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Bioware blames fans


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I totally disagree with the OP.


The game is good, its better than good.


The Problem with the game is:


Shoddy programming. A Broken combat engine (ability delay completely dominating PVP and PVE recurring problem that comes back almost every patch).

Slow fixes, slow updates.


the problem is YOU! The OP's opinion was not posted here...


similar issue: I am on an RP server, playing a BH and I complained to my group mates that I am having a heat issue in combat and, no lie, they told me to press the 1 key repeatedly SMH..!!!


more wonders of the modern educational system... it honestly is a wonder you all are able to read... but wait I really don't think you can.

Edited by catherder
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You do know that a lot of people had faith and bought 6 month subs, only for the game to partly fail (said partly to keep the drones happy) and leave a lot of unhappy players stuck on empty servers, which is now being forced on others (I moved already, others haven't), along with a vast amount of bugs & issues, as well as dumb things like taking down servers 5 times a week (sometimes without notice) and botched patches... the list is endless. And yet, here we are... Trapped. If people don't like the trapped, unhappy players posting, they shouldn't attack them (as always), try complaining to BW/EA to give them refunds to "just get rid of them!" once and for all? Bet I know BW/EA's answer. :o


You can post all you like, but you have to understand that it appears a bit sad that you have nothing better to do.


I mean, by all means, post constructive criticism about the game you expected to play for 6 months - though no one forced you to subscribe for that long. I'm not sure why you'd feel entitled because of it. Let's say it was possible to subscribe for 2 years - and the game failed to entertain you for that long, would you still blame the developers - or would you be willing to entertain the possibility that you need to be thoughtful how you invest?


As for SWtOR - it's very far from perfect - and in being that, it's exactly the same as all the other established MMOs out there. All the popular ones have significant flaws on the same level.


We've had 3 content patches that have all made good and significant changes. You might not agree, but I honestly think so.


But, to spend your time in forums making simplistic statements like "TORtanic is sinking" won't help you get your point across.


Try with some intelligent and constructive criticism and go have some fun outside the forums. Well, that would be my suggestion.

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How educated is it to cast ad-hominems at those that disagree with your analysis rather then formulate an educated and convincing contention to the contrary?


This is not "criticism", it is disparagement and very poor attempt at such. It is, at its core, no different then the childish attacks you have just leveled at every poster that does not agree with you, and it is just as worthy of journalistic praise. It is uninformed opinion based on hyperbole and conjecture rather then fact and analysis.


All the bullying and rhetorical brow beating in the world will not override the many questions raised as to the level of this bloggers integrity, or cause any clear thinking individual to take at face value this random blogger's "inside source" that has not been identified or even substantiated (was it the fourth floor janitor?).


Ad Hominem? Where? Point to it or continue to make a fool of yourself. I really could care less which you choose... but the choice is yours alone.

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You can post all you like, but you have to understand that it appears a bit sad that you have nothing better to do.


I mean, by all means, post constructive criticism about the game you expected to play for 6 months - though no one forced you to subscribe for that long. I'm not sure why you'd feel entitled because of it. Let's say it was possible to subscribe for 2 years - and the game failed to entertain you for that long, would you still blame the developers - or would you be willing to entertain the possibility that you need to be thoughtful how you invest?


As for SWtOR - it's very far from perfect - and in being that, it's exactly the same as all the other established MMOs out there. All the popular ones have significant flaws on the same level.


We've had 3 content patches that have all made good and significant changes. You might not agree, but I honestly think so.


But, to spend your time in forums making simplistic statements like "TORtanic is sinking" won't help you get your point across.


Try with some intelligent and constructive criticism and go have some fun outside the forums. Well, that would be my suggestion.


And how many broken promises? Thought so.... :o


EDIT: And no, I don't have anything better to do. Like you, I am a paying customer, so if I wish to spend all day on here, I can, will and shall (if I so desire). Thanks for worrying though. :rolleyes:



Try with some intelligent and constructive criticism and go have some fun outside the forums. Well, that would be my suggestion.


