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Enough is enough!


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Just a reminder for people.


SWTOR has a reputation of holding trolls and griefers.


So before you start saying anything, remember that this reputation should be fixed eventually. If you leave everything as is, the reputation will remain as it is.


I prefer trying to improve the game, rather than seeing that it fits my own independent desire and image.


SWTOR is known for it's immature community, and I left once because of the immature community. Looking at this forum, it is still immature.


People complain because they want to do something, or they want to evade something.


I do see an issue with open world PvP in this game though because you have one path to go. You walk it, or you dont. I'm not on a pvp server for a reason. Because it's not an open world, it's a maze. You can go the right way to your destination, or not go at all.


Again I'm not on PvP servers for this reason cause I already saw this based on the design. Remember PvP in WoW is far different. You can run in 360 degrees.

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You act like you know. Sources please.


in all MMO games from 1998 in PVP servers, happens that

why in this game devs need to make a different approach, since this system works fine for most players from all those years ?

Edited by Kissakias
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This thread is so funny!

Plus Ive been called an immature sociopath in this thread. Thanx for the flowers and candy I am flattered, but could you please throw in knuckle dragger as well....


Red is dead and if you joined a PVP server and cant deal with that well thats all on you! BTW is that a hint of peppermint in your tears? How did you get that in its delicious..


Im actually a very nice guy outside of loving open world PVP its just a game, I kill 50s or get killed by other 50s its all just the fun of being on a PVP server. So no I don't go running around ganking lowbies for cheap kicks although it would be great if it would actually bring on a response from other sides geared high level people so we could fight for planet control for our lowbies to grind up but everyone is just in WZ's grinding WH gear and no response will come so its just pointless to gank on lowbies. Sad!:(

Edited by Razot
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What ad hominem attack? I was giving good advice.


Gave me a chuckle also.


...and thank you for extrapolating out the intent of my post and furthering the inclusion of rational thought in this thread and discussion. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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This thread is so funny!

Plus Ive been called an immature sociopath in this thread. Thanx for the flowers and candy I am flattered, but could you please throw in knuckle dragger as well....


Red is dead and if you joined a PVP server and cant deal with that well thats all on you! BTW is that a hint of peppermint in your tears? How did you get that in its delicious..


Im actually a very nice guy outside of loving open world PVP its just a game, I kill 50s or get killed by other 50s its all just the fun of being on a PVP server. So no I don't go running around ganking lowbies for cheap kicks although it would be great if it would actually bring on a response from other sides geared high level people so we could fight for planet control for our lowbies to grind up but everyone is just in WZ's grinding WH gear and no response will come so its just pointless to gank on lowbies. Sad!:(


This is your personal opinion of game play, no different then the personal opinion of the other million or so players playing this game. Though it seems rational compared to some, it still carries no weight beyond that as it does not dictate the actual rules governing play, but just your own idea of such. That is why there are rules of conduct concerning such games, so as to maintain some order and not allow each individual to design their own game around themselves, especially when their personal design interferes with the game play of others.


Regardless of how powerful one may feel they are, or how in control of this game they may feel they are, the rules are the rules. If their personal opinion or personal gameplay style conflicts with the rules set forth in the, Rules of Conduct, regardless of how justified their personal opinion may seem to them, they will be warned and then banned.

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I would kill to get someone to actually attack me in open world PVP, and you are complaining. It's an unfair world.:)


Yeah, but if I read the op right, these are not people openly attacking him either. These are players who are too much of a coward to face other people on even ground so they chase mobs onto them to improve their chances. From the way the original post sounded and then later was confirmed, the players are only sticking around close enough to watch the carnage but not close enough to allow the other fraction a chance at fighting back because they have no real intention of actual PVP either, they just want to exploit the area around them to make the other fraction have to PVE against more mobs then the individual can handle.


it would be like if someone hacked the game and made sure warzones favored their side 10 to 1 because they knew they wouldn't win if the odds were closer.


