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EA shareholders meeting: over/under 300k subs?


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Yap! But ..some people just love confrontation and being negative.


I mean what are they trying to prove? It is over 300k or under 300k, how on Earth does this effect my game experience? I could careless really, as long as there is a substantial amount of people to keep my server busy then I am happy and lately, my server has been really busy! Warzones are faster to get into now, getting Flashpoint groups are much easier, and I am actually completing more Heroics!


I am having fun and shouldnt that be the only thing that matters?

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I mean what are they trying to prove? It is over 300k or under 300k, how on Earth does this effect my game experience? I could careless really, as long as there is a substantial amount of people to keep my server busy then I am happy and lately, my server has been really busy! Warzones are faster to get into now, getting Flashpoint groups are much easier, and I am actually completing more Heroics!


I am having fun and shouldnt that be the only thing that matters?


It doesn't effect people's gameplay experience. Some people just LOVE proven the point of "I TOLD YOU SO!!" or some thing like that. They want to see the game slowly die and prove once and for all that the game should be hated by everyone and shut down because it's not what THEY want. They LOVE seeing drop offs in numbers and crave people's ragequit threads or making the ones of their own. They LOVE drama and negativity. If they didn't, they would simply move along, like you said.

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this game is dead..... stop sending me EMAILS already about kem vahl missing me??? ***



george lucas needs to take the star wars name back.... i know i have a month or 2 left on my sub.. but i refuse to log in when it is a disapointing droll...


give me a refund and i will be the happiest jawa on tattoine...

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I mean what are they trying to prove? It is over 300k or under 300k, how on Earth does this effect my game experience? I could careless really, as long as there is a substantial amount of people to keep my server busy then I am happy and lately, my server has been really busy! Warzones are faster to get into now, getting Flashpoint groups are much easier, and I am actually completing more Heroics!


I am having fun and shouldnt that be the only thing that matters?



I think you mean you couldn't care less, however it is important, if SWTOR doesn't have a certain number of subs, it quite simply won't get any new content made for it, never mind new expansions.


Just look at what happened (and didn't happen) to Warhammer Online. :(

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I mean what are they trying to prove? It is over 300k or under 300k, how on Earth does this effect my game experience? I could careless really, as long as there is a substantial amount of people to keep my server busy then I am happy and lately, my server has been really busy! Warzones are faster to get into now, getting Flashpoint groups are much easier, and I am actually completing more Heroics!


I am having fun and shouldnt that be the only thing that matters?


The reason your server feels busy is because of the server merge. But that did nothing to fix why people are quitting. They basically killed 190 servers so that they can add time before all the servers are empty.


If you have 200 full cups with a hole in then when they all get almost empty you pour all thats left into 26 cups to fill them up but dont fix the holes then all you are doing is prolonging the time till all the cups are empty. Yes you will think you have a full cup now but its still going to lose water until it is empty.


They had all these light servers and what 2 very heavy/full servers? then they had 20+ full servers after the transfers and now none reach full and most only reach heavy now.


You might be having fun but if they keep losing players you wont because they wont keep the game going just because you are enjoying it.

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Oh so you don't have any concrete evidence, just speculation. :eek: I see... well when the EA investors page updates we can get something solid. :)


Also... your link it broken. :o


Reasonable people can draw reasonable conclusions based on information that has been collected in a scientifically acceptable manner. The numbers light, standard, heavy etc. were all collected by people who were willing to wait for the status to switch from one to the other, then log on to those servers and do a manual "/who" to count the number of people on both Republic and Imperial sides.


This was repeated many times to get a very good representation of the "light", "heavy" etc designations. It has been done both before and after the merges and they seem to be the same.


The 10% figure for the number of people logged in at any given time is an average that has been used for most mmo's for many years. Unless someone can provide a sound reason why SWTOR would buck this trend compared to other mmo's there is no valid reason to dispute it.


Using these two figures we can have a very good estimate of subscription numbers, and as was poited out earlier, when the 1.3 million figure was revealed, the estimation calculation proved to be very close to the actual figure.


If your whole point is "You have no concrete proof!" I have news for you...we already know! That's the whole point of this excercise. To make a good, educated, reasonable guess based on available data.


If you want to start a new thread entitled "No one has concrete proof on current sub numbers" I will be the first to post that you are correct.:)


Edit: Oh and I should add that the thread with the "estimate of concurrent logins" shows the population is stable for the past month or so. I am sure you don't want to dispute that though, do you?;)

Edited by dandamanno
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The reason your server feels busy is because of the server merge. But that did nothing to fix why people are quitting. They basically killed 190 servers so that they can add time before all the servers are empty.


If you have 200 full cups with a hole in then when they all get almost empty you pour all thats left into 26 cups to fill them up but dont fix the holes then all you are doing is prolonging the time till all the cups are empty. Yes you will think you have a full cup now but its still going to lose water until it is empty.


They had all these light servers and what 2 very heavy/full servers? then they had 20+ full servers after the transfers and now none reach full and most only reach heavy now.


You might be having fun but if they keep losing players you wont because they wont keep the game going just because you are enjoying it.



Ok the server doesn't "feel" busy it IS busy because there are thousands of players playing.


yes the server mergers FIXED the biggest complaint people had which is the server was empty and there was no one to play with.


You are also wrong last night the servers all reached heavy/full. But keep on living in your dreamworld

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They started with 1.7mill, lost 400k, which happens with new MMO's.


Let's say they loose, but it's probably slowed down. So I'm saying 1 million subs. 800k min.


