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remove heals from dps commano


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doesn't make one bit of sense why i have these two skills that i hardly ever use. I don't want them, and if this is the reason that my dps and survivability is so lackluster then I say get rid of them. I want to be a dps, not an off healer, if I wanted to be a healer I would have picked it. But I didn't, I picked assault spec because gunnery just gets shut down and can't get skills off in pvp post 1.2. my main top tier skill in assault spec in pre 50 pvp hits for like 1-2 k less than what i'm seeing other classes hit me for. And this is a skill that has a 3-4 second pre tick before it even works.. ugh.


This is silly, look at the boards, noone is happy with their dps spec commando, at least not in pvp, theyre awful compared to every other advanced class. Remove the 2 baby heals, and the crap cleanse that I never use if this is the hindrance for actually making our dps viable in pvp.

Edited by Macabakur
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Agreed. The fact that a commando is inferior to other classes in every way is ridiculous. Every class should be able to bring something to the table. Want better dps? Bring any other dps class. Want better healing? Bring any other class that can heal. Want more stuns/utility? Bring any other class. I'm don't want the class to be OP, but it would be nice if I could say that commano may not be able to do "whatever" the best, but it really excels at "X". Please fill in the X with something other than "dying". I can put up really nice dps with my commando, but if it's your team and you can choose between an equally skilled commando or vanguard, who are you going to take? Edited by stendarrs
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The time to cast heals is what makes them utterly useless, in both PvP and PvE. If they were instant cast and just on cooldown, then we'd have a decent 'utility' skill...but they aren't...and as the OP says, I'd rather have some utility than worthless heals that take far too long to cast.
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I play both a commando dps and a sage dps. The sage bubble is a useful defensive tool for a dps to throw around. Make the commando advanced medical probe insta cast and you will have the same utility that the sage gets for comparable damage. Commando pays to much for heavy armor...which would be warranted if heavy armor reduced ALL damage types instead of 50% of the damage types. Commando DPS needs about a 10% increase in sustained DPS to put them back within 5% of the pure DPS. Ways to keep that DPS at full effect for a short time on the move. And more utility to keep them comparable to other dps classes.
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The thread title is incomplete. Its to continue "and replace them with some actual utility".


I actually like having a guaranteed 2.5k healing medal in WZ just to pad out the medals, and knowing BW they'd remove our heals as baseline abilities in one major patch, and not get around to adding the utility till the next major patch. (Think where they nerfed Grav Round in 1.2, and didn't get around to really buffing other damage abilities to compensate and fixing the deadly cannon bug till 1.3).

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I don't want utility, if we're supposed to be this heavy armor glass cannon, then fine, but I need more dps to fulfill the job. I could care less if I had a stun. the heals are basically crappy med packs for me, that's the only way I use them, and i've never once used the cleanse, nor do i see myself ever using it. take those 3 away, and give us the dps that assault spec vanguards have and i'll be happy.


just did a wz, this assault spec vang did 450 k damage.. 450 k! I worked my butt off to get 200.. got 10 medals.. for it.. cmon man.. The truth is, no, I don't want them to remove the utility we have, but gosh dangit, I want to be a dps, and I don't want to feel hindered because my, completely crappy heavy armor, and 2 second, useless heals are the reason why I can't match the dps of that guy.


commando dps really needs help, you nerfed gunnery in 1.2 but you did nothing.. for assault spec.. I think you may have nerfed it as well.. don't remember.. pre 1.2 i was gunnery, because it was fun then. assault spec is the only viable option for pvp atm, The thing is, and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but i'm a fairly adept player at it, and I can't get past 230 k.. for anything, it's impossible.. what ranked teams ever going to want me on their team? I do sub par dps and oh wait.. i can stealth scan! .. 200 k extra damage vs stealth scan.. hmm... oh wait!.. vang's get stealth scan too.. haha.. so that's not the reason! then what is? what is the reason my dps is so sub par?


remove the heals if that's what's needed for us to get dps.. on second thought.. haha, vanguards have an interrupt.. so they trump our crap 2 second useless heals to start..


please fix my class bioware.. I really do enjoy it, but I'm not going to keep playing if I keep doing such subpar dps when I have nothing to say, hey, this is why, this is why my class has low dps, because of skill _______. it doesnt exist, we don't have a unique ability.

