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The 10 commandments of Flash Points (or any group content, really)


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What gets me is when people roll Need on something that not only can they not even equip, but something that none of their companions can equip either. Happened to me the other day - the only class in the game that can equip electrostaffs is shadows / assassins people! Only a handful of companions can equip it! Gunslingers have no use for it!


I saw a Marauder do that once on Black Talon and make off with a sniper rifle when there was a Sniper on the run that really could have used it. Seriously not cool.


Actually gunslingers do have a comp that can use an electrostaff. Believe the name is Akaavi Spar

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I haven't posted in quite a while because really there hasn't been much worth posting on. but this I feel is a quality post and worth a "well done". Nice post OP. It's refreshing to see something that's not full of complaining!
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I am not claiming to speak for the community as a whole, so this is more or less just my personal opinion. However, I would like to think I share these onions with most of my fellow players.


So, with that in mind, here is my crack at general rules that should always be followed in group content. I try to follow this model when I play, and I enjoy it when everyone else does as well. (It's a bit long, but consider the highlighted heading to be the tl;dr; as the subsequent paragraph is simply me reiterating/expanding on the rule.)



1) Thou shalt have fun.


This is a game we play for fun people, and you should always keep that in mind. These commandments all center around this one concept. Let's make the game as fun as possible for as many people as possible. Without that, nothing else matters.



2) Thou shalt stay respectful and civil at all times.


My father-in-law likes to say "Don't argue with a pig. The pig will enjoy it, and you'll get dirty." No matter how much the person you are talking to may deserve a good tongue lashing, it's not worth it. If you can't resolve a problem in a civil manner, Report, Ignore and Kick are your friend. Select the appropriate one, and move on to enjoying the rest of the game. (See #1 above.)



3) Thou shalt help thine fellow player learn the flash point.


Always keeping #1 and #2 in mind, you should try to help out new and inexperienced players learn rather than complain (or just quietly stew) over the fact that they are not running as efficiently as they could. This is how new and inexperienced plays become experienced veterans and help others, and it's a cycle worth preserving and building.



4) Thou shalt alert thine group if thou hast not done the flash point before.


Similar to #3, if you are new to a flash point, make sure your group knows. No need to go on about it, as it's usually sufficient to just say something like this when you enter the instance: "Hey guys, just so you know, I've never done this one before, so if there's anything I need to know, feel free to point it out." You will usually find people happy to help out where needed, and more forgiving if they know you are learning and trying.



5) Thou shalt not roll Need unless Needed.


If the drop is equipable for your current character, and better than what you have, "Need" is appropriate option. In any other case, "Greed" should suffice. Even if your companion needs it, or an alt needs it, or you just want to sell it because you think you are getting shafted on drops. Need should be the exception, not the rule.


I know a lot of people argue about this, but to me it seems pretty straight forward. If you are in a group or see a player operating differently, reference rules #2 for how to deal, and always keep #1 in mind.



6) Thou shalt let people watch the cut scenes in story mode.


When doing level appropriate story mode flash points, the default response should be to watch all cut scenes unless the entire group agrees to skip before beginning. In story mode, odds are good someone has not seen the content or would like to watch it again, and they should be given the right to do so if they want, even if three others would prefer to skip.



7) Thou shalt skip the cut scenes in hard mode.


Similar to #6, skipping the cut scenes should be the default for hard mode flash points unless the entire group agrees to watch them before starting. If you have not seen the content, go watch in story mode even if you are over leveled. Most flash points can be soloed at level 50 if there is no other option. I sympathize with people who want to watch it every time, as I am one of them, but hard mode flash points are primarily for people trying to gear up, and that should be respected.



8) Thou shalt not rush ahead unless thine group has agreed to a speed run.


Leave Leroy in the other game, and wait for your group to assemble before rushing into the next fight. If you want a speed run (where the default is to rush as fast as possible all the way through) make sure your group agrees in advance.



9) Thou shalt assist thine group in any way possible, not just by sticking to your assigned role.


Obviously make sure you are fulfilling your main role first. That said, just because you are a healer doesn't mean you can't throw out the occasional interrupt/DPS burst. Just because you are DPS doesn't mean you can't pull agro off the healer. Just because you are the tank, doesn't mean you can't toss a heal (if you are a spec that has one) when someone is hurting. Fundamentally, flash points are about team work.



10) Thou shalt remember to thank your group when exiting.


This should be a no-brainer, but a lot of people seem to forget it, especially if the group has not been the best they've had. Always remember #1 and #2.




Well that's my take on it anyway. Feel free to update, append, or add your own. :)


I completely agree. Good post OP!! :D

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1) Thou shalt have fun.


This is a game we play for fun people, and you should always keep that in mind. These commandments all center around this one concept. Let's make the game as fun as possible for as many people as possible. Without that, nothing else matters.



2) Thou shalt stay respectful and civil at all times.


