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I swear this crap is totally broken on the Commando. I have been hard stunned and only have a quarter of my bar filled where as I cryonade someone and thier bar becomes half filled. The resolve system as a whole is still horrible. Its beyond frustrating to pop my cc break at full resolve, try to run away a bit and heal yet be subjected to all sorts of snars that cant be cleansed off. Further more I love when I have my shield up and get force choked. I wish I could force choke the **** out of the moron who thought that was a great idea. Anyway Resolve is still broken just like all the people who already unsubbed from this game have been saying.
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I swear this crap is totally broken on the Commando. I have been hard stunned and only have a quarter of my bar filled where as I cryonade someone and thier bar becomes half filled. The resolve system as a whole is still horrible. Its beyond frustrating to pop my cc break at full resolve, try to run away a bit and heal yet be subjected to all sorts of snars that cant be cleansed off. Further more I love when I have my shield up and get force choked. I wish I could force choke the **** out of the moron who thought that was a great idea. Anyway Resolve is still broken just like all the people who already unsubbed from this game have been saying.


More QQING, get geared, stop entering warzones in green crap, and most of all L2P

Edited by PowerReaper
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I play Commando Élan on Nightmare Lands (Hydian Way exile). I totally agree.

The Commando is a glass canon, which means if we hit hard, we die quick. That is the balance for this class.

Therefore causing us to stand still for more that a few seconds is game over, I can no longer take any player 1 on 1 unless they are another commando. Even a medium spec Sorc can take me out 1 on 1. I can not scratch a WH sorc.

I am fully augmented WH spec DPS (assault, eliminator spec), yet can be killed in three to four hits by an Imp DPS. I can not do the same.

My cryo bomb or rakata freeze grenade will not stop someone on full resolve and I have no other way of slowing them down as my CC will not work either. Yet if I am on full resolve I can be frozen, stunned (mezz), slowed or stopped.

I just hope Bioware take note that the playing experience would be so much better if I could be like everyone else on full resolve or have the same abilities as everyone else to mezz people on full resolve. Otherwise in Huttball all I can do is chase someone healing them until the other side decide to shoot at me. Then it is back to start and do the same again.

PS I need 2 healers to keep me up.

PPS Walk a mile in my Berluti shoes before you criticise or troll. If you can not afford my shoes, do not talk to me.


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I swear this crap is totally broken on the Commando.


Commando isn't a mobile long range toon, so its hard to break away with all the cc in the game. I feel ya on the resolve problems though, its a crap cc system.

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Agree 100%.


Resolve sucks and the CC's in this game are a pathetic joke.


As the gent above said. QQ L2P. Noobs crying about everything is a pathetic joke. Play against a good mage in WoW then talk to me about out of control CC. lol. I bet the OP just stands in the middle of the WZ facerolling. Try LoSing the stuns. Ive played every class in WZs. Game is balanced and resolve is fine. QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ. hah!

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That is really helpful advice, thanks. A translation in to English would be "I have played your character class and found it to be no more or less than the others so live with it or change class". No need for the insults really unless that is all you are able to write. But thanks for the insight I will take the positive from it.

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As the gent above said. QQ L2P. Noobs crying about everything is a pathetic joke. Play against a good mage in WoW then talk to me about out of control CC. lol. I bet the OP just stands in the middle of the WZ facerolling. Try LoSing the stuns. Ive played every class in WZs. Game is balanced and resolve is fine. QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ. hah!


Go play W0W if you like, I'm talking about the CC's and crappy Resolve system in this game. The only person "QQing" is you (by a long shot) so far. I stated my opinion, CC's and Resolve SUCK!!!!

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As the gent above said. QQ L2P. Noobs crying about everything is a pathetic joke. Play against a good mage in WoW then talk to me about out of control CC. lol. I bet the OP just stands in the middle of the WZ facerolling. Try LoSing the stuns. Ive played every class in WZs. Game is balanced and resolve is fine. QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ. hah!


What ever fool , WoW is a game for QQers because its so easy to get capped out...thats your game isnt. If you play every class then take a screen shot of your troopers WZ stats...and post it here.



