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Gear differences male/female Toggle


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To start, I just want to say I have no problem with the display option I'm describing below. I would just like the option to toggle it either off or on if I'm playing a female character.


Certain Imperial gear sets have different display options depending on whether you are male or female, sets like the Traditional Demicot and Traditional Brocart. When worn on a female character, the chest piece displays a bare midriff and no sleeves, while on males there are some very nice wrappings around the waist (including a sort of belt) and long sleeves. Below are links to images describing what I'm talking about. I used Xalek because he was large and easier to see in the screenshot (easier to see the detailing).


Male version Traditional Demicot (Imperial) chest:



Female version Traditional Demicot (Imperial) chest (forgive the dressing room preview, I don't own this set personally):



As you can see, there is a lot of nice detailing that is lost on the female display. Plus this specific set happens to be one of the few Imperial sets that is not black, red, or purple. And yet the impact of the set is lost on a female character because a lot of it is missing not to mention the fact that the straps across the chest seem purposeless without the middle section. I like this set (and others like it), and would my sorceress to wear it, but simply won't because of the way it displays on her.


TLDR: Please give us the ability to display armor on female characters the same as it does on males.

Edited by Pairaka
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I'd love something like this! I don't object to skimpier gear in general, but I agree that most of the attractive details are lost on the pieces along with 60% of the fabric. And I've never been a fan of the hooded crop top look, anyway. It's a shame, because the style you linked is by far my favorite for Inquisitors -- when shown on a male character, that is.


Interestingly, when I preview such pieces on Mako and Vette, they show the "full" (male) version rather than the cropped version. So it can't be that difficult of a thing.


I doubt this feature will be considered though, as any requests that are an option for less female skin showing in an MMO tend to get ignored/boo'd/mocked. >.<


So, I made my Sith male so I can use the gear as I like it. ^^

Edited by Gwena
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I agree with this feature as well. I think it's a bit nonsensical to force female characters to wear a different version of a piece of clothing based on gender. There should be one model for the gear or the option to choose which model you'd like to wear. I'm guessing that the example used is the equivalent of the Aspiring Knight chestpiece on the Republic side, which also has the male/female distinction.


I doubt this feature will be considered though, as any requests that are an option for less female skin showing in an MMO tend to get ignored/boo'd/mocked. >.<


Sadly, this is true. Hopefully BioWare will prove to be the kind of company that listens to female gamers and avoids objectifying the female characters. Other than these few pieces of gear, I'd say they've done a pretty good job at not being sexist.


It'd be nice to have a FemTroop forum avatar, by the way :)

Edited by flyersfan
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This is a pet peeve of mine in every game I've ever played. Why would the very same armor piece cover a male from neck to toes but show a bunch of skin on a female? Is there some reason a female would want her abdomen exposed to a blade or blaster shot? May as well just paint a target on her....


And, don't get me started on the sleazy dancer costumes for females, but not for males....


Are there no females in the group that works on armor design??

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Are there no females in the group that works on armor design??


I think not, otherwise we wouldn't have the awful color combinations on some of the gear. I mean...red and purple on the same piece of gear? And limited color palettes for each faction? Sigh...

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I think not, otherwise we wouldn't have the awful color combinations on some of the gear. I mean...red and purple on the same piece of gear? And limited color palettes for each faction? Sigh...


Good point. And they didn't spare the hideous on the Republic side armor. Gunslinger Elite Jacket? Bleah!

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