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Khaj'o'Dun Warmonger Rage PvP Juggernaut Videos


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Here are 4 videos Khaj'o'Dun Warmonger posted on the PVP forums. They are great videos and he is a skilled Rage Jugg. If you guys want a good idea how this spec is well played, i suggest you watch these:


Couse it is first post im gonna give a link to multiple movies:






Khaj'o'Dun Warmonger Rage PvP Juggernaut - Tomb of Freedon Nadd

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These are AFTER 1.3 dropped? Because I dunno how you're doing 7.5k smashes w/o adrenals up, unless your targets had 0 expertise.


full wh w/ all power augments?


Also: while you're playing at a level higher than mine, advice is advice: try to use chilling scream on targets that are running from you before you smash - if you don't you'll occasionally miss a smash.

Edited by Veeius
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seen only first video


look at 0:55 he is starting to attack west ---- sage


he charged and after min is dead ...2 guys killed him ...


because when he charged that sage he had to press button force crush then forcu push sage, smash and ravage and is dead... then kill second one guy ...


he started with ravage?


thats bad ... and why is he clicking on target? tab target works great in this game ...


i am not world champion, only my opinion here ...

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These are AFTER 1.3 dropped? Because I dunno how you're doing 7.5k smashes w/o adrenals up, unless your targets had 0 expertise.


full wh w/ all power augments?


Also: while you're playing at a level higher than mine, advice is advice: try to use chilling scream on targets that are running from you before you smash - if you don't you'll occasionally miss a smash.


A fully optimized Jugg can hit 8k+ in Warzones after 1.3. On a 0 expertise target you are looking at a good 9k. I remember doing 8k damage on pve geared people while not even having the full War Hero set.


As for chilling scream, I do agree it is a good skill to make sure your smash hits. However, being able to Charge then : Force scream, Chilling scream and Smash within the 5 sec 10% buff damage is unlikely to happen. It is of course mandatory when the target keeps moving around and in that case foregoing the 10% damage buff is OK.


Warmonger? lol..

Everyone at ToFN knows that Warmongers are cheaters.

They was captured at cheatings so many times..

It is shame to be in Warmongers ranks if you are truly a good player.


I'm not much of a fan of people calling others cheaters. I have been playing this game for 3 months and I have yet to see someone cheat in a Warzone. I don't deny that they had issues when the game launched, but all the cheating videos I've seen were very old and thus do not reflect the current reality. A lot of people still call others cheaters and this is from the herd effect. I am sure a few people who read your post will believe cheaters are still out there because it confirms their lack of understanding of the game mechanics and how bad they are.


I'm surprised at the amount of clicking.


And nothing he is doing is out of the ordinary for smash damage, almost all of the 6500+ crits are people with 16k life, usually indicating some recruit gear.


About the clicking:


Clicking to acquire targets can be more effective than tabbing as you remove the randomness of tabbing. Tabbing can become extremely random when bunched up with a high amount of enemies or in Huttball where you target someone that you don't even see in your screen.


Clicking abilities is an abomination. Do not confuse both. After all when targeting allies what do you do? You click the raid frame. Your focus target should be binded as well as his target though.


About the player's abilities. If you go read my comments in the PVP forum, i never mentioned his Smash damage Here were my comments:


1- Positioning is perfect. 1v1 encounters he was always behind the target and vs groups always in the middle. Nice smashes there. In Huttball that was good stuff.


2- Flawless use of buffs and cooldowns. This is a great way to judge a Jugg. When you see Force crush being clipped by Choke, that is not a good sign. On first look I did not see much clipping (if any) in those videos.


3- Good use of ravage. Ravage is perfect to use after a force crush. A lot of rage juggs skip that ability... It hits pretty hard and is a perfect filler. 80% of the time you can easily get the 3 swings in.


4- Flawless situational awareness. Those force push were so tight sometimes, I doubt i can do better than that. Nice reaction vs enemy cooldowns with CC and breaking LOS.



