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Pvp def guardian is dead!


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Try duel with PT...im guessing your saying i should duel with a powertech

im talking about a team environment 8v8 warzones who cares about duels im a tank im not going to beat most people one on one all im going to do is slow the damage down so my teams dps comes and helps if i do beat them they are stupid but really having goes at tanks for not doing dps is the same as having goes at healers for dps we arnt built for it know your role....... a pt tank might beat me but not in a warzone with a team with me

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Try duel with PT...im guessing your saying i should duel with a powertech

im talking about a team environment 8v8 warzones who cares about duels im a tank im not going to beat most people one on one all im going to do is slow the damage down so my teams dps comes and helps if i do beat them they are stupid but really having goes at tanks for not doing dps is the same as having goes at healers for dps we arnt built for it know your role....... a pt tank might beat me but not in a warzone with a team with me


Mate - 1 powertech can easy kick You off turret or other guarding part - he doesnt need any1 else - you need .

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Meh, I suppose it's how you play the class. If you're expecting an easier, more "fulfilling" class, roll Powertech.


Personally, I enjoy coming to the rescue of a sorc healer. Taunt the enemy and leap at him, apply the guard and smash/sunder him to 20% armor reduction, push him away if needed. So much fun with this class! (for me at least)


Perhaps I just like that "I just saved your bum, you can thank me later ;)" feeling.


Besides, who else can spam that 50% area slow consistently? :)

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Thats a problem - You can get everything much easier as PT ...


I guess I'm a masochist then, still running a scrapper Scoundrel and tank Juggernaut. :p


In all seriousness though, I respect a good Juggernaut tank, Sorcerer/Mercenary healer, or DPS Operative more than I will EVER respect a Pyrotech.

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When was the defence tree ever viable?


I think this thread would make more sense if it simply stated GUARDIAN is dead, no one cares about single saber iconic Jedi.


Take a Vangaurd... even in Pve, were basically useless compared to the other tanking classes.


It's over Johnny even the fat lady packed it up a while ago, she's done singing...



Edited by VoidJustice
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Yes, you are dead, face it, and reroll to pyro/vanguard. There are must be tons of fun.


Today on WZ my guardian (52.3% damage reduction, 29.25% defence rating, 26% shield) was fast and easy railshoted by pyro with several 3.9K crits. There is no fun in this game for play guardian. Zero fun.


How about pushing some buttons? Saber ward? Warding Call? Focused Defense boosted by Commanding Awe skill? Force Leap for 20% damage reduction? Enure? Stasis? Awe? Push? What were you doing the whole time, just face-tanking it?

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As a healer, I'd say tank Guardians and Juggernauts are far from useless. They're probably the single class most capable of entirely shutting down a healer. I'm not saying you'd be able to kill me, but I'd certainly not be able to heal anyone else due to your myriad of interrupts and ways to separate me positionally from my teammates.


Tank Guardians/Juggernauts can interrupt casting with:

- Regular interrupt

- Awe/Intimidating Roar

- 4 second stun (Hilt strike)

- Force choke

- Force leap

- Force push, also resets the cooldown on Leap


In addition to their very powerful aoe snare.


Good guardians who know how to manage these cooldowns and not allow me to get full (white) resolve are an absolute pain to deal with.


For the same reasons, a tank Guardian/Juggernaut is the class I want most to be guarding and peeling for me.


A strategy I'm seeing a lot in RWZ is that a team will fill their team with bursty DPS classes and just use a tank Jugg/Guardian to shut down the enemy healer, allowing them to pretty much ignore that healer altogether and just burn down the other DPS opponents.

Edited by Jenzali
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Im Defense Spec Guardian in Full tank WH and I kick *** in WZ's.


You guys are doing it wrong and need to l2p. :rak_03:


thats the thing know your role guardians are the best defence for healers we can guardian leap which gives them 20% damage reduction for 6 seconds then the taunts do 30% damage reduction to enemy dps really 2 people cant kill me and a healer not 3 on 2 they would be have to be 4 on me focusing hard with cooldowns to even take us down

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Dunno what to add..

Valor 81 Full Warhero War Leader ( defence spec gear ).

Still I can do up to 190k protection in match but only 100k dps.

And this protection is useless cause it's all because I'be been healed.

Im going to do only pve now cause this last patch completely killed my hopes to be a valuable member for a pvp team


Now one needs your as tank, they say you only waste heal on you, like a fat healer companion with extrely low damage and any dps or ofc healer can help your team more at wz

Even other tanks are not as bad in dps as defense guardian.

Goodbye my favorite pvp.. :'(


Yes I know to play hybrid spec and do up to 300k damage + ofc playing it objective way not stupid serg.

But I complain about def spec!


You say this as if the doing 300k damage is important for your team. I can do 300k on a sorc and not even have an impact on weather my team wins or loses.


In alderaan you have the survivability to hold off a 3v1 (if you use your cooldowns properly) until help arrives, the same applies to Novare Coast.


In voidstar your job is just to sit on a door and make sure no one caps. Hell you could do this with basically your standard attack until help arrives.



You may not necessarily hold the attention of your opponents with this sort of spec(as you aren't much of a threat) just try to go for the objectives instead of looking for big numbers and trying to rack up kills. I'll let you in on a little secret, the flow of killing doesn't determine the outcome of the match, its all about controlling movement. If you stay somewhere that they need to get and hold them off you've effectively stopped their movement for X amount of time. Its not the most entertaining spec but every team needs that defensive presence.

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I have no problems being tank, full tank spec infact. I hate the hybrid build it cuts down my utility in WZs. Since I switched i have a 97% win / loss in reg wzs when queuing with a guild healer to guard. And in ranked My class dominates ball carries in Huttball. Think they are useless?




Kinda hard to kill anyone when you defend more damage than some of your opponents deal.

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Let me repeat as some others suggested: Run hybrid (defense/vigilance 16/25). I don't know the exact names for jedi guardian, but I can speak for the juggernaut skill names. Take the vigilance tree (vengeance for jugg) up to equivalent of impale, savagery and deafening defense. Then, take the defense tree up to equivalent of force grip (will require 16 points here). Then take the dps guardian set (vindicator set for juggernaut). Take a shield, but you can really run with a focus too, I have both. I used to use a focus, now I switched to a shield.


The vigilance tree will give you unstoppable (4 seconds cc/knockback immunity and 20% less damage after force leap) and impale and savagery equivalent will give you always critting force scream and vicious throw equivalent, which buffs up your damage quite a lot. Not to mention you can impale and force scream every 9 seconds and vicious throw every 6 seconds. On top of it, staying in soresu (which you should) you will have 52% damage reduction from armor and 15% defense chance. You will do decent damage and you will survive almost like a tank.


I was honestly afraid of PTs and I did not have a chance to fight one of those 1v1 since I switched to hybrid until today. And let me tell you, I took the first pyro PT I faced since I switched to hybrid on 1v1 today. He was not undergeared, but maybe he was not a skilled player, I don't know that. But if it means anything, you are quite a challenge for anyone on 1v1. Also, you will enjoy 3 dps trying to burn you down while you take one of them out alone and survive long enough for help to arrive.

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