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Tell BioWare What You Want to See...


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So I've been here supporting SWTOR since beta access. Sure, the game has many things other MMO games don't, but it could surely use a lot of improvement.


Summer is coming to a close, and just when you know it the end of the year will be right around the corner.


Tell BioWare 5–10 things you'd like to see before the end of 2012.


If the devs read this, maybe they'll get a good idea of what features and mechanics to add first! And if they manage to implement these things before the end of the year, hopefully we'll see a rise in subscribers again! I'd definitely like seeing SWTOR has an extremely healthy game by its 1 year anniversary, so share your ideas here!



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I highly doubt Bioware will actually implement this crap, but what the heck.


1. Barber shop or something similar to it


2. Pazaak and swoop racing


3. Space that is off the rails


4. Fix the Legacy System! Actually make Legacy levels by reducing costs as it gets higher. I'm at level 40 something and what do I get? Nothing. Not even a rock.


5. More emotes and ability to sit in chairs


6. Ability to customize your ship


7. More class and companion story


8. Repeatable class story at level cap so you don't have to make a whole new character just to experience it again. Two modes. Story, where everything is same level while you leveled, except now you're maxxed out at where you are (This is for those who just want to enjoy story without much combat). Hard, where everything, enemies and such, are at level cap. HM gives comms at end.


9. Outfit system and armor dye


10. Better Customer Service and interaction with community

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I would really like to see EA go bankrupt.

Don't change a thing Bioware!


So what do you have to gain from EA going bankrupt and thousands of people losing their jobs? You must be pretty jaded to actually believe that's a good thing.

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1. RvR (ideally RvRvR or WvWvW).

2. Expanded 3D free flight Space (ideally something Jump to Lightspeed or SW Freelancer-esq).

3. More levelling content.

4. A higher % of class quest content in all future content (expensive, I know).

5. Player housing (modifiable like SWG or EQ2 housing - but probably in a LOTRO instanced zone).

6. The ability to modify your ship inside and out visually.

7. Armour dye and barber shop.

8. Being able to sit in chairs and sit cross legged. (not a huge change but still :D)

Edited by Goretzu
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I would really like to see EA go bankrupt.

Don't change a thing Bioware!


Really doubt one MMO will make bioware go bankrupt, looking at Activision and what they've done for the WoW community you have to ask why are they even there. Besides there the ones in trouble with next generation MMO's coming out.


Honestly just cross realm's and siege engines that make the game feel more like a war. Could do cross server galaxy PvP instead of World PvP. Larger communities. I don't like the idea of massive world servers as the next step as I took time to name my characters and hate to be forced to change their names like DC universe did. /sigh


Anyway this game is new and fresh I don't see it losing customers infact all I see on the forum is minor nitpicking on fine tuning the current system and bioware is making changes to that effect especially with their current system for making money.

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1) Daily crew skill missions for each individual crew skill, ideally for each lvl 1-6 rewarding higher than crew missions normal mats

2) Better communication all around, and not on Twitter!

3) Better and much more frequent interaction with the community particularly in PTS section. Listen and adapt instead of telling us you know best.

4) More customization options all around. Barbershop, armor dyes highest on that list for me personally.

5) Make it so we can queue for specific WZs so people who hate a particular WZ don't feel compelled to leave the second they get in it - and so we can still complete daily quests even though we didn't queue for all!

6) More casual stuff questwise that doesnt require killing, i.e. smuggler smuggling quests, laid back stuff ala wows cooking/fishing quests but Star Wars'ed.

7) Less maintenance, fewer bugs = better testing of patches

8) More content all around, WZ maps, FPs, OPs, daily quests, planets, datacrons, pets

9) Daily quests that don't suck as bad as the Ilum/Belsavis ones more Black Holish in terms of time commitment required.

10) PVP system total rework. Needs to be far more skill based and much less gear based.


In no particular order just stuff off the top of my head I'd like personally.

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1. More 2-4 week events, with exclussive gear drops. I would like to see 1 of these every 90 days or so. It doesn't need to be as large or as complex as the first event. Just something exciting and new to explore and mess with for a week or two.


