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Soooo.. GW2 is coming and you do nothing to keep the PvP-Players here?


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Everything is NOT there for open world PvP. Illum becomes a slide show when more than 16 people show up, and slows down considerably at 10. The game engine can't support it. Until BW fixes that, there's no point in open world on this game. People don't go to Illum because it sucks, period. Even when there were rewards for Illum it was dead last on my priority list because of the game engine problems, and I knew a lot of other people who felt the same way.

Not only can the engine not handle it, the design of the zone is beyond awful.

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I'll be staying... cute post tho. Have fun with GW2.


I think the developers dont have any ideas look at the fail ideas they have in place here already and yet done nothing about it.



1.) Open pvp with no tokens or reward system....loved Dark Age of Camelot style where you pvp earned pvp points and it increased your pvp tree lvl and you got points to spend on abilities.....here is stagnant ..like a festering fish on the beach...id be firing people lol . Would also solve the CC problem ( everyone has it and it stacks and your dead ) Spend these pvp points on CC if you want...least players would know you earned it ..instead of it being handed out like its Trick or Treatin.


2.) Warzones...why would you put the one thing in place that kills open pvp? its far easier to sit on your duff and just Q for it instead of finding it....because the developers have No dam clue what open world pvp should be about. SEE below


3.) Open world pvp objectives...nothing they are there for a buff ...wow me with the shock and awe here. Let me log on now and destroy the cargo shuttles and cannons now...lol lame. How about making a different planet just for open world...which provides resources to the side who is in more control of it. Crafting bonus . harvesting bonus, control so much of the planet and rare recipes can be purchased with pvp points...no drop , bind on equip.How about a 10% DPS 10% armor rating artifacts which can be taken from a HQ which effect everyone on the server.. The more the other-side gets the less NPC guards at the bases and timers on re spawn increase making it easier to take back


4.) resolve system ..fail


5.) Mods and no real armor types...other than it saying heavy...or med or light...its just the look...all gear can be made the same.. thus creating class balance issues...when have you heard of a game where the DPS has the same hps as the tanks , and a better armor rating than someone in heavy armor? Poop colored robes means you are easier to do damage to once your hit , as light armor also means moving faster and thus harder to hit.....heavy armor means that you take less damage when hit..but are an easier target...thats why tanks have superior hit points...or well...they are supposed to..but not in Shock Wars.


6.) To Much CC needs to be in tech trees at spots where its impossible to have 2 without sacrificing DPS, healing or tanking ability...no diversity...everyone know the drill already...cats out of the bag....


7.) Stupid half way stops on the orbital stations....90% of them have no value other than another loading screen.


8.) No space combat pvp...here you could add another tech tree..you can be a half *** jedi or commando in ground pvp and awesome at space combat....make people make a decision...stop making everyone a mold of one another. and cookie cuttin... Anyone ever played Battle Star Galatica online? A browser game...with those graphics and space combat....telling me STOR doesn't have funds for this? lol


9.) Space missions...although fun at first...uh doing the same ones over and over again and getting 5k credits at lvl 50..seriously? was this supposed to be fun or just stupid. Waste of time and money on a business level lets no forget resources...they could have pulled those goons on the space missions side to work on something else...like getting coffee or something.


10.) Expertise ....Gear...should be one type of gear not pve and pvp... one set...yes you should be able to get gear from pvping..its just based on the standard gear.. top end pvp and top end raid gear are equal.You dont wanna pvp and wanna kill AI...we have gear for you....you dont want to pve and just dont have time to get in a guild and play kissy kiss to get in the raid...we have gear for you as well. Period....exotic gear and hard to get gear..one of a kinds..should be one time drops only per server ..with unique skins....hey i just thought of where the space mission developers would transfer...making gear for specials..pvp and pve...keeping track of what drops...making harder content without bogging down the system with lvl cap increases .


11) crafter gear should be what you strive to get before you can even think of getting pvp or pve based SUPER Gear..which should be harder to get...in otherwords if your raiding and get a drop it will be a replacement..but will have a different jumble of stats ...thus making you change your other gear to fit it into your system or play style...which keeps the crafters a job..and stimulates the economy in game..Crafted gear should be awesome stuff...not just a candy shell for mods...lol L A M E.


anyway...you expect these dev's come up with anything to save the game? They have a mountain of work...this game isnt out of BETA yet...we are the beta..

