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Obi-wan vs Revan


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Revan would overpower Obi wan in a contest of Force ability.


As for a lightsaber duel, it could probably go either way, especially with Obi Wans mastery of Soresu, but I'd still put my money on Revan.


You forget, Obi-Wan was no weakling with the force, he had a masterful level of proficiency in telekinesis.

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I know Obi Wan was powerful with the Force, but so was Revan. He was described as the most powerful Jedi of his time for a reason and the most gifted with the Force, and I believe it was Kriea that said that looking into his eyes felt like looking into the heart of the Force.


I still think a lightsaber duel would be a toss up, but it would be a long one. Revan doesn't seem like the type to give into the same frustration that Anakin developed from dueling a Soresu master.

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Revan. I mean, obi-wan is strong, but he has his limits. It would be a tough battle.


Play the force unleahed ultimate Sith (non canon) edition. Darth Starkiller rips apart obi. Twice.

And it took the emperor's wrath, Lord Kallig, Cipher 9, and the grand champion of the great hunt to defeat Revan. And we don't even know what happened to him.


But again, it would be close. But Revan's force abilities would eventually overpower obi-wan.

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I know Obi Wan was powerful with the Force, but so was Revan. He was described as the most powerful Jedi of his time for a reason and the most gifted with the Force, and I believe it was Kriea that said that looking into his eyes felt like looking into the heart of the Force.


I still think a lightsaber duel would be a toss up, but it would be a long one. Revan doesn't seem like the type to give into the same frustration that Anakin developed from dueling a Soresu master.


Please, Please do not quote Kriea. It is the general consensus that Kriea is a big fat liar. Do not believe anything she says. The only thing you can believe is some of the things she says when she is at deaths door.


As for the lightsaber duel. Obi-Wan wins. Plain and simple. Revan and Obi-Wan are some of the greatest combatants of their times. But Obi-Wan is one of the Greatest of his time in a time of greats. Revan is great in a time of mediocre people. See this fight is about great fighters, but Revan isn't that great, to be honest. He did great things, but the majority of the problems he faced were his doing. Had he not failed in defeating the Emperor, there would have been no Jedi Civil War.

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Revan. I mean, obi-wan is strong, but he has his limits. It would be a tough battle.


Play the force unleahed ultimate Sith (non canon) edition. Darth Starkiller rips apart obi. Twice.

And it took the emperor's wrath, Lord Kallig, Cipher 9, and the grand champion of the great hunt to defeat Revan. And we don't even know what happened to him.


But again, it would be close. But Revan's force abilities would eventually overpower obi-wan.


Wow, beating up an old past his prime Kenobi. Yeah, that's what you should use in an argument. Plus the Sith edition is non-canon. Obi-Wan could probably beat all four of them as well.

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Please, Please do not quote Kriea. It is the general consensus that Kriea is a big fat liar. Do not believe anything she says. The only thing you can believe is some of the things she says when she is at deaths door.


As for the lightsaber duel. Obi-Wan wins. Plain and simple. Revan and Obi-Wan are some of the greatest combatants of their times. But Obi-Wan is one of the Greatest of his time in a time of greats. Revan is great in a time of mediocre people. See this fight is about great fighters, but Revan isn't that great, to be honest. He did great things, but the majority of the problems he faced were his doing. Had he not failed in defeating the Emperor, there would have been no Jedi Civil War.


I am not going to discredit Revans mastery of the Force just because you say it's the general consensus that she's a liar. I don't see why she would lie about Revan anyway. Your argument does nothing to discredit Revans ability with a lightsaber either, but I feel it would be a toss up. Revan accomplished great feats with his lightsaber prowess, as did Obi Wan.

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I am not going to discredit Revans mastery of the Force just because you say it's the general consensus that she's a liar. I don't see why she would lie about Revan anyway. Your argument does nothing to discredit Revans ability with a lightsaber either, but I feel it would be a toss up. Revan accomplished great feats with his lightsaber prowess, as did Obi Wan.


Kriea lied to Meetra about pretty much everything. I do not deny that Revan was great, but you cannot use what Kreia said about anything to back up your argument.