This is also why I avoid PVP servers. Whether or not the devs intended the mobs to be used like this or if it is an exploit or not, there is no denying that a huge chunk of people on pvp servers really do act like little bullying kids who camp way lower level players more than actually like fair fighting. The general philosophy is after they have to suffer for 50 levels (or whatever max level is at the time), it is now their turn to make others suffer and assure they spend their leveling time also frustrated and not having anywhere near as much fun. This is an endless loop

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Learn to read. You were already told what the pop-up message says in-game when you choose a PvP server. It is even more explicit that the behavior you were whining about won't be addressed by Bioware. Nice try trying to pretend that you weren't getting constructive responses until now, though.


You are exactly the kind of pretender that belongs on a PvE server. The kind that always insists on playing on the PvP servers instead of the PvE ones because they believe it gives them some sort of MMO cred or bragging rights. Hell, you may even like it in small, measured doses when the time and place is completely under your control. You may even think you like PvP and want PvP (and all that it entails) but as soon as it affects your PvE crystal gathering or wookiee cake making, you are right on the forums complaining that this PvP which impacts your PvE is inappropriate or unintended. This usually results in getting PvP nerfed/instanced from the rest of the game and ruins it for those of us who actually like PvP "Enough is Enough!" indeed



You have been nothing but a smart a** with every post you have given. I view you as the child who won't stay out of an adult conversation. So I will tell you like I would a child who *thinks* he/she is old enough to join in and won't stop yapping their trap. ****.

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This thread is so funny!

Plus Ive been called an immature sociopath in this thread. Thanx for the flowers and candy I am flattered, but could you please throw in knuckle dragger as well....


Red is dead and if you joined a PVP server and cant deal with that well thats all on you! BTW is that a hint of peppermint in your tears? How did you get that in its delicious..


Im actually a very nice guy outside of loving open world PVP its just a game, I kill 50s or get killed by other 50s its all just the fun of being on a PVP server. So no I don't go running around ganking lowbies for cheap kicks although it would be great if it would actually bring on a response from other sides geared high level people so we could fight for planet control for our lowbies to grind up but everyone is just in WZ's grinding WH gear and no response will come so its just pointless to gank on lowbies. Sad!:(

Yeah, I'd agree that BW is bumping up against the limits of player tolerances on the quantity of grind elements in this game. Turbine got really bad about that too in LOTRO.


The question is, what fun stuff SHOULD the devs come up with, INSTEAD of more grinding? More to the point, what CAN they do here in SWTOR until they figure out how to get more than a dozen player characters on-screen at the same time without the whole thing bogging down? I thought the rakghoul-plague world event was a lot of fun, especially on our PvP server. Fights erupting on isolated corners of Tatooine = lots of OWPvP goodness. And they were spread out enough not to bog down servers in any one area. IMHO, tons more fun than these dumb fights in the heroic areas. Incentivized, too.

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Things like this are the only thing that separate a pvp server and a pve one.

Crying about it is hilarious.

A week or 2 ago I saw at least 4 people complaining about 1 guy doing this.....

So I say "hey there's 4 of you, why don't you group up and kill him?"

They come back with "Well why don't you?"

"Um, I'm not the one whining in general chat about it."



I swear that actually happened, pretty much word for word.....

it really illustrates the intelligence of the people complaining about PvP on a PvP server(if complaining about pvp didn't illustrate it in and of itself).

Edited by Synxos
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People are attempting to make me out to be crying here, when in fact, I just want to know, is this grieving, or is it not. I do not mean your interpretation, I want to know the Dev's interpretation of whether or not this is grieving. If this is in fact fair play, then so be it. Until I know for sure, I feel that it was necessary to post about this on the forums....not "crying" as you so put it.


I'm sorry dude, but if all you really cared about was the devs interpretation and opinion, you would have done this through an im or a ticket to a csr.

The fact that you brought this to the forums shows you wanted attention from the players.

