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Bioware decides to make SWTOR free to play...


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Very true. Nothing worse for letting these type of rumors continue than for BioWare to do nothing to refute them. Just a simple post on what thier furture plans are in requards to FTP rumors and it would atleast let the player base feel more at ease. Never seen a MMO company with such horrible communication skills with it's player base.


Agreed. I've been saying this forever.

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Why is it if you talk about anything about gameplay it will be consolidated in to a thread with 200 pages but they can make 10+ F2P the game is ending the sky is falling posts a day and no one does a thing about them?


simple, they consolidate threads so they can find the information easy when they want feed back and when they want to see what we have to say, no need to consolidate F2P or the world is ending threads as there is nothing of value here,

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Agreed. I've been saying this forever.


They try not to give anything but generic infomation so it wont come back and bite them later on. They already said they are looking into F2P, not that they were actually planning on doing it but that they have atleast looked into it. Thats so if they do go F2P they dont have to admit the game is a failure and can say that other games are doing F2P so to stay competitive they needed too.

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simple, they consolidate threads so they can find the information easy when they want feed back and when they want to see what we have to say, no need to consolidate F2P or the world is ending threads as there is nothing of value here,


They could at least pretend to actually moderate it for us an not allow endless duplicate threads.

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This! Why the hell can't you come out and just bloody say what the plan is. geez! makes it look like your going to go the usual EA way of milking it out, with your silence on the issue. Bioware really needs to preserve their integrity by standing up to EA. but I guess most of those that did have been laid off.


I understand where you coming from, but Bioware cannot stand up to Ea, because EA owns them, EA paid 890 million dollars to purchase Bioware, the fact is there no longer is a Bioware, only in name thats it, which is sad because I was a bioware fan.


Last company that has such silence, was SOE, then we got the CU later followed by the NGE, not saying that going to happen here. Turbibine went silent then the news they were bought by Warner Brothers came out, all I am saying here in my years of mmo play when companies go silent for a long time big changes seem to happen


I think after the investor meeting this week, and they decide who is doing what, I hope they come out and talk to us a bit.

I guess time will tell.

Edited by kevlarto
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No, that was november 15, 2005. I remember that day. It was as if thousands screamed out in terror and then were suddenly silenced.


I knew it was November, I just couldn't remember the date. Ah well, thanks for the correction! Let the crazy talk resume.

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They could at least pretend to actually moderate it for us an not allow endless duplicate threads.


Visit the Bethesda community forums and watch how strictly they monitor the thread works. They have those animals trained now. It was madness during the New Vegas pre-production era.

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It just me or is there a lack of mods on the forums today?


it's well known that the majority of layoffs where from the community team ie moderators and such.


There is also a report from a German commuinty mod who said that the development team wasn't affected by the layoffs.

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It just me or is there a lack of mods on the forums today?


Not just today. It has been like this for several days now...over a week. But that aside, BioWare has never been very good with this MMO in communicating with the player base. The QA posts mostly ignore the concerns of the players posts.

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They definitely havn't learnt to communicate well with the players, and I'm sure many of those who got fired were part of the community team.

I had hopes for the new team led by Joveth, and they were better, but still not good.


Truth is, what could they possibly have to tell us? People got fired, big boss EA isn't happy with profits and decides instead of fixing the problem just sack everyone and hire new people at a cheaper price. It will take time before the folks at BW Austin get settled in after all the restructuring they're doing.

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Didn't you just cry in another thread? :p
One of many I'm afraid. On topic, F2P won't effect the subscription model, though it likely will boost the subscriber base. It will simply open the doors wider for more people to play and hopefully subscribe. The game already has a trial F2P to level 15 for the same reason. This isn't newsworthy any more. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Slightly better link, and more disturbing, reading the more direct quote.




The fluff store, I dig that. Using the legacy system as a "free" way to get the perks, OK, I don't use it anyway and would normally rather buy the perks. But turning the game into a glorified pay phone? Hmmmm, not going to buy it. Might even drop down my sub if I can keep access what I own for free.


Bioware is losing control of things again, in a PR context. This happened two years ago when negative news starting to move from the forums and blogs and into Wall Street analyst reports. The marketing ninjas locked down the staff, and things moved on. Nicely done. Now things are slipping again.




That "insider" info is from a comment made on an article on another gaming site. It lacks any type of grammar and is clearly a troll post, well, unless you really want to believe it or use it troll a bit yourself. I myself could of been the one to post it for all you know. SO PLEASE STOP MAKING YOURSELF LOOK DAFT AND FORGET ABOUT THE INSIDER LEAK.

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Okay, I'm not very happy with Bioware at the moment, either, and chances are I'm hitting the unsub button in the next couple of weeks. But seriously, dude. Where are you getting this "21 November is free to play day" from?


He doesn't know and is spreading rumours to get attention. Special snowflake thread. All of these speacial snowflake whining F2P threads should be deleted and people should be forced to the on going F2P whine fest thread. But, that would take moderators that know how to moderate and merge threads. :rolleyes:

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It does not surprise me that Swtor is going free to play by November 21st. They have stopped caring about their subscribers and continue to lose them with consistant server downtime, no cross server pvp, they won't even release their current number of subscribers because its dropped so low. Don't get me wrong, I do love this game, when its actually online to be able to enjoy it...

It's never been offline when I tried to play it. Clearly you should get a day job and work 9-5 like I do, then you'd never have a problem.

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I personally don't care if it goes f2p as long as they keep the sub option, as long as they give us a monthly stipend of what ever cash they use in the cash store.


I would agree with that but with the proviso that nothing offered in the shop should give an in game advantage in PvE or PvP.

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  • Dev Post
Hello everyone. We're seeing a lot of threads about this topic right now, so we're going to ask that you help us consolidate the discussion in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=510818. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions about this topic there. We'll be closing this thread to help make sure other topics can also be seen in General Discussion. Thank you!
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