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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The End is Near....


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What about it? The Mayan's didn't use the modern calendar they used their own which says that according to their calendar the end of the world as we know it occurs on Dec 21st on our calendar. Not that I believe it would end.


I'll try not to derail this thread much more... But the Mayans never said anything about the world ending at the end of their long count calender.


Modern scholars/researches did, based on not having all the information at the time.

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This game doesn't even have 12 heavy servers...

They might've all said heavy the first week of transfers, but they sure aren't all heavy now.


They aren't heavy no, but on my server population figures on the planets I frequent are currently higher during peaktime than during the first days after transfers. Server load doesn't appear to be a very good indicator of actual player count.

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What about it? The Mayan's didn't use the modern calendar they used their own which says that according to their calendar the end of the world as we know it occurs on Dec 21st on our calendar. Not that I believe it would end.


nah the dude carving out the calendar looked at it and said av wrote the next 3000 years i got time to come back and do the rest later, few weeks later there civ died out. true story bro!

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I don't know, I like this game and all, but it's so repetitive after a while and I've been playing little over 2 months. Endgame is just a grind grind grind. PVP gets repetitive too, you have to grind grind grind to get yourself good gear to pvp, I mean really they couldn't come up with a better concept?
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I have no doubt the game will be around years to come. It has lost more subs than most MMOs ever have.


Seriously though....they need to pull a rabbit out of the hat sometime in august. Give us something to get excited about. Even WoW knows this and conveniently will launch MOP after said game.


The pace at which they have released new content is super slow.


Any ways GW2 seems like a different game. I'll be playing GW2, I certainly am not championing yet but I'll give it a try.


I'm super excited about GW2, to be honest, more so than I am currently about SWTOR - but I still love Star Wars/SWTOR and Ranked WZ far too much to unsub, so I'll happily play both :)


GW2, to me, seems like an AWESOME sPvP and wPvP game, and I'll keep coming back to SWTOR for playing new characters through their storylines, and keep playing Warzones (hopefully they add more variety in the future, no doubt they will).


Good times ahead, roll on August 25th (3 day early release) - hopefully there's enough room for both MMOs to shine :)

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I don't know, I like this game and all, but it's so repetitive after a while and I've been playing little over 2 months. Endgame is just a grind grind grind. PVP gets repetitive too, you have to grind grind grind to get yourself good gear to pvp, I mean really they couldn't come up with a better concept?


its the same concept as all other rpgs games if you had to say one thing about all rpg games ever made across the multi-verse because am sure those guys over there are doing the same to is that to progress you have to "wait for it"




Edited by liammozz
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I dont mind grind, actually loved hitting emain and grinding out some rvr. On the other hand, four, 10 minute minigames just is not doing it for me at all, and it actually makes me mad instead of happy, which makes me wonder *** im doing this for :confused::confused::D:D:(:(:eek:
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The end of these ceaseless attacks threads are coming soon. On 25 August and 25 September the games the water-carriers are championing will have been released. They have to spout their hatred(It's what they get paid for) in an attempt to drive people to try out their games. If you notice the up-tick in these threads started about a week before these game announced their release. Also look at the ones posting these threads, Always the same people. These attacks are well coordinated and orchestrated, one of these folks posts, followed by the same people suggesting that the OP is correct. Have no fear....SWTOR will be around for years to come.


In the immortal words of George Bernard Shaw:


"If wishes had wings, fanboyz would fly."


...wait a minute...maybe that was from Oscar Wilde...

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I said give us something to get excited about.


WOW has that. They have been working on a expansion. If Bioware is working on something they probably should tell us about it. Even if they are going to be really vague about it like "Coming up in september, we have something big planned for the game."




Kung fu panda island is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome sauce!!!!!!!!!!!


We were talking about it in the jr. high lunch room just yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And dont even get me started on Pokemon battles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


/pisses self in adolecent excitment...oh thats not piss......

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its the same concept as all other rpgs games if you had to say one thing about all rpg games ever made across the multi-verse because am sure those guys over there are doing the same to is that to progress you have to "wait for it"





I've played several MMO's that didn't have this same type of grind, also other non known MMO's that have come out recently have tried to move away from the dungeon raid, warzone grind for endgear, I don't know why this game had to stick to the same (lets just call it what it is) WOW format.

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its the same concept as all other rpgs games if you had to say one thing about all rpg games ever made across the multi-verse because am sure those guys over there are doing the same to is that to progress you have to "wait for it"





It's true, all games have grind. From single player to MMO. The difference is how you present the grind to cover it. I was watching a video and someone mentioned that what helped WoW is they moved from the camping grind (where you get a party together, someone pulls a mob back to the camp and the party kills them, rinse and repeat).


WoW covered this up by introducing the quest grind. Now pretty much every MMO has copied the same stale generic talk to the NPC with the (!) over his/her head. It gets old. Even though I'm not a big Star Wars fan the story kept me going till end game (more than any other MMO has). But once you hit 50 and sit there for a few months, it gets old. It's all in the presentation and how you cover up the grind that makes you a success. O.o

Edited by Katsuragisama
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I've played several MMO's that didn't have this same type of grind, also other non known MMO's that have come out recently have tried to move away from the dungeon raid, warzone grind for endgear, I don't know why this game had to stick to the same (lets just call it what it is) WOW format.


you show me one mmo where i dont have to kill things for xp and gear and i will show my a s s in woolworths window

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you show me one mmo where i dont have to kill things for xp and gear and i will show my a s s in woolworths window


...Reading comprehension fails again.


