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its something to be proud of. I mean think of how bad you would be if you released content SLOWER then WoW


but bw patchs are so buggy as they seem to break more than they fix and just repeat it


how many patchs to fix last boss in EV ? or is he still buggy at my count it was atleast 4, faster patchs cause they cant fix it with 1 tested patch :p

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but bw patchs are so buggy as they seem to break more than they fix and just repeat it


how many patchs to fix last boss in EV ? or is he still buggy at my count it was atleast 4, faster patchs cause they cant fix it with 1 tested patch :p


ALL MMO patches are buggy. Look at WoWs patch history




Back when I played Vanilla - BC every patch day we planned on not raiding for a week because they would always make the game unplayable. When I came back during Cataclysm it was the same thing.


The differnece between SWTOR and WoW is WoW would wait a week or two to fix the bugs. SWTOR takes the servers down imidetly and patches as soon as they fix single bugs. Now we could argue over which is better but its just a personal preference at that point.


There isn't a single MMO out there that has ever released a bug free patch. It's just impossible

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Well, i agree with the worries.


Guild wars 2 is releasing next month and the new WoW expansion in the month after. We need to know what SWTOR has in store for us for yesterday. I played since day 1, i love the game, but i absolutely hate to be out of the loop. Right now even i am having trouble in finding a reason to resub even though i still enjoy playing. The problem is there is nothing to do. We NEED new content asap, aswell as a scheduale of what is coming.


Right now as far as i know, the new content could be released on december 31st.

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Well, i agree with the worries.


Guild wars 2 is releasing next month and the new WoW expansion in the month after. We need to know what SWTOR has in store for us for yesterday. I played since day 1, i love the game, but i absolutely hate to be out of the loop. Right now even i am having trouble in finding a reason to resub even though i still enjoy playing. The problem is there is nothing to do. We NEED new content asap, aswell as a scheduale of what is coming.


Right now as far as i know, the new content could be released on december 31st.


u geting that robot companion that will keep u happy for months on end right ! :p they need to come out with a uber patch 2bh

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yea, they need to do something and soonish or atleast restore our faith. I also enjoy this game , played the hell out of it but i am now at a brick wall with what to do and having done every quest on imperial and republic, every class story. I have done all of bioware's content. One could assume, that patch 1.4 would come out around the release of GW2 and MOP but wasn't EC nightmare mode suppose to come out before 1.4? Unless they bring it out in 1.4 with the new operation it would be bizzare as they said nightmare would be "a nightmare" and would have higher leveled gear. But naturally in vertical progression games the new raid tier will have better gear so unless the loot from EC nightmare supases that of story and hardmode of the new operation there will be no point. but then again we have no idea what their plans are, they dont tell us anything
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Well, i agree with the worries.


Guild wars 2 is releasing next month and the new WoW expansion in the month after. We need to know what SWTOR has in store for us for yesterday. I played since day 1, i love the game, but i absolutely hate to be out of the loop. Right now even i am having trouble in finding a reason to resub even though i still enjoy playing. The problem is there is nothing to do. We NEED new content asap, aswell as a scheduale of what is coming.


Right now as far as i know, the new content could be released on december 31st.


no you see the fact that WoW expansion and GW2 ARE coming out in the following months is the reason why they DON'T tell you anything now.


If they tell you know or add the content now by the time those games come out you won't care about SWTOR.


They have to release the information close to the launch of those games.


My bet is around GW2 launch we will see 1.4 hit the PTS. around WoW's launch they will tell us about the improvments to Space Combat and 1.4 will go live.

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My bet is around GW2 launch we will see 1.4 hit the PTS. around WoW's launch they will tell us about the improvments to Space Combat and 1.4 will go live.


that makes even less sence so all who go back to wow or playing gw2 thats when bw will test content when no1 is there ? .... wait your prob right

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no you see the fact that WoW expansion and GW2 ARE coming out in the following months is the reason why they DON'T tell you anything now.


If they tell you know or add the content now by the time those games come out you won't care about SWTOR.


They have to release the information close to the launch of those games.


My bet is around GW2 launch we will see 1.4 hit the PTS. around WoW's launch they will tell us about the improvments to Space Combat and 1.4 will go live.


Not saying you are wrong, but I would think it'd be a smarter move to let everyone here know what they have in the works and a general time frame so that they stick around for it, get a little excited. But you could be right.

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that makes even less sence so all who go back to wow or playing gw2 thats when bw will test content when no1 is there ? .... wait your prob right


Actualy he is very right, wow is dropping mop near as damned it 1 month after gw2 release, that means 5.0 will hit live a month before or near as damned the exact time of the gw2 release. That there is tempting via content. If swtor do the exact same thing then that there is industry standard.

