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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My last forum post and farewell speech.


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Right, so, i watched some of your vids. You are good. However what most people wont tell you is, latency and computer proformance plays a large part in average ability. You clearly have a good machine, and some basic level of skill. Ill admit, you are good. Combined with the fact that you and your team are full WH and pvp focus'd, id say you are doing about as well as anyone should. That being said...


You still didnt offer any reasons why you where displeased other then the fact that you wherent enjoying your experience because you basically roll people and noone wants to play you anymore. Go reroll under a new guild tag. Every person in your team playing another toon gives you another level of understanding as far as gameplay goes.


Regardless, anyone of the opinion this combat system is just like wow is flat out wrong. Shorter cc's with the lack of auto attack in the game makes it much more multitask dependant.


One thing i never saw in any of your video's was a nightwing....just sayin.

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Hello fellow SWTOR players. Obviously, most of you will not know who I am, considering I transferred to The Bastion from The Swiftsure. And I know most of you will not read through this long speech, but I assure you, you will not regret it if you do read the whole thing.




Sadly I read through this ,.,




Allow me to introduce myself. I am 14 years old and I reside in Oregon. I was born in Miami, Florida and moved to Oregon for my father's business. I have been playing computer video games since I was 12. As soon as my father showed me Mario Cart for the Nintendo 64 I thought to myself "I had to have more." I found that adrenaline rush through computer video games. My first MMO was World Of Warcraft, where I played a Restoration Druid and a Discipline Priest. Shortly after Wrath of the Lich King expansion back was released, I quit the game. I stopped gaming for a while until Star Wars: The Old Republic was released. This is when I started my second MMO journey began.




So you really only have experience playing World of Warcraft and Mario Cart ?




My name on The Swiftsure was Media. I was considered by many to be the best PvP Operative healer on that server, no questions asked. My guild (Strictly Business) claimed the server first Soa the Infernal and Karagga the Unyielding kills. Two members of my guild were the first two 50's on the server, and also the first two Battlemasters on the server.




I've been playing an Operative healer since beta access. After moving from The Swifsure to The Bastion, I was forced to change my name to Krunchy because Media was a level 1 Bounty Hunter on Hutta (and still is to this day). After transferring, I earned the reputation as the best Operative Healer on The Bastion. I was the second in the world to 2200 and 2400 rating, next to one of my guildmates, who was world first. We are currently at 2800+ rating (got lazy after world first 2400) and still climbing up there. My guild (Strictly Business) is considered the best on my server as well. We have been doing Ranked Warzones ever since they were released and we now hold the record of three hundred and six wins, and twenty three losses.




Do you know how to use character mapping? Learn to type rather than badmouth the game for having to change your name. Mèdia,.,.,., /facepalm,.,.,.





Star Wars: The Old Republic has been a terrible game since it was ever released. I realized this shortly after hitting level fifty. The end game raiding is too easy (hence why I stopped raiding) and the PvP bugs are inexcusable. Half of my losses in Ranked Warzones are due to stuck-in-spawn bugs and random disconnects. There are bugs that have been in this game since release and to this day have not been fixed. For instance, the Ravage bug, the stuck-in-spawn bug, using an ability and taking up a global cooldown but not actually using the ability bug, the casting an ability and not showing a cast-bar but still casting the ability successfully, and the going invisible after using Infiltrate bug (after ability is over and non-stealthers). This is just a short list of MANY bugs that still exist in the game (with more to come assuming this game lasts to patch 1.5). I've known since December that I have only been playing this game to waste time until Guild Wars 2 comes out (the last month is always the hardest)!





Terrible game yet you were the first uber-derber operative and server first number one!!!!





The lack of competition on my server is another reason why this game is a failure. Cross-server queing is a simple technology, especially in this day in age. It is the 19th century and BioWare is still unable to allow players to cross-server que and also return back to a warzone after disconnecting. They aren't even able to fix bugs that have existed since release, so I shouldn't be expecting much as of now. On my server, there are literally two other guilds that I actually have to try against. After defeating both of them multiple times in a row, they have resorted to que-dodging us via my live stream (which you can find at http://www.twitch.tv/MediaSWTOR), and there is now absolutely ZERO competition on my server. I have almost considered totally shutting down my stream until GW2 release, but I respect my fans too much to just shut it down altogether. This is just another reason why cross-server queing should be implemented.