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I swear this crap is totally broken on the Commando. I have been hard stunned and only have a quarter of my bar filled where as I cryonade someone and thier bar becomes half filled. The resolve system as a whole is still horrible. Its beyond frustrating to pop my cc break at full resolve, try to run away a bit and heal yet be subjected to all sorts of snars that cant be cleansed off. Further more I love when I have my shield up and get force choked. I wish I could force choke the **** out of the moron who thought that was a great idea. Anyway Resolve is still broken just like all the people who already unsubbed from this game have been saying.


Not "broken". It functions exactly as designed.


The phrase you are looking for is "not to my liking".

Also, all snares can be cleansed, you just need the right healer for the right snare.

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Silly children's comments aside, I have been asking about and it seems that because the trooper is a ranged DPS and a heavy hitter, the down side has to be lack of movement. Absolutely mezz can be cleansed with reactive shield (correct skill tree) and field aid, as well as with the right healer. So gear up for heavy hitting but you can sacrifice surge and power for defence by swapping mods out of other War Hero gear (armour must remain for set item bonus).

That said, I recently completed a Denova war zone where all I did was come out of bunker to face an imperial side at mid, get stunned, mezz'd, stunned, mezz'd again and died. The same two Sith DPS were hitting me constantly. 4 times in a row this happened, I thought if I keep charging, surely their cooldowns will cut in? But no, each time same sequence with seconds between my attacks. I gave up and took East instead.

When I did get to attack them earlier I got one of them 1 on 1 and very nearly killed them, so they were also quite tough (we both used med packs but they were a slightly better player). So they could not have had everything on alacrity.

So is the cool down on these Sith stuns etc really short (mine is 2 mins on freeze bomb). I do not have time to get another character going on the Imp side to find out, perhaps someone would be kind enough to share their thoughts and advice.

I have re-specced to Gunnery with some advice online and have been given a firing sequence so fingers crossed.

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Silly children's comments aside, I have been asking about and it seems that because the trooper is a ranged DPS and a heavy hitter, the down side has to be lack of movement. Absolutely mezz can be cleansed with reactive shield (correct skill tree) and field aid, as well as with the right healer. So gear up for heavy hitting but you can sacrifice surge and power for defence by swapping mods out of other War Hero gear (armour must remain for set item bonus).

That said, I recently completed a Denova war zone where all I did was come out of bunker to face an imperial side at mid, get stunned, mezz'd, stunned, mezz'd again and died. The same two Sith DPS were hitting me constantly. 4 times in a row this happened, I thought if I keep charging, surely their cooldowns will cut in? But no, each time same sequence with seconds between my attacks. I gave up and took East instead.

When I did get to attack them earlier I got one of them 1 on 1 and very nearly killed them, so they were also quite tough (we both used med packs but they were a slightly better player). So they could not have had everything on alacrity.

So is the cool down on these Sith stuns etc really short (mine is 2 mins on freeze bomb). I do not have time to get another character going on the Imp side to find out, perhaps someone would be kind enough to share their thoughts and advice.

I have re-specced to Gunnery with some advice online and have been given a firing sequence so fingers crossed.


Sith whats?

My Sorc has a 4 sec Stun on a 60 second CD and an 8 sec mezz on a 60 second CD.



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More QQING, get geared, stop entering warzones in green crap, and most of all L2P


Best comment ever by one who clearly loves the CC abuse in this game.


One I am fully geared. Two I am a Commando healer. Three this is by far the worst game ever in the aspect of CC. Fourth, in WoW there were tons of personal breaks you could use on cc. Almost all cc could be taken care of either though trinkets or just through dimishing returns. In WoW you cant be stunned then force choked and then die due to having two dps on you. Druids could shape shift when I played, priests could fear people off and bubble, pallies could cleanse, bubble etc. The list goes on and on with counters to cc in WoW. This game however has just three, CC before being cc'ed, pop your one and only cc break which doesnt make you immune to roots, or hope that between all the fing dots my cleanse can strip off the right crap.


In the end this game and the cc mechanic has totally failed. For one a simple change would be to break all cc except roots on damage. Have a immunity to cc that actually works unlike the resolve system. Have diminishing returns on snares, roots and mezes. I for one think its crazy to be mezed by one guy over and over while they are in stealth and not have any type of diminishing return. Oh and for my wonderful shield, you can still be force choked while its up. Thats a pretty solid mechanic, I dont think you can damage a pally in WoW when they bubble.