Edited by Macabakur
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I don't want utility, if we're supposed to be this heavy armor glass cannon, then fine, but I need more dps to fulfill the job. I could care less if I had a stun. the heals are basically crappy med packs for me, that's the only way I use them, and i've never once used the cleanse, nor do i see myself ever using it. take those 3 away, and give us the dps that assault spec vanguards have and i'll be happy.


just did a wz, this assault spec vang did 450 k damage.. 450 k! I worked my butt off to get 200.. got 10 medals.. for it.. cmon man.. The truth is, no, I don't want them to remove the utility we have, but gosh dangit, I want to be a dps, and I don't want to feel hindered because my, completely crappy heavy armor, and 2 second, useless heals are the reason why I can't match the dps of that guy.


commando dps really needs help, you nerfed gunnery in 1.2 but you did nothing.. for assault spec.. I think you may have nerfed it as well.. don't remember.. pre 1.2 i was gunnery, because it was fun then. assault spec is the only viable option for pvp atm, The thing is, and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but i'm a fairly adept player at it, and I can't get past 230 k.. for anything, it's impossible.. what ranked teams ever going to want me on their team? I do sub par dps and oh wait.. i can stealth scan! .. 200 k extra damage vs stealth scan.. hmm... oh wait!.. vang's get stealth scan too.. haha.. so that's not the reason! then what is? what is the reason my dps is so sub par?


remove the heals if that's what's needed for us to get dps.. on second thought.. haha, vanguards have an interrupt.. so they trump our crap 2 second useless heals to start..


please fix my class bioware.. I really do enjoy it, but I'm not going to keep playing if I keep doing such subpar dps when I have nothing to say, hey, this is why, this is why my class has low dps, because of skill _______. it doesnt exist, we don't have a unique ability.



Honestly damage from commando is just fine in PVP. Damage is a weird thing in PVP if we're being honest. There are a million things outside the class that affect it. Does the other team have healers? Does yours? All the damage potential in the world won't matter if you get focus fired in 2 GCDs.


That being said, by utility I mean "things that let us do what we're supposed to" You know. An ability like Hold the Line to keep us from being interrupted/CCd. Actual roots and snares to keep the enemy at range. Defensive cooldowns that don't suck. Charged Bolts on instant cast (talented in assault tree). A damned interrupt. Those are things we need. Give them to us and our damage will go up without ever affecting the baseline damage of any ability.


Also don't take away my cleanse. I use mine all the time. Love that little ability.

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I can't believe I'm even wasting my time writing this but are you guys high? You picked one of the 3 healing classes and no matter what spec you want to run, every single healing class has base heals, ALWAYS. If you don't want them go play a different class. Seriously do you think sages or scoundrels base heals go away because they want to run dps so some utility just magically falls from the sky to fill those slots???? Think before you post guys Edited by XscottguyX
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In order to be able to try EC HM, every DPS should at least make 1300 DPS on the operation training pole. My gunnery commando makes 1600 DPS and already finished the operation and grabbed the black speeder (and the pinky as well). I know some guys that make even more DPS that's right. But you can't really blame the class and its skills, because even if it is not perfectly balanced, it doesn't prevent us from clearing the most difficult parts of the game.


