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Bioware, ditch the fleets


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Please, ditch the fleets in favor of player cities that both factions can go to, this is incredibly important to the integrity of an MMO. Having multiple cities on multiple planets (with reasons for us to go to the cities of course) would be incredibly beneficial for world pvp and would help in making planets feel less like leveling zones and more like, you know, planets.


Plain and simple every planet, and every city should be accessible by both factions, period. Even if their are stupid powerful guards that can wipe out a large group of players from an opposing faction, at least it would help in making every place feel less like a leveling zone.


I know there's going to be haters out there, but there has got to be someone out there that agrees with me? Right?

Edited by Nearbo
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I agree. In theory, I'd say the fleets are a good idea, in practice, it detracts from the mmo experience.

Now if there was a way to hop on our ships and board the opposing factions fleet. It could lead to some awesome pvp, and it would enhance the immersion factor.

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It can go both ways. Quite honestly, I do enjoy the idea of a "fleet" because it's different. Yes, it may detract from the experience of an MMO, BUT it is also a step away from every game that follows WoW. Yes, I have played WoW for years, and was quite pleased with it's content, but it is only the same things that bore people. I feel like eventually BW should definitely make more fleets on different planets and make them easily accessible, but you guys must remember this game has not been out for even a year, they are experimenting, and the game will get to where it needs to be and is far from its peak performance. Give it time to develop.
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I'd like to see Coruscant and Dromund Kaas reachable by both sides, same with the fleets. The starting planets could be good, but I wouldn'tgo that far. All I want is some hardcore galactic pvp. Having the capital worlds accessable would be great.


Maybe there could be a reward for going to Coruscant and killing some Republic leader. Also for going to Dromund Kaas and killing some Imperial leader. It's fun, it's hardcore, and it would bring the game to a whole new level.

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I agree. In theory, I'd say the fleets are a good idea, in practice, it detracts from the mmo experience.

Now if there was a way to hop on our ships and board the opposing factions fleet. It could lead to some awesome pvp, and it would enhance the immersion factor.


Right, if I want to get a group of 20 people and roll into a neutral city where you have to flag yourself for pvp, it's up to the other faction if they want to stop us. Once the city is under control by a certain faction, it would then provide crafting bonus, gtn bonuses, cheaper training, and cheaper items from vendors.


However, the more I think about this idea, it kind of goes back to the quality of the engine. If the majority of computers can't handle illum's large scale pvp, I'm not sure large scale pvp in a city would work out all that great until the engine is fixed.

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However, the more I think about this idea, it kind of goes back to the quality of the engine. If the majority of computers can't handle illum's large scale pvp, I'm not sure large scale pvp in a city would work out all that great until the engine is fixed.


It's not so much just an engine issue, but primarily a hardware issue. Many PC gamers have crappy hardware, many PC gamers want decent or good looking graphics. And then to make matters worse, many PC gamers expect to be able to combine those 2 factors with large scale battles whilst maintaining an outstanding performance.


Ilum's large scale PvP played well for me, however I stand in the minority of having over 2K Eur worth of hardware within my system at any given time. Engine optimization will change very little in that, as keep in mind, with engine optimization conditions improve for some, however it also leads to those additional players coming along and performance balancing out again.



For social purposes and making planets feel more alive however, I agree with the initial subject of the topic, create some planet cities along with the same features as the fleet.

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I'd like to see Coruscant and Dromund Kaas reachable by both sides, same with the fleets. The starting planets could be good, but I wouldn'tgo that far. All I want is some hardcore galactic pvp. Having the capital worlds accessable would be great.


Maybe there could be a reward for going to Coruscant and killing some Republic leader. Also for going to Dromund Kaas and killing some Imperial leader. It's fun, it's hardcore, and it would bring the game to a whole new level.


Yeah, I am really hoping Bioware begins to realize that splitting the factions up as much as they did is not a good idea, actually its a flat out horrible idea. Splitting factions up makes the game incredibly linear, if Imperial's want to roll into Coruscant and take it over, it's the Republic's decision if they just want to let it happen (95% of the time they wont) or get a raid group together to go take them out. Playability wise,


it would be extremely hard to make this concept work, but great games accept challenges, not push them away because it would be too difficult. Bioware already took on the challenge of having a fully voiced MMO, so I have faith that they could make it happen if they wanted to.

