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Obi-wan vs Revan


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Up to a point I think both of these Characters are somewhat Overrated by their fans - but Underrated by their haters.


It's hard to say who would win in a Duel - Obi Wan's Defensive Saber Mastery vs Revans all round utility.....

I suppose without a common foe it is hard to make real unbiased comparrisons.... Even saying that, ABC logic doesn't necesarrily mean anything in Duels as A may be particularly suited to fighting B but particularly vulnerable to C - but B can beat C etc..... (based on subtle individual factors/characteristics)


One thing I would say, is that I think that Obi Wan's level of Duelling competition was higher....even though in my opinion some of his victories were kind of circumstantial (Maul/ Vader).

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If anyone has seen ROTS and the force thrashing Darth Tyranus gave Kenobi, they'll know that he's a dead man going up against Revan who is at least Dooku's equal in Force Mastery.


Seriously... STOP COMPARING REVAN TO DOOKU. They aren't even in the same category.


Here, let me break it down for everyone.


Dooku = Makashi Master




Obi-Wan = Soresu Master


Only perfect counter to Soresu = Makashi



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Seriously... STOP COMPARING REVAN TO DOOKU. They aren't even in the same category.


Here, let me break it down for everyone.


Dooku = Makashi Master




Obi-Wan = Soresu Master


Only perfect counter to Soresu = Makashi




Did Revan master any forms?

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^What he said. At least, not that I know of. If he did, it was never mentioned to the best of my knowledge.


Of course fanonically he's a tactical genius, a master duelist that mastered both sides of the Force and can channel them simultaneously that doesn't afraid of anything.

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Yeah, I seriously don't seem beating Obi-wan.


A saber form is not just a skill its a way of life.


The Form becomes the way of the Form's Master's life.


Obi-wan Mastered Soresu, which the form requires patience and waiting your opponent out with an unbreakable defense. Soresu is also a non-aggressive form. Its true power is only for defense. Just like Obi-wan is, a non-aggressive jedi who avoids fights and only defends himself if he has to. But Soresu is a unbreakable defense once it is mastered, it tires its opponent out without ever going to the offensive.


This is like that for every form. If anyone hasn't read Shatterpoint, you really should. Mace Windu, a master of all 7 forms and the greatest master of Vapaad, talks about how every form is a way of life in that book. Meaning that the primary form influences the person's personality and actions.


Djem So was Anakin's Primary Form before entering the suit. And that form is powered by emotion. Strong Emotion enhances the form, hence his overcoming of Dooku because he was full of revenge. And Anakin Pre-Suit was also full of emotion and his actions were influenced by his own emotions.


Lightsaber forms are also a skill in the force. Meaning that they weren't just for lightsabers. Meaning allot of Obi-wan's Force Abilities would revolve around Soresu. And if you look at a list of his attacks, its quite true. He has more defensive abilities and passive abilities than offensive attacks and fighting.


So in my honest Opinion, Obi-wan may not be able to take Revan on with attacks and fighting. But he sure as hell could wait him out until Revan runs dry of energies.



^I'm not sure if that contributed to the argument or not. But..whatever.

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I could very, very easily see Obi-Wan outlasting Revan until an opportunity presented itself. In the RotS novelization, Obi was actually forcing Anakin's lightsaber where he wanted it to go, just with the angle of his blocks and deflections. He pretty much controlled most of the fight except for a couple areas. As far as I know, Revan never mastered a single Lightsaber form, including Makashi and he is also very, very susceptible to his own emotions (he fell to the Dark Side twice, after all), he's pretty much fodder to a master of Soresu.

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Yeah, I seriously don't seem beating Obi-wan.


A saber form is not just a skill its a way of life.


The Form becomes the way of the Form's Master's life.


Obi-wan Mastered Soresu, which the form requires patience and waiting your opponent out with an unbreakable defense. Soresu is also a non-aggressive form. Its true power is only for defense. Just like Obi-wan is, a non-aggressive jedi who avoids fights and only defends himself if he has to. But Soresu is a unbreakable defense once it is mastered, it tires its opponent out without ever going to the offensive.


