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EA shareholders meeting: over/under 300k subs?


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But my friend, they are "active" accounts, and can be reported as such by EA without lying to the government/shareholders.


No..they aren't active....


Trial Account.

Active Account.


Two separate things. One pays, the other doesn't. The only thing effected by trial accounts is server activity.

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But that day would soon pass, say in 24hours, and the one using it would no longer be counted as a sub.


Whereas, the unused "token" could last forever, and still be counted.


I have never did a time card to play a online game. But I assumed if you buy one for 30 days play time and stop at 29 days, you would still have 1 day left. So your saying it is not for 30 days play time, but limited to 30 days from the date you buy them? If so..what a ripoff!...lol.

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All you are doing is trying to give some sort of reasoning that since Chinese government permits a different type of structure for online acquisitions, that it shouldn't be a valid source. If that were the case, then Blizzard wouldn't be able to operate there since there'd be no way to sell their product.


All of this "well it's Asian so it doesn't count" is basically discrimination at the very least. Just because one country goes about something a different way then the other doesn't necessarily mean your way is any better.


If there is a currency transaction than the account is active and therefore accounted for in earnings calls. It would be deceptive and fraudulent not to include money they have earned.


Trying to pass one off as EQUIVALENT to the other is the problem. One Asian sub DOES NOT EQUAL one NA/EU sub.


They are not equivalent in the benefit they bring to the community, nor are they equivalent in the benefit they bring the parent company. They are not the same. IN THE SAME WAY that a level 15 starter account in SWTOR does not provide the same benefit as a level 50 subbed player in SWTOR.

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All you are doing is trying to give some sort of reasoning that since Chinese government permits a different type of structure for online acquisitions, that it shouldn't be a valid source. If that were the case, then Blizzard wouldn't be able to operate there since there'd be no way to sell their product.


All of this "well it's Asian so it doesn't count" is basically discrimination at the very least. Just because one country goes about something a different way then the other doesn't necessarily mean your way is any better.


If there is a currency transaction than the account is active and therefore accounted for in earnings calls. It would be deceptive and fraudulent not to include money they have earned.


This doesn't even deserve a directed response. Go back under your rock.

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Trying to pass one off as EQUIVALENT to the other is the problem. One Asian sub DOES NOT EQUAL one NA/EU sub.


They are not equivalent in the benefit they bring to the community, nor are they equivalent in the benefit they bring the parent company. They are not the same. IN THE SAME WAY that a level 15 starter account in SWTOR does not provide the same benefit as a level 50 subbed player in SWTOR.


That's pure speculation on your part. How do you know how many hours someone who pays 15 a month in NA/EU plays in comparison to someone who uses tokens? You don't.


My wow account has been active for whats going on 4 years, but I definitely don't have 4years of total playing time. there's been times I've went months without playing, but still kept it active. The point is what you are saying is just speculation.

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That's pure speculation on your part. How do you know how many hours someone who pays 15 a month in NA/EU plays in comparison to someone who uses tokens? You don't.


My wow account has been active for whats going on 4 years, but I definitely don't have 4years of total playing time. there's been times I've went months without playing, but still kept it active. The point is what you are saying is just speculation.


... Ok, I see, you're trolling. This post you just made right here, does not in any way shape or form refute anything in the post you quoted. Nothing you said was in any way even RELATED to what I said. So I'm not sure why you even quoted me.

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... Ok, I see, you're trolling. This post you just made right here, does not in any way shape or form refute anything in the post you quoted. Nothing you said was in any way even RELATED to what I said. So I'm not sure why you even quoted me.


You're joking right? You said...."They are not equivalent in the benefit they bring to the community, nor are they equivalent in the benefit they bring the parent company."


So what benefit to the community were you referring to if it isn't playing time? And what benefit to the company are you referring to if it isn't money?

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That's pure speculation on your part. How do you know how many hours someone who pays 15 a month in NA/EU plays in comparison to someone who uses tokens? You don't.


My wow account has been active for whats going on 4 years, but I definitely don't have 4years of total playing time. there's been times I've went months without playing, but still kept it active. The point is what you are saying is just speculation.