Edited by Kumodomodo
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I hate the bolster system and think its boring and lacks replay ability I don't want to pvp on a character that's been given a set of stats just for entering a zone I want to pvp on the character I've developed and honed into a killing machine

If gw2 pvp works on a bolster system with nothing but cosmetic rewards people Will get bored fast and as a avid pvper I personally have no interest in cosmetic appearance does it allow me to hit harder does it allow me to heal better nope

How boring is this your ability x hits for xxxx damage and never increases because theres no stats to increase A lot of pvpers like to improve their stats and see improvements Through gear

Tweaking for the best output either damage healing or mitigation

it will be like cod but in a fantasy mmo setting which is a reason I think this game will hold players not interested

In this easy mode fire and forget kind of pvp where you only need to think of the abilities your using

Which leaves a massive hole in the meta game of gearing and tweaking your character

Edited by denpic
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I hate the bolster system and think its boring and lacks replay ability I don't want to pvp on a character that's been given a set of stats just for entering a zone I want to pvp on the character I've developed and honed into a killing machine

If gw2 pvp works on a bolster system with nothing but cosmetic rewards people

Will get bored fast ,How boring is this your ability x hits for xxxx damage and never increases because theres no stats to increase A lot of pvpers like to improve their stats and see improvements Through gear

Tweaking for the best output either damage healing or mitigation

it will be like cod but in a fantasy mmo setting which is a reason I think this game will hold players not interested

In this easy mode fire and forget kind of pvp where you only need to think of the abilities your using

Which leaves a massive hole in the meta game of gearing and tweaking your character


Agreed. I'll probably try GW2 out, but it just won't be able to hold my interest without some kind of progression to go through to improve my stats and capabilities.


And no, this isn't a case at all of wanting to be able to perform with skill playing a minimal role. The fact is that I - and many others - like being able to see stats and damage/;healing/mitigation improve so that I can make greater use of the skills I have. Once I am fully optimized in SWtOR gear, I'll get kindof bored with it until the next set of gear comes out. I just think that that kind of thing is fun.

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everything is there for open world pvp ilum its a open zone where you can pvp you just wont go there because theres no rewards, if you want rewards go do raids where you get loot drops pvp is about killing other players NOT REWARDS


People don't goto ilum because it is broken, it does not work and NEVER will not matter what changes they make for it because the cheap as chips game engine they decided to use for the game will never, never handle it. The game engine can barely handle 16 players in the same warzone let alone 50 vs 50 large scale PvP.


This is why GW2 is picking up so much interest from PvP'ers, some have played the beta and experienced WvWvW PvP, with hundreds of players fighting in the same area and NO lag. They are also fighting over meaningful objectives, not a bunch of armaments in the middle of the map. There are supply camps, NPC Camps that assist you if you help them, Towers/Defensive positions, Keeps/Castles, Siege Weapons all on a massive scale.


It has opened peoples eye's to what can be achieved for a AAA title if the developer puts the work into the game engine, after all it is one of THE most important aspects of ANY game. If the game engine is poor and lags, players will quite rightly not enjoy the game and the game will fail.


In bioware's defence, swtor launched as a PvE game with a side spattering of PvP, they never expected it to be anywhere near as popular as it turned out to be. They probably should have just launched as a PvE ONLY title and left out PvP completely. They came out with statements regarding the focus on PvP and re-shifting it, but the problem is; most PvP players have already left, the one's that are still here WILL leave for GW2, it's a case of too little too late whatever they try and do.