Why would you want to cross server anything , go to a server that's worthy of your highness's elite skills and roll another character .

That's how the big kids play mmo's.

It's the 21st century you numb skull. Do a little reserch before you spout nonsense.





The process you have to go through simply to change the look of a piece of armor is absolutely ridiculous. It costs over 100,000 credits just to remove the mods and augment from one piece of gear in order to transfer them to a better looking piece. Before release, BioWare stated that this game is about the player. It's about what the player wants to do in the Star Wars universe and how customizable it would be. They send there would be endless possibilities in the Star Wars universe. But what is it now? Spending potentially millions just to re-mod gear, add MK-6 slots to gear, and then PAYING TO ADD THE AUGMENT SLOT AFTER CRAFTING IT YOURSELF? And endless possibilities? You mean doing house chores and errands until 6:00 PST to wait for my friends to do Rated Warzones? Sure, it's not my fault that they can't play until 6:00 PST. But the fact that I have no motivation to play this game unless they're online is just a massive fault in this game. PvP is the only competitive aspect of this game. I DO NOT mind that at all. But the fact that they wasted their time and money on voice acting, designing Flashpoints, and fixing emoticons in major patches is absolutely absurd.





This is a bioware game kiddo, it's all about the story you create ,have you even played KOTOR 1 or 2 , or any other bioware game? I guess they're all crap and not worthy of you elite gaming skills.





Flashpoints are absolutely useless. I didn't do a single Flashpoint on my 50 Vanguard and I was full Rakata in less than two weeks. The only reason Dungeons were popular in World of Warcraft were because they offered endgame gear and currencies. And they did it correctly. They actually had a required gear level to que for specific dungeons. But how is it in SWTOR? Terrible. They waited until 1.3 to even release a group finder. The group finder doesn't even work 50% of the time. The group finder has no way of filtering out players based on skill or gear. They also waited until 1.3 to even include endgame commendations as a reward. BioWare also didn't realize that they made Flashpoints useless in 1.3. With the release of Denova, my guild was able to carry my fresh level 50 alt up to full Rakata in literally two days. Who needs to do Flashpoints with random incompetent players when you can go with an organized group and get all the gear you need to be ready for Denova? Allow me to correct myself. Who needs to do Flashpoints when you can do Story Mode raids to get starter level gear?




You do flashpoints to work through the story content with friends , this is a bioware game and its's about enjoying a Starwars experience not about leveling to full gear (it's just a perk) , not everyone has access to a uber guild. And why do you give a crap about group finder if your guild is so solid? 100,000 credits is a hard task to accomplish in this game?



This is where it ends. As soon as it's August 25th, I'm out of here and onto Guild Wars 2. Will it be an amazing game? Well you never know until you start playing. All I know is it takes a lot of effort to fail like BioWare did. Some of the things that this company has done are absolutely absurd and are extremely unprofessional, especially coming from a big name like BioWare. I will never be buying a video game developed by BioWare ever again, unless it is Mass Effect 4. Guild Wars 2 may not be an AMAZING game like many claim it to be, but I promise all of you reading this that there's no way NCSoft or ArenaNet could fail as much as BioWare did. At this point in time, RuneScape is a superior video game to Star Wars: The Old Republic. I'd be playing RuneScape if Guild Wars 2 wasn't coming out in only one (long) month. Thank you all for reading



This game was designed for Starwars people, and young kids like yourself wouldn't understand that. Your only 14 you know absolutely nothing about Starwars. You really show your age when you start babbling about "how Runescape is a better game" blah blah blah . People were playing KOTOR while you were still learning how to use a toilet. You need to learn how to wright constructive criticism without sounding like a disrespectful spoiled brat. I would never in a million years wright garbage like this at age 14, what the hell is wrong with you?

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Right, so, i watched some of your vids. You are good. However what most people wont tell you is, latency and computer proformance plays a large part in average ability. You clearly have a good machine, and some basic level of skill. Ill admit, you are good. Combined with the fact that you and your team are full WH and pvp focus'd, id say you are doing about as well as anyone should. That being said...


You still didnt offer any reasons why you where displeased other then the fact that you wherent enjoying your experience because you basically roll people and noone wants to play you anymore. Go reroll under a new guild tag. Every person in your team playing another toon gives you another level of understanding as far as gameplay goes.