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Kriea lied to Meetra about pretty much everything. I do not deny that Revan was great, but you cannot use what Kreia said about anything to back up your argument.


That's fine then, but the only quote I used from her was the heart of the Force statement and still doesn't discredit Revans ability.

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That's fine then, but the only quote I used from her was the heart of the Force statement and still doesn't discredit Revans ability.


Right when she said heart of the Force, I knew she was a load of bologna. Just giving you some advice on the whole Kreia deal.

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Revan wasn't considered to be one of, if not the best Soresu practitioners of all time.


You are correct. Obi wan was THE master of Soresu during his time. He was literally capable of wading into blaster fire and deflect every single shot sent his way. He was able to easily defeat Grevious in their last duel, and was able to surprise Dooku and go toe-to-toe against his Makashi mastery.


I don't think there's any statement of what lightsaber forms Revan used or mastered, but he's been seen using one and two lightsabers. Revan's own feats with his lightsaber prowess include slaying two Terentateks at once. In an era where there were multitudes more Sith and Dark Jedi, Revan single-handedly slew many dark Jedi and went on to face and defeat a supercharged Darth Malak, someone who had been considered one of the greatest duelists in the galaxy at the time. Not only that, but he also faced and defeated Mandalor the Ultimate.


Obi Wan might have been THE master of Soresu, but I believe Revan's acomplishments with a lightsaber are just as great, which is why I say it would be a toss up.

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You are correct. Obi wan was THE master of Soresu during his time. He was literally capable of wading into blaster fire and deflect every single shot sent his way. He was able to easily defeat Grevious in their last duel, and was able to surprise Dooku and go toe-to-toe against his Makashi mastery.


No argument there.


I don't think there's any statement of what lightsaber forms Revan used or mastered, but he's been seen using one and two lightsabers. Revan's own feats with his lightsaber prowess include slaying two Terentateks at once. In an era where there were multitudes more Sith and Dark Jedi, Revan single-handedly slew many dark Jedi and went on to face and defeat a supercharged Darth Malak, someone who had been considered one of the greatest duelists in the galaxy at the time. Not only that, but he also faced and defeated Mandalor the Ultimate.


If you ask any Revanite they'll say that Revan was the master of every lightsaber form and mastered both light and dark sides of the Force. Of course that is false, but they'll say it.


Obi Wan might have been THE master of Soresu, but I believe Revan's acomplishments with a lightsaber are just as great, which is why I say it would be a toss up.


Answers up in red.

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Ok, we have arguments on both sides, including one with Kreia "Revan was..... power. It was like looking into a pale reflection of Kyle Katarn."


And one using GAME MECHANICS..... ohboy.


Both of those arguments are used in favor of Revan. Ok, I'm a Revan fanboy, but come on! Revan doesn't even try to suppress his emotions, and Obi-Wan would take full advantage of that. Only one guy was able to keep his cool against Obi-Wan, and Revan ain't Dooku.

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Ok, we have arguments on both sides, including one with Kreia "Revan was..... power. It was like looking into a pale reflection of Kyle Katarn."


And one using GAME MECHANICS..... ohboy.


Both of those arguments are used in favor of Revan. Ok, I'm a Revan fanboy, but come on! Revan doesn't even try to suppress his emotions, and Obi-Wan would take full advantage of that. Only one guy was able to keep his cool against Obi-Wan, and Revan ain't Dooku.


Revan is a tactical genius. I don't see why he would fall into Soresu's trap of letting your emotions get the better of him, like Anakin did. That's how Soresu works. An impenetrable defense that wears down your opponent until they become angry and frustrated and begin making mistakes. Dooku was losing his cool very much so in their last encounter.

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No offense but Revan would take Obi Wan.


Most of the people defending Obi Wan are using his lightsaber skills (which if Star Wars had only Lightsaber skill Obi Wan would own Revan and then some). You guys fail to mention that Revan is one the best force users, and I think that is THE only weakness Obi Wan has is when it comes to defense against the force. Therefore by default Revan would defeat him hands down

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Right when she said heart of the Force, I knew she was a load of bologna. Just giving you some advice on the whole Kreia deal.