Actually in some parts of the denova fight, I used tech-override and the medical probe to insta-heal the tank, and it saved his life a couple of times ;)

Edited by Boufsa
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doesn't make one bit of sense why i have these two skills that i hardly ever use. I don't want them, and if this is the reason that my dps and survivability is so lackluster then I say get rid of them. I want to be a dps, not an off healer, if I wanted to be a healer I would have picked it. But I didn't, I picked assault spec because gunnery just gets shut down and can't get skills off in pvp post 1.2. my main top tier skill in assault spec in pre 50 pvp hits for like 1-2 k less than what i'm seeing other classes hit me for. And this is a skill that has a 3-4 second pre tick before it even works.. ugh.


This is silly, look at the boards, noone is happy with their dps spec commando, at least not in pvp, theyre awful compared to every other advanced class. Remove the 2 baby heals, and the crap cleanse that I never use if this is the hindrance for actually making our dps viable in pvp.


You're asking for something unrealistic. Scoundrels and sages are in the same boat as commandos when it comes to self heals and cleanse being factored into their utility and balance. While I am not say that commandos are perfect in pvp you cant take away the heals because it is a healer class too. If you are not using your cleanse you are dying way earlier than you would be if you did use your cleanse. If you see a dot on you, cleanse. Another dot, cleanse again when cooldown is up. If you see your healer or perhaps the ball carrier rooted or mezed, cleanse them. if you are rooted, cleanse yourself. yes it takes ammo, and yes it takes a global cooldown, but well worth it when you are effectively avoiding large amounts of damage.


I don't think commandos were intended to be "glass cannons" so if you are looking to play a straight dps class that does massive dps, but is a "glass cannon" you should reroll a vanguard.

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I can't believe I'm even wasting my time writing this but are you guys high? You picked one of the 3 healing classes and no matter what spec you want to run, every single healing class has base heals, ALWAYS. If you don't want them go play a different class. Seriously do you think sages or scoundrels base heals go away because they want to run dps so some utility just magically falls from the sky to fill those slots???? Think before you post guys


no. but sage/sorcerers dps output, and general usability is so much better. full bubble, 1 second heal, hutt ball pull, i get a 25 pct shield.. 2, 2 second heals, and a 15 pct heal regen that's on a 3 minute timer.. oh and a cleanse.. meh..

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no. but sage/sorcerers dps output, and general usability is so much better. full bubble, 1 second heal, hutt ball pull, i get a 25 pct shield.. 2, 2 second heals, and a 15 pct heal regen that's on a 3 minute timer.. oh and a cleanse.. meh..


My roommate would like to thank you for not cleansing the DoTs he is putting on you. Allowing the damage that ignores your armor to persist is making his job a lot easier.


If you are going Gunnery, you can spec so Stockstrike punts (for a total of 2 punts) and Full Auto slows. That should be plenty movement effects. Commandos have a hard and soft mez (more than that in non-op PvE).


As for utility, stealth probes are a godsend for a group's healers if you suspect an Operative or Assassin is around (and negates a defensive cooldown possessed by some classes). Then there is is Tech Override. Um...WOW. Insta-rezzing a healer on-site rather than making him run back to the fray makes things easier. Just make sure inform your teammates not to release.

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I find the heals a God sent when I want more medals in pvp. The 2.5 and the 5k heals are two medals that a sniper, gunslinger, Jedi knight/ sith warrior, and sith assassins will never get ( unless the assassin is specced tank). I play gunnery too, but the healing comes in handy when a ball carrier is getting blown to bits or I am shooting for more medals. One can still top on dps and healing, it just means being at the right place at the right time. In pve, when my companion is on his last leg and I may need to use the Heroic moment, I'll mass heal him/ her until I run out of ammo, or the job is done. Healing is a great tool that we have and I am greatly displeased that people actually want to get rid of one of our greatest assets.
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You're asking for something unrealistic. Scoundrels and sages are in the same boat as commandos when it comes to self heals and cleanse being factored into their utility and balance. While I am not say that commandos are perfect in pvp you cant take away the heals because it is a healer class too. If you are not using your cleanse you are dying way earlier than you would be if you did use your cleanse. If you see a dot on you, cleanse. Another dot, cleanse again when cooldown is up. If you see your healer or perhaps the ball carrier rooted or mezed, cleanse them. if you are rooted, cleanse yourself. yes it takes ammo, and yes it takes a global cooldown, but well worth it when you are effectively avoiding large amounts of damage.


