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So all this talk about GW2


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What I find funny is the " GW2 has no gear grind" but when looking at the forums all you see is "We grinded our gear back in the day when it was hard" or "I payed my dues, you should have to as well" in every post about expertise or someone looking for competitive pvp in this game. I would guess that out of the people that leave, 40% will be back and the rest will play both games.


And as a side note, it may be free to play, but I'm not willing to shell out another 60 bucks on a game that might suck worse than this one.

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WoW, is also repetitive pve and pvp.


But here are the differences:


WoW game mechanics and game responsiveness is on a whole new level compared to swtor.


also, are you srsly comparing swtor content to wow? both pvp and pve content blows swtor out of the water.


I quit wow a long time ago because i stopped liking it. But for players who like both wow and swtor, it's a no brainer.


I like both and Im not playing wow anymore whats that say to you...

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After commenting in this post, I took the time to watch more GW2 videos than I have until this point, and honestly I just don't see what the draw is. It looks simplistic and boring, it really does. So far the only thing I could give the GW2 people is that it doesn't require a gear grind - though that's a matter of preference, as I find it exciting to get a new piece of gear. Other than that, the PvP looks far and a way worse than what TOR has to offer, so a serious question: what do you people see in it?
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The only thing i care about now in SWTOR

1. Individual ranked crossserver queueing.

2. I get a team with a rank matched to fight another team of equal skill. Undergeaed noobs figght undergeared noobs. good players foght good players. I THIS SO DIFFICULT TO MAKE????????

3. Oher tools for team cordination a introduced for random players: voice communication in the client.


I domt believe they will add any of these soon or ever, so there goes the potential for my longterm subscription. I will not go to GW2, i will simply quit pllaying swtor.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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After commenting in this post, I took the time to watch more GW2 videos than I have until this point, and honestly I just don't see what the draw is. It looks simplistic and boring, it really does. So far the only thing I could give the GW2 people is that it doesn't require a gear grind - though that's a matter of preference, as I find it exciting to get a new piece of gear. Other than that, the PvP looks far and a way worse than what TOR has to offer, so a serious question: what do you people see in it?


Well you'r major issue is that you are watching videos, and not playing the game

gw has 3 types of pvp and one of them completely dynamic

Until you actually play you can't even make an opinion

If you think swtor has alot to offer with their 4 wz then youre very easily satisfied and would still be more satisfied in gw2, hell in most any other game in the last 8 years

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Well you'r major issue is that you are watching videos, and not playing the game

gw has 3 types of pvp and one of them completely dynamic

Until you actually play you can't even make an opinion

If you think swtor has alot to offer with their 4 wz then youre very easily satisfied and would still be more satisfied in gw2, hell in most any other game in the last 8 years


GW2 seems to have less to offer. Every structured PvP match - the only real kind of PvP (even according to every single commentary I've watched from the GW2 people) - is some variation of Civil War. They also incorporate PvE into PvP, like in DotA. It's stupid.

Edited by Skolops
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