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why all the complaining about no open world PvP


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the funny thing about you complaining about open world PvP is for it to work you need a open space and people to kill the open space is there your just not going there that's your fault not BW fault


and before you start saying there's no point you don't get anything for open world PvP all i have to say to you is tuff s**t i used to PvP in SWG there was no rewards when your gear broke it was gone there was no repairs there was apsaloutly no reason to do it but for s**ts and giggles yet there would be open fights between 20-100 people at a time through out the day


oh and for the ones complaining about lack of balance that never stopped PvP in SWG ether i dont think the word balance even existed in that game


so i say get out the war zones get to ilum and start *********** **** up

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I'm just gonna leave this here. It's quite obvious that you have never experienced open world PvP in this game.


1st that was before the server mergers an 2nd he wasn't even a a group what idiot does open PvP solo and how is it BW fault that the republic are wimps and wont pvp?


PvP is down to the players if there not doing it theres no PvP end of story

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1st that was before the server mergers an 2nd he wasn't even a a group what idiot does open PvP solo and how is it BW fault that the republic are wimps and wont pvp?


PvP is down to the players if there not doing it theres no PvP end of story


Well, I think he's trying to point out that it was very laggy at times. The thing is that the very fact that it was recorded - especially at so high a resolution on such high settings - means that it was going to be vastly under performing relative to how it would without the recording going on.


That isn't to say it was perfect - there were issues of choppiness, though these were patched over time.


If he was trying to point out the faction imbalance, well, yeah that just isn't BW's fault in any way.

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I guess that my points were:


-The game engine is very poorly optimized to support open world PvP engagements

-Faction imbalances have not been very well addressed by BW

-Ilum was a joke in terms of facilitating objective based open world PvP


I think you will find that the majority of player complaining on the subject do so because open world PvP lacks these things, in addition to rewards, strategy, and level balance.


Server merges didn't simply "fix" faction imbalance. And while I will agree with you that the player in the video was not grouped, he was not alone. Hundreds of Imperials would not be camping the spawn to kill one player (although that would be pretty funny :p).

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you kids just dont know how to world PvP


open world PvP with objectives = meh


open world PvP for rewards = meh your there to kill not get pretty prizes man up solder!!!


quit compaining about balance you never saw the zulus crying about balance because the brish had guns and they had spears :p this is WAR man deal with it


this is what open world PvP was all about




back in the old days you lowered your graphics down when you was gona PvP

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I guess that my points were:


-The game engine is very poorly optimized to support open world PvP engagements

-Faction imbalances have not been very well addressed by BW

-Ilum was a joke in terms of facilitating objective based open world PvP


I think you will find that the majority of player complaining on the subject do so because open world PvP lacks these things, in addition to rewards, strategy, and level balance.


Server merges didn't simply "fix" faction imbalance. And while I will agree with you that the player in the video was not grouped, he was not alone. Hundreds of Imperials would not be camping the spawn to kill one player (although that would be pretty funny :p).


So what exactly is BW supposed to do, not allow people to roll classes of a certain faction until there are as many on each side?

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you kids just dont know how to world PvP


open world PvP with objectives = meh


open world PvP for rewards = meh your there to kill not get pretty prizes man up solder!!!


quit compaining about balance you never saw the zulus crying about balance because the brish had guns and they had spears :p this is WAR man deal with it


this is what open world PvP was all about




back in the old days you lowered your graphics down when you was gona PvP


These videos aren't helping the case ;)

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So what exactly is BW supposed to do, not allow people to roll classes of a certain faction until there are as many on each side?


Buff the underpowered side

Limit faction numbers in open world instances

Weaken the NPCs in the stronger factions territory

Stop advertising the hell out of the imperial side :p

Offer faction defecting (rogue Jedi / Sith)


Just off the top of my head. I'm sure if we want to go into node-based PvP maps, there are a lot of things the developer can do to spread out the population and make it easier for the weaker side to gain ground.

