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Pro-skippers, politeness will get you further


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Why do I feel like the people who are screaming and impatient with watching cut scenes are the same people screaming and honking their horn because, god forbid, you're driving the speed limit! *gasp*


Just don't do it in the left hand lane of a highway...and you are fine in most cases. ;)

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Like I said, I have better things to do with my limited game time than to watch the same cut-scenes over and over and over again. I would rather vote kick someone and get a replacement. Failing that, I would rather drop group and go do something else.


I do not have infinite time to play the game. I have a job that's somewhat more than full-time. I have a beautiful wife who for some strange reason still likes to spend time with me. I have an amazing daughter who's rarely home any more (all growed up) so when she is, I spend time with her.


I have better things to do ingame when I have the time to play too... better than watching repeats of cut-scenes that were "ok" (not stellar) the first time through... for the Nth time.


I have yet to see anyone give a coherent reason for watching the same cut-scenes a dozen times, other than to grief others by forcing them to wait longer in flash points.


Eh, as I said everyone has a right to play the want...but they do not have a right to act childish and name call and grief. You do not appear to be in the latter category.


Personally, I don't see the big deal but I am not at the point to feel the need to grind on HM FP's as of yet.


But back to the title of the thread, people in general need to learn politeness gets you so much more in life....something about this current generation has lost that and I partly blame my generation (the parents) for not instilling it in their children as it was beaten in to us.

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I'm the one who will ask 'can we spacebar please' if someone says they haven't done it before I will drop it not their fault they couldn't get a group at lower levels to see it in storymode. I do however think the people who have seen it 25 times and refuse to spacebar are the other side of the coin. I think they are being discourteous to their group if everyone else wants to skip. Is it really important see the same dialouge for the 26th time.
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Demanding or forcing someone to get them to do what you want:

Rude, inconsiderate, most likely will get the person to do the exact oppposite and makes them defensive



Requesting or asking politely:


More times than not they will understand and may consider your request.



Now you have to chose which one you want to do.

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I have yet to see anyone give a coherent reason for watching the same cut-scenes a dozen times, other than to grief others by forcing them to wait longer in flash points.


Here's one, I enjoy the story and sometimes like to watch it again.


Also, you are aware that you can be more than geared for the HM flashpoints without ever stepping into a story mode right?

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The cutscenes were cool and interesting....the first half dozen or so times. We all skip because after doing the same FP for the second or third dozen time, it gets annoying watching the same scene over and over (sometimes GF likes to make you do the same one for a few days no less).


I'm fine when people who haven't seen the cut scene care to watch it, but it's annoying when people insist on watching the SAME cut scenes dozens of times over just because. I'd much rather play the game then rewatch cut scenes dozens of times.

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I went into Black Talon with my new agent a couple days ago, and group up with another player. I told her it was my first time through the flashpoint, and I wasn't going to spacebar, and asked if she had a problem with that. She didn't have a problem with it, and we had a good time.


When I take my Trooper through Taral V HM, we always skip everything (who doesn't?), but if a player says it's their first time, I won't even ask them to spacebar. I sometimes feel pressured into spacebaring myself, so I don't really get into the story of the later flashpoints. It's a shame really, because I love the story in the game. If a party member was being rude, and demanding I go faster, I would slow down and watch everything. If they aren't rude though, I feel more pressured to not take too much time. Funny how that works.

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I don't so much get cut-scene skippers, but it seems like every group I'm in has that Assassin tank that insists on Stealthing past everything and then getting pissy when the Sorc healer can't do that. And every one of them has a little jumping trick to get over terrain so I can spend 30 seconds skipping a pack that would have taken 15 to just kill, as if I play this for the platforming.
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I don't so much get cut-scene skippers, but it seems like every group I'm in has that Assassin tank that insists on Stealthing past everything and then getting pissy when the Sorc healer can't do that. And every one of them has a little jumping trick to get over terrain so I can spend 30 seconds skipping a pack that would have taken 15 to just kill, as if I play this for the platforming.


Agree - some of the skips are more trouble and risk than they're worth. But some dramatically cut down the time in a flashpoint and if all you're looking for is the BH Comms, that's a beautiful thing.


Oh, and obviously those Assassins are... intellectually challenged. :p

Edited by DarthTHC
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I'm fine when people who haven't seen the cut scene care to watch it, but it's annoying when people insist on watching the SAME cut scenes dozens of times over just because. I'd much rather play the game then rewatch cut scenes dozens of times.