Kreia didn't say "Revan is the Heart of the Force" She said; "Revan was power. It was like staring into the Heart of the Force itself." Kreia was commenting on how Revan appeared to her through her own experience. She may have taken a bit of artistic liscence, but she was only vocalizing what everyone already knew; that Revan was an extremely powerful Jedi. And, as far as the Lore was concerned, Revan was the most powerful Jedi of his era.


You are correct. Obi wan was THE master of Soresu during his time.


This is actually what people tend to misinterperet. Obi-Wan was the greatest master of Soresu during his stint in the Jedi Order. But far, far too many exaggerate his ability and take things out of context by claiming that he was THE Greatest Soresu Master of All Time. This is, of course, untrue, but they will believe this anyway.


Dooku was losing his cool very much so in their last encounter.


Plot and Circumstance. Sidious was pretty much directly behind him the entire time. That would put Dooku on edge as any mistake could get him stabbed in the back. And in the end he did beat Obi-Wan, but was felled by Anakin touching the Dark Side and using his anger to best Dooku with dual lightsabers.


And honestly people, crying out against the "Revan Fanboys" is kind of silly, especially when you act the same way about Sid, Vader and PT Jedi. You behave the exact same way. As for me, I like Revan. So what? Frankly, I could name dozens of characters from other series who'd beat the crap out of Revan, Luke, Vader and Sid all at once. Without effort and blindfolded. So what does it matter which char I like within the confines of the SWU when I can reach outside to another series and put in someone I like 20x more?


Honestly, I like Vincent Law from the series

more than I like Revan, but that's for different reasons. Do I think he could beat Revan?...well, that'd be interesting actually...but that can be saved for another time. Point is, I don't vote for Revan because I like him more. I vote for him because, based on what I know and what I've seen, I believe that he would beat others like Obi-Wan.
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Revan is a tactical genius.


I find it funny when people state this, I really do, he used Mandalorian tactics against Mandalorians, the only reason he won was because he had the entire Galactic Republic and about a half of the Jedi Order to field, the Mandalorians hadn't nearly that much.


Revan also didn't win the entire war and plan everything like some people attempt to suggest, he had Admiral Karath, Alek and Surik, as well as numerous republic heroes just to name a few, both Alek and Surik had their own fleets and won their own battles with no intervention on Revan's part whatsoever.

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Revan is a tactical genius. I don't see why he would fall into Soresu's trap of letting your emotions get the better of him, like Anakin did. That's how Soresu works. An impenetrable defense that wears down your opponent until they become angry and frustrated and begin making mistakes. Dooku was losing his cool very much so in their last encounter.


Pffft. There's no way Revan could hide a Warlord Titan behind a bush that would take a true tactical geniu- CREEEEEEEED!


On a serious note, Revan wasn't even the one commanding the majority of the Republic armies during the Mandalorian Wars, that was The Exile (I refuse to call her Meetra, its a terrible name). Revan's only claim to tactical fame was using the Mandalorian's own tactics against them, which ultimately culminated in his fall to the Dark Side and becoming Vitate's mind puppet. That went well, didn't it?


Revan's canonically shown extremely poor control over his emotions, even worse than Anikan (Revan fell to the Dark Side twice. TWICE!)

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And honestly people, crying out against the "Revan Fanboys" is kind of silly, especially when you act the same way about Sid, Vader and PT Jedi. You behave the exact same way.


Incorrect, Revanites or whatever it is you lot like to call yourselves, have outright ignored canon, disregarded the owner of the IP, the supervisor of the IP AND blatantly ignore any arguments made against you* that you can't counter, all just because you can't accept Revan as what he is, a powerful Force User for his time.


*Revanites in general.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Actually, Revan was given command of a full third of the Republic military and naval forces and Meetra Surik was under his command as one of the Jedi who followed him to war.


Are you seriously suggesting that Revan was the only Republic Commander of the time? and that the Republic hadn't involved their entire military strength in the war? because if you are.... wow.