So don't go whining that everyone is picking on you when you brought the attention on yourself.


The reason I haven't been playing on a pvp server yet is because I don't want to be griefed while learning the game.

When I feel I have the basic mechanics down of the class I want to play, I will roll a toon on a pvp server.

And while there may be a "code" that certain people follow, remember that on a pvp server, anything goes.

You can't expect everyone to abide by the unwritten code.

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My point clearly went whistling completely unnoticed, right over your head.


I will restate it.


Relying on multiple clusters of elite mobs to do your "PvP" FOR you is so lame, it really doesn't even qualify in my book as "PvP." PvP is PLAYER versus player. If you want PvP, man up and DO PVP! There's plenty of it. Everywhere.


Otherwise, you're a griefer. And you will earn a griefer's ill reputation.


<----snip at another wall of text that completely misses the point---->


No, it's not. YOU YOURSELF assert that it is not, with your grandiose statements attributing some sort of noble-minded goal of "instigating dynamic and variable world PvP" to griefers. So now that I've pointed out the hypocritical falsity of your statement, you're trying to pretend that YOUR OWN ASSERTION is irrelevant?? Thanks for the laugh, pal.



There you go again, equating griefing and exploitation of in-game mechanics with PvP. I'm not sure if the distinction really is lost on you, or you're just playing dumb. Either way, I don't really care. The end result is the same: YOU ARE DEFENDING GRIEFING. And if that is your gameplay style, you can expect to be shunned, because it won't be long before EVERYONE ON YOUR SERVER will hate you.


And it'll be your own dumb fault.


THAT is my point.


No, I am not. Your wall of text completely misses the point. The mob training is just one of many ways in which a a player or players can "versus" another player. You know what PVP stands for right? I will give you a hint: It doesn't stand for "one group of equally matched players versus another group of equally matched players only at time and place that all of them agree upon". That's NOT even PvP it is a "arena/battleground/warzone" etc. It's completely contrived and pointless and PvP for PvEers who only pretend to PvP.


Look, it's not even that I disagree with you that this sort of thing is annoying and on some level cowardly and may even be being done by those who can't or don't want an even or fair fight. That's all true. It's also real PvP, which is (with the exception of hacks) ANY way in which players can compete, fight, impact, etc. other player's characters in the game world. If that happens, it's PvP. Even if it wasn't intended by the game devs and they eventually fix it, it's still PvP. Coming up with contrivances and minutae in a misguided effort to try to restrict the definition of PvP to the point where it is just PvE with voluntary PvP off to one side is the clarion call of the PvEer.


Regarding the grandoise statements about noble purposes, I was only speaking for myself and my guild in other games. That's why WE did it. I could give a s**t less whether you still think it's griefing or whether you believe me or not. I acknowledge that other people may have more base motives.


The longer the redefinition of PvP gymnastics continue the more crystal clear it becomes that you are PvEers and guess what? THERE ARE ALREADY SERVERS for you. Start using them. But then you would have nothing to complain about, right?




Having played a number of MMOs over the years with real PvP play mechanics in them, I know for a fact this is not true in the context of PvP play per se. You are trying to lump all MMO sociopathy into one basket, which is flawed and lacks common sense.


Fact is, in player vs player encounters in MMOs, just like in real life people can and will do anything and everything available to them to beat an opponent they are in conflict with. Their motives are irrelevant in the context of PvP. It's people vs people, and if you were ever to experience real life combat between people, you would know this and understand it for what it is. If you want to avoid it, or have the developers protect you from it, then you roll on a PvE server where you can control and decide when and under what rules you engage in MMO PvP, under an umbrella of developer controlled rulesets that protect you.


Yes it is. I find your ad hominem to be ironic here.


Excellent post. This guy totally gets it.


Look, if there were only one kind of server and PvEers and pretend PvPers were subject to this mob training behavior whether they liked or not, then there would be a legitimate cause for discussion. But you types already have an entire ruleset of servers (PvE) to protect you from non-consensual player vs. player interactions (whether you want to split heirs and start parsing PvP into different types like griefing, real PvP, fair PvP etc. makes no difference).