Not picking on you but quoting this statement because so many have made it..How do you know if this is only the first or second time they are doing the FP? Do you ask how many times they have watch the scenes before?


When do you figure out the person has seen it "dozens of times"?

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I don't so much get cut-scene skippers, but it seems like every group I'm in has that Assassin tank that insists on Stealthing past everything and then getting pissy when the Sorc healer can't do that. And every one of them has a little jumping trick to get over terrain so I can spend 30 seconds skipping a pack that would have taken 15 to just kill, as if I play this for the platforming.


At the same time it's annoying when I stealth to go and sleep the one enemy so that we can pass the group, and the dps goes and attacks it, spawning in 3 or 4 other guys, when we could have just skipped past the whole thing.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Be polite. If you really want to either watch the cutscenes or skip the cutscenes, you're making a request of the rest of the group. Be polite about it. Tantrums are not effective means of communiction among people old enough to play this game.


If you're rigid in your stance to either watch or skip cutscenes be prepared to either leave or be kicked and possibly ignored (especially if you're rude about it). Not adapting to what the group as a whole would like to do verges on childish. If you can't play nice with others, go play by yourself.


Basically, learn some damn social skills people.

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I had a PUG run today in Black Talon with a couple of what I'll describe as immature impatient obnoxious kids, screaming in chat for me (and the fourth guy) to skip the cutscenes. Even after a few seconds of video, we were generously showered with "skip, SKIP FFS" and "SPACE you *******", which always gives other people a nice fuzzy feeling inside.

Now, instead of perhaps trying with "Please, can we skip the cutscenes?", which I would have agreed to, the comments instead convinced me to make it a point to watch every single second of dialogue in the flashpoint, just to annoy those kids. And boy did it ever.


Sadly I've seen this impatient and obnoxious attitude become pretty common when doing flashpoints, as if skipping is viewed as must-do and expected. A lot of people don't expect people to want to watch this stuff, even though BioWare put it there for us to watch. I for one really enjoy this dialogue and watch it when I can, and will continue to do so in flashpoints far more times than just one. These (very well done) cutscenes do represent part of the default game that everyone has paid for. Some people have actually not seen this stuff yet and should be given every chance to. "But its just Black Talon!!! Skip FFS". Doesn't matter what it is, if someone enjoys it, let them watch. You can wait 3 more minutes to finish the flashpoint.


So you guys out there in a hurry for some reason, other people are far more inclined to skip the story stuff for you if you're not being a *ick about it :) And for those who act like those two kids and wind up in a group with me, bring plenty of popcorn. :p


I agree with everything you said, except for two things.


It was just as immature of you to intentionally sit through every flashpoint just to "get them back". If you speak of maturity, you should portray it as well.


The second one is, and of course it's as long as they are polite, if the majority of the people have seen the flashpoint cutscenes tons of times and you have as well, if the three of them don't want to sit there and watch it, you should press space bar. It would be rude towards the majority of the players who have already sat through them tons of times.


I could completely understand if it was your first time watching the cutscenes, and anyone who pushed for it to be skipped while knowing it was your first time is a jerk. However, if everyone has watched it multiple times and want to skip, it's the polite thing to do.

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I have yet to see anyone give a coherent reason for watching the same cut-scenes a dozen times, other than to grief others by forcing them to wait longer in flash points.


Thats been answered multiple times, it just doesnt fit with you, so you seem to be dismissing it. Not that its really any of your business, but oh well, youre welcomed to leave groups or rage kick people all you like. No one ever said generosity, tolerance, or common decency were a legal requirment, nor is it even expected half the time on the internet. Some people are even proud of being jerks to others ... unfortunately, nothing can be done but to weed them out.


As for me, I watch them now and then. Ive been seeing them since beta even and will continue to do so when I dam well please. Thats what theyre there for. Why? For any number of reasons; Different replies, havent seen a particular outcome, or maybe I just havent been there in a while. I dont play only for a gear rush, I play for entertainment, and those cutscenes, and the dialogue options are a big part of the entertainment offered by Bioware in all its games. I will be damned if im going to let someone dictate how I should play because he doesnt spend enough time with his daughter. Cutscenes are there to be watched, they are part of the main attractions that make a Bioware game ... theyre expected, if you dont have the time for it dont use it, or learn to manage and prioritize your time better with your family. Or, what ever, continue doing what youre doing, chances are youre not in my server or already on my ignore list like so many other inconsiderate players.