My father-in-law likes to say "Don't argue with a pig. The pig will enjoy it, and you'll get dirty." No matter how much the person you are talking to may deserve a good tongue lashing, it's not worth it. If you can't resolve a problem in a civil manner, Report, Ignore and Kick are your friend. Select the appropriate one, and move on to enjoying the rest of the game. (See #1 above.)



3) Thou shalt help thine fellow player learn the flash point.


Always keeping #1 and #2 in mind, you should try to help out new and inexperienced players learn rather than complain (or just quietly stew) over the fact that they are not running as efficiently as they could. This is how new and inexperienced plays become experienced veterans and help others, and it's a cycle worth preserving and building.



4) Thou shalt alert thine group if thou hast not done the flash point before.


Similar to #3, if you are new to a flash point, make sure your group knows. No need to go on about it, as it's usually sufficient to just say something like this when you enter the instance: "Hey guys, just so you know, I've never done this one before, so if there's anything I need to know, feel free to point it out." You will usually find people happy to help out where needed, and more forgiving if they know you are learning and trying.



5) Thou shalt not roll Need unless Needed.


If the drop is equipable for your current character, and better than what you have, "Need" is appropriate option. In any other case, "Greed" should suffice. Even if your companion needs it, or an alt needs it, or you just want to sell it because you think you are getting shafted on drops. Need should be the exception, not the rule.


I know a lot of people argue about this, but to me it seems pretty straight forward. If you are in a group or see a player operating differently, reference rules #2 for how to deal, and always keep #1 in mind.



6) Thou shalt let people watch the cut scenes in story mode.


When doing level appropriate story mode flash points, the default response should be to watch all cut scenes unless the entire group agrees to skip before beginning. In story mode, odds are good someone has not seen the content or would like to watch it again, and they should be given the right to do so if they want, even if three others would prefer to skip.



7) Thou shalt skip the cut scenes in hard mode.


Similar to #6, skipping the cut scenes should be the default for hard mode flash points unless the entire group agrees to watch them before starting. If you have not seen the content, go watch in story mode even if you are over leveled. Most flash points can be soloed at level 50 if there is no other option. I sympathize with people who want to watch it every time, as I am one of them, but hard mode flash points are primarily for people trying to gear up, and that should be respected.



8) Thou shalt not rush ahead unless thine group has agreed to a speed run.


Leave Leroy in the other game, and wait for your group to assemble before rushing into the next fight. If you want a speed run (where the default is to rush as fast as possible all the way through) make sure your group agrees in advance.



9) Thou shalt assist thine group in any way possible, not just by sticking to your assigned role.


Obviously make sure you are fulfilling your main role first. That said, just because you are a healer doesn't mean you can't throw out the occasional interrupt/DPS burst. Just because you are DPS doesn't mean you can't pull agro off the healer. Just because you are the tank, doesn't mean you can't toss a heal (if you are a spec that has one) when someone is hurting. Fundamentally, flash points are about team work.



10) Thou shalt remember to thank your group when exiting.


This should be a no-brainer, but a lot of people seem to forget it, especially if the group has not been the best they've had. Always remember #1 and #2.




Edited by YoogBogdan
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What gets me is when people roll Need on something that not only can they not even equip, but something that none of their companions can equip either. Happened to me the other day - the only class in the game that can equip electrostaffs is shadows / assassins people! Only a handful of companions can equip it! Gunslingers have no use for it!


I saw a Marauder do that once on Black Talon and make off with a sniper rifle when there was a Sniper on the run that really could have used it. Seriously not cool.


More often than not its players making a mistake.. I know I have done it.. might even of been me on that Black Talon run you mentioned :)

The loot system is tarded tbh... would of been better to have had individual loot drops based on quest loot trees... that way everyone gets something random.. not necessarily the item you desire, maybe not even an orange or a purple... then the /roll would be more popular and items become BoE instead of BoP...

Bottom line players do make mistakes.. so I find a gentle nudge to the group to set loot rules before starting normally works fine for groups i lead or join.. the obvious loot ninjas soon become obvious to the community.. especially when its as vocal as SWTORS is :)

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8) Thou shalt not rush ahead unless thine group has agreed to a speed run.


Leave Leroy in the other game, and wait for your group to assemble before rushing into the next fight. If you want a speed run (where the default is to rush as fast as possible all the way through) make sure your group agrees in advance.


This, and I would like to add to it.


When I heal flashpoints, these 2 related things annoy me:

1. People rushing ahead when I'm gathering. I have scavenging as my crew skill, so I'll be taking the 3 seconds channel time to get a metal from a couple droid corpses, and then see that the rest of the group is in combat and out of my heal range and/or LoS!

I mean, do THEY think it's rude that I'm taking the time to scavenge? I thought the default understanding was that scavengers/bioanalysis are entitled to get what they can.



2. When people don't use their self heal in between pulls. Tank at half health charges in before I've even had the time to top him off. This is especially bad when I'm low on energy, think I'll have time to use my rejuvenate, but get caught off because suddenly I'm "In combat."

