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Soooo.. GW2 is coming and you do nothing to keep the PvP-Players here?


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I defended with a mate a small keep against 40+ people with a cannon and a arrow cart. It was GLORIOUS! Of course we died in the end but we took a lot of them. Valhalla awaited us with open doors.


Sounds totally fun and balanced to me!

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Same for me too, I just cannot think of a reason why I would log into swtor.


I keep thinking back to the midweek stress test, when I was in WvWvW and we were *trying* to take stonemist. I had some amazing fights on the walls of the keep once we'd mashed the main gate in with 2 siege golems :) There was one warrior who was trying to 100 blades me, I absolutely love dodge rolling out of big attacks and them promptly handing someone there backside.


I could log into swtor and play my merc, spend a few hours doing the same 4 warzones and spend the entire time trying to hide from OP Marauders/Juggs/Powertechs that all kill me with ease lol or spen the entire time cursing my computer screen cos I am constantly, stunned, mezzed, rooted, knocked back, knocked down pulled and pushed all over the warzone, yeah that's fun.


Roll on headstart!!


Or you could head over To Ilum, alert a few guilds that your starting a fight, and FIGHT, World PVP in Swtor is alive, you jsut have to make it happen

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I'm sure they are exaggerating and it totally sucked having fun instead of figuring out how many more warzones they had to do until they got their next piece of gear.


Nah, I just find absolutely nothing fun about the idea of fighting people using implements or extra-personal weapons. Trebuchets, arrow carts - even the Engineers turrets to a degree - boring.


I would never even use the turrets on Ilum, and they're nowhere near as strong as some of these WvW things. I just like to PvP to fight other players with my character that's all.

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Or you could head over To Ilum, alert a few guilds that your starting a fight, and FIGHT, World PVP in Swtor is alive, you jsut have to make it happen




And watch the engine cackle and sputter as it tries to accomplish this with you. ;)

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Sounds totally fun and balanced to me!


Uhm, we didn't defend it succesful (Like I said). We died pretty quickly actually. We still killed 10?15? I'm not sure. But like I said, Valhalla welcomed us with open doors. We were fearless warriors and we didn't care if we would survive or if we would die. We just wanted to see blood and kill as many as we could.

Edited by Fyda
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Nah, I just find absolutely nothing fun about the idea of fighting people using implements or extra-personal weapons. Trebuchets, arrow carts - even the Engineers turrets to a degree - boring.


I would never even use the turrets on Ilum, and they're nowhere near as strong as some of these WvW things. I just like to PvP to fight other players with my character that's all.


Na, they are really funny to use. You still have to build them and are very easy countered by siege weapons with a longer range. If you want to attack a keep, build a Trebuchet and destroy cannons from far away. They have to leave the keep and attack the Trebuchet or counter the Trebuchet with a Trebuchet. But that isn't really to do if there is already a Trebuchet standing :x

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Or you could head over To Ilum, alert a few guilds that your starting a fight, and FIGHT, World PVP in Swtor is alive, you jsut have to make it happen


It could not be more dead and you could not be more wrong. The game engine simply cannot handle it and more than likely never will be able to handle it unless they are doing some kind of massive game engine re-design that the community is unaware of.


There is no World PvP in Swtor and there likely never will be.

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Nah, I just find absolutely nothing fun about the idea of fighting people using implements or extra-personal weapons. Trebuchets, arrow carts - even the Engineers turrets to a degree - boring.


I would never even use the turrets on Ilum, and they're nowhere near as strong as some of these WvW things. I just like to PvP to fight other players with my character that's all.


Well that's what so good about having a large scale open world are to fight in. Don't want to zerg it around keeps? Go roaming with a small skirmish group, take supply camps, harass the enemy. That's what I plan on doing :)

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And watch the engine cackle and sputter as it tries to accomplish this with you. ;)


Odd. Mine never does. *shrug* I was as active as I could be pre 1.1.5 Occasional lag when there was more then 50 or so, but nothing that couldnt be managed.

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Odd. Mine never does. *shrug* I was as active as I could be pre 1.1.5 Occasional lag when there was more then 50 or so, but nothing that couldnt be managed.

Must be a sad server if there weren't more than 50 out in Ilum constantly.

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Good point... kinda like a bunch of new content... a new planet, level cap, world event that rewards players with a new companion. You mean THAT kind of thing going on? :D


None of that is even remotely PVP related. Even the level cap raise is irrelevant if they don't fix the rest of it first.


Did have ~20v20 on Corellia last weekend without any severe bogdowns. Maybe a slight bit worse than a normal WZ.

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One thing I can think of was when I was watching a person play a mesmer, and there was a thief that attacked him. The mesmer didnt know it at the time but the thief was built for the highest burst they could achieve, especially with backstab. The thief used steal to get close and shadow step within melee range. Hit Cloak and Dagger to do damage and go into stealth, followed up by a back stab.


The mesmer's health went from 19k, 14k, 11k, DEAD. The damage showed like a bit of damage from a traited steal (Mug), like 5k from cloak and dagger, a bit of damage from poison, and an overkill backstab for 15k. For this, the thief sacrificed all of his survivability, and went pure damage.


Mesmer sees the same thief in the next sPvP. The mesmer uses some range attacks, and hits the thief for a little below 4k, thief dropped like 1/3 or 1/4 of his health, so he clearly has like 12k-16k health, and no defense. Thief tries to pull the same combo again. Shadow step in, go stealth, backstab. Though he couldnt see him the mesmer expected this, and dodged the backstab at the perfect time. The thief came out of stealth and the mesmer's illusions destroyed the thief, while the mesmer still had all of his health left, was pretty hilarious. :D


Edit to add: Well said fungi, more detail than I felt like going into. Lol@ 'get low, people on me- undying rage' XD


This is really the essence of gw2. The level of skill, situational awareness, and familiarity with what other builds a class can throw at you and alot of abilities are not channelled either. The fact that I know how to beat a maurader in SWtoR because they have a pretty set rotation and I can basically counter it blindfolded now. There is none of that in gw2, you have to be prepared for anything a class can possibly give you at anytime. Even remembering what a certain thief does (he could pop out after that wz and respec) then it is brand new again.

You not only have to worry abot your hp, what class you're fighting, what abilities they are using but also conditions. You don't pay attention to conditions youre gonna get killed a ton

Plus with probably 2 classes as a small exception you have to move constantly, everything is pretty much done on the fly, tons of ground aoe to worry about etc

It is just so much more involved

It will take a lot longer to be good at a class and it will take a hell of alot longer to be great in a wz

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It could not be more dead and you could not be more wrong. The game engine simply cannot handle it and more than likely never will be able to handle it unless they are doing some kind of massive game engine re-design that the community is unaware of.


There is no World PvP in Swtor and there likely never will be.




2 days before 99% of my guild unsubbed we tried to do some "friendly" PvP on Ilum and Tattooine. Got quite a few ppl from both sides and the winner was... LAG. And it was like 50 ppl tops on both sides!

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Edited for truth.


Games are not on contract (insert 6 month subscription comment here).... you are free to go as you please and if you aren't enjoying it, I hope you find pleasure in the next game that you download.



...so what then when it's only you and your twin sister playing swtor?...serious question...

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