I don't think commandos were intended to be "glass cannons" so if you are looking to play a straight dps class that does massive dps, but is a "glass cannon" you should reroll a vanguard.


The comparison to scoundrels and sages honestly just points out what total crap the "commandos have offheals so giving them an interrupt would be too much utility" statement from bioware really is. As you say all sage and scoundrel classes get base heals regardless of spec. Scoundrels also get stealth regardless of spec and sages get rescue, bubbles, and force speed regardless of spec in addition to both classes having an interrupt. I don't actually want to lose my heals. I do find them situationally useful, but you can't deny it's total crap that the other healing classes get them PLUS a bunch of extra utility.



If you are going Gunnery, you can spec so Stockstrike punts (for a total of 2 punts) and Full Auto slows. That should be plenty movement effects. Commandos have a hard and soft mez (more than that in non-op PvE)


If you think the knockback from talented stockstrike is ever actually useful for anything except hoping to knock people down from a ledge in Huttball then you honestly have no place in this discussion.


That's what I hate about these utility discussions. People inevitably bring up concussion charge and talented stockstrike, neither of which realistically creates enough space to do much good and is only really good for knocking people off ledges. That's useful in one map, and in part of another. Indeed, in Huttball if the carrier is a jugg, knocking them into the pitt isn't going to really stop the score if they've put a stealther into the endzone.


Stealth scan also shouldn't count unless we get 100% uptime on it and have its radius extended tremendously.

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If you think the knockback from talented stockstrike is ever actually useful for anything except hoping to knock people down from a ledge in Huttball then you honestly have no place in this discussion.


That's what I hate about these utility discussions. People inevitably bring up concussion charge and talented stockstrike, neither of which realistically creates enough space to do much good and is only really good for knocking people off ledges. That's useful in one map, and in part of another. Indeed, in Huttball if the carrier is a jugg, knocking them into the pitt isn't going to really stop the score if they've put a stealther into the endzone.


Stealth scan also shouldn't count unless we get 100% uptime on it and have its radius extended tremendously.


Concussion charge and stockstrike end ravage just fine. They will also LoS enemy healers. I have also seen concussion charge (with help from transendance, I will admit) used to prevent enemies from gaining LoS into Novare's southern bunker long enough to gain control.


Stealth scan is just fine as it is. While stealth scan will not stop stealth dps, it will hobble it. Fifty percent to the time allies in an area of your choosing are largely immune to the openers of some of the most feared dps in the game.


As for your Huttball/jugg analogy, use stealth scan to find the stealther, knock it into the pitt and follow it. You have the tools, use them.

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Concussion charge and stockstrike end ravage just fine. They will also LoS enemy healers. I have also seen concussion charge (with help from transendance, I will admit) used to prevent enemies from gaining LoS into Novare's southern bunker long enough to gain control.


Stealth scan is just fine as it is. While stealth scan will not stop stealth dps, it will hobble it. Fifty percent to the time allies in an area of your choosing are largely immune to the openers of some of the most feared dps in the game.


As for your Huttball/jugg analogy, use stealth scan to find the stealther, knock it into the pitt and follow it. You have the tools, use them.


Sorry. Been on the PVP forums too much lately. That being said remember that stock strike only ends a ravage if you spec it into a knockback.


I personally can't find much use in Stealthscan outside of EC. The radius is so small that any stealther can easily avoid it, and it doesn't have 100% uptime so all they have to do is wait for it to go down and then charge in, and that cooldown means that "find the stealther using stealth scan and knock them into the pit" is much easier said than done. Even if you find them, if they're being passed to they don't really NEED to put themselves between you and the pit, and if they're smart they won't let that happen. Something worth trying for sure, but nothing like a 100% success rate.