Edited by Archaar
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I hate the bolster system and think its boring and lacks replay ability I don't want to pvp on a character that's been given a set of stats just for entering a zone I want to pvp on the character I've developed and honed into a killing machine

If gw2 pvp works on a bolster system with nothing but cosmetic rewards people Will get bored fast and as a avid pvper I personally have no interest in cosmetic appearance does it allow me to hit harder does it allow me to heal better nope

How boring is this your ability x hits for xxxx damage and never increases because theres no stats to increase A lot of pvpers like to improve their stats and see improvements Through gear

Tweaking for the best output either damage healing or mitigation

it will be like cod but in a fantasy mmo setting which is a reason I think this game will hold players not interested

In this easy mode fire and forget kind of pvp where you only need to think of the abilities your using

Which leaves a massive hole in the meta game of gearing and tweaking your character


And this illustrates why real PvP gamers hold MMO's as the lowest joke form of "competitive" gaming there is. Should be a new acronym for it like GvP (gear vs player) or TvP (time vs player) of some sort. Anyways, RTS/FPS reign. MMO PvP is entertaining for a bit, but overall silly. The GW2 / Bolsters model is a far cry better however and will have some credibility.

Edited by Vaipyr
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Agreed. I'll probably try GW2 out, but it just won't be able to hold my interest without some kind of progression to go through to improve my stats and capabilities.


And no, this isn't a case at all of wanting to be able to perform with skill playing a minimal role. The fact is that I - and many others - like being able to see stats and damage/;healing/mitigation improve so that I can make greater use of the skills I have. Once I am fully optimized in SWtOR gear, I'll get kindof bored with it until the next set of gear comes out. I just think that that kind of thing is fun.


See when it comes to PVP this is where some people are very different. Although it is fun when you out-gear people, the skills you built getting there aren't that important because going in you have the upper hand. But I think more like growing up playing Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. I loved playing those games, hours and hours, in arcades, and such. Player versus player is about skill and fighting, if it is a fun system or game who cares about hitting harder. The point in gear ranked systems is to let the people who have the best gear kill lesser geared faster. That is all. It isn't to make you better against similarly geared people.

My competitiveness comes from my musical endeavors. When competing for jobs there is no imbalance it's your ability vs another. It doesn't matter if you held the best job in the world, when you audition for a spot all that matters is how you play. Period. THAT is competition.

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See when it comes to PVP this is where some people are very different. Although it is fun when you out-gear people, the skills you built getting there aren't that important because going in you have the upper hand. But I think more like growing up playing Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. I loved playing those games, hours and hours, in arcades, and such. Player versus player is about skill and fighting, if it is a fun system or game who cares about hitting harder. The point in gear ranked systems is to let the people who have the best gear kill lesser geared faster. That is all. It isn't to make you better against similarly geared people.

My competitiveness comes from my musical endeavors. When competing for jobs there is no imbalance it's your ability vs another. It doesn't matter if you held the best job in the world, when you audition for a spot all that matters is how you play. Period. THAT is competition.


When you audition for a job playing a crappy old violin, you are at a disadvantage to the player who is wielding a Stradivarius.

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See when it comes to PVP this is where some people are very different. Although it is fun when you out-gear people, the skills you built getting there aren't that important because going in you have the upper hand. But I think more like growing up playing Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. I loved playing those games, hours and hours, in arcades, and such. Player versus player is about skill and fighting, if it is a fun system or game who cares about hitting harder. The point in gear ranked systems is to let the people who have the best gear kill lesser geared faster. That is all. It isn't to make you better against similarly geared people.

My competitiveness comes from my musical endeavors. When competing for jobs there is no imbalance it's your ability vs another. It doesn't matter if you held the best job in the world, when you audition for a spot all that matters is how you play. Period. THAT is competition.


People seem to forget that character development is a major part of mmo games And thus embedded in its pvp

does your character mean anything to you Or is it just a tool to get the job done

like street fighter and fps the characters are just tools You have no control of their development You just login to a server and start killing

I think a lot of players don't want to develop their characters past the creation screen And want to be at the pinicle of the game from the get go which is sad because their missing A major part of the games design

Edited by denpic
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When you audition for a job playing a crappy old violin, you are at a disadvantage to the player who is wielding a Stradivarius.


And yet this year this little gem was published: "Violinists can’t tell the difference between Stradivarius violins and new ones". In other words the stradivarius might just as well be a well sought after "skin/look/brand" which gives you no advantage what so ever in an audition.


And where are people getting that you can't tweak your stats? You can min/max to your hearth's desire and you can even decide what your setbonus might be. And people who desperately want that gear grind, why will you stay here while MOP pvp blows bioware's hilarious copy of that pvp out of the water.