In ranked, don't think you will have a spot in the team if you intend to join games to top charts and AOE smash the most people as possible. Granted doing 5k x 4m = 20k damage is fun, but most of the time it is useless. If you are determined on AOEing, the freecasting healer will heal your damage faster than you deal it. Botton line, the size of his Smash has nothing to do with his pvp skills.

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seen only first video


look at 0:55 he is starting to attack west ---- sage


he charged and after min is dead ...2 guys killed him ...


because when he charged that sage he had to press button force crush then forcu push sage, smash and ravage and is dead... then kill second one guy ...


he started with ravage?


thats bad ... and why is he clicking on target? tab target works great in this game ...


i am not world champion, only my opinion here ...


Bah you should check the other 3.

2: Nice smash crits

3: Good Huttball performance

4: Nice pushes and caps in voidstar

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Clicking abilities is an abomination. Do not confuse both. After all when targeting allies what do you do? You click the raid frame. Your focus target should be binded as well as his target though.


I don't think anyone was confused, or confusing anything. In general when people talk about PVP in a competitive environment the only form of "clicking" with your mouse that is allowed is specifically for targeting. So... I'm not really sure what your entire post is about.

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Here are 4 videos Khaj'o'Dun Warmonger posted on the PVP forums. They are great videos and he is a skilled Rage Jugg. If you guys want a good idea how this spec is well played, i suggest you watch these:


Couse it is first post im gonna give a link to multiple movies:






Khaj'o'Dun Warmonger Rage PvP Juggernaut - Tomb of Freedon Nadd


As videos on how to play a good Juggernaut, it's great.


As videos on the acclaimed awesomeness of Rage? Meh, I'm sorry but I'm completely underwhelmed, the majority of the videos is him smashing 13-16k sages (read: under-geared and light armor), sure he smacks a few sents and guardians, but they too are at 13-15k hp. It's only in the 4th video he actually fights like 2-3 people with 18k hp or other people in the area effect of smash, as in not targetted, then you see the ugly side of smash when he only hits for 3k.


Still having this much burst after the last few nerfs is pretty amazing, even if he is hitting lowbie sages most of the time. But all this recent talk about how amazing rage is...I just don't see it, I was expecting to see rage vs WH geared opponents, but all I'm seeing is pretty numbers vs undergeared opponents.

Edited by Xtrema
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Damn sounds like these are some bitter replies on here lol. Envy much fellas..

Awesome vids , keep it up its a freakin game some of you need to step back and see that, and looks like your having fun and whoopin some booty.

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hey i add here to this pvp video section one my video :))



It's Alderaan, great match, we lost but still had a lot of fun there. Video is with no external music, just original, i like it that way, i dont like to cut scenes for some reason and put music inside. For beginners is this better to analyse it how to play. You can see there rotaion, stacking shockwaves, leap on healer or who needs it, force charge and smash and of course a lot of other damage abilities. Its PUG match, but against same faction and those ppl are almost Wh geared, so my smashes were not 7k +. When i stay sometimes on one place for a while thats stun, i usually run everytime around included when i guard turret avoid some surprice. I am not native speaker so sry for my bad english :p


i put some other videos soon if is there interest, i can respec to venge also if some1 prefer that spec and wants to see my playstyle, but rage is rage in pvp ...

Edited by mrekxxx
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A fully optimized Jugg can hit 8k+ in Warzones after 1.3. On a 0 expertise target you are looking at a good 9k. I remember doing 8k damage on pve geared people while not even having the full War Hero set.


What exactly is fully optimized? Power and str seem REALLY close to each other if you have dreadnaught talented. Surge?

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This is fully optimized :


6.0 Vindicator Gear


Basically when your War Hero Vindicator set is fully augmented, you stand at a point where you will always face a tradeoff every time you modify something. I have simulated many different mod and enhancement changes and the gain in Power always comes with a loss in strength, crit and endurance. The tolerable available changes in gear are as follows:


Accuracy: Can be modified to have +5%. Anything extra should be replaced with Power.