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Buff the underpowered side

Limit faction numbers in open world instances

Weaken the NPCs in the stronger factions territory

Stop advertising the hell out of the imperial side :p

Offer faction defecting (rogue Jedi / Sith)


Just off the top of my head. I'm sure if we want to go into node-based PvP maps, there are a lot of things the developer can do to spread out the population and make it easier for the weaker side to gain ground.


Do you really think the Republic classes are underpowered? They're exactly the same thing, with the exception of a few ability delays which have been fixed (and that's ignoring those abilities which are slower on Imperial toons, like spike/spinning kick).


I am also very confused what you're talking about regarding advertising. The box and most of the marketing materials I've seen have had Jedi on them. Let's be honest, people play Imperial because they think lightning is cool, its good to be bad, etc. etc. etc. It's got nothing to do with advertising or anything else.

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Come on seriously?? Now people are blaming faction imbalances on Bioware too? Do you people think there's something in the coding that forces seventy-five percent of the players to choose Empire characters? Come on.. out of all the complaining I see on the forums that has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.
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Buff the underpowered side

Limit faction numbers in open world instances

Weaken the NPCs in the stronger factions territory

Stop advertising the hell out of the imperial side :p

Offer faction defecting (rogue Jedi / Sith)


Just off the top of my head. I'm sure if we want to go into node-based PvP maps, there are a lot of things the developer can do to spread out the population and make it easier for the weaker side to gain ground.


what ever happened to the people who said thing like "i like being on the underdogs side, just more bragging rights when you kick there asses" or "last night 10 of us kicked the asses out of 40 imps great times"


if your getting your *** kicked go back to the fleet and get more people to join in the PvP madness if they wont reroll on a server where people want to pvp

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They look bad even by the standards of their time, as far as I'm concerned. :)


thats my point back then you lowered your graphics and got on with it lag and all there was no ************ and complaining we just played with what we had and was happy we had it at all

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1st that was before the server mergers an 2nd he wasn't even a a group what idiot does open PvP solo and how is it BW fault that the republic are wimps and wont pvp?


PvP is down to the players if there not doing it theres no PvP end of story


Allot of people dont like to PVP for PVP's sake, and it's sad. I love running into sith, they always ALWAYS pick a fight and ALWAYS run shortly after when they start to lose.


On another note Bioware have been overhyping Sith years before launcn. Most videos were about sith, most devs play sith, jedi gear looks R-tarded, sith moves look "cool", kiddies love the bad guys, kiddies love lightning, republic are made out to be R-tarded and weak in the pre launch story. And now we have 2:1 or higher faction imbalance. AskaJedi did a big piece on this (http://www.askajedi.com/2011/09/15/office-hours-the-perils-of-faction-imbalance/) BW cant control who we play as, but to a large extent it is their fault for planting the seeds of imbalance long ago.

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1st that was before the server mergers an 2nd he wasn't even a a group what idiot does open PvP solo and how is it BW fault that the republic are wimps and wont pvp?


PvP is down to the players if there not doing it theres no PvP end of story


WRONG. It is down to the GAME ENGINE not being able to handle any kind of large scale PvP. Bioware acknowledged this themselves, that's why they killed off the area.

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^that's my suggestion.




I've had some great battles at the black hole.Cool thing is that the more enemies you engage;the larger the group of enemies becomes over time.


the other day i saw a fellow repub player get jumped by 3 imps.I helped them out with some heals and a wee bit of dps.After we wiped them i jumped back into stealth and went about my biz.


i went afk for a couple of minutes and when i got back i found a sith in stealth so decided to engage the enemy and got my butt kicked.turns out that sith was the same player i had helped earlier.


we went at it again and while we were fighting that original group of sith we had killed jumped in and smashed me.they were talking a bunch of trash.


