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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual specs and pvp zones like restuss from SWG.


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They have open PvP..You just have to go there....

But that wont happen because there are no rewards from it...

That stuff used to be fun but now everyone thinks they need a reward for "having fun"


PvP used to be for bragging rights now its all about "getting stuff"

Edited by MaliceX
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That's all im asking for. Anybody else on the same page?


I agree. Restuss and the outposts that would give stims and buffs to the faction that controlled it. The longer they controlled it, the better the stims and buffs.

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That's all im asking for. Anybody else on the same page?


I remember the many many battles holding the line at Restuss on Starsider, the Rebs would only cross the line if they outnumbered us 3 to 1 hahaha good times, many good times. :) something like that would be cool, OR the city-wide GCW battles that you could also PvP in were good

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I remember having pvp slide shows on Tatt back in the day.Ah the memories.

I miss SWG :(


YUP it got especially worse when some nasty imp guild deciced to slow down the server to a standstill by using outside interference, really making it impossible for us to take back the city lol That and the particle effects really did hit hardware back then hehe

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I loved Restus, NPC's missions and an easy way to get into PvP.Multiple sides to enter, ability to flee, massive battles.


However thanks to expertise I am not sure I would be bothered to PvP. Still would be nice to have an easy open world PvP area.

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They have open PvP..You just have to go there....

But that wont happen because there are no rewards from it...

That stuff used to be fun but now everyone thinks they need a reward for "having fun"


PvP used to be for bragging rights now its all about "getting stuff"


It was never really about that.


In most MMORPGs where any manner of OPvP actually occured there were rewards, usually coin or full loot and/or being able to make their corpse rot.


The only MMORPGs with real regular OPvP have been ones with an RvR framework to do it within.

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Man, restuss was so much fun!!!!


Groups having stare down contests across an invisable line, ranged spies DB'ing random ppl if they dared venture away from the AOE spamming group playing king of the hill, wall hacks, groups full of 20+ ppl all with 7-8 rows of buffs that had just spent 2 hours getting everyone buffed steamrolling everyone then waiting for the other group to spend 2 hours buffing to retaliate.....oh wait, Restuss wasnt fun, nvm.

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Restuss sucked. It killed what was left of the actual fun PvP in SWG.


I hate the fact that PvP these days is always confined to some small area and tied to some form of gear progression or reward system. Real open world PvP is where the fun is at. Give people stuff to conquer and defend within the game world not in some instanced, repetitive small zone. The entire game world should be our battlefield.I'm sure the Hero Engine probably couldn't handle that, but that is what should have been the focus.


The way PvP is now I personaly don't participate at all (on a PvP server at thet :( ). I'll enjoy my little battles with the few random enemies that cross my way while doing dailies, but all this e-sport/gear grind crap just stinks.

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Restuss was fun, the invasions and planetary controll after the GCW update were really awesome, i enjoyed having the different objectives and i could do pvp even if i was outnumbered severly. It was awesome.


Something like that would be cool here, but i dont see it possible wiht the planetary structures. Had the GCW update came out a few years ealry things would have been realyl great.


Had a few awesome guild wars over planetary control that were epic. Could be amazing if the population was higher.


I would take anything here at this point thoug, maybe one day.

Edited by kirorx
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Restuss was ok, but got boring real fast. But i used to PVP to actually PVP, alot of people just wanted to keep their rank stable


Open PVP can exist anywhere, you just need people to be there, and without incentives why would they?


I guess this is less the case in a PVP server, but that being said, MORE PVP.

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