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The comparison to scoundrels and sages honestly just points out what total crap the "commandos have offheals so giving them an interrupt would be too much utility" statement from bioware really is. As you say all sage and scoundrel classes get base heals regardless of spec. Scoundrels also get stealth regardless of spec and sages get rescue, bubbles, and force speed regardless of spec in addition to both classes having an interrupt. I don't actually want to lose my heals. I do find them situationally useful, but you can't deny it's total crap that the other healing classes get them PLUS a bunch of extra utility.





If you think the knockback from talented stockstrike is ever actually useful for anything except hoping to knock people down from a ledge in Huttball then you honestly have no place in this discussion.


That's what I hate about these utility discussions. People inevitably bring up concussion charge and talented stockstrike, neither of which realistically creates enough space to do much good and is only really good for knocking people off ledges. That's useful in one map, and in part of another. Indeed, in Huttball if the carrier is a jugg, knocking them into the pitt isn't going to really stop the score if they've put a stealther into the endzone.


Stealth scan also shouldn't count unless we get 100% uptime on it and have its radius extended tremendously.


I never said commandos shouldn't get an interrupt. In fact, adding an interrupt to commandos is the only you have said that I actually agree with. I would love to have an interrupt on my commando, even if it had a longer cooldown like the other ranged dps as opposed to the short cooldown that vanguards get due to being melee. Also don't forget that our knockback slows people which can help us get away or help a teammate or an objective.

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I never said commandos shouldn't get an interrupt. In fact, adding an interrupt to commandos is the only you have said that I actually agree with. I would love to have an interrupt on my commando, even if it had a longer cooldown like the other ranged dps as opposed to the short cooldown that vanguards get due to being melee. Also don't forget that our knockback slows people which can help us get away or help a teammate or an objective.


You did not. Bioware did. They're the ones who said they were wary of giving us an interrupt because God forbid we have too much utility. Any anger you detect in my posts is directed solely at them. Your post simply gave me a jumping off point. I'd love an interrupt too. I'd love a cooldown with a short recast that kept us immune to interrupts even more if I'm honest.


Honestly knockback just doesn't knockback far enough to really let us get away. The slow also lasts for a very small amount of time. I don't understand why it's not a root honestly (or at least specced INTO a root). In fact our lack of any reliable semi spammable slow is just another glaring oversight to our utility.


Anyway, I know I've posted in this thread a lot, but let me be very clear in saying that I do NOT want them to take our baseline heals away. That would be very silly. Plus like I said, even if theoretically there was an option to trade those heals in for more utility, they'd probably take the heals in patch 1.4 and not give the utility till patch 1.5

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I don't want utility, if we're supposed to be this heavy armor glass cannon, then fine, but I need more dps to fulfill the job. I could care less if I had a stun. the heals are basically crappy med packs for me, that's the only way I use them, and i've never once used the cleanse, nor do i see myself ever using it. take those 3 away, and give us the dps that assault spec vanguards have and i'll be happy.


just did a wz, this assault spec vang did 450 k damage.. 450 k! I worked my butt off to get 200.. got 10 medals.. for it.. cmon man.. The truth is, no, I don't want them to remove the utility we have, but gosh dangit, I want to be a dps, and I don't want to feel hindered because my, completely crappy heavy armor, and 2 second, useless heals are the reason why I can't match the dps of that guy.


commando dps really needs help, you nerfed gunnery in 1.2 but you did nothing.. for assault spec.. I think you may have nerfed it as well.. don't remember.. pre 1.2 i was gunnery, because it was fun then. assault spec is the only viable option for pvp atm, The thing is, and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but i'm a fairly adept player at it, and I can't get past 230 k.. for anything, it's impossible.. what ranked teams ever going to want me on their team? I do sub par dps and oh wait.. i can stealth scan! .. 200 k extra damage vs stealth scan.. hmm... oh wait!.. vang's get stealth scan too.. haha.. so that's not the reason! then what is? what is the reason my dps is so sub par?


remove the heals if that's what's needed for us to get dps.. on second thought.. haha, vanguards have an interrupt.. so they trump our crap 2 second useless heals to start..


please fix my class bioware.. I really do enjoy it, but I'm not going to keep playing if I keep doing such subpar dps when I have nothing to say, hey, this is why, this is why my class has low dps, because of skill _______. it doesnt exist, we don't have a unique ability.