How about you start using those PvE servers, eh?

Edited by boxfetish
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No, I am not. Your wall of text completey missing the point. The mob training is just one of many ways in which a a player or players can "versus" another player. You know what PVP stands for right? I will give you a hint. It doesn't stand for an one group of equally matched players versus another group of equally matched players only at time and place that all of them agree upon. That's NOT even PvP it is a "arena/battleground/warzone" etc. It's completely contrived and pointless and PvP for PvEers who pretend to PvP.


Look, it's not even that I disagree with you that this sort of thing is annoying and on some level cowardly and may even be being done by those who can't or don't want and even or fair fight. That's all true. It's also real PvP, which is (with the exception of hacks) ANY way in which players can compete, fight, impact, etc. other player's characters in the game world. If that happens, it's PvP. Coming up with contrivances and minutae in a misguided effort to try to restrict the definition of PvP to the point where it is just PvE with voluntary PvP off to one side is the clarion call of the PvEer.


The longer the redefinition of PvP gymnastics continue the more crystal clear it becomes that you are PvEers and guess what? THERE ARE ALREADY SERVERS for you. Start using them. But then you would have nothing to complain about, right?

Heh... there's a whole 'nuther thread going this weekend that's discussing how griefer/exploiters on PvE servers are triggering PvP-flagged status on opposite-faction players using exploits that I won't mention here. Which buttresses my point: Griefer/exploiters are a problem WHEREVER they set up shop. You can minimize their virtual pathology and caricature the people who express their disgust at their behavior all you want, but it doesn't change the obnoxiousness of the griefer/exploiters. And it won't stop game developers from re-evaluating and revising the mechanisms that are being exploited.


Yes, there will always be a very small handful of players whose sole purpose in playing MMOs is to look for cracks in the design of their game's subsystems to gain some unfair and unintended advantage, but the biggest damage they do is motivating retaliation in kind. And that's when the vicious cycle kicks in: "Well, they did it first!" "No, YOU did it first!" and so forth. Reminds me of eight-year-olds squabbling over a game of wiffleball.


Only solution when such a child makes his presence known in a MMO is to give him a whack with the banstick.

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Heh... there's a whole 'nuther thread going this weekend that's discussing how griefer/exploiters on PvE servers are triggering PvP-flagged status on opposite-faction players using exploits that I won't mention here. Which buttresses my point: Griefer/exploiters are a problem WHEREVER they set up shop. You can minimize their virtual pathology and caricature the people who express their disgust at their behavior all you want, but it doesn't change the obnoxiousness of the griefer/exploiters. And it won't stop game developers from re-evaluating and revising the mechanisms that are being exploited.


Yes, there will always be a very small handful of players whose sole purpose in playing MMOs is to look for cracks in the design of their game's subsystems to gain some unfair and unintended advantage, but the biggest damage they do is motivating retaliation in kind. And that's when the vicious cycle kicks in: "Well, they did it first!" "No, YOU did it first!" and so forth. Reminds me of eight-year-olds squabbling over a game of wiffleball.


Only solution when such a child makes his presence known in a MMO is to give him a whack with the banstick.


What's wiffleball?

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Heh... there's a whole 'nuther thread going this weekend that's discussing how griefer/exploiters on PvE servers are triggering PvP-flagged status on opposite-faction players using exploits that I won't mention here. Which buttresses my point: Griefer/exploiters are a problem WHEREVER they set up shop. You can minimize their virtual pathology and caricature the people who express their disgust at their behavior all you want, but it doesn't change the obnoxiousness of the griefer/exploiters. And it won't stop game developers from re-evaluating and revising the mechanisms that are being exploited.