The over all take for this is the more and more cc issues are left by the wayside the more and more people will get sick of it. That ususally leads to people quitting (which they already have in droves). EA should of taken its lesson with Warhammer. It had the same exact system in the way of CC as TOR does.


I guess from your post the 12 servers left in North America isnt a sign that people are already tired of this game. This is just one aspect that needed to be addressed in the long list of issues overall.

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As the gent above said. QQ L2P. Noobs crying about everything is a pathetic joke. Play against a good mage in WoW then talk to me about out of control CC. lol. I bet the OP just stands in the middle of the WZ facerolling. Try LoSing the stuns. Ive played every class in WZs. Game is balanced and resolve is fine. QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ. hah!


NIce troll attempt. You do nothing but exasperate the situation. You have not played every class in WZ's unless you dont have a job. If you do they are not fully geared thus not a measure on how a class actually stands against another fully geared class. WoW has counters to all CC, this game has one maybe two if you have a healer. WoW has diminishing returns, thus after x cc's you can no longer be cc'ed. WoW you break cc when damaged unlike this game. AND DONT SAY YOU DO because you can take all incomming damage from another source while being force choked. Furthermore you cannot LOS stuns unless they are on a cast and those are very very few indeed.


Overall this isnt a qq post this is a post to examine how awful resolve is and how the concept should be thrown away.


Oh ya I forgot I have been cc'ed while being full resolve. I watch it happen time and time again.

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NIce troll attempt. You do nothing but exasperate the situation. You have not played every class in WZ's unless you dont have a job. If you do they are not fully geared thus not a measure on how a class actually stands against another fully geared class. WoW has counters to all CC, this game has one maybe two if you have a healer. WoW has diminishing returns, thus after x cc's you can no longer be cc'ed. WoW you break cc when damaged unlike this game. AND DONT SAY YOU DO because you can take all incomming damage from another source while being force choked. Furthermore you cannot LOS stuns unless they are on a cast and those are very very few indeed.


Overall this isnt a qq post this is a post to examine how awful resolve is and how the concept should be thrown away.


Oh ya I forgot I have been cc'ed while being full resolve. I watch it happen time and time again.


Agreed I was cc'd with a full resolve bar last night.

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Best comment ever by one who clearly loves the CC abuse in this game.


One I am fully geared. Two I am a Commando healer. Three this is by far the worst game ever in the aspect of CC. Fourth, in WoW there were tons of personal breaks you could use on cc. Almost all cc could be taken care of either though trinkets or just through dimishing returns. In WoW you cant be stunned then force choked and then die due to having two dps on you. Druids could shape shift when I played, priests could fear people off and bubble, pallies could cleanse, bubble etc. The list goes on and on with counters to cc in WoW. This game however has just three, CC before being cc'ed, pop your one and only cc break which doesnt make you immune to roots, or hope that between all the fing dots my cleanse can strip off the right crap.


In the end this game and the cc mechanic has totally failed. For one a simple change would be to break all cc except roots on damage. Have a immunity to cc that actually works unlike the resolve system. Have diminishing returns on snares, roots and mezes. I for one think its crazy to be mezed by one guy over and over while they are in stealth and not have any type of diminishing return. Oh and for my wonderful shield, you can still be force choked while its up. Thats a pretty solid mechanic, I dont think you can damage a pally in WoW when they bubble.


The over all take for this is the more and more cc issues are left by the wayside the more and more people will get sick of it. That ususally leads to people quitting (which they already have in droves). EA should of taken its lesson with Warhammer. It had the same exact system in the way of CC as TOR does.


I guess from your post the 12 servers left in North America isnt a sign that people are already tired of this game. This is just one aspect that needed to be addressed in the long list of issues overall.


The real question I'd like answered is why a class in heavy armor would need cc in a WZ?

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Sith whats?

My Sorc has a 4 sec Stun on a 60 second CD and an 8 sec mezz on a 60 second CD.




LoL, sorry I call CCs "stuns" as I am not an experience MMO player and still learning the language. Thank you for your response, I now know not to throw myself at a Sorc!

Part of "L2P" which I assume means learn to play, is using these forums to ask these questions and learn about the game from other more experienced players.

Thanks to everyone providing information and serious input.

