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Ranked, is it working?


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Let me prefice...


QQ, I'm bad. I suck at PVP. What else... ah... I don't deserve to post and I should learn to play.


Now, if I'm allowed to comment now.


Is ranked working? My guild is not at that spectacular at PvP (nor big enough to consitanly have 8 PvP'rs on) to be honest and we don't run ranked so I don't know much about it. (Thus I have to speculate and ask for info from those who do run it.)


What I have seen is that ranked teams are running premades a lot in regular PvP (which is, of course allowed). I had thought that ranked would pull some of the really good teams/players up and leave us scrubs to play in normal PvP.


My guess is, with ranked being one big pool right now, there are a couple guilds dominating and making it no fun for the rest, so they come back down to normal PvP. Then there are not enough people running ranked to get a match, so the rest come down to normal.


If this is even close to correct... what would the fix be? My initial thought would be more "ranks" or "tiers" to align ability. Kind of like major and minor league teams. The Yankees don't need to be playing against the local town minor league team. Maybe a system where when you step up from normal PvP you play against the bottom of 5 tiers. Earn enough victories or maintain a certain win/lose ratio and you qualify for the next tier. At some point you reach equilibrium where you have hard fought matches that are close because you are now settled into the league or "tier" you belong in based on your skill.



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Honestly I'm not sure why you are proposing a solution to ranked WZs when your guild doesn't even compete. Why do you believe you have the expertise to fix something that isn't even university accepted as a problem.


More harsh than I meant to be, but why are you commenting on this?

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Honestly I'm not sure why you are proposing a solution to ranked WZs when your guild doesn't even compete. Why do you believe you have the expertise to fix something that isn't even university accepted as a problem.


More harsh than I meant to be, but why are you commenting on this?


Methinks you missed the point of the original post, which was to address the fact that instead of pulling the hardcore up into ranked and thus loosening the competition at the unranked level to make it more entry-level friendly it seems to have led to an influx of would-be ranked groups stomping around the unranked bracket.


So it isn't an issue for ranked so much as it is should-be-ranked folks in the unranked level, though admittedly I'm among the guilty there and will continue to be until solo ranked since my guild isn't very pvp centric.

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There is nothing wrong with ranked . . .


Oh Cristine, you never think anything is wrong. It's almost endearing =)


Anyway OP, I think when ranked goes cross server you may see more of those big premades pulled out of unranked PVP.


Thing is, while I'm sure it happens its not simply a matter of subpar ranked teams rolling over PUGs cause they can't hang in ranked. If not a lot of ranked teams are queuing then pop times can take awhile. Solution, as with server mergers, is to boost the number of teams queuing ranked (this would also have the advantage of 1-2 teams not steam rolling everyone). Only way to really do that is to start making it cross server which I believe is the plan for Season 1.

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