Commando/ merc is in a rough spot but if your are ************ about having stun and cleanse (tech and physical w/out the healer talent point) you are nuts. Also, your off heals aren't for yourself when you are getting focused, they are to help a focused healer out or to use on class like a mara or a guardian when u at a node with no healer and your not getting focused. Off heals will not help your survive-ability, but they are great to use on certain classes and can turn the tide in a node battle, this is why off heals are considered utility. When you play a good team every dps class that can heal will toss out the ocasional heal to keep a focus target alive. Once again not saying that mando/merc doesn't need love, but If you really want to just mindlessly dps stuff then roll a PT. Your ignorant post about how you ignore cleanse is not going to make a strong case about why mercs need buffs. It blows my mind why you wouldn't use cleanse.

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I can't believe I'm even wasting my time writing this but are you guys high? You picked one of the 3 healing classes and no matter what spec you want to run, every single healing class has base heals, ALWAYS. If you don't want them go play a different class. Seriously do you think sages or scoundrels base heals go away because they want to run dps so some utility just magically falls from the sky to fill those slots???? Think before you post guys


they arent complaining about having heals...that would be just stupid(which, while im not saying that the swtor forums community is not stupid, those in this thread, despite the title, at least have some semblance of sense.), they are complaining that the commando gets outdone in just about every way in pvp, making them a terrible choice over other classes for anything. their damage doesnt compare to say a gunslinger or a vanguard. their survivability is laughable compared to say, a vanguard or a sage(honestly they may wear heavy armor but they are still just glass cann--well, glass...not much of a cannon. they have no snares or roots, minus a talented snare added to the knockback and a very weak one on full auto), they bring no utility to the table(they have a knockback, and a weak talented knockback...they have one cc on a cast time. they have NO INTERRUPT, ranged, or even melee, other than a talented weak knockback with no lockout duration.


any class can do something better. sage/scoundrel can heal just as good(most likely better but i have no proof of that), while bringing more survivability and utility to the table. gunnery spec(which has most of the talented "utility" if you wish to call it that) is as if not more stationary than a gunslinger with lower damage, ability to be interrupted/leapt to, and next to nothing in utility. assault, while it has more mobility, still has lower damage than pretty much any other ac(guardians? hmm...no lower than sweep guards, prob lower or on par with vigilance guards...again not even considering utility, survivability, etc) and all the dots can be removed by a half aware healer in ranked wzs, and has even less utility than gunnery.


TL;DR?: dps commandos will always be the last picked in gym class. another class can always do it better. be it dps, almost all classes outdps them. utility, heh lets not even go there. survivability, almost as bad as utility, a couple of *****ty defensive cds and no mobility and a little damage or no damage and a little mobility. they are not upset because they have heals, their upset because they cant be viable doing anything but heals. they would gladly trade their weak heals for the ability to have just one niche in a ranked group. be it the leet deepz, being the deepz that no one can kill, being the guy that locks their healer down tight while everyone else kills him or the est of their team, etc. they just want to be able to do something.