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Oh ya I forgot I have been cc'ed while being full resolve. I watch it happen time and time again.


Glad it is not just me then. In reality this has just made me alter my tactics and hang back from the action, which reduces my fun. I have a huge amount of deaths in Huttball, usually the highest yet I am only a few ranks off a Warlord now. Go figure.

I think a ticket to EA is in order, I just hope they listen....

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NIce troll attempt. You do nothing but exasperate the situation.


I don't think that word means what you think it means...


Also, learn game mechanics. This QQing about Resolve crap has even gotten into my guildies; I had to prove to one of our Sents that it works just fine, because he didn't believe me that only two CC effects can be chained. So I called it: "Knockdown, flashbang, then kick. The kick will not stun you." And I did that in a duel and that's exactly what happened, his resolve filled and the dirty kick did nothing; in fact, better than that, since it broke the flashbang mezz.


Just because you don't understand/don't like the system doesn't mean it's broken. There are people who are good at using the Resolve system though, stunning once, then waiting for it drop a little so they can stun again, get Resolve to 99% and then stun again, making 3 in a row.

Edited by Daiyukie
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Try LoSing the stuns. Ive played every class in WZs.!


Hold on! Let's rewind the tape here. Just how do you LoS'ing a stun when that stun is instant and you have to be in LoS to be able to attack someone?


You're really using the force, arent you? Aw come on, just admit that you are a real Jedi already!!!!!


On another note, I was whirlwinded twice and electroluted once on the same bar today. It felt a bit over the top.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Best comment ever by one who clearly loves the CC abuse in this game.


One I am fully geared. Two I am a Commando healer. Three this is by far the worst game ever in the aspect of CC. Fourth, in WoW there were tons of personal breaks you could use on cc. Almost all cc could be taken care of either though trinkets or just through dimishing returns. In WoW you cant be stunned then force choked and then die due to having two dps on you. Druids could shape shift when I played, priests could fear people off and bubble, pallies could cleanse, bubble etc. The list goes on and on with counters to cc in WoW. This game however has just three, CC before being cc'ed, pop your one and only cc break which doesnt make you immune to roots, or hope that between all the fing dots my cleanse can strip off the right crap.


In the end this game and the cc mechanic has totally failed. For one a simple change would be to break all cc except roots on damage. Have a immunity to cc that actually works unlike the resolve system. Have diminishing returns on snares, roots and mezes. I for one think its crazy to be mezed by one guy over and over while they are in stealth and not have any type of diminishing return. Oh and for my wonderful shield, you can still be force choked while its up. Thats a pretty solid mechanic, I dont think you can damage a pally in WoW when they bubble.


The over all take for this is the more and more cc issues are left by the wayside the more and more people will get sick of it. That ususally leads to people quitting (which they already have in droves). EA should of taken its lesson with Warhammer. It had the same exact system in the way of CC as TOR does.


I guess from your post the 12 servers left in North America isnt a sign that people are already tired of this game. This is just one aspect that needed to be addressed in the long list of issues overall.


Could have said this any better ^^^^

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Oh ya I forgot I have been cc'ed while being full resolve. I watch it happen time and time again.

I still don't see any proof, video or otherwise. Hearsay isn't a valid basis for anything.

NIce troll attempt. You do nothing but exasperate the situation.


I don't think that word means what you think it means...


Also, learn game mechanics. This QQing about Resolve crap has even gotten into my guildies; I had to prove to one of our Sents that it works just fine, because he didn't believe me that only two CC effects can be chained. So I called it: "Knockdown, flashbang, then kick. The kick will not stun you." And I did that in a duel and that's exactly what happened, his resolve filled and the dirty kick did nothing; in fact, better than that, since it broke the flashbang mezz.


Just because you don't understand/don't like the system doesn't mean it's broken. There are people who are good at using the Resolve system though, stunning once, then waiting for it drop a little so they can stun again, get Resolve to 99% and then stun again, making 3 in a row. Still have to wait ~10-12 seconds for resolve to dip a little though and this is if the first stun is something like the short knockdown from an Assassin/Shadow or Operative/Scoundrel opener; you can't throw 3 hard stuns in a row without filling resolve no matter how much you wait for it to empty, because by the time resolve bar drains fully from the first stun it's already been easily 30 seconds.

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