Also, what does it matter whom she served under? she was a Republic general, she won the battles of Dxun and Malachor V, simple as that, Revan's only part in the commanding of the battle was the preparations for it, he was busy boarding the flagship of the Mandalorian fleet and killing Mandalore, Surik commanded the battle and made the final order that won it.

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I guess Gnost will be dissapointed when I tell him Revan wasn't the one who turned the war against the Mandalorians in the Republics favor, practically the moment he took command. Revan was a master tactician and strategist and his battle precognition helped him greatly, which is also another reason why he was such a skilled lightsaber wielder. If I remember correctly both the Mandalorian and Echani cultures revered his tactics.


Not to say that Kenobi wasn't a great tactician either.

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Kreia didn't say "Revan is the Heart of the Force" She said; "Revan was power. It was like staring into the Heart of the Force itself." Kreia was commenting on how Revan appeared to her through her own experience. She may have taken a bit of artistic liscence, but she was only vocalizing what everyone already knew; that Revan was an extremely powerful Jedi. And, as far as the Lore was concerned, Revan was the most powerful Jedi of his era.


I never said that is what she said. I merely said that when she said the whole staring into the heart of the Force, I knew she was lying. I'm sorry, but Revan is not like staring into the Heart of the Force. He may have been powerful, but he was not master of all things that you and many others claim him to be.


This is actually what people tend to misinterperet. Obi-Wan was the greatest master of Soresu during his stint in the Jedi Order. But far, far too many exaggerate his ability and take things out of context by claiming that he was THE Greatest Soresu Master of All Time. This is, of course, untrue, but they will believe this anyway.


Obi-Wan's time was the era of the most powerful Jedi and Sith. I'm going to refer to the Mace vs. Sid fight, because it truly shows how powerful both Sith and Jedi had become. Sidous is CANONICALLY the most poweful Sith Lord of all time. Mace Windu beating him in a lightsaber duel proves that the Jedi of his time were the most poweful Jedi(until Luke's Order, but that's for another matter). And Obi-Wan was put on the Council for a reason. He was respected by the masters of the council and if you will use Kreia's statement to show how powerful Revan was then Mace's statement about Obi-Wan being THE master of Soresu can be used as well.


Plot and Circumstance. Sidious was pretty much directly behind him the entire time. That would put Dooku on edge as any mistake could get him stabbed in the back. And in the end he did beat Obi-Wan, but was felled by Anakin touching the Dark Side and using his anger to best Dooku with dual lightsabers.


And honestly people, crying out against the "Revan Fanboys" is kind of silly, especially when you act the same way about Sid, Vader and PT Jedi. You behave the exact same way. As for me, I like Revan. So what? Frankly, I could name dozens of characters from other series who'd beat the crap out of Revan, Luke, Vader and Sid all at once. Without effort and blindfolded. So what does it matter which char I like within the confines of the SWU when I can reach outside to another series and put in someone I like 20x more?


Honestly, I like Vincent Law from the series

more than I like Revan, but that's for different reasons. Do I think he could beat Revan?...well, that'd be interesting actually...but that can be saved for another time. Point is, I don't vote for Revan because I like him more. I vote for him because, based on what I know and what I've seen, I believe that he would beat others like Obi-Wan.


Answers up in red. Please just understand that I have no obsession or love of the PT era. I actually prefer the Old Republic era. I am just going off of what is canon and what GL says. And don't say that GL's statements don't matter. He created Star Wars and not following his rules of the universe is like trying to defy the laws of physics.

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I guess Gnost will be dissapointed when I tell him Revan wasn't the one who turned the war against the Mandalorians in the Republics favor, practically the moment he took command. Revan was a master tactician and strategist and his battle precognition helped him greatly, which is also another reason why he was such a skilled lightsaber wielder. If I remember correctly both the Mandalorian and Echani cultures revered his tactics.


Not to say that Kenobi wasn't a great tactician either.


I find it highly amusing that the time lines for TOR are full of Revan information, yet have absolutely nothing on the Exile. You know, the Jedi Master that completely rebuilt the Jedi Order?

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