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they arent complaining about having heals...that would be just stupid(which, while im not saying that the swtor forums community is not stupid, those in this thread, despite the title, at least have some semblance of sense.), they are complaining that the commando gets outdone in just about every way in pvp, making them a terrible choice over other classes for anything. their damage doesnt compare to say a gunslinger or a vanguard. their survivability is laughable compared to say, a vanguard or a sage(honestly they may wear heavy armor but they are still just glass cann--well, glass...not much of a cannon. they have no snares or roots, minus a talented snare added to the knockback and a very weak one on full auto), they bring no utility to the table(they have a knockback, and a weak talented knockback...they have one cc on a cast time. they have NO INTERRUPT, ranged, or even melee, other than a talented weak knockback with no lockout duration.


any class can do something better. sage/scoundrel can heal just as good(most likely better but i have no proof of that), while bringing more survivability and utility to the table. gunnery spec(which has most of the talented "utility" if you wish to call it that) is as if not more stationary than a gunslinger with lower damage, ability to be interrupted/leapt to, and next to nothing in utility. assault, while it has more mobility, still has lower damage than pretty much any other ac(guardians? hmm...no lower than sweep guards, prob lower or on par with vigilance guards...again not even considering utility, survivability, etc) and all the dots can be removed by a half aware healer in ranked wzs, and has even less utility than gunnery.


TL;DR?: dps commandos will always be the last picked in gym class. another class can always do it better. be it dps, almost all classes outdps them. utility, heh lets not even go there. survivability, almost as bad as utility, a couple of *****ty defensive cds and no mobility and a little damage or no damage and a little mobility. they are not upset because they have heals, their upset because they cant be viable doing anything but heals. they would gladly trade their weak heals for the ability to have just one niche in a ranked group. be it the leet deepz, being the deepz that no one can kill, being the guy that locks their healer down tight while everyone else kills him or the est of their team, etc. they just want to be able to do something.



It's not the DPS honestly where commando is lacking. It's the lack of tools to DO that damage besides hoping we don't get noticed nuking things from the fringe. If we had the ability to make ourselves unable to be leaped to, interrupted, or stunned for non trivial periods of time (you know, like gunslingers/snipers can do with cover) then gunnery spec would have the ability to actually reach it's damage potential, and when that happens you better watch out. We need the ability to keep enemies at range, if not all the time, then some of the time, and be able to reliably get our casts off without being completely shut down in gunnery. In assault we need the ability to keep mobile after the initial burst without seriously self rooting ourselves, and the aforementioned abilities to kite those that are chasing us.


Having hold the line in, with the snare in concussion charge talented to a root and the talented snare on Full Auto changed to a root, in gunnery, changing charged bolts to be instant with a cooldown and always proc plasma cell (talented) in Assault, as well as just a baseline snare in ALL specs would go a long way to making commando DPS viable in high level PVP.

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It's not the DPS honestly where commando is lacking. It's the lack of tools to DO that damage besides hoping we don't get noticed nuking things from the fringe. If we had the ability to make ourselves unable to be leaped to, interrupted, or stunned for non trivial periods of time (you know, like gunslingers/snipers can do with cover) then gunnery spec would have the ability to actually reach it's damage potential, and when that happens you better watch out. We need the ability to keep enemies at range, if not all the time, then some of the time, and be able to reliably get our casts off without being completely shut down in gunnery. In assault we need the ability to keep mobile after the initial burst without seriously self rooting ourselves, and the aforementioned abilities to kite those that are chasing us.


Having hold the line in, with the snare in concussion charge talented to a root and the talented snare on Full Auto changed to a root, in gunnery, changing charged bolts to be instant with a cooldown and always proc plasma cell (talented) in Assault, as well as just a baseline snare in ALL specs would go a long way to making commando DPS viable in high level PVP.




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As I already said, commandos are great in pve, I already went through all operations in HM with my commando, my DPS output is above 1600 and I am fine with the class as it is.


I am often one of the two biggest DDer in the raid, while dying very rarely. From my point of view either you or your team-mates don't undersand the class and how to play it, because commandos are great.


Since I basically finished the game with my commando, I am currently rerolling in other classes, and so far I still prefer commandos. Other classes have a little more tools, but for example: gunslinger can't heal themselves, and the curtain contraint is a bother. Sages are funny, but they die too fast, and their cleanse is almost useless.

Edited by Boufsa
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