Yes, there will always be a very small handful of players whose sole purpose in playing MMOs is to look for cracks in the design of their game's subsystems to gain some unfair and unintended advantage, but the biggest damage they do is motivating retaliation in kind. And that's when the vicious cycle kicks in: "Well, they did it first!" "No, YOU did it first!" and so forth. Reminds me of eight-year-olds squabbling over a game of wiffleball.


Only solution when such a child makes his presence known in a MMO is to give him a whack with the banstick.


You may be surprised to hear this, but it doesn't buttress your point AT ALL. I agree with you. This has no business happening on a PvE server. It shouldn't be done and Bioware should fix it (uless it's what they intend, which I doubt). And although I think you PvEers have so watered down the word griefing as to make it pointless, if anything qualifies, this would be it.


However, on the PvP servers anything the players can do (including training 10 groups of elites mobs onto other players) to impact or impede the opposing players (short of meta-game tactics like account stealing or hacking) is PvP and "it happens" and if you don't want this kind of PvP or any other, get off the PvP ruleset servers.


In fact, I have characters on both PvE and PvP servers in SWTOR. I would never pull the kind of BS you are talking about on the PvE servers, ever. With my PvP characters, anything goes (except hacking). Anything I can do (within the game's mechanics) to kill or impede opposing players is PvP and is fair game. It doesn't matter whether you label it as griefing, or exploiting, or unfair, or cowardly. Does this help you understand where we are coming from? It should be clear now that if there was only one kind of server I would be backing you up in your assertions. But since there are PvE and PvP servers, it sidesteps the entire issue of griefing and consensual PvP and it's why you are missing the point.

Edited by boxfetish
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You know, I've played a lot of shooting games online and people will literally kick you from the game for camping and staying in place, waiting for people to run by just so you can kill them real quick knowing that the people cant save themselves.


I'm surprised that this has recently just become an accepted tactic now that online games have gone from computers to game systems. And the mindset of the system shooters I guess transferred back to MMO's.

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I haven't seen any of this in action (left the game after the first month, came back and rolled an operative on a different server to play with friends) so I only have a vague idea of what exactly is happening. But from what I understand, players are able to aggro mobs onto an opposing player without aggroing the mobs themselves. Is that about right?


If that's true, then the key distinction here would be the lack of risk imposed by the griefing player. They're essentially exploiting aggro mechanics to throw additional packs of mobs at a player. On the other hand, if the griefing player is on the aggro table when they do this, then they're at risk and just using the game to their advantage.


If they tried doing this to an operative for example, would I be able to use cloaking screen and send those mobs back at the attempted griefer? If yes, it's fine. If no, exploit.

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You may be surprise to hear this, but it doesn't buttress your point AT ALL. I agree with you. This has no business happeing on a PvE server. It shouldn't be done and Bioware should fix it. And although I think you PvEers have so watered down the word griefing as to make it pointless, it anything qualifies, this would be it.


However, on the PvP servers anything the players can do (including training 10 groups of elites mobs onto other players) to impact or impede the opposing players (short of hacking) is PvP and it happens and if you don't want this kind of PvP or any other, get off the PvP ruleset servers.


In fact, I have characters on both PvE and PvP servers in SWTOR. I would never pull the kind of BS you are talking about on the PvE servers, ever. With my PvP characters, anything goes (except hacking). Anything I can do to kill or impede opposing players is PvP and fair game. Does this help you understand where we are coming from? It should be clear now that if there was only one kind of server I would be backing you up in your assertions, since there are PvE and PvP servers, it sidesteps the entire issue of griefing and consensual PvP and is why you are missing the point.

Oh, I understood exactly where you were coming from, six pages ago. It's clear we have different opinions on what kinds of behavior should be allowed or encouraged on PvP-ruleset servers. I think mechanisms like the ability of a player to enter combat and then trigger aggro responses from clusters of nearby friendly NPCs just by approaching them is an in-game mechanism that the devs need to look at and revise. You, however, apparently do not. To you, any such mechanism is simply sauce for the savoring, and you have no concern over any adverse effect on the in-game community. I, in response, offer the tongue-in-cheek observation that this unconcern is tantamount to "virtual sociopathy."


