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My last forum post and farewell speech.


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Me and that thread creator were the two main healers for our raid group. After I quit PvE'ing and made the switch to PvP, she decided to re-roll to Republic and now has another successful thread that was created after server transfers. You can find it here




Server first Soa AND Karagga kills

World second to 2200 and 2400 rating.

(Guildmate and real life friend was world first, we would have been tied, but I accidentally declined a ranked warzone que, which put him about 20 rating ahead of me.)


Only one known screenshot located on TORhead.com (That's my character, my mount.)




Me on the 2200 mount, and we have screenshots of 2400+ rated gear, which are on my desktop and I'm getting ready to sleep so don't feel like getting up. Might link those tomorrow.


Considering the fact that BioWare did not create a system for tracking world/server firsts, I'd consider this to be acceptable evidence of being server first. Also consider the fact that everyone on The Swiftsure agreed we were server first.


good for you? Would you honestly like those to mean something? i mean seriously because you sat there and did nothing literally nothing and got first in a video game you want some sort of recognition for it? Good luck kid try again not going to happen.


There are alot better players out here than you and they dont create threads like this. So you did this for a purpose you want people to know how great you think you are. And you want to tell bioware that you think they are doing bad and blah blah blah.


Tell you what when you hit 18 go join the military play an mmo or anything else and work your *** off all day long and then try and do all of this. Most people here actually do that. They go out and work and then come home and play a game. You on the other hand think this is your reality and you deserve some recognition for being top rated on your server. so because you dont have a job you were able to sit there and grind out ranked warzone matches till you hit your rating good for you.


This is another child wanting everything handed to him on a silver platter. Get over yourself kid your not great because you have no experience in gaming. Maybe after some more years you will learn but threads like these will only make things worse for yourself. I know i would certainly love to see you in a ranked warzone match. But that is just a wish.


So when you actually have responsibilities to deal with and you can do all of this stuff then you can say you are great. Until then your just another spoiled kid who didn't get their way with a video game.


Ps. Threads dont count as a server first I would like to see actualy documentation of a server first kill. This website is something the raid community has used in this game atleast http://www.swtor.raidranks.com/#!

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A few things off about the post. He cries about not needing fps etc and talks about rakata...you realize rakata chest drops in HM LI right? Also most people use the HMs as stepping stones to prepare for raids not everyone gets carried to free rakata. On top of that rakata isn't even considered good anymore best get those campaign pieces asap or slap some 61 armorings/mods/enhancements in that gear. As for bragging about ranked warzone rankings etc and server firsts /clap. Good for you you found a good group of people to play with and you have high rank...what were you expecting once you reached high rank? Did you think the game would continue to be challenging once you got to the top or did you just decide to claim yourself to be the best at everything and quit on top? The game is still young if you truly are an accomplished and great gamer as you claim then stick it out and help the game get better don't scream out demands and throw a tantrum until bioware does what you say. Constructive criticism...its good for progression and growing up.
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A few things off about the post. He cries about not needing fps etc and talks about rakata...you realize rakata chest drops in HM LI right? Also most people use the HMs as stepping stones to prepare for raids not everyone gets carried to free rakata. On top of that rakata isn't even considered good anymore best get those campaign pieces asap or slap some 61 armorings/mods/enhancements in that gear. As for bragging about ranked warzone rankings etc and server firsts /clap. Good for you you found a good group of people to play with and you have high rank...what were you expecting once you reached high rank? Did you think the game would continue to be challenging once you got to the top or did you just decide to claim yourself to be the best at everything and quit on top? The game is still young if you truly are an accomplished and great gamer as you claim then stick it out and help the game get better don't scream out demands and throw a tantrum until bioware does what you say. Constructive criticism...its good for progression and growing up.


Pretty much this ^^^^^^^^^

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not that this is going to help matters but I do know the Op both from his original server and destination server. Strictly Business is a good guild and he is a very good operative healer. So you can quit attacking his "credentials"


I hate how when someone makes a valid point people are more interested in ripping apart the person instead of debating the issue at hand.




these people are brain dead.

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So if I'm following your logic correctly, this is what I'm getting from it: The fact that I haven't played any of those games that you listed makes me less credible and my opinion in this video game doesn't matter, despite my numerous achievements. Am I correct? Or am I interpreting it incorrectly?


What achievements lmao, i did not know living of daddys money counted as an achievement these days.