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I will probably maintain my SWTOR account but i will play it more casually and level my GW2 character more. I like the way GW2 does their PvP system, they immediately level you to 80 and give you all the gear you want in the PvP zone. This system removes gear out of the question, but i guess for people looking for something to grind at this won't be so appealing to them. I understand that Guild Wars 2 is a big change to how MMO's work but MMO's have to evolve somehow so i guess this is a step in the right direction.
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And yet this year this little gem was published: "Violinists can’t tell the difference between Stradivarius violins and new ones". In other words the stradivarius might just as well be a well sought after "skin/look/brand" which gives you no advantage what so ever in an audition.


There have been different tests of this done over the years with different results. Also, note that I compared it to a crappy old violin, not an average one. The point is simply that in everything, the tools we use are going to impact our results and help us to perform at our best or not at our best.


Heck, a guy using a Naga mouse has a fairly decent edge over a guy with a regular mouse - and that's a gear issue that truly is imbalanced, because its based on something not all people are going to have - real world money - rather than in-game efforts which anyone can do. Should we say any game that permits the use of gaming mice is "Gear vs. Player?"


And where are people getting that you can't tweak your stats? You can min/max to your hearth's desire and you can even decide what your setbonus might be. And people who desperately want that gear grind, why will you stay here while MOP pvp blows bioware's hilarious copy of that pvp out of the water.





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There have been different tests of this done over the years with different results. Also, note that I compared it to a crappy old violin, not an average one. The point is simply that in everything, the tools we use are going to impact our results and help us to perform at our best or not at our best.


Heck, a guy using a Naga mouse has a fairly decent edge over a guy with a regular mouse - and that's a gear issue that truly is imbalanced, because its based on something not all people are going to have - real world money - rather than in-game efforts which anyone can do. Should we say any game that permits the use of gaming mice is "Gear vs. Player?"




Any self respecting artist/craft person will always take good care of their tools. Anyway this whole situation is a big strawman anyway so lets keep it at that.


And yeah lol panda's nevermind that swtor tried to copy wow's pvp in every aspect and failed and that the rumored swtor expansion has cat people

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I think the developers dont have any ideas look at the fail ideas they have in place here already and yet done nothing about it.



1.) Open pvp with no tokens or reward system....loved Dark Age of Camelot style where you pvp earned pvp points and it increased your pvp tree lvl and you got points to spend on abilities.....here is stagnant ..like a festering fish on the beach...id be firing people lol . Would also solve the CC problem ( everyone has it and it stacks and your dead ) Spend these pvp points on CC if you want...least players would know you earned it ..instead of it being handed out like its Trick or Treatin.


2.) Warzones...why would you put the one thing in place that kills open pvp? its far easier to sit on your duff and just Q for it instead of finding it....because the developers have No dam clue what open world pvp should be about. SEE below


3.) Open world pvp objectives...nothing they are there for a buff ...wow me with the shock and awe here. Let me log on now and destroy the cargo shuttles and cannons now...lol lame. How about making a different planet just for open world...which provides resources to the side who is in more control of it. Crafting bonus . harvesting bonus, control so much of the planet and rare recipes can be purchased with pvp points...no drop , bind on equip.How about a 10% DPS 10% armor rating artifacts which can be taken from a HQ which effect everyone on the server.. The more the other-side gets the less NPC guards at the bases and timers on re spawn increase making it easier to take back


4.) resolve system ..fail


5.) Mods and no real armor types...other than it saying heavy...or med or light...its just the look...all gear can be made the same.. thus creating class balance issues...when have you heard of a game where the DPS has the same hps as the tanks , and a better armor rating than someone in heavy armor? Poop colored robes means you are easier to do damage to once your hit , as light armor also means moving faster and thus harder to hit.....heavy armor means that you take less damage when hit..but are an easier target...thats why tanks have superior hit points...or well...they are supposed to..but not in Shock Wars.


6.) To Much CC needs to be in tech trees at spots where its impossible to have 2 without sacrificing DPS, healing or tanking ability...no diversity...everyone know the drill already...cats out of the bag....


7.) Stupid half way stops on the orbital stations....90% of them have no value other than another loading screen.