Crit: Can be greatly diminished and replaced by Power. SMASH is auto-crit so it is not influenced by crit.


I have built an optimized gear profile as of patch 1.3 as well as the most efficient way to do it. Before I give it up, I also want to give the results of a long lasting debate between Power and Strength augments:


Profile with Power Augments:


Here is a quick summary of the stats:

Strength = 1502.9

Power = 1284.0


Damage Melee = 949.7 – 1111.7

Accuracy Melee = 96.34%

Critical Chance Melee = 23.43%

Critical Multiplier Melee = 77.95%


Bonus Damage Force = 1025.5

Accuracy Force = 106.34%

Critical Chance Force = 30.60%

Critical Multiplier Force = 107.95%


Health = 18973.4

Expertise = 1211


Profile with Strength Augments:


Here is a quick summary of the stats:

Strength = 1782.7

Power = 1032.0


Damage Melee = 947.6 – 1109.6

Accuracy Melee = 96.34%

Critical Chance Melee = 24.89%

Critical Multiplier Melee = 77.95%


Bonus Damage Force = 1023.2

Accuracy Force = 106.34%

Critical Chance Force = 32.06%

Critical Multiplier Force = 107.95%


Health = 18973.4

Expertise = 1211


Bottom line, the difference between the two profiles is quite simple. Compared to full power augments, the full strength augments will provide the player with a total damage loss of 2.1 (Which is very minimal) but nets a gain of 1.46% in Crit. Earlier I did say we could sacrifice Crit, but 2.1 total damage vs 1.46% Crit is a big tradeoff. As of patch 1.3, full strength augments are still better. Here is why:


1 Strength = + 0.2 Damage and + 0.03% Crit

1 power = + 0.23 Damage.


Buffs that modify our strength:

1 strength = 1 * (1 + 0.05(Buff) +0.06(Talent)) = 1.11

1.11 * 0.2 Damage= 0.222 Damage


This is the reason why the difference in Damage is so minimal while benefitting from a nice Crit increase. Also the Crit gained from strength is on a different diminishing return curve than Crit rating itself which turns out to be another advantage.


Here are the steps to achieve the optimal gear, assuming you are starting from full Battlemaster. I suggest you get full Battlemaster + augment your Battlemaster as you get it. Fully augmented Battlemaster is pretty much equal to Full War Hero not augmented.


The order is also important. It is based on the basic item value (unmodified) and the cost incurred to optimize it. In the 1st Step, you want to prioritize the unmodified gear that gives you the best stats and in the 2nd step you want to prioritize the modification of the worst item currently equipped.


* Excluded costs of: Augments, Augment kits, Augment fee and Mod ripping fee


** When turning in a Battlemaster piece to get the War Hero piece, rip the mods and keep them, especially the + Power ones.


1st Step: Pre-remodded gear:


War Hero Vindicator's Lightsaber : Battlemaster Item + 3475 Ranked Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages : 1425 Ranked Comms +200 Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages : 1425 Ranked Comms + 200 Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Pummeler's MK-1 Package: 1425 Ranked Comms + 200 Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Pummeler's MK-1 Package: 1425 Ranked Comms + 200 Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Pummeler's MK-1 Device : 1425 Ranked Comms + 200 Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Vindicator's Generator : Battlemaster Item + 3475 Ranked Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Vindicator's Handgear : Battlemaster Item + 2000 Ranked Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Vindicator's Headgear : Battlemaster Item + 2425 Ranked Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Vindicator's Chestguard : Battlemaster Item + 3200 Ranked Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Vindicator's Boots : Battlemaster Item + 2000 Ranked Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


War Hero Vindicator's Greaves : Battlemaster Item + 2225 Ranked Comms

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22


The Belt and Bracers have been omitted because they will be the first ones to get modified.


2nd Step: Remodding the gear:


*To remod our gear we use the War Hero Vindicator’s Handgear. It contains the optimal mod and the 2nd best enhancement. So while you are ripping the mods, use this enhancement to temporarily put in non-optimized gear and preferably the Boots and Pants.


