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No consequences to anything...


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This game has been mostly fun with some issues like planets not really having a good introduction and such but there is just one other thing that bugs me about this game and it is that no matter what I do, there are no consequences for my actions. This should not be a spoiler but, on my JK I romanced Kira, and went against the Jedi Code yet everything went normal as if nothing happend. In the movie, Anakin follows this same path, and eventually falls to the dark side. This is just one example but it is also in the story, I played my Jedi Knight in two ways Dark and Light and there really was no consequences for going Dark/Light at all. To go along with this, is that there is no temptation for Dark side points, once again in the movies, Anakin was tempted to go to the Dark Side to save Padme but in this game, I was given no temptation at all. I guess I might be asking a bit to much since it is an MMO but what are your thoughts on the matter of no consequences / no temptation to choose light or dark side points?


In my opinion, I want to be penalized for my actions because it gets me more involved in the game.

Edited by gunnerjoe
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This game has been mostly fun with some issues like planets not really having a good introduction and such but there is just one other thing that bugs me about this game and it is that no matter what I do, there are no consequences for my actions. This should not be a spoiler but, on my JK I romanced Kira, and went against the Jedi Code yet everything went normal as if nothing happend. In the movie, Anakin follows this same path, and eventually falls to the dark side. This is just one example but it is also it the story, I played my Jedi Knight in two ways Dark and Light and there really was no consequences for going Dark/Light at all. To go along with this, is that there is no temptation for Dark side points, once again in the movies, Anakin was tempted to go to the Dark Side to save Padme but in this game, I was given no temptation at all. I guess I might be asking a bit to much since it is an MMO but what are your thoughts on the matter of no consequences / no temptation to choose light or dark side points?


In my opinion, I want to be penalized for my actions because it gets me more involved in the game.


You might want to check again because I had a friend who went full Darkside with his Jedi Knight and because of that he was NOT given the rank/title of Jedi Master as punishment for his actions. As to the stories I have played so far all of them have had long term consequences for the choices I made. The Imperial Agent is an example I am criticized for making lightside choices instead of following my superiors instructions to the letter same with what I have seen of the Trooper so far. Both of my Sith characters have had choices made earlier in the game have an impact on how the story progresses. Shocking Khem so you can talk to Zash is an example you lose affection and possibly Khem's continued loyalty to you when you do this.

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You might want to check again because I had a friend who went full Darkside with his Jedi Knight and because of that he was NOT given the rank/title of Jedi Master as punishment for his actions. As to the stories I have played so far all of them have had long term consequences for the choices I made. The Imperial Agent is an example I am criticized for making lightside choices instead of following my superiors instructions to the letter same with what I have seen of the Trooper so far. Both of my Sith characters have had choices made earlier in the game have an impact on how the story progresses. Shocking Khem so you can talk to Zash is an example you lose affection and possibly Khem's continued loyalty to you when you do this.


I do understand that choices sometimes do matter in this game, but still, I played my 2nd JK as sorta like anakin, I started off light and then by the end, I really went dark. And everything seemed to be the same as if I was lightside...

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I went full DS on my Knight as well, and though they tell you in the CS that you cannot be granted the rank of Jedi Master, you still get the title.


I personally thought it was more fun to play it DS..the LS is so goody goody for Knight, while playing DS allows you to be the arrogant, cocky, smartmouthed Jedi (Think Anakin without the bad acting).

Edited by StevenKSU
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You might want to check again because I had a friend who went full Darkside with his Jedi Knight and because of that he was NOT given the rank/title of Jedi Master as punishment for his actions. As to the stories I have played so far all of them have had long term consequences for the choices I made. The Imperial Agent is an example I am criticized for making lightside choices instead of following my superiors instructions to the letter same with what I have seen of the Trooper so far. Both of my Sith characters have had choices made earlier in the game have an impact on how the story progresses. Shocking Khem so you can talk to Zash is an example you lose affection and possibly Khem's continued loyalty to you when you do this.


You do still get the title.


They just say you aren't a Jedi Master but then the Republic makes you a General. I want a General title!!


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Thing is, I don't know of ANY MMO's that have consequences for actions taken during quests and stories. I know a lot of SWTOR feels like a single player campaign story wise, but it's still an MMO and only so much can be done at least so far.


SWTOR didn't exactly break the mold on this one, and it would be nice, but it's hard to hold up a standard that has never been met to date.

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Thing is, I don't know of ANY MMO's that have consequences for actions taken during quests and stories. I know a lot of SWTOR feels like a single player campaign story wise, but it's still an MMO and only so much can be done at least so far.


SWTOR didn't exactly break the mold on this one, and it would be nice, but it's hard to hold up a standard that has never been met to date.


I get your point, and it is understandable, but thinking of Bioware and Star Wars, you would think they would at least try and make consequences to actions

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I mean, Beta, from what I heard, had a lot more impact full choices you made. Like your companions could leave you based on your decisions and stuff like that.


The Community didn't actually like the idea of ramifications with their choices, so it was taken out.

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You are correct OP. It makes no difference in the outcome of the class story for all practical purposes. Sure you can get dark or light side points and companion affection. That is it tho. Want to go Dark V and still look like a nice Jedi?...no problem. Turn off the Sith corruption. Noone will know but you. :p
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I mean, Beta, from what I heard, had a lot more impact full choices you made. Like your companions could leave you based on your decisions and stuff like that.


The Community didn't actually like the idea of ramifications with their choices, so it was taken out.


You are exactly right. There was no end of whining on the beta forums when there were actual consequences re companions and your actions towards them. Take the warrior companions Quinn, I won’t tell why, but there was a choice at one time in beta to kill him. People used it, then screamed bloody murder on the forums when they found out he was actually dead and they couldn’t get him back. I was so saddened by this I wanted to cry, are people really that bad at comprehension?


I know it doesn’t sound logical that after you kill your companion in a quest dialog that you’d expect to be able to get that companion back. But, that’s what was happening. I hated the fluff like changes to companion reactions and the removal of impact in your actions towards them. I mean really, these are our companions, not our drones. You treat them like crap, they should run for the hills.

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You are exactly right. There was no end of whining on the beta forums when there were actual consequences re companions and your actions towards them. Take the warrior companions Quinn, I won’t tell why, but there was a choice at one time in beta to kill him. People used it, then screamed bloody murder on the forums when they found out he was actually dead and they couldn’t get him back. I was so saddened by this I wanted to cry, are people really that bad at comprehension?


I know it doesn’t sound logical that after you kill your companion in a quest dialog that you’d expect to be able to get that companion back. But, that’s what was happening. I hated the fluff like changes to companion reactions and the removal of impact in your actions towards them. I mean really, these are our companions, not our drones. You treat them like crap, they should run for the hills.


If this is true, then there could have been penalties when a JK goes against the Jedi code like romance... Why do people have to complain about everything?? That might have been the best feature in this game taken away

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Actually yes, yes there are reactions to your choices on some things. I have witnessed it myself. It doesn't happen all the time, but everything you say molds your character into something YOU WANT.


When everything is said and done... you get the precise same skills and access to the same precise armor as any and all advanced class, regardless of any decision you have made during class story arc.


You only change one cutscene or two... and that`s about it.


Also, with Legacy unlocked races... have you ever saw an NPC tell your rep Pureblood or your imp Miraluka anything else than the "alien line"?

Edited by Styxx
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