Go get a job, you lazy bum.

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Allow me to introduce myself. I am 14 years old and I reside in Oregon. I was born in Miami, Florida and moved to Oregon for my father's business. I have been playing computer video games since I was 12.


This made me laugh so hard. By the time I was 14 I had 4x the gaming experience in general. I started so young I only remember being a kid playing on my trash 80 and my 2600.


Sir, my advice is that even though you are entitled to your options when you critique thing do make sure you have sufficient experience. 2 years to the gaming industry as a whole is far from enough. Your age combined with lack of experience only makes people not listen to you.


I suggest when a game begins to bore you and you choose to quit, Submit some feed back directly and continue your search for the next thing. The method you chose to use OP was not the best, as I'm sure you see that now. Get some PC gamers, spend some time on G4's website, 1up.com, IGN and such. Get some experience reading reviews. There are constructive ways to suggest things and then there's just complaining, which no one reads seriously.

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Stopped reading at that point.


Seriously ? An "insight" of a 14 year old playing computer games for 2 years ? :D


Best thread ever.



More than likely I was playing Doom on IIT's MUD when his mom was 14...was a Playstation guy 3 years before he was born and OH the Killer Instinct and GoldenEye days on the N64...and we aren't even going to go back to the ORIGINAL Zork on the Apple IIe...whatever you do, DO NOT drop the letter in the mailbox...indeed, best thread evah

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Welcome to internet where 14 year olds pretend to be 40 years old, and apparently 40 year olds pretend to be 14.


Judging by the text and some things he said the OP is older than 14, or his father writes the text for him.


I have played mmorpgs since 2004 and I still dont get what the point of these: "I dont like this game any more, I go to other game, you all suck" messages is.


I hope really hope his father didn't type that.. It would sadden me to see someone on the *cough* billionaires list *cough* who couldn't spell queue correctly.

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The kid has some points but I believe he doesn't have the understanding of game software development. Someone brought up Aion and NCsoft. I played Aion from beta up to about when they release where you have houses. I went through the server consolidation, which was painful. You can tell when a game is about to go into the crapper when they do forced server consolidation.


Bioware development team is slow on the uptake to development cross server ques. Their Customer Support lives in a vacuum. I spent my life working in the IT industry. 30 years from where I worked on an IBM mainframe in the military to now where I can build a computer (water cooled) that has bazillion times the computer power back then.


I created software, built networks, configured servers and lived with user request for 30 fricken years. Yes this game has some issues but if Bioware does not address them they will lose what fans they have. For god sakes we pay to be abused in an absurd way.


And for the record, my first computer game was coleco tank wars connected to my black and white tv.

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Why would the outrageously rich play swtor?


heck id be driving 150 down the interstate in my 1 mill lambo flipping cops off because i can afford the ticket


tons of fun things i could do if i was a rich mofo, and not many of them include swtor.




This this and...




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OP - this is not an elitist-type game. Like it or not, BW doesn't want you to be able to filter out players based on gear/skill. They don't want to implement cross-server queue's. I'm fairly certain you'r going to be bored with GW2 a few months after release as well; so be prepared to keep looking for another game.


Lastly are you from Oregon or Utah?

Edited by Typeslice
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I care about being physically active and having a healthy lifestyle. But about education and getting a job? I don't care. And the reason i don't care is a personal and family matter that I'm sure you wouldn't care about, so I won't post it.


Good for you, the world needs ditch diggers too!

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Me and that thread creator were the two main healers for our raid group. After I quit PvE'ing and made the switch to PvP, she decided to re-roll to Republic and now has another successful thread that was created after server transfers. You can find it here




Server first Soa AND Karagga kills

World second to 2200 and 2400 rating.

(Guildmate and real life friend was world first, we would have been tied, but I accidentally declined a ranked warzone que, which put him about 20 rating ahead of me.)


Only one known screenshot located on TORhead.com (That's my character, my mount.)




Me on the 2200 mount, and we have screenshots of 2400+ rated gear, which are on my desktop and I'm getting ready to sleep so don't feel like getting up. Might link those tomorrow.


Considering the fact that BioWare did not create a system for tracking world/server firsts, I'd consider this to be acceptable evidence of being server first. Also consider the fact that everyone on The Swiftsure agreed we were server first.


