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Let commendation/currency tradable between characters in the same account


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Or at least one account's characters in the same server, it will be good.


I wouldn't be opposed to this. Give me a use for all those Tionese and at this point Columi tokens my main has and can't use.

Plus planetary comms

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I disagree on this actually (and I have a ton of alts so would benefit from this personally)


Say you level a trooper to 50 and then role a counsular and level it up as a DPSer but at 50 you respec to healing and get rakata/black hole/ war hero gear via com trading or item trading.


So we know have a person in full war hero/black hole gear advertising themselves as a healer with NO CLUE how to play the class.


Much as I might dislike it, GEAR right now is a indication of a players knowledge of their character.

You accept characters on hard and nightmare modes because they are geared assuming they know their abilities and how to utilize them.


Com trading negates that and would cause far more issues in the long run then telling a player currently they have to get high end gear themselves by playing each character to the end and in the high end situations.




Some things need to stay BOUND to characters, not legacys.

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I actually agree with this, but only with regard to planetary comms. Daily, Columi, Tionese and BH need to be character only.


Or, if not tradable, then give us something to do with the ones that accumulate. Right now all I really do it buy lockboxes and usually end up vendoring the contents. Which doesn't provide much of a credit incentive, and seems a waste.

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I disagree on this actually (and I have a ton of alts so would benefit from this personally)


Say you level a trooper to 50 and then role a counsular and level it up as a DPSer but at 50 you respec to healing and get rakata/black hole/ war hero gear via com trading or item trading.


So we know have a person in full war hero/black hole gear advertising themselves as a healer with NO CLUE how to play the class.


Much as I might dislike it, GEAR right now is a indication of a players knowledge of their character.

You accept characters on hard and nightmare modes because they are geared assuming they know their abilities and how to utilize them.


Com trading negates that and would cause far more issues in the long run then telling a player currently they have to get high end gear themselves by playing each character to the end and in the high end situations.




Some things need to stay BOUND to characters, not legacys.


this is actually a really good point that i really have not considered. If they did do this then i feel it should only be endgame loot and not carry over to pvp

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Just share everything, commendations, credits, banks

make everything Bound on Legacy rather than Bound on Character

there's no point having to mail items and tons of commendations lying on the inventory without any use

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I disagree on this actually (and I have a ton of alts so would benefit from this personally)


Say you level a trooper to 50 and then role a counsular and level it up as a DPSer but at 50 you respec to healing and get rakata/black hole/ war hero gear via com trading or item trading.


So we know have a person in full war hero/black hole gear advertising themselves as a healer with NO CLUE how to play the class.


Much as I might dislike it, GEAR right now is a indication of a players knowledge of their character.

You accept characters on hard and nightmare modes because they are geared assuming they know their abilities and how to utilize them.


Com trading negates that and would cause far more issues in the long run then telling a player currently they have to get high end gear themselves by playing each character to the end and in the high end situations.




Some things need to stay BOUND to characters, not legacys.

You can pretty much get rakata gear and respec healer, there's nothing to do with legacy

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I disagree on this actually (and I have a ton of alts so would benefit from this personally)


Say you level a trooper to 50 and then role a counsular and level it up as a DPSer but at 50 you respec to healing and get rakata/black hole/ war hero gear via com trading or item trading.


So we know have a person in full war hero/black hole gear advertising themselves as a healer with NO CLUE how to play the class.


Much as I might dislike it, GEAR right now is a indication of a players knowledge of their character.

You accept characters on hard and nightmare modes because they are geared assuming they know their abilities and how to utilize them.


Com trading negates that and would cause far more issues in the long run then telling a player currently they have to get high end gear themselves by playing each character to the end and in the high end situations.




Some things need to stay BOUND to characters, not legacys.


You can still cheat the system with out this, but I would say doing it on the planetary comm only daily's and up need to be per character

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I disagree on this actually (and I have a ton of alts so would benefit from this personally)


Say you level a trooper to 50 and then role a counsular and level it up as a DPSer but at 50 you respec to healing and get rakata/black hole/ war hero gear via com trading or item trading.


So we know have a person in full war hero/black hole gear advertising themselves as a healer with NO CLUE how to play the class.


Much as I might dislike it, GEAR right now is a indication of a players knowledge of their character.

You accept characters on hard and nightmare modes because they are geared assuming they know their abilities and how to utilize them.


Com trading negates that and would cause far more issues in the long run then telling a player currently they have to get high end gear themselves by playing each character to the end and in the high end situations.




Some things need to stay BOUND to characters, not legacys.


Gear does not =Skill. Also I can use a Sith Sorcerer all DPS to get a healer set and then spec back.

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Gear does not =Skill. Also I can use a Sith Sorcerer all DPS to get a healer set and then spec back.


Show me where I said Gear = skill ????


I said gear is the only real current indication that a player has learned their class


They can still be terrible at class because of lack of skill, just the gear shows they at least have played the class to a point you should be able to expect a working knowledge from the player.


And go try Hard Mode FPs in level 50/51 purple gear with 1600 HPs and tell me gear doesnt matter in this game.


Wish it didnt but it does, to much so, but it does


so Nice try

but please,Troll elsewhere pls

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Since you can already exchange armorings/mods/enh etc between characters via the legacy gear, I don't really see the arguements against this idea.


Only if you earn those mods by playing the character


I can not currently buy Black Hole equipment and send to a alt

Or strip the mods out and send to a alt


They are bound to my character


If I could trade coms I could use my main character and improperly tweak out my alts with out properly learnng how to play them completely (which I might add is already a issue with the quick to 50 leveling in TOR)


If you dont understand that, I think its because you dont want to.


Characters need to earn their high end gear, not have it sent to them in mail

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Only if you earn those mods by playing the character


I can not currently buy Black Hole equipment and send to a alt

Or strip the mods out and send to a alt


They are bound to my character


If I could trade coms I could use my main character and improperly tweak out my alts with out properly learnng how to play them completely (which I might add is already a issue with the quick to 50 leveling in TOR)


If you dont understand that, I think its because you dont want to.


Characters need to earn their high end gear, not have it sent to them in mail


They can already have their high end gear sent to them in the mail. You buy bh gear on your main, strip out the mods, and put all three of them into the respective piece of legacy gear, which is bound to legacy. Then you just mail it to your alt.

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I actually like this idea, you all make good points against it and I agree with your reasoning but not you conclusion. Any endgame character can right now spend their endgame comms, rip them out (at app. 100k cost per full item), stick them in legacy gear and send them to whomever on their legacy they want to. If there was a comm trading utility that converted your endgame comms to a "legacy comm" that was an item in your inventory that you could trade between characters and spend purchasing whatever comms that character needed most people would do that instead of spending the credits (most) and Bioware could control the conversion rate. Meaning your 800 columi comms might translate into 120 columi comms for your alt. Your main can still help gear out your alts but you won't be able to put them in full rakata/blackhole without grinding it out. And even if it is a little unfair to be healing a HM with a character that hasn't done it in SM yet, the PLAYER would still have to know the fights if their main has enough comms lying around to gear that other character up. Just my opinion though.
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Oddly, the implants you buy with daily comms are tradeable, but the earpieces and relics are not. It leads to a lot of people buying earpieces for alts and then realizing they're not ALL tradeable. Would be nice to have some consistency in that dept.
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