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I have yet to see anyone give a coherent reason for watching the same cut-scenes a dozen times, other than to grief others by forcing them to wait longer in flash points.


And I have yet to see anyone give a coherent reason why people should feel compelled by others to skip a cutscene if they have already seen it before. This is a story driven MMO, and people are seriously complaining that others want to watch the story if they already watched it? If someone wants to watch a cinematic for the 100th time and you don't, feel free to take your own medicine and go do something else. And I'm sorry, but not skipping content that BW has provided for people to experience = griefing? LOL, all that says is "I'm a petulant child that wants everything now!"

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Yeah i hate those kids who cant relax a little. Do like me, i normally skip all VO after i have seen it the first 2-3 times

but if i get that 1 child who tell everyone to space i will watch everything just to piss him off :)




Ive seen all the cut-scenes on every Reb toon and 2 Imps, all to 50, seen all Ops and FP at 50 about 100 times each, All i need is 1 jerk in the group and il watch the whole lot again, in fact il just go make a tea and make it take even longer.


Their is no cost for politeness and patience.


Some would do well to learn that.

Edited by Nippon
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State your intentions at the start of the grouping, and find a different group if your and the other players' beliefs differ. Problem solved.


Works for avoiding jerks in groups too for the most part.


I couldn't disagree more with some of the statements made in this thread, that somehow the OP is wrong to feel the way they do. However, there is no need to agree on the one true way or what is normal or etiquette or any crap like that.


Group with like-minded people. Ignore those that disagree, and if necessary block them. Might sound harsh, but I'm long past believing that people can all get together, group nicely, and sing kumbaya. MMO players can be jerks, ignorant, opinionated, unpleasant, and stupid. They can equally be great people that you'd want to spend quality time with. Kinda like life really.


Edit: All that said, the OP's point that politeness gets you further is spot on.


Great post and QFE.

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I enjoy Cut-Scene's, if people want to watch them I'm cool with that and I like to watch them too. If people start acting like D-BAGS about me watching the cut-scene's I will make a point of watching them all and I will NEED on every item regardless of whether I need it or not. IF they RESPECTFULLY ask not to watch cut-scene's I'll go along with it unless it's my first time in the Flash-Point.:D
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There is no reason why a lvl 50 should not of seen BT by now, nor most of the other content available to them. If they skipped it over then, story isn't that important to them.


Cause some people may not have wanted to do FP's while levelling or PvPed or did space to level. I've been playing this game since early access and I still haven't done Red Reaper, EC, EV, LI, KP or any of the Imperial equivalents. Nor have I done any of the HM versions of the regular flashpoints. Not everybody plays the same as you.

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Or, what ever, continue doing what youre doing, chances are youre not in my server or already on my ignore list like so many other inconsiderate players.


I've run every flashpoint and op at least twice on 2 different toons and I PVP very heavily and I have a total of 2 people on my ignore list since launch. At some point you should be wondering maybe its just you...


I usually simple type "spacebar is friend" and have never had issues with that.

Edited by bangkokbetty
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Thank god there are other people to tell me what I'm running flashpoints for. I might have mistakenly come up with my own reasons for being in one.


In the end to me the issue isn't spacebarring or not. Sometimes I just want to spacebar through, and other times I feel like watching the cutscenes again. The issue I have is when people decide that they get to demand that I and others play by their rules and expectations. If you want to spacebar and someone isn't then ask them, like one human being to another, if the group can skip the cinematics. You only make people resentful and less inclined to comply by being a *****


That's the purpose of HM FPs. What you're getting out of them. Which is the reason the vast majority of the player base do them for. You sound like the exception. Which is fine. Just don't expect others (who only want BH comms) to sit through the story of Esseles/BT for the millionth time. DPS might stick in there, but it's so much faster for tanks/heals to re-queue.

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If you want to watch cut scenes that's fine, but just don't get mad when i space bar through them, afk to get coffee / let the dog outside/ whatever and a conversation choice pops up while I am gone and you got to wait on me while it times out.
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If you want to see the story then go do "STORY" mode. 99% of people that do hardmodes are doing it for gear/comms. Save everybody time and spacebar. And what is with people getting a Revan ***** at the end of Malestrom Prison? People will spacebar through the whole FP then the last cut scenes comes and somebody ALWAYS has to watch it. "OMG its Revan!" *** *** ***
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