8.) No space combat pvp...here you could add another tech tree..you can be a half *** jedi or commando in ground pvp and awesome at space combat....make people make a decision...stop making everyone a mold of one another. and cookie cuttin... Anyone ever played Battle Star Galatica online? A browser game...with those graphics and space combat....telling me STOR doesn't have funds for this? lol


9.) Space missions...although fun at first...uh doing the same ones over and over again and getting 5k credits at lvl 50..seriously? was this supposed to be fun or just stupid. Waste of time and money on a business level lets no forget resources...they could have pulled those goons on the space missions side to work on something else...like getting coffee or something.


10.) Expertise ....Gear...should be one type of gear not pve and pvp... one set...yes you should be able to get gear from pvping..its just based on the standard gear.. top end pvp and top end raid gear are equal.You dont wanna pvp and wanna kill AI...we have gear for you....you dont want to pve and just dont have time to get in a guild and play kissy kiss to get in the raid...we have gear for you as well. Period....exotic gear and hard to get gear..one of a kinds..should be one time drops only per server ..with unique skins....hey i just thought of where the space mission developers would transfer...making gear for specials..pvp and pve...keeping track of what drops...making harder content without bogging down the system with lvl cap increases .


11) crafter gear should be what you strive to get before you can even think of getting pvp or pve based SUPER Gear..which should be harder to get...in otherwords if your raiding and get a drop it will be a replacement..but will have a different jumble of stats ...thus making you change your other gear to fit it into your system or play style...which keeps the crafters a job..and stimulates the economy in game..Crafted gear should be awesome stuff...not just a candy shell for mods...lol L A M E.


anyway...you expect these dev's come up with anything to save the game? They have a mountain of work...this game isnt out of BETA yet...we are the beta..



I will not be going over to GW2. But these points are COMPLETELY ACCURATE. Can only hope that some of this is considered and eventually put in place.

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Any self respecting artist/craft person will always take good care of their tools. Anyway this whole situation is a big strawman anyway so lets keep it at that.


And yeah lol panda's nevermind that swtor tried to copy wow's pvp in every aspect and failed and that the rumored swtor expansion has cat people


Again, not every musician or other artisan can afford to have the best or even good tools. At least in a typical tiered-gear MMO, everyone can get the same equipment.

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How about some balance changes? How about structured PvP for 1-49? How about a reworked Ilum? How about some change to current Warzones to make them less zergy and more objective based? How about Arena? How about a possibility to make Tournaments? How about a freaking duel zone on the fleet?


I mean, the fight isn't lost, GW2 isn't Star Wars and not everyone will enjoy the combat in it, so go Bioware? I mean, it seems that Bioware is doing nothing atm to keep the PvP-Players here.


Thanks for reading!

Incoming SWTOR/GW2 Rant... but with suggestions as well...


I will not be completely abandoning this game, but its becoming obvious that bioware just doesn't know what to do at this point. Look at the state of open world pvp at launch. It was horrendous. A pair of objectives was it, that you could trade back and forth and quickly was exploited. What was the fix? Lets throw a bunch of boxes people can fight over in the center. Weeee... Now whichever faction has the most people = auto win. What was the next fix, oh lets just yank any incentive to play open pvp at all. This is completely ridiculous when you consider the the PVP devs came from prior games with a very good pvp system (Even if the PVE was terrible). And I am sorry, the excuse for "we didn't expect pvp to be this big" is lame as all hell. Its a game with two opposing factions based on one the biggest if not the biggest IP ever created and you don't expect pvpers to flock to it :rolleyes:


Then we have warzones which can be a blast. 1-50 all in one pvp bracket at the start was laugh worthy and at least you fixed that, after again giving people an avenue to exploit a system to gain gear advantages over others... again. 1.2 comes along and I think quite a few people were happy, classes were fairly balanced out. some minor issues here and there, but it was getting close to how it should be. Only change that was truly needed was the server merges and we would have been getting there.


