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Least boring republic class story?


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That's strange, the general consensus of all the "rate the story" threads Ive read is that Consular is the least inetersting class story in the game. People have different tastes but if the majorityt of people dislike something, it's usually not good.


while that is true, i'd wager a large number of the people who rate consular last (not all) were turned off by act 1 (which was a snoozefest). Acts 2 and 3 for the consular were very good

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Jedi Consular - The closest to Jedi canon. I felt more like a Jedi during the Consular story line than in the Jedi Knight story. The progression is very realistic - Padawan, Jedi, Master, Healer, Researcher, Ambassador, and Padawan Master.


Jedi Knight - Very Star Wars Jedi-like using Luke Skywalker and Obe Wan Kenobi as the models. For example, you receive a Padawan as a Jedi instead of a Master when you normally would receive a Padawan. In addition, the Padawan is cynical, recruited as Jedi when the Padawan was too old, and potential love interest (Dark Force Points). While in the Consular story, you do have a love interest until Master when it is generally more acceptable in canon to have a relationship (No Dark Force points) to produce Force Sensitive children and when masters can handle emotions more.


Trooper - Very military like with some small descrepencies due to the Dev's lack of real life military careers. Former Marine myself. Commando needs to be reworked into a Heavy Armored sniper using a cloaking device and completely drop the combat medic. Lastly, give the Assault Cannon to the Vanguard and the Blaster and Sniper Rifle to the Commando. The Damage dealing from the Vanguard will be withering fire power while the Commando will be from well place shots.


Smuggler - Yes, yes, very Firefly like and enjoyable. A good story for a free spirit and the Gunslinger can dish out the damage!

Edited by Lorica
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while that is true, i'd wager a large number of the people who rate consular last (not all) were turned off by act 1 (which was a snoozefest). Acts 2 and 3 for the consular were very good


Act 1 was good for me and if it was a snooze fest than it is very Jedi canon like. In act 1, you are a Jedi Researcher\Healer.

Edited by Lorica
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The beginning of the smuggler story is very good. I can't remember how far into it I got before I changed sides. But my hubby assures me that it's excellent, especially if you are male.


Oh female can be good too especially if use and abuse ... ;-) I just have to role reverse myself with the NPCs during the risque scenes.

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Act 1 was a wholly contained story arc, which bugs most people who are used to the more streamlined storytelling of the other classes, but I personally feels it does far better for character development then the others, and it makes you becoming a Master/Barsen'thor make far more sense.


I have serious issues with the Jedi Knight story line because I feel like everything happens to your character far to quickly for to often. Most of the time I really didn't feel like I'd earned anything the Masters where saying I did. That was never an issue with the Consular storyline, it felt far more realistic and enjoyable.

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Try the Jedi Consular or the Smuggler. The Knight was always meant to be a sort of "classic Star Wars story" feel, which can be....frustrating a times, since it's so fast paced. The Consular story is much better written and feels far less like a wish fulfillment fantasy.
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Act I is a train wreck. The story pretends you have this deep and meaningful relationship with Yuon, who your character has known for either a few hours or maybe a few days depending on how you read the story. .


Well actually, the Class Stories all take place over a couple years. (2-3) So technically, you did form a relationship with her over that amount of time, you just never saw it in-game because nobody can show a timespan that long in any game.


The JK graduated Tython quicker than the JC but it still took some time (Not a few days or hours). If you refer to one of the Quest Givers on Tython, the quest where you must convert a Flesh Raider to the Jedi Order:


In the conversation, you state that "I was no easier to train, Master." To which he responds, "Yes, I've heard stories."

No doubt, he didn't hear all the stories of your life as a Jedi in a few hours. You've been at the Temple for a long time.


All of the Class Stories take their own "Time". You just don't physically experience it, you have to imply it. Which the game does, but you apparently missed.


@OP: The Consular is the most rewarding in my opinion. It's more an Obi-Wan styled story, which I enjoy. He was my favorite character after all!

Edited by TheLoneSage
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I'm not the guy who gets to 50 immediately, I have the known attention span of a squirrel and wasn't a surprise for me to make every character. My favorite is the Trooper or Sith Warrior. I was so hung on the troop storyline I didn't feel like doing sidequests. I just did all my phases till' I finished the planet, but of course to stay on level I still had to do the sidequests :S. But I love the Warrior as well, not only trolling on Baras but it's sorta like the Vadar legacy thang going ;) My Jugg makes me feel like a tool of destruction when I play him and can be quite humourous.
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The JK story line itself is pretty decent. The trouble with JK is, you need to establish your character's backstory as having been bred in a vat and raised by droids programmed to turn him into the most bland individual the galaxy's ever known, unless you want to go crazy.


Seriously, everybody in the JK story line gets a personality, aside from the JK.


To be fair, the JK gets a personality if you don't do EVERYTHING LS. Talk some trash to the Sith or whoever you're fighting, and Solid Snake makes an appearance. :cool:

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Problem is, the game encourages you to go hard light side or dark side during levelling, as many of the better relics and lightsabers are alignment restricted. This is irrelevant by end game, but I think seeing items with alignment restrictions in the shops early on encourages first-time players to metagame and so miss out on so much of the fun and moral ambiguity that all the classes can have if you ignore the alignment consequence and just do what you want to do.


My favourite Republic story was smuggler, beyond a doubt. She has personality by the bucketload, some great lines, she can romance her way around half the galaxy, she can be as morally ambiguous as you like, she has two of the best companions in the game in Risha and Guss and her story is hilarious.

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