Exaclty. Some will post false info about WoW because they have a personal hatred for it. Plain and simple. And when you continue to refute it, they will jump on something personal about you, like your misspelling or tell you to go crawl back under a rock. It is this type of childish behavior which makes me use the ignore feature rather quickly. :p

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You're joking right? You said...."They are not equivalent in the benefit they bring to the community, nor are they equivalent in the benefit they bring the parent company."


So what benefit to the community were you referring to if it isn't playing time? And what benefit to the company are you referring to if it isn't money?


"World of Warcraft subscription revenues were down due to a lower subscriber base year-over-year."

"Lower revenues and higher costs of service in our Asian Markets have compacted this issue"




Read the freaking investor reports. One Asian player takes up more system resources and pays in less money. This is admitted to and known and factored into operating costs and financial forecasts by BLIZZARD itself.


Are you honestly trying to argue that an Asian player pays as much money to access the game as an NA/EU player? That's why I think you're trolling. You have no idea what you're talking about. Look up the figures, do some reading. All this information is readily available and published by Blizzard itself. No second hand data, no MMOCHAMP, no blogs.


Asian subs are more likely to be operating in an illegitimate manner, they are more likely to be bots/gold farmers, gold sellers, and spammers. This isn't conjecture, this is fact.


They bring in less money and cost more to sustain. Worse for Blizzard.

They are more likely to have a negative impact on in game economy and behave against the TOS. Worse for players. But please, ignore Blizzard's own statements on this, it's not like THEY'D know anything about it...

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Exaclty. Some will post false info about WoW because they have a personal hatred for it. Plain and simple. And when you continue to refute it, they will jump on something personal about you, like your misspelling or tell you to go crawl back under a rock. It is this type of childish behavior which makes me use the ignore feature rather quickly. :p


YOU are the one that tried to jump on me for my grammar, I showed that you were the one that was wrong, yet you still bring that up. I linked facts, evidence, direct information to you, not conjecture. You simply tried to ignore it and move on instead of addressing it. But tell yourself whatever you want.

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"World of Warcraft subscription revenues were down due to a lower subscriber base year-over-year."

"Lower revenues and higher costs of service in our Asian Markets have compacted this issue"




Read the freaking investor reports. One Asian player takes up more system resources and pays in less money. This is admitted to and known and factored into operating costs and financial forecasts by BLIZZARD itself.


Are you honestly trying to argue that an Asian player pays as much money to access the game as an NA/EU player? That's why I think you're trolling. You have no idea what you're talking about. Look up the figures, do some reading. All this information is readily available and published by Blizzard itself. No second hand data, no MMOCHAMP, no blogs.


Asian subs are more likely to be operating in an illegitimate manner, they are more likely to be bots/gold farmers, gold sellers, and spammers. This isn't conjecture, this is fact.


They bring in less money and cost more to sustain. Worse for Blizzard.

They are more likely to have a negative impact on in game economy and behave against the TOS. Worse for players. But please, ignore Blizzard's own statements on this, it's not like THEY'D know anything about it...


Alright? So the Asian market doesn't pay as much. They still pay, tho. Am I right? Therefore they are still counted as a source of income. Blizzard may state all of that, but there has to be a reason right? If it's pure loss in revenue they wouldn't be operating in that market anymore.


Saying that something is more likely to do something than something else is just conjecture. I can give you a web address for a Canadian ran gold farming site. Do you want it? I bet you weren't thinking Canadians are more likely to do anything.


Saying something is more likely doesn't prove anything and it also doesn't speak for that entire population. I can point you in the direction of a Korean guild that got world-first heroic spine, but they were probably just taking a break from their gold farming operations right?

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Alright? So the Asian market doesn't pay as much. They still pay, tho. Am I right? Therefore they are still counted as a source of income. Blizzard may state all of that, but there has to be a reason right? If it's pure loss in revenue they wouldn't be operating in that market anymore.


Saying that something is more likely to do something than something else is just conjecture. I can give you a web address for a Canadian ran gold farming site. Do you want it? I bet you weren't thinking Canadians are more likely to do anything.


Saying something is more likely doesn't prove anything and it also doesn't speak for that entire population. I can point you in the direction of a Korean guild that got world-first heroic spine, but they were probably just taking a break from their gold farming operations right?