This is like that for every form. If anyone hasn't read Shatterpoint, you really should. Mace Windu, a master of all 7 forms and the greatest master of Vapaad, talks about how every form is a way of life in that book. Meaning that the primary form influences the person's personality and actions.


Djem So was Anakin's Primary Form before entering the suit. And that form is powered by emotion. Strong Emotion enhances the form, hence his overcoming of Dooku because he was full of revenge. And Anakin Pre-Suit was also full of emotion and his actions were influenced by his own emotions.


Lightsaber forms are also a skill in the force. Meaning that they weren't just for lightsabers. Meaning allot of Obi-wan's Force Abilities would revolve around Soresu. And if you look at a list of his attacks, its quite true. He has more defensive abilities and passive abilities than offensive attacks and fighting.


So in my honest Opinion, Obi-wan may not be able to take Revan on with attacks and fighting. But he sure as hell could wait him out until Revan runs dry of energies.



^I'm not sure if that contributed to the argument or not. But..whatever.



He is certainly going to have a long wait since the emperor has been draining Revan for 300 years now and still he has some left :p



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You guys fail to mention that Revan is one the best force users, and I think that is THE only weakness Obi Wan has is when it comes to defense against the force. Therefore by default Revan would defeat him hands down


I have to point out that as far as I know Kenobi was highly in tune with the Force. He was basically like a medium for it, and instead of him acting the Force acted through him. Kenobi was no simpleton when it came to manipulating the Force.

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Obi-wan wasn't the best and never accomplished anything.


And the feelings of the people of the Republic rang loud.... "Across the Republic - in words or pheromones, in magnetic pulses, tentacle-braids, or mental telepathy - the message from the younglings is the same: Don't worry. It'll be all right. Anakin and Obi-Wan will be there any minute. They say this as though these names can conjure miracles. Anakin and Obi-Wan. Kenobi and Skywalker. From the beginning of the Clone Wars, the phrase Kenobi and Skywalker has become a single word. They are everywhere. HoloNet features of their operations against the Separatist enemy have made them the most famous Jedi in the galaxy. Younglings across the galaxy know their names, know everything about them, follow their exploits as though they are sports heroes instead of warriors in a desperate battle to save civilization." [RotS]

Edited by LordQordisz
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One thing I would say, is that I think that Obi Wan's level of Duelling competition was higher....even though in my opinion some of his victories were kind of circumstantial (Maul/ Vader).


Funny funny people. There's always circumstance. First Kenobi beat Anakin because he had the high ground, then Kenobi wins against Maul who had the high ground. haha, people will always make excuses for Obi-Wan's exploits, luck. Just except it, he's a great Jedi. Not the most powerful, but he usually gets the job done.

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Funny funny people. There's always circumstance. First Kenobi beat Anakin because he had the high ground, then Kenobi wins against Maul who had the high ground. haha, people will always make excuses for Obi-Wan's exploits, luck. Just except it, he's a great Jedi. Not the most powerful, but he usually gets the job done.


Well really both of those things were on a gamble, taking away the plot and real life excuses and all that. Looking at it as an actual fight, both of those could have gone in two different ways. If Maul had actually paid attention and gotten his bearings back, he would have been able to kill Obi-Wan as he was jumping up or would have been able to avoid being cut in half. The same with Anakin, if he had swung too early of too late he would have died you remember how "always in motion the future is."


This could easily have happened at that last scene Anakin vs Obi-Wan, if you disregarded plot and all. Either of those situations, wouldn't have worked 100% in the favor for Obi-Wan at best they would be 50/50.


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both of those could have gone in two different ways... "always in motion the future is."


You have the answer here. There are various possibilities but what happened happened. One wonders, if Maul had won or had Anakin won would you bring up this argument of alternate possibilities or are alternates only referred to because this is Obi-Wan winning? Btw, let's not make excuses for Maul's defeat and at the same time pull out of our butts excuses for Kenobi's victory. In the novel, "The last Jedi was about to be dispatched." [TPM] Maul was ready. Kenobi was, "connecting with the Force" [TPM] with purpose and won the battle. Not to mention in his one on one duel with Maul he had his moments. It's not like he got dominated even though he was green behind the ears compared to Maul and Qui-Gon, "he had fought in only a few contests and was not battle hardened" [TPM]

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I could very, very easily see Obi-Wan outlasting Revan until an opportunity presented itself. In the RotS novelization, Obi was actually forcing Anakin's lightsaber where he wanted it to go, just with the angle of his blocks and deflections. He pretty much controlled most of the fight except for a couple areas. As far as I know, Revan never mastered a single Lightsaber form, including Makashi and he is also very, very susceptible to his own emotions (he fell to the Dark Side twice, after all), he's pretty much fodder to a master of Soresu.