Regardless, anyone of the opinion this combat system is just like wow is flat out wrong. Shorter cc's with the lack of auto attack in the game makes it much more multitask dependant.


One thing i never saw in any of your video's was a nightwing....just sayin.


I don't know what a nightwing is....But anyways..


In response to a poster who said that they will stay subbed to SWTOR and possibly move full focus to GW2...


I will be unsubbing from SWTOR and moving full focus to GW2 immediately. However, I will definitely not be putting as much playtime into GW2 as I did into SWTOR, simply because of the fact that I can re-roll to any class I want in GW2 in the matter of 5-10 minutes and have the best in slot gear in Structured PvP. As a result, I will most likely be playing only when my guild is online. I probably won't even get to max level for at least 2-3 months in that game. Some may ask "How will you do WvWvW?" Well that's the only flaw to that game. It's just a massive zergfest that I'm not interested in.

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This game was designed for Starwars people, and young kids like yourself wouldn't understand that. Your only 14 you know absolutely nothing about Starwars. You really show your age when you start babbling about "how Runescape is a better game" blah blah blah . People were playing KOTOR while you were still learning how to use a toilet. You need to learn how to wright constructive criticism without sounding like a disrespectful spoiled brat. I would never in a million years wright garbage like this at age 14, what the hell is wrong with you?


I suspect trolling, but I'll bite.

First off, it doesn't matter if he played KOTOR, because the people who made KOTOR, didn't make this game. EA bought their name, that's all.

It's write, not "wright."

I was a star wars fan way before playing my first MMO.

This game does a poor job of making you feel like you're in the star wars universe.

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14. So very young. I would'nt get too involved with video games if I was you unless you are very serous about getting into it as a job. Work hard at school and earn a solid education. And be physically active. The habits we have as kids can carry over to adulthood. Anyway, good luck to you in your future endeavors. And even tho we are years apart..( generations even, lol ) I do agree with most of the points you made for quitting. But noone here cares for the most part.


Bah he is a kid playing video games leave him alone!

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First, 2 years of experience made me laugh when considering how you believe you could do better designing a game. Typical 14 yr old ignorance. If you believe you can do better, put your daddy's money where your mouth is. Have him finance the development of a MMO, where you are lead production design/producer.


Besides that, my view is, the less little children in the game...the better.

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I think ArenaNet is pretty good, but I take it you haven't seen Aion (by NCSoft). Easily the worst MMO I have ever played.


Well, I've heard that the re-done Aion is pretty good, but yeah... the original version of Aion was the biggest burn I've ever had in buying a video game.

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This is hilarious.


You play Mario Cart and a few other games and you believe you have the right to post this. I've been playing games since the 8-Bit days and I'm sure there's many here who would say since Pinball machines and we would all agree that you've seen basically nothing when it comes to the Video game world.


Tired of this game?


Then why don't you go educate yourself before teaching the class by playing The Ocarina of Time, Golden Eye, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid etc. I could go on for a long time, a wasteful time. Hell! how about the original Super Mario Bros?!?!


While you're pwning the Mario with a Game Genie, go watch Star Wars, as it was once called. Just so you know what Episode I'm talking about, search up "A New Hope".....

Edited by Sleprock
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not that this is going to help matters but I do know the Op both from his original server and destination server. Strictly Business is a good guild and he is a very good operative healer. So you can quit attacking his "credentials"


I hate how when someone makes a valid point people are more interested in ripping apart the person instead of debating the issue at hand.

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This game was designed for Starwars people, and young kids like yourself wouldn't understand that. Your only 14 you know absolutely nothing about Starwars. You really show your age when you start babbling about "how Runescape is a better game" blah blah blah . People were playing KOTOR while you were still learning how to use a toilet. You need to learn how to wright constructive criticism without sounding like a disrespectful spoiled brat. I would never in a million years wright garbage like this at age 14, what the hell is wrong with you?



...you know, unless you're in your mid-forties, you don't have any room to call someone out for being too young to "get" Star Wars.

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Allow me to introduce myself. I am 14 years old and I reside in Oregon.


Stopped reading at that point.


Seriously ? An "insight" of a 14 year old playing computer games for 2 years ? :D


Best thread ever.

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This is hilarious.


You play Mario Cart and a few other games and you believe you have the right to post this. I've been playing games since the 8-Bit days and I'm sure there's many here who would say since Pinball machines and we would all agree that you've seen basically nothing when it comes to the Video game world.


