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Sage/Sorc do you think you are underpowered?


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I think i have a clue how BW balance classes. They balance them not by performance but the amount played. So they nerf mostly played classes and buff underplayed. many people play sorc/sages they nerfed this class to the ground to force people reroll something different.
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One simple change that would really help Sorcs but not be too OP would be to modify baseline movement speed in relation to armor type.


For example:


Light Armor moves at 115% speed

Medium Armor moves at 100% speed

Heavy Armor moves at 85% speed


A heavy armour wearing melee class (well, THE class, as there's only one that fits the description) would be horribly gimped by this. Guardians/Juggernauts would become total cannon fodder, kited to death all the time. And poor Commandos, jesus, they have enough problems as it is.


Also, Shadow tanks would roflstomp their way to dominating everything.

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I finally had a chance to play last night but I didn't think my little Sage was underpowered at all. She was hitting like a Mac truck for four hours in WZ after WZ. I cannot, however, speak for Sorcs as I don't do anything with Imps other than face melt them.
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A heavy armour wearing melee class (well, THE class, as there's only one that fits the description) would be horribly gimped by this. Guardians/Juggernauts would become total cannon fodder, kited to death all the time. And poor Commandos, jesus, they have enough problems as it is.


Also, Shadow tanks would roflstomp their way to dominating everything.


Some tweaks would be necessary, as they would with any game mechanic change.

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What armor sets is everyone using that are hitting like trucks.


I am using the force master and it definitely doesn't feel that way. Maybe its because my armor is not optimized? Any info would be greatly appreciate. I am playing hybrid spec sorc. I'm not saying I am a great pvp'er I end up tops in damage in noob environments but playing anyone good I am nullified.

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What armor sets is everyone using that are hitting like trucks.


I am using the force master and it definitely doesn't feel that way. Maybe its because my armor is not optimized? Any info would be greatly appreciate. I am playing hybrid spec sorc. I'm not saying I am a great pvp'er I end up tops in damage in noob environments but playing anyone good I am nullified.


i use the Stalker gear armoring. Then I use Power/Surge & Power/Alacarity Enhancement Mods. I use the 7-3-31 Balance Spec. With Stalker Gear Bonus I get an extra Charge of Force Potency and lower its cooldown by 15 seconds. With this spec and gear my force in balance crits for 5K. My TkT clicks for 3.8k to 4.8k in 2.5 seconds. Disturbance & Project usually hit for around 2.5k

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While killing a Focus Guardian - probably the squishiest melee class ever invented - isn't exactly a big deal, the speed with which he destroyed him shows how exaggerated the "Sorcerers have no burst" claims are.


That's my video, and I agree the "Sorcerers have no burst" claim is bollocks. What I did there was cast affliction on both opponents to increase my chances of getting a force-barrage proc (bringing the cast time of Force-Lightning down to 1.5 seconds) but waited until the proc had almost ran out to cast Polarity Shift ( +20% alacrity, bringing the cast time of Force-Lightning with Force-Barrage down to 1.1 seconds) which allowed for a 2nd Force-Barrage Proc to occur while Polarity Shift was active. Force-Lightning hits, with Reckless for 5k+ and in 1.1 second, that's good burst. When you can hit 2 of them in a row, plus death-field and wrath procs (crushing darkness/lightning strike) you'll burst 10k - 18k in 4 GCDs.

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That's my video, and I agree the "Sorcerers have no burst" claim is bollocks. What I did there was cast affliction on both opponents to increase my chances of getting a force-barrage proc (bringing the cast time of Force-Lightning down to 1.5 seconds) but waited until the proc had almost ran out to cast Polarity Shift ( +20% alacrity, bringing the cast time of Force-Lightning with Force-Barrage down to 1.1 seconds) which allowed for a 2nd Force-Barrage Proc to occur while Polarity Shift was active. Force-Lightning hits, with Reckless for 5k+ and in 1.1 second, that's good burst. When you can hit 2 of them in a row, plus death-field and wrath procs (crushing darkness/lightning strike) you'll burst 10k - 18k in 4 GCDs.


This all dandy and fine if your playing baddies.


Anyone who is decent is going to throw an interrupt your way when you begin channeling that lightning. Suddenly your burst is no more than 6K at maximum.

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This all dandy and fine if your playing baddies.


Anyone who is decent is going to throw an interrupt your way when you begin channeling that lightning. Suddenly your burst is no more than 6K at maximum.


you have 1.1 second to interrupt - when factoring in lag and human reaction time, the only way you'll be able to interrupt is with predicting when i'll toss FL, otherwise you'll miss the cast and waste it.

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That's my video, and I agree the "Sorcerers have no burst" claim is bollocks. What I did there was cast affliction on both opponents to increase my chances of getting a force-barrage proc (bringing the cast time of Force-Lightning down to 1.5 seconds) but waited until the proc had almost ran out to cast Polarity Shift ( +20% alacrity, bringing the cast time of Force-Lightning with Force-Barrage down to 1.1 seconds) which allowed for a 2nd Force-Barrage Proc to occur while Polarity Shift was active. Force-Lightning hits, with Reckless for 5k+ and in 1.1 second, that's good burst. When you can hit 2 of them in a row, plus death-field and wrath procs (crushing darkness/lightning strike) you'll burst 10k - 18k in 4 GCDs.


The fact that it requires so much setup and having Recklessness off CD means that the probability of actually doing this reliably is almost zero. I don't PVP as much on my alts, but from what I hear other classes have a much more reliable burst DPS.