Excellent points. But I have a feeling you are wasting your time with that poster.

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Excellent points. But I have a feeling you are wasting your time with that poster.


Yea... I'm actually exhausted with this topic. I don't even know why we are discussing Blizzard to begin with.


To get back on topic..I will say Over 300k @ around 700k.

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Excellent points. But I have a feeling you are wasting your time with that poster.


None of those are excellent points and they do not refute or even address any of the arguments I made. How about you go back to misquoting me and ignoring me when I call you out on your incorrect data.

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This is what wow does with its Asian accounts, so why not?


Sorry I didn't mean to get involved in any of this WoW talk.


In previous Investor Meetings EA said they count "active subs" as people paying a monthly sub, AND people who are in their 30 day trial period who have NOT yet paid any sub fee. However they did have to buy the box.


During the last conference call they did free trial weekends, and they said that "active accounts" included people paying a sub, people in their 30 day trial period, AND people in the Free trial weekends.


Now however there is a free trial ALL the time, will anyone who signs up for TOR ever be counted as an "active account"


If someone who owns stock in EA could call in and have them specify during the call that would be great. (Yes, anyone who owns stock is allowed to call in and ask a question during the meetings, granted they only answer some questions, but can't hurt to ask)

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Alright? So the Asian market doesn't pay as much. They still pay, tho. Am I right? Therefore they are still counted as a source of income. Blizzard may state all of that, but there has to be a reason right? If it's pure loss in revenue they wouldn't be operating in that market anymore.


Saying that something is more likely to do something than something else is just conjecture. I can give you a web address for a Canadian ran gold farming site. Do you want it? I bet you weren't thinking Canadians are more likely to do anything.


Saying something is more likely doesn't prove anything and it also doesn't speak for that entire population. I can point you in the direction of a Korean guild that got world-first heroic spine, but they were probably just taking a break from their gold farming operations right?


it's not conjecture when BLIZZARD ADMITS IT'S HAPPENING. See this is why you're so "exhausted" because you refuse to participate in a civil, adult conversation. Just because you say something does it make it true. I've actually made your job easy for you by POSTING facts to back up my position like three different times, giving several different links and citing evidence. You just don't even bother.


Asian subs COST more money for Blizzard while bringing in less money, they are WORSE than EU/NA subs for the parent company.


Asian subs are MORE LIKELY to be bots/gold farmers/gold sellers which unbalance the economy and take up both system and in game resources, making them worse for players.


The point is that to say SWTOR shouldn't be able to count Trial Accounts (IF THEY EVEN WERE, WHICH THEY ARE NOT) but that WoW can count Asian subs is both absurd and hypocritical.

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Someone's mad.


And someone has no idea what logic, facts, or proof even mean. You're clearly a troll and I find it absolutely hysterical that you think you're right. It's probably the funniest thing I've seen all day actually lol.

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Your right we have to believe them no matter what number they give. Even though they closed almost 200 servers and they still have less heavy servers than they did back when they said they had 1.3.


Still in denial I see, so desperate to claim failure that you will lie about the servers.


When they announced 1.3 million there were not 20+ Servers hitting Heavy/Very Heavy on a daily basis. You can look at Torstatus with the long term graphs for heavy population servers and see that your claim is a lie.

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tru there is alot low servers but 30+ highs and who knows im not counting lol mediums


swtor basicly got 11 servers and cant fill them


There are more than destination 11 servers, no matter how many times this is stated some people do seem incapable of noticing that there are servers in the US, EU and Asia Pacific.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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You cannot post on the TOR forums unless you have a active subscription. So the trolls you are trying to refer to did like the game enough to sub at one time. They post in hopes the game will get better and it will not for them unless BioWare pays attention to thier concerns. Just because a poster happens to disagree with your shining approval of TOR, does not mean they are trolling. :p


my point was that said troll was complaining about characters not having titles when there are character titles in the game. that's kinda what made him a troll.

Edited by HaruHaraHaru
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The 6 month sub still hasnt run out for people (i still have 25'ish days left).


So the number (if they gave one) is uninteresting :)


They won't give a number till the end of this month. And even then, they might not. Swtor is a small part of EAs portfolio.

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