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You know what would be cool????....


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is if we could somehow organize a huge pvp battle between Pubs and Imps, with companion characters and everything. I know Ilum and Outlaws den are supposed to do this, but the terrain there is extremely boring, plus you can't have a comp with you. i'm thinking a huge field somewhere with very few mods, like Belsavis. i'm talking about like 200 vs 200 on a huge field running at each other, which with comps would be 400 v 400! a time would have to be set up for everyone to meet there. anyone wanna help set this up?

ps, i'm on Fatman sever.

Edited by Bronislav_BoF
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Unfortunately everyone has seemed to settle for the broken PvP system in this game.


Warzones are pointless, instanced pieces of crap... Your vision is actually one that we share. An open PvP world.

60 players a lag fest? That doesn't mean the game style can't work, it just means that the Devs will have to get off their arses and instead of kickin the can down the road, they change something and beef the servers.


Dark Age of Camelot used to have 100s of players in their open world warzones at any given time. That was 5-10 years ago.

You mean to tell me they can't do that today? With this game?


The devs are just lazy.



Who wants to play 15 bucks a month to run the same FPs and Ops over and over and over and over and over again?

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i disagree completely i personally would rather have more huttball matches and new types of warzones which include a snapshot or theme from all the planets...


open world pvp gets boring and repetitive very very fast.... and after GW2 beta which has some of the best open world pvp i have seen it is still a zerg vs zerg mentality warzones are still more fun to me i just want variations to liven things up

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i disagree completely i personally would rather have more huttball matches and new types of warzones which include a snapshot or theme from all the planets...


open world pvp gets boring and repetitive very very fast.... and after GW2 beta which has some of the best open world pvp i have seen it is still a zerg vs zerg mentality warzones are still more fun to me i just want variations to liven things up



On the contrary, Open world PvP offers different engagements and scenarios every time, it offers the use of tactics. Sure the Zergs are a possibility, but sometimes you need a zerg to accomplish a large mission.


And it all depends on what you call a zerg... 8 man group? 16?

When in reality a zerg should be somewhere close to 30 or so.


I think it all boils down to everyone desire for instant gratification and ADD. No one has the drive to focus on an objective for more than a few minutes.


I remember playing hour long battles, 50v50 in DAoC just to take an objective. But thats what made it all worth it. You feel like you've accomplished something. Warzones leave you with a hollow feeling. Yay you won a warzone so what? What did that mean? You've got coms? Whoopdedoo.

Edited by Graalis
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i agree with you to an extent ...but because of most people today is all about instant gratification even those supposed tactics and hour long fight turn into an ever rotating zerg. alot of people do not want to sit for longer than 10 minutes going after something... and then people give up and go do something else...


another symptom of todays society, and i have fallen into the same mentality, is that people want to PROGRESS ...in GW2 this works because there is nothing to progress pvp wise. there arent tiers of gear to grind, there arent carrots to follow, only competetion...and objectives..but in a game like this with progression for gear that unless there isa way to progress doing those objectives and hours long sieges, they will never be as utilized as warzones.


the other issue is "fairness" we saw this with ilum which offered extreme valor increase via kill trading or spawn camping...so people "exploited" ilum until it was "fixed" to the point where Ilum was a ghost town because warzones were again more efficient vs time spent to PROGRESS.


so again it is the developers responsibility to not only make open world pvp a worthwhile endeavor for those wanting to progress but keep it balanced in regards to progression. the "qq its not fair qq" crowd will always overwhelm developers with complaints, tickets, and rage quitting until it is mostly fair. and when they make it valuable towards progression it opens the door to manipulation. so this becomes the double edged sword for developers to handle, which is why we havent heard of anything in regards to bringing ilum back.


without a incentive or viable way to progress good pvpers know it is a waste of time to do the open world until they are "finished" with their gear. because good pvpers want to be at the top of their game. on my server there is a really good RP guild who hosts open world pvp events once a month. but the top ranked guilds dont bother showing up because it doesnt affect rating and adds nothing to progression. so it becomes a waste of time.


Whether it is Laziness or Instant gratification syndrome or lack of incentives, in a progression based pvp system open world pvp will never prosper until it is completely balanced towards progression and offer penalties for exploits(kill trading, node trading). when this has been done then open world will become more prevalent and spontaneous.


there is a reason i am a player and not a developer, i dont have a clue or technical expertise on how to balance those things, so until it happens, i suggest you organize events for your server or what not, and submit tickets with your suggesstions.

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also anytime 20+ people get together it is in my opinion a zerg, unless they are split between offense/defense/ resource gathering it is a zerg but when you have 20+people hitting one single objective on full attack mode, that isnt tactics..thats a zerg.
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