So you throw up some posts and images, good for you, This is only PROOF you play the game way to much, ANYBODY and I mean anybody could do what you did with sufficient amounts of time.


Your links only prove you have nothing better to do than sit on SWTOR, and because it is NOT PVP orientated you are bored with the game. Well get used to it, because ANY MMO you play will leave the same sour taste.


You have used the classic childish argument of " My dad is bigger than your dad " to support your claims, that do nothing but insight people to flame you.


The reality IMHO is you are extremely lonely in RL, have little to no real friends, and tbh I would be extremely concerned that your parents, IMO, who are not Billionaires, could not give a crap about you enough to pull you away from MMOS at the age of 14 and actually do something with your life.


Im 35, my father is a Retired Electrician by trade, and he still gives me grief about playing games. I spent 15 years of my life playing football and have settled into MMOs in my later years as I pay for my home and a quieter life. These are things you will learn as you grow up, which I would suggest you start to do as soon as possible.


If you are the Billionaire child you claim to be, get some education, or use some of your Billions to make the perfect MMO. Im sure your father will support that as he obviously has no issue with you wasting your youth on Gaming.


But as I said, I think that is highly unlikely, and as I stated in an earlier reply, I know 2 Millionaires, and believe me, their children are not playing MMOs, If they were they would not be playing the time you obviously do, they certainly would not brag about the fact they were millionaires . And their parents would not ever ever have it, that their children they have worked hard to provide a valuable future for, are sitting in a room on an MMO for 20 hours a day. Which is the only way you have achieved what you have. If you can call it an achievement.

Edited by Nippon
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So you throw up some posts and images, good for you, This is only PROOF you play the game way to much, ANYBODY and I mean anybody could do what you did with sufficient amounts of time.


Your links only prove you have nothing better to do than sit on SWTOR, and because it is NOT PVP orientated you are bored with the game. Well get used to it, because ANY MMO you play will leave the same sour taste.


You have used the classic childish argument of " My dad is bigger than your dad " to support your claims, that do nothing but insight people to flame you.


The reality IMHO is you are extremely lonely in RL, have little to no real friends, and tbh I would be extremely concerned that your parents, IMO, who are not Billionaires, could not give a crap about you enough to pull you away from MMOS at the age of 14 and actually do something with your life.


Im 35, my father is a Retired Electrician by trade, and he still gives me grief about playing games. I spent 15 years of my life playing football and have settled into MMOs in my later years as I pay for my home and a quieter life. These are things you will learn as you grow up, which I would suggest you start to do as soon as possible.


If you are the Billionaire child you claim to be, get some education, or use some of your Billions to make the perfect MMO. Im sure your father will support that as he obviously has no issue with you wasting your youth on Gaming.


I'll take my warning for today: Dude is a troll, don't waste your time with him.

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If you really want to know, the reason I don't care about getting a job is because my father is on the Forbes list of billionaires. Like I said in an earlier post, I preferred not to post personal information, but you asked for it, and there's over 1300 people in the world on that last, so I'm not really afraid of giving away my real life identity.


As to your second comment, if you don't care about a community of ''kid'' gamers, you shouldn't be playing a STAR WARS MMO.


Hmmm I hope your father reads this and sees that by that statement you dont want to go out and make your own way. Perhaps that is his doing perhaps not. Your young and still have a skull full of data soaking mush. I hope you learn some responsibility. Perhaps thnk about Faith Hope Charity Honor Courage and Love Those six things will see you on the right path. Good luck to you on your journey in life.

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So if a video game is released in 1998 does that mean players from 2012 are not allowed to play it?


Edit: I'm sorry, that was a typo on my part. I implied that I played World of Warcraft during Burning Crusade. I actually never played WoW before Wrath of the Lich King.


So, let me get this straight....you say "Shortly after Wrath of the Lich King expansion back was released, I quit the game. " and yet you say you never played WoW before Lich King?????????????

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And how come (at age 12 as you say) your first Video game was Mario Kart 64????? Seriously??? I mean is your father really that stuck in the past that he lets his 12 year old play on a 16 year old game (released in 1996).


Or could it be that you are in fact not 14 and are just another in a long line of forum trolls?


PS. Assuming your fater is a billionaire then why not go buy your own software company and create the best MMo ever!

as you obviously know far more than those of us (and programmers) that have been playing these games for the last 14 or so years.., so I can't wait to play it!

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