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49 Twinks in PvP


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It's legit and allowed, but they're simply being an ***, not cheating, not hacking, not exploiting the game in any way, shape, or form; the game is obviously meant to have gear differences (Which I dislike). The only way to eliminate these min/maxers is to take away gear tiers in pvp... at least in the 1-49 bracket.
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I have four 49s I leave before the end of each match. I get caught every once and a wile when they lvl out due to slips I just make another. I do this for a few reasons, it takes me 1week to make a 49 and 20min to have best in slot for each of them. I don't like the TTK in the 50 bracket I don't like the premades. I'm not interested in spending 2-3 weeks grinding for gear just to bring the one on one fights in line all the wile feeding kills to scrubs in max gear. I'm never going to fight you on your terms. Report me all you like ban me if you can. You will not stop me. Three things you can do leave my games, gear yourself to compete, or die on your way out of my bracket i have a 6400 sweep with your name on it good luck. :D
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I have four 49s I leave before the end of each match. I get caught every once and a wile when they lvl out due to slips I just make another. I do this for a few reasons, it takes me 1week to make a 49 and 20min to have best in slot for each of them. I don't like the TTK in the 50 bracket I don't like the premades. I'm not interested in spending 2-3 weeks grinding for gear just to bring the one on one fights in line all the wile feeding kills to scrubs in max gear. I'm never going to fight you on your terms. Report me all you like ban me if you can. You will not stop me. Three things you can do leave my games, gear yourself to compete, or die on your way out of my bracket i have a 6400 sweep with your name on it good luck. :D


You're one of those guys who actually pays for cheat programs in Battlefield 3.


Can't cut it by playing fair so why try right?

Edited by Larishet
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I dont mind the 49 twinks and I dont blame them (i agree to level 50 pvp imbalance issue)

However I also feel like they are the carebear players.

If you want to man up well play a Lv19 twink and stay 19 or hek stay 31 and prove your worth. Not 49 ganking Lv11.

Them twinks are the same type of people that max/grind their toon at 50. To have a advantage over others.

The 49 twinks also wants this very same "tool enlarger" effect without the grind so they chose to stay 49 and out level out gear everyone.


Takes this long

|------| to be on top of the gear curve under 50.

Take this much longer

|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| to be in the big boys league (quite possibly just to be on equal footing.)


Why waste time right?

Edited by warultima
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49 twinks are over rated, go twink out a level 10 sniper and see whats up.


Actually if you want to be ballz like what most 49 twinks are pretending to do.

Be a level 49 and never choose a AC.

49 Inquisitor/warrior/BH and so on.


49 BiS in sub 50 bracket? that crap for sissys

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Why would Bioware take action against these lvl 49's for leaving the WZ's early to avoid getting xp when a large majority PvPers leave WZs after 1 or 2 min in the 50 Bracket if the team is losing. To punish the lvl 49s but not the lvl 50's seems ludicrous. It's only because these well geared characters are more noticeable. Point is instead of focusing on banning/punishing players they should think of ways of punishing players as part of the in-game system i.e. Deserter debuffs which get longer and longer as you leave more WZs maybe resulting in like a day WZ debuff if you leave like 5 WZs in a period of 24 hours or something like that. That's what I think would be a more adequate solution anyways.
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There is nothing wrong with Twinking... I have beaten 49 twinks on my lvl 30 toons. It's a L2P issue. They have an advantage but it's really not that big. They can get like 96 expertise? What does that amount to in dmg reduction and dmg increase?


you can get more then 96expertise. you can mod 6 items and get 25 expertise per 47 weapon enhancements. at level 42 weapons there is a gun with 21 expertise so at 42 I always have 126expertise then at 47 i have 150. I think it ends up at around 4 or 5 % havent done it since before 1.2 Tho I'm getting the level 42 weapons now for my Sniper. But I will be hitting 50 with him. I do it because I want to put best toon I can out there on battlefield. I also already have his Warhero Chest, Head, Gloves, Boots & Pants. Also Have 2 Advanced Patron Armoring 26 for his belt and Bracers and two extra Warhero Mods to go in them also. Nothing wrong with this either.

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i am semi guilty of this since i really pimp out my alts when levelling and pvping with augmented purples. I never leave before the game ends because i actually do want the exp. So im not twinking but i do have a much stronger toon than most sub 50's
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who cares. they get no credits, no valor, no comms. so basically they are wasting their time. If they want to feel like they are talented at pvp by beating lowbies let them.