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Actualy he is very right, wow is dropping mop near as damned it 1 month after gw2 release, that means 5.0 will hit live a month before or near as damned the exact time of the gw2 release. That there is tempting via content. If swtor do the exact same thing then that there is industry standard.


he was talking about swtor patch not wows plan ?

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is 1.4 even confirmed any more ? I don't see it anytime soon unless they have a miracle announcement this week. The internal turmoil is still unfolding, I get the impression they let allot of people go with out filling those shoes now they on a scramble to spread out the work load, but who really knows outside of the office themselves..:confused:
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he was talking about swtor patch not wows plan ?


And so was i, you would have noticed that if you read it correctly. Bioware are going to release the patch for maximum impact. They want people looking at swtor instead of gw2 and wow. They are going todo that by having something bigger in terms of impact upon the players as not having anything out at the same time gives there competition an edge.


I wouldnt be shocked if what was pre leaked info as 1.4 and 1.5 isnt mashed into one huge patch and the increased level about the same times as wows 5.0 live and gw2s release date, and the reason why everything is so hush hush is so that bliz dont get a sneak of how big they have togo to outshine bioware, that is a lessson mythic learned the hard way and mythic are bioware.


And Bioware have proven they can keep big things quiet, the ragy event proved that.

Edited by Shingara
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And so was i, you would have noticed that if you read it correctly. Bioware are going to release the patch for maximum impact. They want people looking at swtor instead of gw2 and wow. They are going todo that by having something bigger in terms of impact upon the players as not having anything out at the same time gives there competition an edge.


I wouldnt be shocked if what was pre leaked info as 1.4 and 1.5 isnt mashed into one huge patch and the increased level about the same times as wows 5.0 live and gw2s release date, and the reason why everything is so hush hush is so that bliz dont get a sneak of how big they have togo to outshine bioware, that is a lessson mythic learned the hard way and mythic are bioware.


needs to be soon or it wont matter at the end of the day its still a patch > hyped new mmo yeah thats going to work no1 will play gw2 now :rolleyes: and MoP has already got a date also so between gw2 pre patching of MoP and then MoP when u think BW can shock us into staying ? reason why is so hushed hushed is they looking at ways of downsizing swtor puting into a sate known as warhammerism

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needs to be soon or it wont matter at the end of the day its still a patch > hyped new mmo yeah thats going to work no1 will play gw2 now :rolleyes: and MoP has already got a date also so between gw2 pre patching of MoP and then MoP when u think BW can shock us into staying ? reason why is so hushed hushed is they looking at ways of downsizing swtor puting into a sate known as warhammerism


Quite the sceptic arnt you, if the patch is going to drop lets say sept 4th, then all they have todo is keep dropping little hints here and little hints there and let bliz and gw2 fire off all there marketing and build up there hype trains cos who wants to shout into the wind then BANG aug 21st unlock pts and drop the patch on there for testing for 2 weeks and scream from the rooftops and in all the magazines hey look over here what we have.


The time between now and then drop in a live event in august for 1-2 weeks, now do they have a live event rolling about hmmm. what else can they do, i dunno maybe set of the ranked season.


But hey im only speculating at what Bioware/EA will do for maximum impact. And this game aint downsizing, there is no GOA that EA are fighting in court to remove and no GOA to purposly damage the game.

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Quite the sceptic arnt you, if the patch is going to drop lets say sept 4th, then all they have todo is keep dropping little hints here and little hints there and let bliz and gw2 fire off all there marketing and build up there hype trains cos who wants to shout into the wind then BANG aug 21st unlock pts and drop the patch on there for testing for 2 weeks and scream from the rooftops and in all the magazines hey look over here what we have.


The time between now and then drop in a live event in august for 1-2 weeks, now do they have a live event rolling about hmmm. what else can they do, i dunno maybe set of the ranked season.


But hey im only speculating at what Bioware/EA will do for maximum impact. And this game aint downsizing, there is no GOA that EA are fighting in court to remove and no GOA to purposly damage the game.


I don't think putting a patch on the test server is going to help BW keep players from going over to GW2. They should have it live by the time it releases

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I don't think putting a patch on the test server is going to help BW keep players from going over to GW2. They should have it live by the time it releases


They should know that they arnt going to be able to stop people going to gw2 to try it, so trying to go head to head directly against gw2's release is insane, by putting it on the pts allows that content to be tested but also all the stuff from the pts will filter to peeps who left for gw2 and mop.


So i put my date roughly bang in the middle for maximum effect for between gw2's release and 5.0 hitting live and also mops actual release date as mop itself releasing isnt going to have a hiuge impact on wow, yes there numbers will stable off but really nearly everyone that wants mop and 5.0 have played mop and 5.0.


Im not saying im right or this is datamined or leaked info, im just going off of what bliz and others have done in the past and what ea have done in the past with there games to make content release have the biggest impact and the biggest return.