Maybe this discussion will motivate players to rise up and "defend" against these "virtual sociopaths" -- or maybe not. Or, maybe it will motivate people to quit MMOs entirely. Or, maybe it will motivate BioWare to borrow a page from WoW and alter NPC behavior. Or maybe it's all a big puff of hot air from all sides and nothing will change at all, and the griefer/exploiters will go right on doing what they are doing, and continue to be allowed to strive to make their favored MMO as unappealing a place as their twisted little hearts can conceive of. But if that's your idea of "fun," I would suggest that you not get too attached to it. One way or another, it's unlikely to last long. There could be changes to objectionable mechanics, or perhaps a ban for the offenders, or even in extreme, a complete shutdown of a game the griefer/exploiters helped make unprofitable.

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I haven't seen any of this in action (left the game after the first month, came back and rolled an operative on a different server to play with friends) so I only have a vague idea of what exactly is happening. But from what I understand, players are able to aggro mobs onto an opposing player without aggroing the mobs themselves. Is that about right?


If that's true, then the key distinction here would be the lack of risk imposed by the griefing player. They're essentially exploiting aggro mechanics to throw additional packs of mobs at a player. On the other hand, if the griefing player is on the aggro table when they do this, then they're at risk and just using the game to their advantage.


If they tried doing this to an operative for example, would I be able to use cloaking screen and send those mobs back at the attempted griefer? If yes, it's fine. If no, exploit.

You have it pretty much correct. A few details to correct, but you sound like you get the gist of it.


What's happening on PvP servers is players are going into heroic-quest areas and lurking among the elite same-faction NPCs: Imp players among Imp NPCs, Republic players among 'Pub NPCs. Then, they wait for enemy players to arrive in pursuit of a quest. Once the enemy players are embroiled in combat, the lurkers will take a potshot at them to enter combat mode, then scurry off to multiple groups of elite NPCs. The current mechanics of these NPCs' responses is that if a same-factin player approaches them while he's in combat mode, they will sense it and aggro on the players that person is in combat with. The "fun" for the griefer/exploiter is to get multiple groups of NPCs onto the questing players. And if the targeted players have some means to break aggro, the griefer/sploiter will simply do it again.


The griefer theoretically incurs some risk, because it's theoretically possible for a determined group to defeat or pull away all the NPCs the griefer/exploter has activated and stomp him, but it's obviously a difficult proposition. And since the quests are designed for 2-person groups, two-person groups are generally unable to overcome multiple groups of NPCs that are activated like this all at the same time, plus the one or two player characters mixing their own firepower into the fracas. It generally takes a fairly-sizable and skilled group to dig the griefer/exploiter out from behind his screen of NPCs. And on my server, there's one or two players who seem to enjoy whiling away their entire weekend doing this... at least, until he/they get rolled a couple of times. Determined opposition apparently spoils their lulz. Indeed, if they can be stripped of their precious NPCs, they generally show themselves to be incompetent players. Which is probably why they're there in the first place.


In short, it's a lame exploit that's only enjoyable to a player with a griefer's mentality.

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Hahaha! You Guild members, or wanna be gansters who are beating down "lowbie" players to make yourselves feel better for being losers in real life are hilarious! You're probably people with no real friends and who were picked last in kick ball as kids. Your like the waste of life character on the WOW South park episode. What would these people do without the internet??? If one of you are involved in this thread...find REAL friends
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Ahh, so the mobs are friendly to the griefer. In the strictest sense, I don't see it as exploiting, but it's still a serious dick move. I would be in favor of a fix that prevents aggro from being transferred outside of a mobs aggro radius, but at least there is the possibility of dealing with the griefing player if you're clever about it.


I'd hardly consider it PvP, they're clearly just doing it to piss people off, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a bannable offense.

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