Feeling bad for me that player jumped back on their repub toon and this time we grouped up.


we smashed them again and then procceeded to go hunting some rabbits(or ducks cant remember what season it was)


we found some more imps smashed them.Then the 3 we owned earlier roll up;smashed them;then the others we killed rolled up then 6 then 7 then 8 lol


i had a blast.open world pvp is alive you just need to make it happen.i dont expect a reward; im just trying to have some fun.


much respect



the fatman server

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Yeah just last night one of our guild's lowbies was being camped on Tatooine by a couple of 50s so 4 of us rolled in and went hunting. Wound up occupying the imp base in the dune sea for a bit, until they finally got up 8 or so (and their companions lol) and killed us off. They then came to our base, which drew out greater numbers of repubs, who then moved to their base after we killed them at ours. We then kept them pinned in for the rest of the night. Was at least 16 v 16 at one point. Had them hiding *inside* their base pressed against an inside wall! Grand fun for a couple of hours.
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you kids just dont know how to world PvP


open world PvP with objectives = meh


open world PvP for rewards = meh your there to kill not get pretty prizes man up solder!!!


quit compaining about balance you never saw the zulus crying about balance because the brish had guns and they had spears :p this is WAR man deal with it


this is what open world PvP was all about


back in the old days you lowered your graphics down when you was gona PvP


PvP in SWG? You can't even begin to compare SWG with this railway game...


In SWG you could actually explore planets, build houses, set up shops and cities etc etc - there was MUCH more incentive for players to move around in the open - unlike here where i cant even remember the last time i left Fleet...


Also: We could actually talk with the opposing faction, make arrangements of locations to pvp, guildwars, tournaments etc - while here BW made a freakin effort to make sure that wont happen in game.


In SWG we had several areas that where flagged pvp zones in the open world, and in those zones there where quests and missions that gave desirable rewards. Also the GCW points you got per kill in the open advanced your rank each week, granting you vital buffs, weapons, armor, vehicles etc.


In SWG we had Battlefields, simular to WZ's - and these had their own uniqe set of rewards. These 3-4 BF's were the ONLY controlled pvp we had in SWG, and they were not very popular due to a seriously bad queuing system along with a nice set of exploits and bugs.


So yeah, open world pvp was much bigger and better in SWG, but dont try to come here and say that it wasnt promoted! -The only kind of pvp they promoted at all in SWG was open world, and there were many rewards for participating. (Later they also installed City invasions which was kinda PvP meets PvE type of gameplay - again completly new set of rewards)


There is much BW should and could do to promote open world pvp, and they do nothing. You cant blame the players if there is no incentive, simple as that. And dont point at SWG, there was plenty of incentive there.

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the funny thing about you complaining about open world PvP is for it to work you need a open space and people to kill the open space is there your just not going there that's your fault not BW fault


and before you start saying there's no point you don't get anything for open world PvP all i have to say to you is tuff s**t i used to PvP in SWG there was no rewards when your gear broke it was gone there was no repairs there was apsaloutly no reason to do it but for s**ts and giggles yet there would be open fights between 20-100 people at a time through out the day


oh and for the ones complaining about lack of balance that never stopped PvP in SWG ether i dont think the word balance even existed in that game


so i say get out the war zones get to ilum and start *********** **** up


You left off the part about BW needing to fix their game engine so it can handle more than 16 people PvPing at the same time in your description of what's needed. I agree with you about the rewards, but when the game slows to a crawl it's no fun any more. So, for myself and several others I know, open world PvP has always sucked on this game, even when there were rewards for it.

And before anyone attempts to make comments about my system needing upgrades to play the game, my system is solid and stomps the recommended specs for this game into the ground. BW's engine bogs down to the point there is a posted RAM partition solution for it.


Edit: And in reference to your later post OP, firstly it doesn't matter how much you lower your graphics settings when you PvP in this game. Past 16 people it slows down to a slide show. Secondly, this is the year 2012, SWG released in 2003. In a new game you shouldn't have to completely gut your graphics to have a prayer of double digit FPS when playing. In point of fact, you shouldn't have to adjust your graphics settings at all.

Edited by RobNightfall
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