Then you release 1.3 and so many unneeded class adjustments are made throwing everything out of whack. The whole match making system for rateds it absolutely wretched which has rated teams just quitting completing and those that do stick around get matched up against the same 2-3 sets of teams over and over and over and over. Losing is on thing but being forced against the same 3 teams and losing is demoralizing. Rateds should never have been added until cross server q's were in, but honestly I am also to blame for this as I pushed on the forums to see them added early and I am willing to admit that it was a bad idea.


You could of course try lowbie 1-49 pvp but why bother? Unless you are rolling Snipers, Marauders or Vanguards whats the point? Today alone 95% of my matches on low level characters was my team with a bunch of tanks thrown against 6-7 DPS ranged. Maybe a system that autobalanced out the teams so that one team would not be overstacked with melee or ranged or whatever would be good.


These balance issues are not as big of an issue when the team makeup is more evenly spread, but in an 8v8 environment it becomes majorly apparent. IMO rateds should be 5v5 or at most 6v6, you can keep 8v8 for normal qing. Also, normal Q's should ONLY allow people to q solo or if people group in 4 mans they should be split up randomly upon entering a warzone. Toss in some lowbie ranked pvp once cross server comes in and your looking pretty good. I just think that 8v8 in rateds even if you balance stuff closely is always going to be a stack FOTM class deal.


The CC system in this game is just awful, resolve terrible and thats coming from someone who plays a class with CC flying out my butt. 1-2 seconds stuns are what we should have max. Get hit with ANY combo of CC moves x2 in a row and you are immune for 20 seconds. OR even better. CC in PVP should be useable ONCE per match. Make it so that using CC is a big decision, not a whim.


The scoreboard/card on this game is terrible. It just promotes peoples doing their own thing more often than not. The scoreboard should be simplified so that the ONLY thing that grants you medals is objectives. Not healing, not dps, no guarding. Just objectives. You can have the numbers there for show but rewards should be based on objective based play only and as such, playing objectively on either the winning or losing side should be rewarded properly. Maybe this would promote teamwork instead of all the crap that goes on now.


If you don't like GW2 thats fine, its not for everyone. But I have to say when I got access to BWE1 in GW2 I encountered less bug and glitches that I had in SWTOR up to that point. By the latest BWE3 the performance of GW2 on max setting was better than SWTOR on lowest settings, on either fleet at peak hours in areas in GW2 which were not only more detailed but had more people clustered together.


I was wearing my fanboy goggles pretty hard up until about 2 months ago for this game, but the more I play the more I see its flaws glaring at me. Flaws that those in charge are feet dragging over and making bad choices to try and fix. I still enjoy TOR and as stated, I plan on keeping my account even with GW2, yes I plan on supporting and giving this game more time even though I shouldn't have to. A $200 million dollar game should be in better shape than this is. Maybe if they had tossed more money at features and bug fixing it wouldnt be in this state.


This is Bioware, I always loved the way they innovated, but lets face it they spent more time trying to copy what was already done with TOR than trying to innovate or do their own thing. To much time spent trying to emulate a tired formula that was perfected and has become so stale they tried to inject life into it by adding... pandas... lol.


Bioware you need to innovate in a positive way, stop copy pasting other games. Look at GW2, not to copy them but to inspire new ideas. This game is built on a tired formula that has been getting old since before WoW even came out something new and fresh is needed and with an IP like Star Wars you will have 'extra lives' to try and fix this game. However just remember that even though it is Star Wars it is NOT immune to mass amounts of people quitting for something that seems better to them, this game could easily become Star Wars Galaxies in the fail department.

Edited by Fallensbane
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Again, not every musician or other artisan can afford to have the best or even good tools. At least in a typical tiered-gear MMO, everyone can get the same equipment.


That's a rather large assumption you're making, on both accounts btw. Especially since you cant (dis)proof the first statement. As i said earlier, its a strawman and i shouldn't have given this line of thought any room for discussion in the first place.

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That's a rather large assumption you're making, on both accounts btw. Especially since you cant (dis)proof the first statement. As i said earlier, its a strawman and i shouldn't have given this line of thought any room for discussion in the first place.


Actually, it doesn't even remotely fit the definition of a straw man. I think you're trying to call it a red herring. In any case, I don't think it is - I think it's a good argument that you are having a hard time responding to.