Everyone knows that doesn't work here, you get shot down no matter what you say. SO I play on their level, just to even the playing field, it's the only way they listen (Believe it or not).

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In fact, I remember reading massive threads all telling EA not to copy WOW and to just make the best game with out falling into the WOW trap of "easier and faster is better"


Yet we got easier and faster is better and the game is often called WOW in space (You would think they would learn as SWG was often called UO in space and was also a massive failure, investor expectation wise).


But as we all know, no one is really calling game TORtanic but some mouthy 13 year olds.


+1 - but in those Beta forums there was a huge group of people comparing this game to WOW regardless of the canon and history of KOTOR. Most had never played the earlier BW games, they just wanted to ruin this one and they succeeded quite nicely. The IGNORANT HERD loves to drown out discourse.... They are really really good at it.

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And how many broken promises? Thought so.... :o


Goes with the gaming industry - unfortunately. All MMOs have that - and I can mention specific examples for pretty much all established ones, including WoW, Rift, EQ2, Vanguard - and so on.


Developers like to promise because they're not quite sure how much work something takes, or how big a success something will be. It happens.


But they're all evil and did this just to get you, right?

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You do know that a lot of people had faith and bought 6 month subs, only for the game to partly fail (said partly to keep the drones happy)


The game what it is. It is the compromise between developers visons and time/technical constraint. Some people likle the gameplay, the mechanics design, others don't. It's natural.


and leave a lot of unhappy players stuck on empty servers,


You did not transfer?


which is now being forced on others (I moved already, others haven't), along with a vast amount of bugs & issues, as well as dumb things like taking down servers 5 times a week (sometimes without notice) and botched patches... the list is endless.

There is no denying there are bugs, much like every new piece of computer software. Most have been ironed out, some remaining. You didn't mention but, being online game, there is lag and disconnect problem too. It's part of the thing you are willing to accept or you don't.


And yet, here we are... Trapped.

So you made, in your judgement, a bad purchase. Geez, at 40 years old this is the only bad purchase you've ever made. Never been to a restaurant and hated what you ordered, never bought a bad car, never went on vacation whishing you had gone somewhere else, bought a TV and find out it was not as good as advertised?

You have never made in your entire life a purchase you regreted before that game?


I recently bought Diablo 3, man, that was THE worst 60€ i ever spent. I had absolutely no fun in that game, i just bite into the hype, i shouldn't have, a learning experience. But you'll never see any rage post on their forum from me, that is not who i am, i just write it as a loss and move on


Well, here is my 37 years old piece of wisdom. "**** happens", just move on, no need to waste your time and energy (since money is already wasted) into bashing and spitting on a game


If people don't like the trapped, unhappy players posting, they shouldn't attack them (as always), try complaining to BW/EA to give them refunds to "just get rid of them!" once and for all? Bet I know BW/EA's answer. :o

What do you mean attack? if you don't like their product, don't buy it. If you made a bad purchase, you are the one at fault.

Edited by Vankris
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I do act my age, thanks very much. I don't buy into fanboism though.


So when something is witty (And it is.. to me!) I use it if I see fit.


And yes, I do believe were sinking, read all the F2P posts and look at all the locked empty servers that once were full (be it 6 months ago), a blind dog could see that a great many have departed.


September will be even darker, be it the soon released other games or the F2P model, this can't bode well (imo ofc).


Does not seem as though you are being truthful regarding your age.


Your utilization of conjecture as reference in support of your argument is indicative of the mid teen level. Your ad-hominem attacks (fanboi), attacking the poster rather then the argument is also relative to that age group. Your lack of substance in your argument, using bullying tactics and rumor rather then legitimate information, reference, substance would also not seem that of a man in his 30s. Just the basic confrontational and dramatic approach would provide for contradiction.

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Ad Hominem? Where? Point to it or continue to make a fool of yourself. I really could care less which you choose... but the choice is yours alone.


The entirety of the post was such. Arguing that those whom disagree with you are the product of a failed education system, no matter how veiled it is, is, in fact, an ad-hominem attack.


I will discontinue this discussion with you though. With the reference to the education system, I felt that I was speaking to an adult of some sort. That childish reference to "fool" is a clear indication that I am not.