Juggernaut's Exalted Bracers :

Purchase Juggernaut’s Exalted Bracers : 100 000 Credits

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22

Add Advanced Might Armoring 26 crafted by Cybertech: Mats on GTN

Add War Hero Deft mod 26 by ripping the War Hero Vindicator’s Hands Mod : Battlemaster Vindicator’s Handgear (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms


Juggernaut's Exalted Belt :

Purchase Juggernaut’s Exalted Belt : 100 000 Credits

Augment + Add Advanced Might Augment 22

Add Advanced Might Armoring 26 crafted by Cybertech: Mats on GTN

Add War Hero Deft mod 26 by ripping the War Hero Vindicator’s Hands Mod : Battlemaster Vindicator’s Handgear (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms


War Hero Vindicator's Boots :

Add War Hero Deft mod 26 by ripping the War Hero Vindicator’s Hands Mod : Battlemaster Vindicator’s Handgear (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms

Add War Hero Adept Enhancement by ripping the War Hero Force-Mystic’s Gloves : Battlemaster Force-Mystic’s Gloves (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms


War Hero Vindicator's Greaves :

Add War Hero Deft mod 26 by ripping the War Hero Vindicator’s Hands Mod : Battlemaster Vindicator’s Handgear (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms

Add War Hero Adept Enhancement by ripping the War Hero Force-Mystic’s Gloves : Battlemaster Force-Mystic’s Gloves (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms


War Hero Vindicator's Lightsaber :

Add Advanced Hawkeye Crystal : Crystal Mats on GTN

Add War Hero Adept Enhancement by ripping the War Hero Force-Mystic’s Gloves : Battlemaster Force-Mystic’s Gloves (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms


War Hero Vindicator's Handgear :

Add War Hero Adept Enhancement by ripping the War Hero Force-Mystic’s Gloves : Battlemaster Force-Mystic’s Gloves (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms


War Hero Vindicator's Headgear :

Add War Hero Deft mod 26 by ripping the War Hero Vindicator’s Hands Mod : Battlemaster Vindicator’s Handgear (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms


War Hero Vindicator's Chestguard :

Add War Hero Deft mod 26 by ripping the War Hero Vindicator’s Hands Mod : Battlemaster Vindicator’s Handgear (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms

Add War Hero Adept Enhancement by ripping the War Hero Force-Mystic’s Gloves : Battlemaster Force-Mystic’s Gloves (875 Comms) + 2000 Ranked Comms

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  • 9 months later...
Khaj'o'Dun Warmonger Rage PvP Juggernaut 7 (2.1+2.2)

LVL 55, no visual effects, duplicate all used abilities


Enjoy. :hope_02:


Hey man, that was some nice shi-cho action! I liked your editing as well.



...side note, what is it with jugs and this futuristic, neo-pansy, techno crap. Sorry but, we're freaking jugs, I mean shouldn't we play music with attitude? LoL, just sayin.

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First off thank you!!


These are fun to watch and if you pay attention quite a bit to learn :).


Next I was wondering if you would share some updates on gearing... just wondering what your str, power, crit multiplier, acc, and crit stand at?


Regardless thank again :)!!

Edited by Mordarion
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Thank you for feedback guy's. It keeps me warm.

...side note, what is it with jugs and this futuristic, neo-pansy, techno crap. Sorry but, we're freaking jugs, I mean shouldn't we play music with attitude? LoL, just sayin.

Actually search the proper music takes 90% of time, and it getting harder and harder every next time.

Could use some crazy non-pop if you have some to share!! :mon_cool:


Next I was wondering if you would share some updates on gearing... just wondering what your str, power, crit multiplier, acc, and crit stand at?

I'm trying to update my ASKMRROBOT armory page to keep it fresh.

link in the Video description.:wea_15: youtube or swtormovies.com

Also check my bind's Here.

Edited by ArenaDestroyer
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