I've played several MMO's that didn't have this same type of grind, [...]

Same type of grind...

Same type of grind...

Same type of grind...

Same type of grind...


Like I said above, it's how you present it. People want something that at least feels different. Not the same type of grind WoW (along with it's clones) has, with lightsabers and pewpew thrown in.

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Also the amount of new content introduced since launch has been little.


2 FPs and 1 OPS for PVE players

One Warzone for PVP players


A bunch of features people felt should have been in the game at launch...


Hopefully they get this Makeb out before the year is over or it will be one of the least productive first years i've seen.


I don't think that any game has put out more, or quicker. Rift was close.


Impossible to put out content in the bulk that some want. No game will ever do so. The process is far to complicated and labor intensive. Game development is not something that happens in a few weeks. For the genre, they are well ahead of the curve.

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The end of these ceaseless attacks threads are coming soon. On 25 August and 25 September the games the water-carriers are championing will have been released. They have to spout their hatred(It's what they get paid for) in an attempt to drive people to try out their games. If you notice the up-tick in these threads started about a week before these game announced their release. Also look at the ones posting these threads, Always the same people. These attacks are well coordinated and orchestrated, one of these folks posts, followed by the same people suggesting that the OP is correct. Have no fear....SWTOR will be around for years to come.


SWTOR is Warhammer all over again. And it shows.


SWTOR was hyped up and didn't deliever.


Bioware tried to keep all the content and information about SWTOR a big secret.


Bioware failed to fix the majority of problems, listen to important feedback ...


and just swaggered their way into the MMO market with nothing to offer other than an IP and their name.


It doesn't matter if SWTOR is here for 10 million years.


Point is it will never live up to be the MMO it was purported to be.


And that is a challenger to WoW.


You will be lucky if in years EA doesn't shut down SWTOR because I HIGHLY doubt this game will be getting high end content to the degree that is past the core of the game.


The problem with most users is the delusion that all negative comments are a result of blind "hatred".


This so-called "hatred" has been prevalent long before the games I assume you are referring to had announced launch days.


This games decline was set in motion when Bioware apparently assumed "everyone" would be be foolish and blind enough to not see through the IP and imaginary "fourth pillar".


SWTOR is not the first fully voiced MMO and it sure is not the only MMO to have "story". And they sure were not enough to hold players.


I have fun, at times in SWTOR, but overall it is bland and boring.


This game had more resources, more money, biggest IP and a "good" developer and this is all they could come up with?


I don't blame people for being angry. I blame the people who keep praying that "things will get better over time".


Come on.


Wake up.

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...Reading comprehension fails again.



Same type of grind...

Same type of grind...

Same type of grind...

Same type of grind...


Like I said above, it's how you present it. People want something that at least feels different. Not the same type of grind WoW (along with it's clones) has, with lightsabers and pewpew thrown in.


Not even correct there. Storyline, cut scenes changed all that. Their leveling is cutting edge and they've now set the standard for future games. Not sure how anyone can call it, "the same old grind".

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SWTOR is Warhammer all over again. And it shows.


SWTOR was hyped up and didn't deliever.


Bioware tried to keep all the content and information about SWTOR a big secret.


Bioware failed to fix the majority of problems, listen to important feedback ...


and just swaggered their way into the MMO market with nothing to offer other than an IP and their name.


It doesn't matter if SWTOR is here for 10 million years.


Point is it will never live up to be the MMO it was purported to be.


And that is a challenger to WoW.


You will be lucky if in years EA doesn't shut down SWTOR because I HIGHLY doubt this game will be getting high end content to the degree that is past the core of the game.


The problem with most users is the delusion that all negative comments are a result of blind "hatred".


This so-called "hatred" has been prevalent long before the games I assume you are referring to had announced launch days.


This games decline was set in motion when Bioware apparently assumed "everyone" would be be foolish and blind enough to not see through the IP and imaginary "fourth pillar".


SWTOR is not the first fully voiced MMO and it sure is not the only MMO to have "story". And they sure were not enough to hold players.


I have fun, at times in SWTOR, but overall it is bland and boring.


This game had more resources, more money, biggest IP and a "good" developer and this is all they could come up with?


I don't blame people for being angry. I blame the people who keep praying that "things will get better over time".


Come on.


Wake up.


honestly, this is all little more then a rant full of conjecture and personal opinion. I think you are just looking for things to complain about....sort of like receiving a million dollars and complaining about the color bag it came in.

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honestly, this is all little more then a rant full of conjecture and personal opinion. I think you are just looking for things to complain about....sort of like receiving a million dollars and complaining about the color bag it came in.


Sometimes I can't help but laugh everytime someone says something like:


"Your post is an opinion"


Conjecture and Opinion.


Thank you CPT. Redundancy.

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While true Black, as the cutscenes and wondering what all would happen in my SI story, was about the only thing that set this MMO apart. Every other MMO bored me to death with the exception of FFXI, which I played off and on for years. The issue is the story moments are so long between them. And once you take out the awesome cutscenes and the voice acting, you're left with the same: Kill x amount of y times. Collect x amount of y. And kill x amount of y times to collect z.


As much as I want to level another character, knowing the quest will be the same quest I've done before excluding the story, is kind of a turn off. :(

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