Obi-Wan's Trollface Defense would wear down Revan in no time. Causing him to go into a blind rage and get OMGTROLLPWNED by Obi-Wan. :D


Obi-Wan: "Sup n00b! Bastila went Obi and never went back!"


Revan: "Da hell????" *RAGE*


Obi-Wan: *slices and dices* "Nublet. One With The BEARD!"

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You have the answer here. There are various possibilities but what happened happened. One wonders, if Maul had won or had Anakin won would you bring up this argument of alternate possibilities or are alternates only referred to because this is Obi-Wan winning? Btw, let's not make excuses for Maul's defeat and at the same time pull out of our butts excuses for Kenobi's victory. In the novel, "The last Jedi was about to be dispatched." [TPM] Maul was ready. Kenobi was, "connecting with the Force" [TPM] with purpose and won the battle. Not to mention in his one on one duel with Maul he had his moments. It's not like he got dominated even though he was green behind the ears compared to Maul and Qui-Gon, "he had fought in only a few contests and was not battle hardened" [TPM]


Oh I know it all had happened, that I ain't arguing about what I am really saying is that there could have been different outcomes is all.

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what I am really saying is that there could have been different outcomes is all.


But there were not. ;) Obviously people will say Obi-Wan is "lucky", or instead of luck substitute "gamble" et cetera. I suppose if this is the case I can argue Obi-Wan has a force power nobody else has, luck. With a Force ability like that Revan cannot even trust to his own abilities in such a battle nor anyone else.

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But there were not. ;) Obviously people will say Obi-Wan is "lucky", or instead of luck substitute "gamble" et cetera. I suppose if this is the case I can argue Obi-Wan has a force power nobody else has, luck. With a Force ability like that Revan cannot even trust to his own abilities in such a battle nor anyone else.


There is no such thing as luck. :)

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Here is an unbiased comparison of Obi-Wan and Revan. I hope this post serves as a reference for everyone to visit or post.




History: Obi-Wan Kenobi killed a Sith Lord when he was very young in his career as a Jedi. He would later go on to train Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Force. He would lead an army of Clones during the Clone Wars, winning many decisive battles. The greatest of these would be the battle of Utapau. During this battle he killed Jedi slayer General Grievous in single combat. Had Order 66 not been issued, the Seperatist Council would have surrendered to the Republic. Unfortunately, Order 66 was issued by Palpatine and Kenobi was attacked by his soldiers. After escaping the soldiers he would be forced to duel Anakin Skywalker. He would defeat him and leave him for dead. But Anakin did survive and became the ruthless Sith Lord Darth Vader. And over sixteen years later, Obi-Wan would train Luke Skywalker and face Vader one last time. Vader won the duel, but made Obi-Wan more powerful than Vader thought possible.


Powers and abilities: Obi-Wan was noted to be the greatest master of the Soresu Lightsaber form. He proved his mastery of the form against Anakin and Grievous. He also had one of the most powerful Force Push's ever seen. This is evident in his duel with Grievous. Mid-battle, Kenobi sent Grievous flying with one push. General Grievous has magnetic feet, allowing him to attach securely to any metallic surface. To be able to send Grievous flying with one push shows that Kenobi could back up that statement. Overall, many of Kenobi's powers are passive due to his Soresu form. He tries to avoid combat and negotiates when possible, giving him the well known title The Negotiator.


Legacy: Obi-Wan trained both Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. Both of his students became incredibly powerful. But it was Luke who became the greatest Jedi in history. Obi-Wan is still recognized by many Jedi as one of the greatest Jedi in history.