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I think most people sure target us like we are. My sage and sorcerer are both dps and in probably one out of three matches there is someone that spends the entire match hunting me down for no other reason than for easy kills. We need some decent burst or increased damage to make them think twice before they do that. The class is a great idea on paper but they needed it too much with 1.2 so now I'm just waiting (and hoping) for a dps increase so we can be more than the people dropping force quake on a node to defend it.
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you have 1.1 second to interrupt - when factoring in lag and human reaction time, the only way you'll be able to interrupt is with predicting when i'll toss FL, otherwise you'll miss the cast and waste it.


1.1 seconds is an eternity. Any decent gamer who plays anything other than an RPG has much faster reactions.


Starcraft? Reaction time is milliseconds.

First Person Shooters? Reaction time is milliseconds.



I guarantee you I will interrupt you in 1.1 seconds.

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The only Mara/Sents I can beat on my Full WH Augmented Kin/Balance hybrid Shadow are under geared ones (recruit gear, sub 1200 expertise).


If there in full WH or even Full BM I can't seem to beat them. Every now and again if I catch one with there stuff on cool down I can get lucky but for the most part I combat cloak out and let a vanguard kill them. :)



There a hard class to solo 1v1 it takes 2 or more to smear them into the ground.

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My Sorc is not underpowered. I rock in WZs and I'm not even fully geared yet - only 1 piece of WH gear.


I'm routinely 2nd in damage AND 2nd in Heals. And i'm only an 'average' player, heck, I click. I am sure a really good twitch gamer could do even better.

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1.1 seconds is an eternity. Any decent gamer who plays anything other than an RPG has much faster reactions.


Starcraft? Reaction time is milliseconds.

First Person Shooters? Reaction time is milliseconds.



I guarantee you I will interrupt you in 1.1 seconds.


Sorcerers have roughly two hundred billion channeled abilities and they spam Force Lightning all the effing time. Interrupting just the right one at the right moment to avoid all these procs wrecking you isn't exactly simple unless you extensively played a Sorcerer and have a great eye for detail so you know the icons to look for.


Assault Vanguards' burst is a lot easier to achieve, that is certainly correct. But the "Sorcerers have no burst" claims are annoying. That they can't destroy Sentinels is 1) something that is intended, 2) more of a problem with Sentinels. If a Sorc gets the jump on my Guardian in my "dead range" (4-10 m) with Force Push unavailable, I'm dead. Slows me, roots me, dots me, dead. Only their mistakes allow me to survive: moving beyond the 10 m range so they instantly get Force Leap in their face, not using all their roots and stuns, wasting them when Unremitting is active etc.

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Sorcerers have roughly two hundred billion channeled abilities and they spam Force Lightning all the effing time. Interrupting just the right one at the right moment to avoid all these procs wrecking you isn't exactly simple unless you extensively played a Sorcerer and have a great eye for detail so you know the icons to look for.


Assault Vanguards' burst is a lot easier to achieve, that is certainly correct. But the "Sorcerers have no burst" claims are annoying. That they can't destroy Sentinels is 1) something that is intended, 2) more of a problem with Sentinels. If a Sorc gets the jump on my Guardian in my "dead range" (4-10 m) with Force Push unavailable, I'm dead. Slows me, roots me, dots me, dead. Only their mistakes allow me to survive: moving beyond the 10 m range so they instantly get Force Leap in their face, not using all their roots and stuns, wasting them when Unremitting is active etc.


What? The only dps channelled abilities are force lighting and lighting storm. Force lighting is really easy to see, it doesn't take experience with a sorc to see.

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One simple change that would really help Sorcs but not be too OP would be to modify baseline movement speed in relation to armor type.


For example:


Light Armor moves at 115% speed

Medium Armor moves at 100% speed

Heavy Armor moves at 85% speed


I think that's a great idea!


That would really help facilitate kiting. Even a 10% difference would be good -- 90/100/110%.


And it makes sense.

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Sorcerers have roughly two hundred billion channeled abilities and they spam Force Lightning all the effing time. Interrupting just the right one at the right moment to avoid all these procs wrecking you isn't exactly simple unless you extensively played a Sorcerer and have a great eye for detail so you know the icons to look for.


Assault Vanguards' burst is a lot easier to achieve, that is certainly correct. But the "Sorcerers have no burst" claims are annoying. That they can't destroy Sentinels is 1) something that is intended, 2) more of a problem with Sentinels. If a Sorc gets the jump on my Guardian in my "dead range" (4-10 m) with Force Push unavailable, I'm dead. Slows me, roots me, dots me, dead. Only their mistakes allow me to survive: moving beyond the 10 m range so they instantly get Force Leap in their face, not using all their roots and stuns, wasting them when Unremitting is active etc.


Lightning/Madness sorc. hybrids certainly have a lot of procs, yes. Me, however, I'm 31 madness. Sure, I don't get the potential for INSANE burst like the hybrid (which, even if you guessed wrong on which ability to interrupt, you're still severely hindering them, btw), but I can honestly say I have NO ISSUES with maras/sents or jugg/guardians (unless some horrible pug teammate resolve-capped them and they managed to close in on me before I noticed them - the resolve-capping thing happens often, the suddenly "in my face" issue is rare, even if they're mara/sent and use camo to close in, but you poor jugg/guardians... I think I've only let that happen once, but I was eating!! lol).

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A lot of the sorc/sages are fine posts are from people that only play normal warzones. Go play a rated and see how "fine" they are. It's embarrassing having to constantly run away and then not even being able to do that because of the insane amount of stuns/roots/snares in this game.
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