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interrupts for Combat spec'd Sentinel? Watchman spec?


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Last night I was playing my trooper in a WZ and ended up 1v1 against a Marauder. The Mara hit me with a series of interrupts such that I could barely use the hammer shot. Any shot that required even a short spin-up was impossible. This was almost as bad as fighting an operative 1v1. The Mara only had about 17.5k HP -- a little lower than my trooper, but he killed me without me putting much of a dent in him.


The point is not that I should avoid 1v1 with my trooper (believe me, this is old news), but instead that I don't believe anything like this would be possible with my Combat spec'd Sentinel. When my Sent ends up in a 1v1 with a BH, as often as not they shoot me dead.


To my best of my knowledge, my Sent's interrupts are:

  • Force Leap
  • Force Stasis
  • Force Kick
  • Master Strike


Am I missing something? All of the above have a longish cooldown, and so are no good for wearing down an opponent without taking damage.


I really enjoy playing my Sent, but I'm thinking it may be time to try the Watchman spec. Would the Watchman interrupts give a Sent the tools to do what that Mara did to my Trooper? In particular, would it be possible to pepper an enemy with interrupts?

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Materstrike isn't an interrupt, it only has the capability to root someone when talented way up the Combat tree. You will suffer pushback if you are channeling something, so that may have bought him enough time for one of his 2 interrupts to come off CD.


You were most likely facing a Watchman build, 6 second CD interrupt and 9 second CD leap, both talented, high up the Watchman tree. That could also be why he has such high HP's, the higher his HP's the more healing he gets back because it's based off a percentage of his heath not a flat rate. Basically Watchman are the only one's who can lock down opponents with interrupts such as you described, not Combat or Focus builds.


Oh and one last thing, he probably threw a Pacification on you as well. That's probably why you didn't put much of a dent into his HP's when your attacks did go off.

Edited by Ridickilis
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A combat sent has kick on an 8 second cd, awe and force stasis on 60 second cds respectively. In a 60 second engagement that means that the combat sent can throw out 9 interrupts.


A watchman sentinel on the other hand has kick on a 6 second CD, a 0 range force leap on a 12 second cd, as well as awe and stasis. That means that in that same 60 second engagement a watchman sent can throw out 17 interrupts.

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^Leap is on a 9 second CD talented. :p


Otherwise, yeah that's about right, though I would think using Awe as an interrupt is kind of a waste ...but technically still works if they are not full resolve or have temporary CC immunity at the time.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Well on the other side a combat sent is not about a long fights and interrups....is bursting your target down as fast as you can with BR, prec, MS and BSs.

That's why combat is better against melee enemies that do not cast and watchmen are better against mercs/sorcs

Edited by Erudain
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Also, there is Awe, which can be used as an emergency interrupt if the others are on cd. Watchman spec is the 'pressure' spec for shutting someone down 1 on 1. I find Combat to be far superior in terms of utility and burst, but Watchman is the way to go for shutting down a specific opponent.
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