The reality is that it's not an assumption on either account. There are a whole bunch of musicians who are stuck running with whatever they can afford. My family has gigging musicians in it, and heck even if it didn't it's not exactly a secret that this is how it goes for your average struggling musician. Furthermore, I can't imagine how you could argue that anyone does not have access to BM and WH gear.

Edited by Skolops
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Then you release 1.3 and so many unneeded class adjustments are made throwing everything out of whack. The whole match making system for rateds it absolutely wretched which has rated teams just quitting completing and those that do stick around get matched up against the same 2-3 sets of teams over and over and over and over. Losing is on thing but being forced against the same 3 teams and losing is demoralizing. Rateds should never have been added until cross server q's were in, but honestly I am also to blame for this as I pushed on the forums to see them added early and I am willing to admit that it was a bad idea.

I agree.


You could of course try lowbie 1-49 pvp but why bother? Unless you are rolling Snipers, Marauders or Vanguards whats the point? Today alone 95% of my matches on low level characters was my team with a bunch of tanks thrown against 6-7 DPS ranged. Maybe a system that autobalanced out the teams so that one team would not be overstacked with melee or ranged or whatever would be good.
I think this should be on the bottom of the list of current issues that need fixing at BioWare, the game cannot be balanced around something perfectly voluntary and temporary like lowbie PvP, you can level to 50 perfectly fine without.


These balance issues are not as big of an issue when the team makeup is more evenly spread, but in an 8v8 environment it becomes majorly apparent. IMO rateds should be 5v5 or at most 6v6, you can keep 8v8 for normal qing. Also, normal Q's should ONLY allow people to q solo or if people group in 4 mans they should be split up randomly upon entering a warzone.


Wouldn't that destroy the whole point of queueing together? I've lost many matches against a total PUG team even with a group of 4 in my past. It's the gear and team composition that decides the outcome of majority of the matches, you cannot outplay Vanguards/PTs that can 3 shot you, even if you played StarCraft in the top 10 of Korean ladder.


5v5 or even 6v6 RWZs with the current maps would be a total disaster, and would make tactical gameplay near-impossible. Ask anyone with a clue.


The CC system in this game is just awful, resolve terrible and thats coming from someone who plays a class with CC flying out my butt. 1-2 seconds stuns are what we should have max. Get hit with ANY combo of CC moves x2 in a row and you are immune for 20 seconds. OR even better. CC in PVP should be useable ONCE per match. Make it so that using CC is a big decision, not a whim.


Yeah... no. The resolve system's basic idea of all non-root CCs sharing a DR is a good one, it's the execution that's sometimes flawed (getting stuck on the ground after breaking an Operative's stun/knockback, getting Awe'd at full resolve when carrying a Huttball et cetera). I'd much more prefer the current Resolve system compared to WoW's DR system, in which stuns, disorients, snares, and roots and fears all had their own separate DRs. I remember this one time being CCd for about 30-40 seconds in a row in Alterac Valley, when my PvP trinked was on cooldown. Never again.


The scoreboard/card on this game is terrible. It just promotes peoples doing their own thing more often than not. The scoreboard should be simplified so that the ONLY thing that grants you medals is objectives. Not healing, not dps, no guarding. Just objectives. You can have the numbers there for show but rewards should be based on objective based play only and as such, playing objectively on either the winning or losing side should be rewarded properly. Maybe this would promote teamwork instead of all the crap that goes on now.


Let's take a hypothetical situation. One member of the team is a Shadow/Assassin, and his only goal is to play time near the fence in Voidstar, preventing people from zerging either door by either spamming Mind Trap/Mind Maze, or just opening combat, throwing CCs and damage around and vanishing. Because for the whole match he stays too far away from the doors to receive objective points, you think his contribution is worth jack? He could very well be the most important member of the team. The game doesn't and shouldn't base itself around standing near doors.


And, if you have two members of the team filling the exact same role, say healing for example, and the other healer does 1,5x more healing than the other. Isn't that an indication to you that the other healer did things at least a bit better than the other? If we assume they both healed in the heat of battle and were evenly geared.


But I have to say when I got access to BWE1 in GW2 I encountered less bug and glitches that I had in SWTOR up to that point. By the latest BWE3 the performance of GW2 on max setting was better than SWTOR on lowest settings, on either fleet at peak hours in areas in GW2 which were not only more detailed but had more people clustered together.


