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If I get tossed onto a new server... :(


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I agree that many of the servers did not have a high enough population to be fun BUT jamming everyone into 12 servers is NOT the answer. When groups are waiting in line to kill bosses on Ilum & there are 200 people doing Black Hole dailies at the same time, well, that is as bad if not worse than a low population. Instead of eliminating 80% of the servers and packing everyone into the few left like sardines BW should have merged low pop servers by groups of 4-5.

No over crowded servers

No under populated servers

fewer cases of people who have played since day 1 having to change names

1000 fewer threads started by people who hate this "voluntary" server transfer bullsh*t.

Problem solved...


Oh by the way. I see wait times on Corellian Run & I think it's Drooga's every night

Edited by BobaDtwo
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Why do you play MMO's if you don't want to be around people?


Go play a single player game.


This, I can't understand those who don't want more people around in an MMO. (MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online)


Just confuses the heck out of me. Also with the name thing, the same rule of thumb can be applied. Many others have every right to a name as you do. If they get it, tough break. It's a name.

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I agree that many of the servers did not have a high enough population to be fun BUT jamming everyone into 12 servers is NOT the answer. When groups are waiting in line to kill bosses on Ilum & there are 200 people doing Black Hole dailies at the same time, well, that is as bad if not worse than a low population. Instead of eliminating 80% of the servers and packing everyone into the few left like sardines BW should have merged low pop servers by groups of 4-5.

No over crowded servers

No under populated servers

fewer cases of people who have played since day 1 having to change names

1000 fewer threads started by people who hate this "voluntary" server transfer bullsh*t.

Problem solved...


Oh by the way. I see wait times on Corellian Run & I think it's Drooga's every night

I play on Corellian Run every night and haven't had a queue since the second night after I transferred in

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I agree that many of the servers did not have a high enough population to be fun BUT jamming everyone into 12 servers is NOT the answer. When groups are waiting in line to kill bosses on Ilum & there are 200 people doing Black Hole dailies at the same time, well, that is as bad if not worse than a low population.


You do realise that planets instance in the same way as Fleet, but at a lower threshold?


I don't know about Ilum (as I rarely bother to do anything there) but Black Hole instances for every 50 players. I have limited experience of bosses on Illum but I have never had to wait for the dozen or so times I have killed bosses there.


The counter argument is that you can actually get people together for the Heroics pretty quickly.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Ok, whatever. This is extreme overkill. 12 US servers, that's it why not 15 or 20? There is absolutely no reason to pack people onto so few servers that there is a wait time to log in


What wait times?


Like seriously what wait times are you talking about?


Servers had population caps raised to address that.

Edited by Jaick
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This, I can't understand those who don't want more people around in an MMO. (MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online)


Just confuses the heck out of me. Also with the name thing, the same rule of thumb can be applied. Many others have every right to a name as you do. If they get it, tough break. It's a name.


I wouldn't have signed up for an MMO if I didn't want to play one. I didn't sign up for a high population server forced merge. Bear in mind this is also not just an MMO, but an MMORPG. I picked my names, I played my characters, I built them from scratch. To lose those names is to lose the character I built from day one. To lose the environment I chose (RP server, low-mid pop) is to lose the MMO that I wished to play.


They might as well just ask me if I wanted a bunch of random 50s. I'd say no - because they aren't *my* characters.


I have no idea why people need to have forced name changes anyway - isn't there a reason we picked Legacy names? Or would that be too much stress on the gerbils running the servers?

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If I get forcibly moved off my server to an overcrowded unplayable crap server, surrounded by idiots ninja'ing resources and quest items, where I have lost the names of my characters I've played since release, I'm going to unsubscribe my game account.


Not sure if the developers read or care about the forums, but I'm putting that out there. :mad:


They don't care about you

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And don't tell me "They can't be overpopulated there is a character limit" if there is a queue to log into a server then it is overpopulated

Sorry, but I don't think that you've ever played on a well populated SWTOR server. :p


If there are too many people on any one planet, then there are several instances of that planet, so even if there was 1000 people on the same planet, there wouldn't be that many people in the same instance as you.


Also, you mention ninja looting in solo content, but did you know that in SWTOR if you have pulled initial aggro on a mob, then the only people who can loot it are you and people in your group, and even if someone else actually kills the mob, you are still the one who gets credit for it?

Edited by Rassuro
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