I highly doubt it's at 500k, that would be a huge loss. But, you never know.

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I mean what are they trying to prove? It is over 300k or under 300k, how on Earth does this effect my game experience? I could careless really, as long as there is a substantial amount of people to keep my server busy then I am happy and lately, my server has been really busy! Warzones are faster to get into now, getting Flashpoint groups are much easier, and I am actually completing more Heroics!


I am having fun and shouldnt that be the only thing that matters?


how does it effect u simple less paying subs = less content

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Edit: Oh and I should add that the thread with the "estimate of concurrent logins" shows the population is stable for the past month or so. I am sure you don't want to dispute that though, do you?;)


I wonder if the influx of players doing the "free to play trial to level 15" has had much of a impact on the server pop being stable now? If we say none or very little, then that would mean very few have taken advantage of the free trial. :cool:

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I wonder if the influx of players doing the "free to play trial to level 15" has had much of a impact on the server pop being stable now? If we say none or very little, then that would mean very few have taken advantage of the free trial. :cool:


It could be having one of many effects.

It could be that no one is doing the free trial, in which case population is nice and stable.

It could be that there are tonnes of people doing free trials in which case the population is still falling but the free trials are masking it.

It could also be that the free trials period is attracting people at a rate that is increasing subscriptions at the same speed that subscriptions are being lost, which would be fine because it would have a stable popualtion overall.


However, I should point out that concurent logins did appear to be stable, or at least levelling out before the free trial period began.

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Worst forum community ever.


if they lose anything more these stellar individuals will rub their hands together with glee, if it remains the same or grows these same "people" will say they are lying.


Bioware just can't win...thankfully the in game community is nothing like this.

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People would have paid for the 6 month sub for a variety of reasons. One of them is the hope that the game is good (and we humans thrive on misplaced hope!). One is to get the $3/month discount. Another is because they managed to play the game prior to release and liked what they saw (and the first 15-30 levels are amazing, right?).


Lots of reasons for 6 month subs. I doubt it's a huge number... but then again it could be a large percentage of the number they reported in March and another large percentage of the number they report this month. We won't know until they report a number that covers the period after mid-August.


Its still no secret that MMO's lose the most amount of players after the first month, every month after that they lose less and less until it eventually stabalizes (assuming it doesnt continuously grow). If they lost 400k subs in the first 4(?) months it'd be highly unlikely theyd lose another million, as some here are claiming, on the second 4 months.


Like I said, there is nothing to hint the subs have plummeted even further. Specially considering the games improvments and the promotions its been getting since then (friend mounts, f2p to level 15). Worse case scenario, the rate at which subs were dropping has slowed from the first 4 months.

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Worst forum community ever.


if they lose anything more these stellar individuals will rub their hands together with glee, if it remains the same or grows these same "people" will say they are lying.


Bioware just can't win...thankfully the in game community is nothing like this.


prob will be the same 6 months subs arent up to next month

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It could be having one of many effects.

It could be that no one is doing the free trial, in which case population is nice and stable.

It could be that there are tonnes of people doing free trials in which case the population is still falling but the free trials are masking it.

It could also be that the free trials period is attracting people at a rate that is increasing subscriptions at the same speed that subscriptions are being lost, which would be fine because it would have a stable popualtion overall.


However, I should point out that concurent logins did appear to be stable, or at least levelling out before the free trial period began.


Some good points. However if it is as you suggested it may be..." It could also be that the free trials period is attracting people at a rate that is increasing subscriptions at the same speed that subscriptions are being lost, which would be fine because it would have a stable popualtion overall. .....then that would mean the sub rate had declined some after the free to play to level 15 was introduced. So without the free to play to level 15 offer, the pop on the servers would not have stayed stable.

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Worst forum community ever.


if they lose anything more these stellar individuals will rub their hands together with glee, if it remains the same or grows these same "people" will say they are lying.


Bioware just can't win...thankfully the in game community is nothing like this.


You can say that again. The other day I saw someone on these forums complaining that there were no titles in the game. That person posted here so they must own the game. I was just like :confused:


SWtOR gets a lot of unjustified hate from people outside the community. I guess trolls come with any forums too. Like you said though, the In-game community, fortunately, is nothing like these forums.

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You can say that again. The other day I saw someone on these forums complaining that there were no titles in the game. That person posted here so they must own the game. I was just like :confused:


SWtOR gets a lot of unjustified hate from people outside the community. I guess trolls come with any forums too. Like you said though, the In-game community, fortunately, is nothing like these forums.


You cannot post on the TOR forums unless you have a active subscription. So the trolls you are trying to refer to did like the game enough to sub at one time. They post in hopes the game will get better and it will not for them unless BioWare pays attention to thier concerns. Just because a poster happens to disagree with your shining approval of TOR, does not mean they are trolling. :p

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You cannot post on the TOR forums unless you have a active subscription. So the trolls you are trying to refer to did like the game enough to sub at one time. They post in hopes the game will get better and it will not for them unless BioWare pays attention to thier concerns. Just because a poster happens to disagree with your shining approval of TOR, does not mean they are trolling. :p


No, when they troll it means they are trolling though. :cool:

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I really do not give a f*** about how maniy subs are still active. Servers are full now (10 europe, 12 America, 3 Asia), I enjoy the game yet after 8 months, so who really cares?


Really? I dont think an asian server has been full since april.

Any US or EU server only hits full on a SUN and thats highly unlikely.


Please stop lying saying the servers are full when they are not.

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