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Why did Emperor Palpatine want to rule the galaxy? Why does anyone?


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Or why did the Sith want to rule the galaxy, at all? No, seriously - why? Sure you can eliminate the Jedi and reshape the galaxy as you see fit but...what if you did just that? What would these mortal men do at that point if their *every* want and desire was ultimately met? Would they simply rule and rule until they were old and grey and then suddenly realize they were fools after decades of boredom and soul degradation? Have they actually thought about it, or are they blind to thinking about it and have instead become an instinctual Force?


I'm intrigued by the possibility that they HAVE thought of it... I'd like to hear them truly explain it, beyond the opening line "To show the galaxy the power of the Sith" yada yada. Clearly for the effort they'd put more thought into that.


I'd consider this a sort of niche kind of goal for villains. I get villains that want to destroy or consume everything. They may constantly hunger, or see life as some sort of imperfect stain on the perfect face of nature. I can see that they might know that nature itself has no morals and in their despair, realize they may as well slaughter instead of build. I also understand the villains that genuinely CARE about people, and think they can do a better job ruling them (usually misguided). I think Dr. Doom might be one of these types, from what I read, as an example.


But Emperor Palpatine? He's a perfect example, I believe (you guys may prove me wrong). He didn't care about his people. And he essentially did rule...and in the movies was about to end the last pocket of resistance. What if he did, and everything had calmed down for ages and ages and ages? What if he ended up living forever, as the Emperor, which definitely seems to have been for its own sake of ruling... But what sort of terrible boredom he would have to suffer! Once all the laws are enacted, people beat down, and everything was made hunky dory... Would he just say 'Good job self. I guess I may as well let myself die.' Or perhaps he has a power trip that isn't just satisfied by reaching the throne, but by REMAINING on it, for centuries? However, I don't believe any human possesses that difference in character. I think the desire for all of us lies in those first few years of rule - as long as it would take to reshape the world as one sees fit, assuming it all went (really, really) great. Finish your work and move on, to whatever that may be.


In any case, this kind of goal is not one of enlightenment or understanding. So is it for a Utopia? It seems incredibly doubtful, in the case of Emperor Palpatine. Is it a power trip for someone that simply gets off on the idea continuously far more (and for far longer) than anyone ever would? Or is it because they have nothing better to do and wanted to test themselves, and then to continually test themselves, for centuries, whilst also getting over the memory of bigger kids bullying them when they were little?

Edited by Netsurfer
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Sounds good, but why?


Because it's human's dark nature, the lust of power.


Also since Bane's era the Sith are a lot more realistic than they were before, Plagueis and Sidious are more of politicians than Sith.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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In the case of the Jedi v Sith, its also the ultimate "im right your wrong".

If you take over the galaxy, you can write the rules. You can say "the Jedi were all fools, the Sith were right" and if you are the last one standing the rest of the galaxy can take it to be true.


Also, was it not hinted that Palpatine knew about, or had a force vision of the Vhong invasion that would happen in the future? If he had crushed the resistance from the rebels, and established a firmer peace, he would have just used it to better prepare for the invasion coming.

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I would say to show absolute power maybe. A Sith would want to eliminate any possible threat to his power.


Palpatine probably knows that's not entirely possible, but mostly possible.


Then what? On to another galaxy! I'm sure he'd find some way to stay amused. Write more books etc. he's creative like that.

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In the case of the Jedi v Sith, its also the ultimate "im right your wrong".

If you take over the galaxy, you can write the rules. You can say "the Jedi were all fools, the Sith were right" and if you are the last one standing the rest of the galaxy can take it to be true.


Also, was it not hinted that Palpatine knew about, or had a force vision of the Vhong invasion that would happen in the future? If he had crushed the resistance from the rebels, and established a firmer peace, he would have just used it to better prepare for the invasion coming.


That is true, however Grand Admiral Gilad Pelleaon actually stated in one of the NJO books that even at the very height of its military power the Empire would not have stopped the Yuuzhan Vong. As to why Sidious wanted to rule the Galaxy the first reason is quite simple because he could (this is taking his Sith training into account). Also lets not forget that in a way the Rebellion was of his own making. Plus to reply to another post in this thread Bane even said that not all Sith are meant to be warriors. Darth Zannah is a perfect example of a Powerful Sith who dispite the fact was a master of the lightsaber (even Palpatine was) it wasn't her strength. Also remember that Darth Sidious (Palpatine) was enacting the final stage of the plan initiated by Darth Bane after the battle of Ruusan.

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Because it's human's dark nature, the lust of power.


Also since Bane's era the Sith are a lot more realistic than they were before, Plagueis and Sidious are more of politicians than Sith.


it's defently not human nature as only a very few people are ever that power hungry. Look at our own history and look at how few have ever tried to conquer. Even in the business world you only get very few who want power and actually run a company for control. Small business owners do it so they can do it their way not to build their own empire.

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The key is that it takes a certain kind of mental disposition to be a Sith.

Remember that to them, power and pain are everything.

They draw their power from the suffering of others.


Perhaps there is a desire as well to dominate and conquer, but remember that they have no interest in being benevolent rulers.

If the galaxy were to finally fall under their control, they would enact more and stronger laws to make their subjects suffer as much as possible.


The Rebellion probably gave Palpatine a thrill, because even though his rule was being opposed, it gave him the opportunity to cause more suffering and blame it on someone else.

Look at the Noghri and what the Empire did to their planet!


So it isn't just the desire to rule, but the desire to be in a position to cause as much pain and suffering as possible to others.

And if they reached the top, they would just find new ways to bring about suffering (perhaps even invading another galaxy like the Vong did! )

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That is true, however Grand Admiral Gilad Pelleaon actually stated in one of the NJO books that even at the very height of its military power the Empire would not have stopped the Yuuzhan Vong. As to why Sidious wanted to rule the Galaxy the first reason is quite simple because he could (this is taking his Sith training into account). Also lets not forget that in a way the Rebellion was of his own making. Plus to reply to another post in this thread Bane even said that not all Sith are meant to be warriors. Darth Zannah is a perfect example of a Powerful Sith who dispite the fact was a master of the lightsaber (even Palpatine was) it wasn't her strength. Also remember that Darth Sidious (Palpatine) was enacting the final stage of the plan initiated by Darth Bane after the battle of Ruusan.


They should be able to stop the Vong if they are prepared. If the Republic was prepared the Vong would lose a lot earlier.

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Why did palp want to rule the galaxy? Unless he was insane, he feared something, probably death, but maybe something else. GL never told us why exactly. Why does anyone seek power over others? Fear, or insanity.


There was no one to fear of his time.


He ruled the galaxy so he could feel complete.

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