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Why pay for this....


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Thats fine or american players...what about players in the EU...oh yeah thats right there is nothing outside of amercia


Sorry dude but, EA is an American company and BioWare is a Canadian company. They are going to cater to the US player because that's there main customer base and it's basicly there Home Land. It's not that you don't deserve to play SWTOR (you do) it's just that the US player are going to president over EU player because of what I previously said.



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Why don't they just do 8 hours of maintenance in one day? Also, the past couple of months the game has been down a lot more than 8 hours a week!


Because bugs and problems pop up on DIFFERENT days....that's why.

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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...


Being down 8 hours a week means they have 95% uptime.


What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


You want communication, join a chatroom. If you want to play a game, let the devs do their jobs, which is to design games and write code.


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


Vote with your buck, not with the forum post.

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Try GW2, massive amounts of communication and its beta is up almost more than SWTOR. only a month til launch.


Does it walk on water too?! I am so in love with Jesus Wars 2. I mean, it is the one MMO to rule them all, is it not? It'll sink fast and people will complain about ArenaNet about what a pathetic job they did, and how they never listened to their players and why the beta testers were ignored.


It's all the same tragic fate.

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Does it walk on water too?! I am so in love with Jesus Wars 2. I mean, it is the one MMO to rule them all, is it not? It'll sink fast and people will complain about ArenaNet about what a pathetic job they did, and how they never listened to their players and why the beta testers were ignored.


It's all the same tragic fate.


Forums are always a deadbeat place for mmos.


Personally I think GW2 will do pretty well, their devs communicate quite well, and theyve got experience under their belt, imrpoving on the flaws of GW1. So yeah it will probably do rather well and live for a good amount of time (min couple of years)


All this arguing about it is pointless. You have haters and fanboys....where's all the normal people with half a brain that sit in the middle?

For the record I love swtor, it aint perfect, lacking on content a bit (Not just raids/wz's but other little things that some mmos have). It's also a bit linear, I would have thought from BW especially we'd have alternate levelling routes and that our choices might have mattered more.

But having said that the levelling experience is still the best of any MMO I've played. (Which isnt many, but still). And having looked back at what WoW is now, overall I gotta say SWTOR is a little better imo, lacks a lot of things, but brings quite a few things to the table too.

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Does it walk on water too?! I am so in love with Jesus Wars 2. I mean, it is the one MMO to rule them all, is it not? It'll sink fast and people will complain about ArenaNet about what a pathetic job they did, and how they never listened to their players and why the beta testers were ignored.


It's all the same tragic fate.


I don't think anyone could even attempt to say they didn't listen to their fans... there were over 200 developer posts made during the last Beta Weekend event which was only 3 days long... Not to mention the devs actually played the game with players, I fought them in PvP multiple times.


I'm sure there will be people who dislike the game, there always are, but I've played the beta and I had a lot more fun then I ever have had in TOR, which is actually saying something, I had a blast leveling in TOR.

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Thats fine or american players...what about players in the EU...oh yeah thats right there is nothing outside of amercia


You have two choices. Don't play or deal with it . All these complaints about maintenance are getting old. How about this BW just stops fixing the game. no more patches. No more new content. nothing until they put out an expansion.


But then you would have to whine about bugs that don't get fixed. Give a person something they beg for and then they will complain its the wrong color or shape.

Edited by shadowrouge
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Does it walk on water too?! I am so in love with Jesus Wars 2. I mean, it is the one MMO to rule them all, is it not? It'll sink fast and people will complain about ArenaNet about what a pathetic job they did, and how they never listened to their players and why the beta testers were ignored.


It's all the same tragic fate.


It could be Fail Wars 2: The Epic Sequel for all i care but the one thing which captured me instantly:


SWTOR: Maintenance for the 2nd or 3rd time this week in my primetime for a block of 4-6hrs each


Guild Wars 2: In game message: An update was just performed restarting your client in 3mins. Voila done.

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Guild Wars 2: In game message: An update was just performed restarting your client in 3mins. Voila done.


I can deal with down time maintenance if I'm not paying a subscription fee,


The math of subscriptions for this game



Subscription's for this game = Minimum Content per update = Four to five hour of down time per week = cash cow for EA

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I'd see the point being made for down time and your spent monies but considering that maintenance is most likely the most expensive thing for an mmo I'd say that your monies are going to exactly what you are thinking you are owed for your payment. Written in a text format to explode your brain with overly long sentence un-structure. Yeah I made that up...
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Thought you might have had something new, interesting, or even something with a point to contribute. Guess not. Bioware has made us a great game, and like every MMO, it has downtime. Of course no one likes the downtime, and yes, it's been more than usual. However, making a post that is obvious to every single player/dev is just useless. Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you out here.


I'm not saying the game is by any means perfect, but what you guys don't seem to understand, is that by making posts like this, it makes the swtor player base community look bad. It really does look like children complaining about something, instead of being patient and seeing what happens. They're obviously not going to have extreme downtime like this for the rest of the games existence. Just relax and be patient.


Bioware has not made us a great game. We have continuous lag. The game has been out for how long, and is pushing out new content very very slowly. Class balance in this game is a joke. We don't even have open world pvp. I doubt we'll ever hav open world pvp due to how bad the game handles people clustering together. Last and most importantly, the game was built around a horrible horrible engine, which is why we're probably experiencing so many issues to begin with.


This game was only fun for the stories. The warzone pvp is decent, but not the best. I agree with the OP on this thread. I don't mind downtime, but we're not seeing any gains what so ever. The servers are still laggy, and game is running like crap. People say be patient for new content, but how long are we really suppose to wait? Also, Bioware, as a company, is in shambles. Of course that is my opinion, but they've had major lay offs these last few months. Their investors are unhappy, and EA isn't helping at either. If you think Bioware has made such a great game, then why has the game lost so many subs?


Furthermore, it's not up to the community to make the game look good. It's up to the devs to fill our needs by providing us a game we're willing to spend money on a monthly basis. Continuous server downtimes doesn't help fill that need. It the downtimes were actually meaningful then it would be a different. This downtime will be for server stability, but we all know we're going to experience lag spikes tomorrow regardless.

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Honestly, going F2P isn't as bad as it sounds. Of course right now it does but a lot of companies who run mmos are considering a F2P model. It brings more people in to your game when they release they have the option to opt out with no consequences on how much they've spent over the years. You aren't necessarily paying for the content they dish out, you are paying to log onto their server they provide and play. Blizzard themselves has considered going F2P. Considering the amount of revenue they have coming in from all their titles. It's safe to say they could remove it without a problem. Edited by spectreclees
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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


you've never played WoW have you?

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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


Because the other 160 hours a week are well worth $15 a month.

Because they do communicate, they just don't answer every inane question that pops up on the forums. They need to be concentrating on developing the game and that is what they do.

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