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Ya know when you trade-in BM equipment for WH equipment....


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....is it safe to assume that the system is aware of you "trying to pull a fast one"?

Example being say I want to buy the WH Chest piece, it costs RWZ comendations and the BM item. If my BM item were totally void of all modifications - armouring, mods, enhancement, etc then the system isn't going to be silly enough to take this totally voided piece of armour as a valid piece to upgrade from is it?

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Yep and it's intended to work that way. Also you can buy a cheap crafted BM piece and keep your original and save yourself the cost of pulling the mods. Wish I had known all that when I spent over 500k for no reason... grrrrr


Unless this is new you cannot trade the crafted piece, but you can trade the empty shell.

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Well if you can indeed strip the item of all mods before trading in then I expect I'd be sending the mods to an alt via some legacy armour for once he reaches level 50.

I honestly had no idea it worked like that....going to be buying my first WH bits tonight and assumed they BM stuff had to be fully loaded.


So any confirmation on if an empty crafted item can be traded in? Cause I can make those myself which would save the mods removal cost for the time being.

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What are you going to do with the BM mods when the WH ones are better if you're itemizing properly?


Companions, used to create offset, used to mix n match with pve gear mods to either make better pve gear or to replace recruit gear. Slightly lower expertise but substantially more main stats. Or some people are just pack rats like me.

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Last time I'll bump this thread up - I promise :)

Just wondering about the craftable BM items. Can I simply craft say the BM chest piece and use that as my trade-in? Or just the empty "original"?



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I change specs from heals to dps in pvp. so i needed 2 sets of gear. being able to pull the bm stuff allowed me to go with just one helmet, get my 4pc with the other stuff, and all I would have to do was swap out the wh alac enh for the bm pwr/sur enh when I went dps. at this point I have full sets of everything, specially ripped mods from other pieces, etc. but until you have that luxury, it's useful to move around bm mods.


something that drives me crazy is the requirement of a specific bm piece to get a specific wh piece. my gripe is why should it matter if i want to trade in the eliminator gloves for the medic gloves or supercommando gloves? the bm's all cost exactly the same. it's not like you're double-dipping (getting 2 pcs for the price of one). look, you can say L2P and mock ppl for not planning 2 steps ahead or not knowing the stats on the wh vs. the bm of various sets, but at the end of the day, what purpose does it serve to restrict this?

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Gear out a companion?


Can you send PvP gear/mods to alts?


I have one companion with almost 1100 expertise and another wtih almost 900.


I have actually taken down a player using just my companion with 1100 expertise.

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I change specs from heals to dps in pvp. so i needed 2 sets of gear. being able to pull the bm stuff allowed me to go with just one helmet, get my 4pc with the other stuff, and all I would have to do was swap out the wh alac enh for the bm pwr/sur enh when I went dps. at this point I have full sets of everything, specially ripped mods from other pieces, etc. but until you have that luxury, it's useful to move around bm mods.


something that drives me crazy is the requirement of a specific bm piece to get a specific wh piece. my gripe is why should it matter if i want to trade in the eliminator gloves for the medic gloves or supercommando gloves? the bm's all cost exactly the same. it's not like you're double-dipping (getting 2 pcs for the price of one). look, you can say L2P and mock ppl for not planning 2 steps ahead or not knowing the stats on the wh vs. the bm of various sets, but at the end of the day, what purpose does it serve to restrict this?


It's called doing everything possible to extend end game play.

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Last time I'll bump this thread up - I promise :)

Just wondering about the craftable BM items. Can I simply craft say the BM chest piece and use that as my trade-in? Or just the empty "original"?




You can only trade in the "original". Crafted gear won't work to trade in...

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You can only trade in the "original". Crafted gear won't work to trade in...


Thank you - the answer I was looking for, well the wrong answer to what I was looking for, but an answer never the less :)

Thanks all who contributed to the thread.

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Honestly I wish they'd just do away with needing to trade in the original BM piece, or make it so once you trade in one piece of a set (say you trade in a helmet) then you can now just purchase all helmets available from the vendor for your class. The War Hero grind is quite enough without having to basically regrind BM everytime you want a second set.


Or do what they do with relics and have a ranked cost and a small normal cost.

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