odd reason. I've explained them in that link and in this thread. :rolleyes:

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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I dunno, honestly, it feels like you kinda are trying to agree with some of my points but at the same time attack them to defend this game.


The text you see above honestly just troubles me into making any rebuttals with you. I think I've summed up just about enough for you to understand that this game is becoming a TORtanic.


If you have anything else to say, I'll be preparing to counter it anyways. :rolleyes:

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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honestly, i will keep playing swtor until i can't group up anymore. i am sick of dragonish or medevil fantasy games. i played rift why should i play gw2 if is almost the same game genre as rift or wow? Edited by DarkJediMage
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