2. An off rails space flight & combat sim with, multiplayer cooperative capacity, PvE, & PvP elements.


3. A legacy perk for shared lore & datacrons


4. Changes to the ship droid

a) a main hand weapon proficiency & item - so they're not stat gimped vs other companions.

b) companion customizations

c) a stun ability like other healer companions c2-n2 will cause mobs to cover their ears - and 2v-r8 will cause them to cover their eyes.

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1. Option to change advanced class.

I'm not sure whether I have anyone with me on this, but I would really like the option to change advanced classes after the initial choice. Like if you are a marauder you would be able to change into a juggernaut and vice versa. I want to stress however, that I do not wish this to become an option you can buy ingame, like a respec, but rather perhaps an option that costs real money and is done via the website.


The reason for this is because otherwise people will keep switching classes back and forth all the time and that would get pretty silly. Another possibility could be to have it as an ingame purchase option but have a very long "cooldown" on it. So that if you change your AC you won't be able to do it again for a couple of months or something like that.


The reason I want this is because I'm really tired of my AC and would like to try the other one. But I really don't have the time nor resolve to level a new character (with the same class story) and gear him up to full War Hero gear, which I almost have on my level 50 character. So rather than to quit this game cause I'm tired of my AC I'd like to get this option. I like this game and I want to keep playing it.


So yeah, that's what I would like. A part from this there are mostly minor things that I would like to see.



2. More emotes that actually makes your character do something, such as "lie down" for example. I play on an RP server, we need this.


3. The option to actually sit down in chairs and couches. There are tons of them everywhere but we can't sit in them, very stupid.


4. Some kind of pvp - space combat would be really cool, though not sure how it would work exactly ^^


5. Overall performance fixes. I know this has been done to some extent and BW are probably working on it still, but I get lag sometimes that I shouldn't have with my computer, specially in warzones, and that annoys me

Edited by TheCruxis
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And when you tell Bioware what you would like to see include details, if you tell them you want to see guild captial ships explain the function of the ship and what you would like to be able to do, like fly it for a simple example other wise with out details the dev's will make a guild capital ship but it will be nothing more than a mini space station, with no function other than a gathering place. Edited by kevlarto
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And when you tell Bioware what you would like to see include details, if you tell them you want to see guild captial ships explain the function of the ship and what you would like to be able to do, like fly it for a simple example other wise with out details the dev's will make a guild capital ship but it will be nothing more than a mini space station, with no function other than a gathering place.


For the guild capital ship





Ability to move ship to different locations/pilot the ship, Space combat with ship, maybe pvp. Imagine boarding pub guild's cap ship.


Also, I think it would be interesting to implement a play chat system with vo which allows you to choose different dialogue options from a wheel. Maybe the guild cap ship could have a holo terminal. Obviously you couldn't have full on conversations, but still I think it's something to consider.

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Personally I want to see some more info on EverquestNext.


SOE has been really secretive about this one , letting almost nothing out .


True MMO fans are really looking forward to this one.


Unfortunately, with the way EQ2 (even eq live now, I think) has gone the way of the worst possible F2P model in the last year or so, I don't think this is true. 2-3 years ago, i would have agreed. But now the IP is a shell of it's former self, with the game so barebones and anything interesting is slapped on the marketplace, along with the majority of the dev time. Yet they actually believe their "gold" package is actually worth the subscription fee.


I'll keep an eye on it, since I was a long time EQ2 fan (UO and not EQ live before that), but it'll be more of a detached, "lets see how this particular trainwreck develops" sort of way. Hopefully I'll be surprised, but I seriously doubt it.

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I would like to play as a Yoda race or a torguta race in the game. I don't care about any of the rewards you get from legacy. I don't have any complaints about the classes. I don't have any complaints about the storyline. I don't have any concerns, besides bug fixes and server fixes, about this game. My only complaint is that I cannot be a race I grew to love in Star Wars(YODA), or a race I find very interesting looking(Torguta).


Give me one of these races, and I will be happy.


Besides the bug fixes and the races though, might be cool if they added a voice changer in character creation, that allowed you to make your voice sound like the way you want it to sound. A game called Soul Calibur gave me that idea, and it was one feature in their character creation that made it unique to me. However, If I get the races above and the bug fixes, I would not care about any other add ons.

Edited by cool-dude
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