If they drop it too soon it will have next to no effect and its not going to be sooner because it it were pts would be up now, to late and less effect but if they can get that sweet spot them mm mm come to momma. They have done the leg work of allowing TSW the leg room to get a standing point and EA are going to use both games to stamp there mark on the market.


Its like chess, you dont look at whats going on now you look at whats going to happen in the next 3 moves.

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Shingara gets whats going on


I would even be so bold to say that there is very little they can do against GW2 for the following reasons


1. those who have said they are leaving for GW2 have either already left or nothing SWTOR adds will keep them.

2. GW2 is Buy to play so since there is no monthly fee its actually less of a threat as people are more likely to keep paying for SWTOR as GW2 won't affect their budget.

3. GW2 is the big new shiney and what we have seen from the MMO trends is that people play for a month and stop. So some people will try out GW2 get bored and come back to SWTOR or move on. Now if SWTOR drops a huge new patch with cool new content then people will come back.


So it might benefit Bioware and SWTOR to drop the new patch closer to Mists of Pandara then closer to GW2.

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Bioware shouldn't be worried about GW2, or WoW's new expansion or anything else out there. You focus on what you do. You make SWTOR the best game you can and you generate word of mouth interest in your product. Your product will stand for itself. When you start trying to match what the other guy is doing you're already behind the eight ball.


For those complaining about the lack of information coming out of Bioware, the only thing I can see that would make you happy is an announcement of a hard date for the release of future content. I guess I can understand that point, but to me, that's not a case of Bioware not communicating with us, its a case of you wanting to know exactly when content is releasing and them instead giving you a window of when said content will release. I continue to be confused by those who say Bioware sin't communicating with us because if that were the case, how the hell do we know that there's a new planet, level cap increase, legendary weapons, HK-51, new space mission, new operation, new story content and a new warzone coming up within the next year?

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Shingara gets whats going on


I would even be so bold to say that there is very little they can do against GW2 for the following reasons


1. those who have said they are leaving for GW2 have either already left or nothing SWTOR adds will keep them.

2. GW2 is Buy to play so since there is no monthly fee its actually less of a threat as people are more likely to keep paying for SWTOR as GW2 won't affect their budget.

3. GW2 is the big new shiney and what we have seen from the MMO trends is that people play for a month and stop. So some people will try out GW2 get bored and come back to SWTOR or move on. Now if SWTOR drops a huge new patch with cool new content then people will come back.


So it might benefit Bioware and SWTOR to drop the new patch closer to Mists of Pandara then closer to GW2.


The problem with the bolded is, quite simply, why on earth would anyone continue to pay 15/month if they purchased a game that does literally everything else SWTOR does better, with no subscription?


The only thing SWTOR does better than GW2 at this point might be the story, but that's a might because no one knows how GW2's story is.

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The problem with the bolded is, quite simply, why on earth would anyone continue to pay 15/month if they purchased a game that does literally everything else SWTOR does better, with no subscription?


The only thing SWTOR does better than GW2 at this point might be the story, but that's a might because no one knows how GW2's story is.


People said exactly the same thing with GW and WOW, look how that turned out.

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People said exactly the same thing with GW and WOW, look how that turned out.


The problem with that is the original GW could barely be described as an MMO. It was more of an online RPG. The vast majority of the world was completely instanced, and you can easily play the game without speaking to another soul. Also, WoW wasn't doing anywhere near as badly then as SWTOR is now.


GW2 is an MMO proper, with instances only for the personal story and dungeons, and SWTOR is in a much more delicate state.

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The problem with that is the original GW could barely be described as an MMO. It was more of an online RPG. The vast majority of the world was completely instanced, and you can easily play the game without speaking to another soul. Also, WoW wasn't doing anywhere near as badly then as SWTOR is now.


GW2 is an MMO proper, with instances only for the personal story and dungeons, and SWTOR is in a much more delicate state.


ehhh I don't know about that I would say GW2 is in the more delicate state. GW2 has to live up to the insane amounts of hype around the game.


SWTOR is out and it keeps getting updates. Everyone knows what it has so it doesn't have that pressure on it anymore.


GW2 has far more hype around it then SWTOR did. SWTOR didn't hail itself as the next step in MMOs like GW2 is.

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Quite the sceptic arnt you, if the patch is going to drop lets say sept 4th, then all they have todo is keep dropping little hints here and little hints there and let bliz and gw2 fire off all there marketing and build up there hype trains cos who wants to shout into the wind then BANG aug 21st unlock pts and drop the patch on there for testing for 2 weeks and scream from the rooftops and in all the magazines hey look over here what we have.

Too bad idea because GW2 pre-ordered players will start play the game on august 22nd. To be effective 1.4 should be in PTS within a week to generate enough hype in forums to try to stop a new drop in subs. Though there's no reason to cancel SWTOR's sub because of GW2, lot people won't see a reason to keep paying their subs for a game that has nothing new to offer when they can play a whole new game for free.

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