History: Revan disobeyed the Jedi Council and led a Republic Fleet during the Mandalorian Wars. By using Mandalorian tactics, his forces were able to outmaneuver the Mandalorians and defeat them in a final battle over Malachor V. During that battle, Revan slew the current Mandalore. After the war, Revan and Malak traveled into the Unknown Regions. There, they found the Sith Emperor. The Emperor manipulated them into finding the Star Forge. The Star Forge would jump the Emperor's plan forward three hundred years. Revan and Malak would find the Star Forge and use it to create an armada to siege the Republic. The resulting Jedi Civil War would cost many lives. During one battle, Bastila Shan infiltrated Revans flagship and, after Malak turned on Revan, captured him and took him to the Jedi. The Jedi would reprogram Revan to serve them. Once Revan found out and regained his memories, Revan led the Republic fleet to the Star Forge and killed Darth Malak. After the war ended, Revan returned to the Unknown Regions. He would then confront the Emperor, but fail in defeating him. He would then be captured and turned into a power source for over three hundred years.


Powers and abilities: Revan was noted to be the greatest Jedi of his time by many. He was a great military leader who knew how to use his troops to the best of their abilities. He was able to use multiple different lightsaber forms, but did not master any of them. He also used both sides of the Force. After being Reborn, Revan solely used the Light Side, but fell back on to the Dark Side during times of great peril.


Legacy: Revan is relatively unknown to the galaxy after so long, but it is clear that he impacted the galaxy during his lifetime.


Feel free to add anything and I will post is up here and in the words of Lord Duen "I'll tell the reclamation service to name a hallway after you". :D

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Here is an unbiased comparison of Obi-Wan and Revan. I hope this post serves as a reference for everyone to visit or post.




History: Obi-Wan Kenobi killed a Sith Lord when he was very young in his career as a Jedi. He would later go on to train Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Force. He would lead an army of Clones during the Clone Wars, winning many decisive battles. The greatest of these would be the battle of Utapau. During this battle he killed Jedi slayer General Grievous in single combat. Had Order 66 not been issued, the Seperatist Council would have surrendered to the Republic. Unfortunately, Order 66 was issued by Palpatine and Kenobi was attacked by his soldiers. After escaping the soldiers he would be forced to duel Anakin Skywalker. He would defeat him and leave him for dead. But Anakin did survive and became the ruthless Sith Lord Darth Vader. And over sixteen years later, Obi-Wan would train Luke Skywalker and face Vader one last time. Vader won the duel, but made Obi-Wan more powerful than Vader thought possible.


Powers and abilities: Obi-Wan was noted to be the greatest master of the Soresu Lightsaber form. He proved his mastery of the form against Anakin and Grievous. He also had one of the most powerful Force Push's ever seen. This is evident in his duel with Grievous. Mid-battle, Kenobi sent Grievous flying with one push. General Grievous has magnetic feet, allowing him to attach securely to any metallic surface. To be able to send Grievous flying with one push shows that Kenobi could back up that statement. Overall, many of Kenobi's powers are passive due to his Soresu form. He tries to avoid combat and negotiates when possible, giving him the well known title The Negotiator.


Legacy: Obi-Wan trained both Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. Both of his students became incredibly powerful. But it was Luke who became the greatest Jedi in history. Obi-Wan is still recognized by many Jedi as one of the greatest Jedi in history.





History: Revan disobeyed the Jedi Council and led a Republic Fleet during the Mandalorian Wars. By using Mandalorian tactics, his forces were able to outmaneuver the Mandalorians and defeat them in a final battle over Malachor V. During that battle, Revan slew the current Mandalore. After the war, Revan and Malak traveled into the Unknown Regions. There, they found the Sith Emperor. The Emperor manipulated them into finding the Star Forge. The Star Forge would jump the Emperor's plan forward three hundred years. Revan and Malak would find the Star Forge and use it to create an armada to siege the Republic. The resulting Jedi Civil War would cost many lives. During one battle, Bastila Shan infiltrated Revans flagship and, after Malak turned on Revan, captured him and took him to the Jedi. The Jedi would reprogram Revan to serve them. Once Revan found out and regained his memories, Revan led the Republic fleet to the Star Forge and killed Darth Malak. After the war ended, Revan returned to the Unknown Regions. He would then confront the Emperor, but fail in defeating him. He would then be captured and turned into a power source for over three hundred years.