Tired of this game?


Then why don't you go educate yourself before teaching the class by playing The Ocarina of Time, Golden Eye, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid etc. I could go on for a long time, a wasteful time. Hell! how about the original Super Mario Bros?!?!


While you're pwning the Mario with a Game Genie, go watch Star Wars, as it was once called. Just so you know what Episode I'm talking about, search up "A New Hope".....


So if I'm following your logic correctly, this is what I'm getting from it: The fact that I haven't played any of those games that you listed makes me less credible and my opinion in this video game doesn't matter, despite my numerous achievements. Am I correct? Or am I interpreting it incorrectly?

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He is a child of 14. /clap for your attempt to sound smart kid good job.


As for your comments on the game you do not have enough time with a game to make a judgement call as to what fails or not.


You have not seen a game fail. Considering you played another MMO before this one. So if you are so elite then why dont you work for the game companies or why dont they come to you for ideas on how tough content should be? These companies do not need advice from a kid.


This threat just goes to show what a spoiled rotten kid will say when he does not like something and does not get his way with it. BOO HOO KID GROW UP AND DEAL WITH IT. THERE IS A THING CALLED LIFE NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE THINGS HAPPEN AND GET OVER YOURSELF!

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So if I'm following your logic correctly, this is what I'm getting from it: The fact that I haven't played any of those games that you listed makes me less credible and my opinion in this video game doesn't matter, despite my numerous achievements. Am I correct? Or am I interpreting it incorrectly?


Numerous achievements? You said you got server first on your server wow good you. That is not an achievement there is no way to track that you even got anything first on your server.

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He is a child of 14. /clap for your attempt to sound smart kid good job.


As for your comments on the game you do not have enough time with a game to make a judgement call as to what fails or not.


You have not seen a game fail. Considering you played another MMO before this one. So if you are so elite then why dont you work for the game companies or why dont they come to you for ideas on how tough content should be? These companies do not need advice from a kid.


This threat just goes to show what a spoiled rotten kid will say when he does not like something and does not get his way with it. BOO HOO KID GROW UP AND DEAL WITH IT. THERE IS A THING CALLED LIFE NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE THINGS HAPPEN AND GET OVER YOURSELF!


I'm probably not working for any gaming companies (or any company for that matter) because I am under the legal working age. And clearly they do need advice from a kid, because look how far this game has gotten? No where. It is simply going down hill. It's just a matter of time until it becomes free to play and then slowly dies.

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I'm probably not working for any gaming companies (or any company for that matter) because I am under the legal working age. And clearly they do need advice from a kid, because look how far this game has gotten? No where. It is simply going down hill. It's just a matter of time until it becomes free to play and then slowly dies.


what has gone down hill about the game exactly? that they did not cater to you and how hardcore you are in video games? I think this game has gone quite far if you had played wow from the beginning you would see the fall of an MMO this is not that fall sorry.


edit: Also the game will not die off like you think it will. Many games that are free to play are quite successful. Look up star wars galaxies see how long it was up and running for. This game will not die off in an instant like you think it will.

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Numerous achievements? You said you got server first on your server wow good you. That is not an achievement there is no way to track that you even got anything first on your server.




Me and that thread creator were the two main healers for our raid group. After I quit PvE'ing and made the switch to PvP, she decided to re-roll to Republic and now has another successful thread that was created after server transfers. You can find it here




Server first Soa AND Karagga kills

World second to 2200 and 2400 rating.

(Guildmate and real life friend was world first, we would have been tied, but I accidentally declined a ranked warzone que, which put him about 20 rating ahead of me.)


Only one known screenshot located on TORhead.com (That's my character, my mount.)




Me on the 2200 mount, and we have screenshots of 2400+ rated gear, which are on my desktop and I'm getting ready to sleep so don't feel like getting up. Might link those tomorrow.


Considering the fact that BioWare did not create a system for tracking world/server firsts, I'd consider this to be acceptable evidence of being server first. Also consider the fact that everyone on The Swiftsure agreed we were server first.

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Welcome to internet where 14 year olds pretend to be 40 years old, and apparently 40 year olds pretend to be 14.


Judging by the text and some things he said the OP is older than 14, or his father writes the text for him.


I have played mmorpgs since 2004 and I still dont get what the point of these: "I dont like this game any more, I go to other game, you all suck" messages is.

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