Phahahahahahahaaa. Wasting their time.... My mother *********** god!


I mean... how can you survive outside with brain like that?

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I've faced a level 46 marauder the other day who had over 15500 HP.


...on my sage :mad:


thats not such a stretch, on my vengeance Juggernaut at 43 I had about 14k with blue mods, if you have the setup for purple mods then you would have more.


as to the 49 pansies too scared to hit 50, I have seen them and its hilarious, just so pointless and pathetic, new 50s in pvp take some pain but it doesnt take long to get full BM unlike the old days and even WH is just a matter of time

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I don't like the TTK in the 50 bracket I don't like the premades. I'm not interested in spending 2-3 weeks grinding for gear just to bring the one on one fights in line all the wile feeding kills to scrubs in max gear.


THsank you for explaining why.

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Mhm. I noticed the increase in these (twinks). Yesterday there was a powertech (lol who else) with a 17k health and he was only lvl43. He wasn't a great player by any standard, but he was mildly annoying as it took a lot of time to kill him and all his abilities seemed to shred my operative.

Take it as you please, i have seen enough twinking in my time to know what is what.


Twinking is very much like going to kindergarden and acting tough because you were slapped silly in high school.

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I don't do it


Seems like a huge time waster


But I guess the libertArian in me thinks ... So what they are enjoying it and it's their dime

And most average peoPle will outlevel pre 50 war zones rather quickly


I just dont think it's that big a deal


Don't sweat the small stuff .... PvP pre 50 means nothing and is a short ride

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Thats hilarious, pvp at 50 does suck as a recruit but how does that justify doing the same thing to level 10's who dont even have talent tree's or attacks. Funny.




It's just people who prefer being the best geared.


I'd shrug it off and get to 50, which, contrary to nonsensical whining about imbalances (see above) is where the real PvP begins.

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Dark Age of Camelot had an option to turn XP off or on... by using the /xpoff or /xpon command

So you could use this if you wanted to stay in one certain type of Level Based battlegrounds they had...


In fact damn near everyone did it... You would have your 50s for main PvP, then you would have a character with XP turned off at 24 (max level in a lower BG) and XP turned off at 49 (Max level in an upper bg)

Just for a change of pace.


I don't see what the problem is.... If they want to continue playing @ 49, then let them... if they leave early they don't get any sort of reward, so its not like they're exploiting the reward system.


In my opinion, I think they need to implement some sort optional Player XP limitation... to be able to shut it off and turn it on as you please.

Edited by Graalis
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The quality of play in 10-49 is pretty low. I assume it's because a PvE'er is more likely to hop in for kicks. I don't mind the people who have no idea what they are doing or the twinks. 10-49 is like practice and if people want to excel in practice because they are scared of real games it doesn't bother me.


If it became so prevalent that I would only lose it would bother me, but currently there are tons of people on both sides who have no idea what they are doing. I have been in huttball games where the ball sits untouched on the podium at mid for a full minute. The daily in 10-49 is play two matches so....

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Well, I don't care at all about gear progression or Elo. So why should I level to 50? I just want to have some fun with the PvP and not having to grind a stupid set.


And no, I sadly leveld to 50 and geared my character. I wish I could go back. Yes, the plays were awful but at least there was no gear grind.

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Twinking is disgusting in any shape or form, unless there are twink-specific brackets, which there aren't.


So yeah, they need to burn in hell. PvP kills and objectives need to yield XP.


The hell with the twinks i just want that in game!

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Don't really see the problem. I deck out all my alts as they're leveling. They have the best gear available to them because I have biochem, cybertech, synth and armormech. If you're too lazy to craft your own gear or too cheap to buy some, then that's your bad.


^^ this.



I have 5 alts that craft everything and get all my own mats... why not load up your toons if you can? Having the ability to do it but not do it because you are going to be looked at as a "twink" is BS. My jug is full WH auged valor 89 so it is not because I am afraid of anything in 50 PVP.


Did you ever think that I spent time crafting so that my alts will ALWAYS have the best gear? Everything from gloves to implants. My toons have it all because I worked for it. If your alts are running around in green gear that's 8 levels below you than that seems to be your problem not mine.


BTW I have a full set of lvl 49 purps that are also auged waiting on my PT that has 400 armormech and this alt is at level 38 ATM.

U jelly brah?


Why not get your toons up to par? Dont blame others because you dont craft. People spent time on it... nobody handed it to them. It is an "earned" advantage.

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