Powers and abilities: Revan was noted to be the greatest Jedi of his time by many. He was a great military leader who knew how to use his troops to the best of their abilities. He was able to use multiple different lightsaber forms, but did not master any of them. He also used both sides of the Force. After being Reborn, Revan solely used the Light Side, but fell back on to the Dark Side during times of great peril.


Legacy: Revan is relatively unknown to the galaxy after so long, but it is clear that he impacted the galaxy during his lifetime.


Feel free to add anything and I will post is up here and in the words of Lord Duen "I'll tell the reclamation service to name a hallway after you". :D


Obi-Wan's Beard vs. Revan's Stubble. :D

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Here is an unbiased comparison of Obi-Wan and Revan. I hope this post serves as a reference for everyone to visit or post.




History: Obi-Wan Kenobi killed a Sith Lord when he was very young in his career as a Jedi. He would later go on to train Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Force. He would lead an army of Clones during the Clone Wars, winning many decisive battles. The greatest of these would be the battle of Utapau. During this battle he killed Jedi slayer General Grievous in single combat. Had Order 66 not been issued, the Seperatist Council would have surrendered to the Republic. Unfortunately, Order 66 was issued by Palpatine and Kenobi was attacked by his soldiers. After escaping the soldiers he would be forced to duel Anakin Skywalker. He would defeat him and leave him for dead. But Anakin did survive and became the ruthless Sith Lord Darth Vader. And over sixteen years later, Obi-Wan would train Luke Skywalker and face Vader one last time. Vader won the duel, but made Obi-Wan more powerful than Vader thought possible.


Powers and abilities: Obi-Wan was noted to be the greatest master of the Soresu Lightsaber form. He proved his mastery of the form against Anakin and Grievous. He also had one of the most powerful Force Push's ever seen. This is evident in his duel with Grievous. Mid-battle, Kenobi sent Grievous flying with one push. General Grievous has magnetic feet, allowing him to attach securely to any metallic surface. To be able to send Grievous flying with one push shows that Kenobi could back up that statement. Overall, many of Kenobi's powers are passive due to his Soresu form. He tries to avoid combat and negotiates when possible, giving him the well known title The Negotiator.


Legacy: Obi-Wan trained both Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. Both of his students became incredibly powerful. But it was Luke who became the greatest Jedi in history. Obi-Wan is still recognized by many Jedi as one of the greatest Jedi in history.





History: Revan disobeyed the Jedi Council and led a Republic Fleet during the Mandalorian Wars. By using Mandalorian tactics, his forces were able to outmaneuver the Mandalorians and defeat them in a final battle over Malachor V. During that battle, Revan slew the current Mandalore. After the war, Revan and Malak traveled into the Unknown Regions. There, they found the Sith Emperor. The Emperor manipulated them into finding the Star Forge. The Star Forge would jump the Emperor's plan forward three hundred years. Revan and Malak would find the Star Forge and use it to create an armada to siege the Republic. The resulting Jedi Civil War would cost many lives. During one battle, Bastila Shan infiltrated Revans flagship and, after Malak turned on Revan, captured him and took him to the Jedi. The Jedi would reprogram Revan to serve them. Once Revan found out and regained his memories, Revan led the Republic fleet to the Star Forge and killed Darth Malak. After the war ended, Revan returned to the Unknown Regions. He would then confront the Emperor, but fail in defeating him. He would then be captured and turned into a power source for over three hundred years.


Powers and abilities: Revan was noted to be the greatest Jedi of his time by many. He was a great military leader who knew how to use his troops to the best of their abilities. He was able to use multiple different lightsaber forms, but did not master any of them. He also used both sides of the Force. After being Reborn, Revan solely used the Light Side, but fell back on to the Dark Side during times of great peril.


Legacy: Revan is relatively unknown to the galaxy after so long, but it is clear that he impacted the galaxy during his lifetime.


Feel free to add anything and I will post is up here and in the words of Lord Duen "I'll tell the reclamation service to name a hallway after you". :D


Nice post :)

This sith lord you are talking about.. i think you are talking about maul but was he not just an aprentice at the time Obi killed him?

My knowledge of the lore is not really good atm and i forgot alot of things.. so forgive me if i am wrong :p

Edited by NummSaul
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