Pretty much stating the obvious here.

Edited by cs_Kimmo
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Gonna add on to what Kimmo said, I think he/she covered most of your points but...


The scoreboard/card on this game is terrible. It just promotes peoples doing their own thing more often than not. The scoreboard should be simplified so that the ONLY thing that grants you medals is objectives.


Take voidstar for example.


Then the Assassin(me), who ninja caps the door, kills the healer/knockback people trying to disarm. Then vanishes and outruns everyone with a 20 sec force speed (gotta love Lightning Recovery <3). Cap bridge, goto the other side and opposite door of bridge I capped, ninja cap that cause morons dont think about checking the other door. Door explodes, stealth again, cap the very far gate. Go to the farthest door if someone is coming up behind me, or nearest if there is no one to stop me. Cap the last door, defend, it explodes, and then cap the datacore.


I see your point on getting people to focus only on objectives, but if you have someone like me who just wants to cap objectives to make sure I secure the win for the team the best I can, then no one else gets rewards. I mean, I'm fine with that, but I dont think many others will be. :p Unless you get rid of the required amount of medals to get awards. Which they shouldnt do that either, cause then people will just AFK like they did at launch. :mad:


PS: They really should add back the viability of jumping that middle gap. I mean you -really- had to time that **** right. And when you landed on the otherside it was awesome. And I was just starting to perfect it when they removed that. :(

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Actually, it doesn't even remotely fit the definition of a straw man. I think you're trying to call it a red herring. In any case, I don't think it is - I think it's a good argument that you are having a hard time responding to.


The reality is that it's not an assumption on either account. There are a whole bunch of musicians who are stuck running with whatever they can afford. My family has gigging musicians in it, and heck even if it didn't it's not exactly a secret that this is how it goes for your average struggling musician. Furthermore, I can't imagine how you could argue that anyone does not have access to BM and WH gear.


It's an assumption since you cant proof what's "good". It's a subjective judgement, what your family members might find barely good enough would be the holy grail in Africa. Just like how i find bm gear absolute trash and vanilla wh armor barely adequate for the situation i'am in. To get acces to the same stats i have, you would need several wh armor sets for the mods and im not quite sure if everyone has the time to do that before conqueror gear will get introduced.

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It's an assumption since you cant proof what's "good". It's a subjective judgement, what your family members might find barely good enough would be the holy grail in Africa. Just like how i find bm gear absolute trash and vanilla wh armor barely adequate for the situation i'am in. To get acces to the same stats i have, you would need several wh armor sets for the mods and im not quite sure if everyone has the time to do that before conqueror gear will get introduced.


That's nonsense - there's absolutely an objectivity to what's good or bad. Consider one person coming in with a nice trumpet in working order and another coming in with a beat up old thing with rusty valves and a warped body - the first player's is going to sound vastly superior.


As for the gear, of course stock WH and BM gear is not really all that ideal for most classes, but the point is everyone can get that gear eventually just by spending time, whereas something like a Naga mouse may be completely inaccessible to a player because of real-world financial circumstances.

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You're forgetting GW2 is probably going to be bad. I played the beta and sadly it was a COMPLETE letdown. Have fun paying for everything. But i mean... Im a juggernaut and im happy with pvp. >.> Wait until you hit endgame pvp. Then there is NO FoTM classes. Trust me. Everything balances out.


There are alot more games that just GW2 coming out. I already unsubbed because PvP in this game is an epic fail.. If you are a carebear, stunfest, zergfest ,no skill requred PvP fan, then this is the perfect game for you. The poster makes good points and at least makes an effort to wake Bio up. Clearly Bio is clueless. Look forward to more server merges in the near future.

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That's nonsense - there's absolutely an objectivity to what's good or bad. Consider one person coming in with a nice trumpet in working order and another coming in with a beat up old thing with rusty valves and a warped body - the first player's is going to sound vastly superior.


Your analogy fails. If only because you're not asking "What type of sound are we looking for?". There's a reason why Honky Tonk exists and it isn't merely the stress on rhythm or connection to ragtime.

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