Edited by Blackardin
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Does not seem as though you are being truthful regarding your age.


Your utilization of conjecture as reference in support of your argument is indicative of the mid teen level. Your ad-hominem attacks (fanboi), attacking the poster rather then the argument is also relative to that age group. Your lack of substance in your argument, using bullying tactics and rumor rather then legitimate information, reference, substance would also not seem that of a man in his 30s. Just the basic confrontational and dramatic approach would provide for contradiction.


Try 42, and no one is bullying anyone. People attacked and made smart *** remarks, then started to insult and abuse. Why? Because I disagreed and make fun of their awesome game. So if anyone is being bullied, it's me!

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If he's blaming the fans for it's current state he's right, there are systems here that are bare bones or flat out useless without others all because of fear of the incredibly angry and loud forum minority. Fear of the minority of the minority. The fear of any kind of change/risk the stagnation swtor suffers now will only get worse until the dev team nuts up a little.
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Fans have called him out and claim that Bioware is just pointing fingers for their own failure as they opened the official forums on September 12, 2011 where as the game came out three months later on December 20, 2011. It is hard to believe that three months worth of fan feedback could influence the game that was in development since 2006.


This is really the only part that is so glaringly wrong. I'm not sure how I registered for the official forums almost three full years before this blogger says they opened, but I managed!

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The entirety of the post was such. Arguing that those whom disagree with you are the product of a failed education system, no matter how veiled it is, is, in fact, an ad-hominem attack.


Wrong. An Ad Hominem is an example of a Logical Fallacy. While often used in argumentation you quite obviously need more education because you are not using the term correctly in your ideas here. You can say the post was insulting, that would be one thing, but it was not a logical fallacy which is what an AD HOMINEM argument is, at least since Aristotle...... Care to try again with that fine education of yours?


You, the UNEDUCATED "fans", are the problem...

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Does not seem as though you are being truthful regarding your age.


I wouldn't be so quick to assume that one's level of education, and thus one's ability to articulate, is in accordance with one's age.


He may well be 42, but with the articulation of a poorly educated mid teen. It happens.


All largely academic, however. Since, on here, he is as he appears.



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Indeed the education was not the greatest, but growing up where I did and when I did had a lot to do with it (Goggle "The Troubles"), but it got me by, but that's a different matter.


But it shows that if you disagree on here with anything at all, they use any and every means to shot you down and insult you.


Maybe it's cause I don't know leet speak. ;)

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A) Use the search, this has already been posted.


B) That article is full of misinformation, b/s, and IF that "anonymous" tool even does work for Bioware (which btw, I doubt any of it is true), its not Bioware blaming its fans, its that one dusgruntled employee who apparently is also full of misinformation and b/s.


C) Stop linking this crap. All youre doing is promoting that tools website, giving him undeserved hits for spreading fabricated lies on something which he obviously has no idea what he's talking about.


P.S: I have an inside source at Bioware that tells me EA is doubling its efforts on TOR, nearly tripling its original investment on development and has hired the best of the best game designers and programmers from around the world to improve the game. He says in a meeting they had just last week they expect the end game, custumizations, mini games, and features to triple by the end of September.


See what I did there? I have as much merit as some dbag blogger now except I know the forum has been around since 2008 (not Oct 2011), and my made up "source" isnt claiming people were asking for KOTOR 3 rather than an MMO... because they didnt! Everyone believe me now:rolleyes:

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And how many broken promises? Thought so.... :o


And how many times did they actually say "We promise"?


In another game the developers published a development plan for the coming year, it said plan and it said it was subject to change. Queue endless accusations that they promised things by certain times. So the didn't do it again, now they are much more cagey about announcing upcoming features.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Wow.... unbelievable. The original post from the "insider" is not only suspect but as a comment on yet another article totally irrelevant. This troll must be laughing at the idiocy this has spawned.


And what is more tragic... people like the author of this blog, use this lie to perpetuate their own goals and bias. It panders to the fear and hate those who love and hate TOR have for the game. It is pathetic.

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