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I agree to all this. World PvP is unheard of in this game...at least in a fun way like the days of WoW where you would get a group together and raid Orgrimmar, Ironforge, etc. Those were some of the best times in WoW for me. This game lacks that because of not being able to travel to opposite faction capital/fleet. There is no PvP except warzones :( I am on a PVE server for first time tho (always did PvP servers on WoW), mainly because I wanted to lvl in peace. Though, now I have 3 50's and I know how the game works so I'm ready to flag myself and reek havoc :p
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If they could fix the severe lag that was Ilum then this would be great. I would love to have our main hubs as the cities and not the fleet where both factions can access for some fun PVP. It would also be great for dueling etc, just ride outside the city and duel away, no loading screens etc.
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Hopefully Makeb will have new hubs for endgame players. One with a shared chat channel to the fleet though as to not further segregate the players.



Whatever happens though I pray they don't add shared hubs, it's the stupidest thing that ever happened to WoW, two factions that are supposedly at war standing right next to each other.

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theres about 4 times as many imperial players than republic on the bastion server, many often raid republic bases on certain planets and we are unable to do anything because there are just too many. giving bonuses to factions controllhttp://www.google.com/ing areas in the game/making capital cities raidable would ruin this game
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While I'm not sure about opposing factions entering other capital planets I do think that capital planets should be the place to be instead of the fleet...I find the fleets pretty boring to be honest.
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Good idea. Although I suggest this:


As for now, add more than the one rest area on the fleet.


In a future patch, add all vendors and other stuff on fleet via 'shuttles' on corusant and dromund kass. In a further, future patch add a 'small city' to tython, korriban, ord mantel and hutta.


I won't mind making corusant and dromund kass accessible to enemy faction but I strictly support restricting access to starter planets to home faction players like now.



EDIT: I strongly suggest waiting on this till they figure out how to decrease the load times on corusant and dromund kass.

Edited by Starleash
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this was my first idea/improvement of the game i ever had, i hope they do it i really hate the fleets.


anyway i was thinking something along the lines, imps military fleet warps in on reb fleet, reb fleet finds itself cought on the bed and if they take up fight, they will lose the fleet still and over half thier military fleet, so reb admiral decides to sacriface thier fleet station and ward stright to imp fleet station and take it out to even the score. Then each faction could be trying to build up thier fleet station again and next tier operration could be tied intro this story/history.


btw i think i posted this idea back in jan, lets hope the community and EA allso wants it this time.

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Gosh, I hope they don't get rid of the fleets. The capital planets get a ton of use on my server for many reasons, but the planet loading and lag can be horrendous. I prefer the fleet mainly because it's a relatively small area that seems a far more optimized for carrying tons of players and the load time is fairly short. Edited by ProsaicProse
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I agree with you op but also I do love the fleet. Its just so cool to explore and hang out in.


Sad thing for me are all these awsom planets that you dont visit after leveling through them. I would like some more large citys to hang out in. Maybe have more going on in nar shadar and also citys both factions mix in?


I'm praying that they introduce a neutral faction with a neutral capital city.

Edited by Apeth
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It's not so much just an engine issue, but primarily a hardware issue. Many PC gamers have crappy hardware, many PC gamers want decent or good looking graphics. And then to make matters worse, many PC gamers expect to be able to combine those 2 factors with large scale battles whilst maintaining an outstanding performance.


Ilum's large scale PvP played well for me, however I stand in the minority of having over 2K Eur worth of hardware within my system at any given time. Engine optimization will change very little in that, as keep in mind, with engine optimization conditions improve for some, however it also leads to those additional players coming along and performance balancing out again.



For social purposes and making planets feel more alive however, I agree with the initial subject of the topic, create some planet cities along with the same features as the fleet.


Sitting on a 3.4ghz quad core and a gtx 560 and even on the lowest quality setting i still got 15fps in the Ilum PVP area, it's an engine issue, i've played gw2 open world pvp with twice as many players at higher graphics settings with no problem at all.


I love this game but there is something very wrong with the engine they are using, I've never had another MMO have that much of a fps issue or take so long between load screens as SWTOR does.

Edited by deags
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