Edited by Stenrik
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Actually gunslingers do have a comp that can use an electrostaff. Believe the name is Akaavi Spar


No they don't. I have a level 50 Scoundrel and use Akaavi a lot. She wields a techstaff, tied to Aim attribute, not an electrostaff tied to Willpower.

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What tank spec also has a heal spec?


D'oh! You're right. (As is the other person who pointed it out.) I'm not at all familiar with the Shadow/Assassin lines, and for some reason I was thinking they could still toss heals. I'll edit the original post so it's not a distraction from the point. (That you should help out in an off role when you can.)

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Can we add an 11th?


11) Thou Shalt Not Gather in Flash Points.


Just as it's selfish of you to force 3 other players to wait while you watch a cut-scene for the 20th time in a hard mode flashpoint, it is equally selfish to expect the rest of the group to wait while you harvest resources from kills or nodes. Do your gathering on your own time, out in the worlds.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Very good post OP.


With regard to gathering in FPs. Personally I have no issue with it. It takes a couple of seconds for someone to gather something. That time can be spent healing up....


11. Don't rush forward when someone is trying to get back their willpower/tech or whatever the yellow bar is. I have a 50 sniper, when you rush from one group to the next my yellow bar goes down quick and even when I stop to rejuvenate it, the tank will rush forward and agro another mob and wonders why I can only do limited damage. So give people a chance to heal or get their yellow bar back.

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Can we add an 11th?


11) Thou Shalt Not Gather in Flash Points.


Just as it's selfish of you to force 3 other players to wait while you watch a cut-scene for the 20th time in a hard mode flashpoint, it is equally selfish to expect the rest of the group to wait while you harvest resources from kills or nodes. Do your gathering on your own time, out in the worlds.


Jesus, your group members are not your own personal loot robots, here to get you gear. You can wait the 3 seconds while someone gathers. If that's really too much time for you then go see a doctor and get yourself some Ritalin.

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Jesus, your group members are not your own personal loot robots, here to get you gear. You can wait the 3 seconds while someone gathers. If that's really too much time for you then go see a doctor and get yourself some Ritalin.


It's 3 seconds per scavenge. And it's rude and a time waster.


How would you like it if after every third combat I typed, "just a sec" into the chat and sat doing nothing for 3 seconds per mob we just killed? What if I was your tank or healer?

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It's 3 seconds per scavenge. And it's rude and a time waster.


How would you like it if after every third combat I typed, "just a sec" into the chat and sat doing nothing for 3 seconds per mob we just killed? What if I was your tank or healer?


I'm not saying the person should grab every scavenge, but to say you couldn't wait 3 seconds is just ridiculous. People can take more time than that just to self-heal.


Edit: For perspective it would take 20 scavenges just to add up to a minute.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I'm not saying the person should grab every scavenge, but to say you couldn't wait 3 seconds is just ridiculous. People can take more time than that just to self-heal.


Edit: For perspective it would take 20 scavenges just to add up to a minute.


Right. They harvest then they self-heal. If they're full-up, ready to rock, and others are self-healing, great. Harvest away, you're not wasting anyone's time.


But if the team is ready to roll and they're sitting back scavenging the 6 droids we just killed, they're wasting time for what will amount to a few hundred credits. Just as the team isn't my slaves to obtain my black hole commendations, neither is the team his slaves to obtain a few hundred extra credits.

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Right. They harvest then they self-heal. If they're full-up, ready to rock, and others are self-healing, great. Harvest away, you're not wasting anyone's time.


But if the team is ready to roll and they're sitting back scavenging the 6 droids we just killed, they're wasting time for what will amount to a few hundred credits. Just as the team isn't my slaves to obtain my black hole commendations, neither is the team his slaves to obtain a few hundred extra credits.


I will agree with you that gathering of nodes should be done at a time and amount within reason. If everyone's healed, ready, and running ahead don't stick around and continue gathering the other 4 nodes.

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Commandment one is perfect. God help you if you hit a wrong button, not know every op and fp in the game like the back of your hand. Some of us have families jobs and school all at once. I will say this I understand the frustration of helping out a nub but in my many years of mmo experience I can say some of the best friends I have made in game was from either them helping me or the reverse. I just think other people may take the game a lot more seriously than some others. Me for example could care less if the group wipes...repair and try again. For anyone in full Rakata/bh gear to piss and moan about spending 10k on repairs is beyond rediculous. It's just a video game to me and I expect to die while playing. I mean seriously is there some unlockable title hat says I have never die on an op or fp run that I am unaware of???
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Excellent post, OP, especially 6 and 7. You are absolutely, unequivocally, incontrovertibly Spot On with those.


Here are my 11 and 12:


11. Thou shalt not queue as Tank or Healer if you don't have the gear and are not willing to respec.


12. Thou shalt not aggro mobs that the rest of party has just skipped, especially when they just showed you how to skip them.

Edited by LarryRow
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