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Executive Producer Rich Vogel Bails on TOR


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WOW has 80-90% of its sub which are Asiatic based. That means you buy a time frame. 50 hours, 100 hours playtime.

If these Chinese with there 80 hours a week of work, + rest I guess that means that this 50 hours stays a long time in.


In standard monthly paying P2P model WOW has around 2 million payed subs, may be something similar to how SWTOR was at launch. There was a time when WOW had around 4 million subs in EU and US. Think this number is in decline since 2008.


Blizzard also offered free Diablo if u took a one year or was it 6 months sub in WOW.

It was like BW giving free ME3 if u took 6 months subs. I wonder what the nay sayers would have said if that happened.

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So, since China's subs don't ever get cancelled and can't be considered a lost sub, WoW lost 2m of it's 4m subs in the US/EU last year?


Why are people ragging on SWTOR again?


Well the % of WoW subs lost is lower than what SWTOR lost. Sure WoW lost 2 million, which is a lot, but as a total of it's subs it was less than 20% of its original total. By comparison SWTOR peaked at 1.7 million and lost 400k, again a smaller total number but is about 25% of its original total. So SWTOR's loss "hurt" more as it were.

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Well the % of WoW subs lost is lower than what SWTOR lost. Sure WoW lost 2 million, which is a lot, but as a total of it's subs it was less than 20% of its original total. By comparison SWTOR peaked at 1.7 million and lost 400k, again a smaller total number but is about 25% of its original total. So SWTOR's loss "hurt" more as it were.


That just depends on which market they lost the 2 mil subs. Of that we shall never know. All i know is my old wow server KT is a freaking ghost town.

Edited by Shingara
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That just depends on which market they lost the 2 mil subs. Of that we shall never know. All i know is my old wow server KT is a freaking ghost town.


You like to round the numbers up when it comes to WoW don'nt you? They did not lose 2 million..they lost 1.8 million. And my server Stormrage is booming with players. Last time I checked, they had 38 servers listed as high pop and 156 listed as medium and that was in NA alone. :p

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WOW has 80-90% of its sub which are Asiatic based. That means you buy a time frame. 50 hours, 100 hours playtime.

If these Chinese with there 80 hours a week of work, + rest I guess that means that this 50 hours stays a long time in.


In standard monthly paying P2P model WOW has around 2 million payed subs, may be something similar to how SWTOR was at launch. There was a time when WOW had around 4 million subs in EU and US. Think this number is in decline since 2008.


Blizzard also offered free Diablo if u took a one year or was it 6 months sub in WOW.

It was like BW giving free ME3 if u took 6 months subs. I wonder what the nay sayers would have said if that happened.


They have 10.2 million subs based on the last report. Now if 80 - 90% of those are from Asiatic as you claim, then that would mean they only have 876, 000 subs( taking 85% X 10.2 million ) from the other places in the world. Not even the 2 million P2P subs you said. And if the 80 - 90% is true...why would they have 229 servers in NA alone? And why would 38 of those servers show as high pop and 156 show as medium pop? Look it up yourself...go to thier server status website. Which is kept live up to date. :cool:

Edited by Valkirus
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You like to round the numbers up when it comes to WoW don'nt you? They did not lose 2 million..they lost 1.8 million. And my server Stormrage is booming with players. Last time I checked, they had 38 servers listed as high pop and 156 listed as medium and that was in NA alone. :p


Im not rounding anything up, i was using the number in the quote. also this always pings me when it states it has more subscribers then actual people who use battle.net http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2769-WoW-Stable-at-10-2-Million-Subscribers of which you have to have battlenet to play wow be it here or china and i doubt everyone that plays star craft plays wow.

Edited by Shingara
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I don't know why you people argue about this stuff.


WoW is still rocking and way out in front 7 years latter, If you think other wise you are smoking some good stuff and I want some.


Personanly i dont care either way, it just makes me giggle when the wow die hards stamp there feet here about how great wow is and then make them wonder why they are here and not wow. :D

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Personanly i dont care either way, it just makes me giggle when the wow die hards stamp there feet here about how great wow is and then make them wonder why they are here and not wow. :D


Same reason almost anyone post on an officially video game forum. It's good troll bait

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Personanly i dont care either way, it just makes me giggle when the wow die hards stamp there feet here about how great wow is and then make them wonder why they are here and not wow. :D


This is where the disconnect is happening with you. The so-called WoW die hards aren't stamping their feet about how great WoW is. The people mentioning WoW are tired of that game, and are disgusted that something as old and as tired as WoW is still head and shoulders above the quality that TOR is. TOR should have been competitive with WoW; instead, it's being beaten by an old game that had to bring in pandas as an enticement to their playerbase. The devs at Bioware should be ashamed of themselves.

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This is where the disconnect is happening with you. The so-called WoW die hards aren't stamping their feet about how great WoW is. The people mentioning WoW are tired of that game, and are disgusted that something as old and as tired as WoW is still head and shoulders above the quality that TOR is. TOR should have been competitive with WoW; instead, it's being beaten by an old game that had to bring in pandas as an enticement to their playerbase. The devs at Bioware should be ashamed of themselves.


How are pandas an enticement??

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Im not rounding anything up, i was using the number in the quote. also this always pings me when it states it has more subscribers then actual people who use battle.net http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2769-WoW-Stable-at-10-2-Million-Subscribers of which you have to have battlenet to play wow be it here or china and i doubt everyone that plays star craft plays wow.


You quoted a inaccurate number. If anyone had done that with a TOR number, you would be all over it. As far as the number difference between the Battlenet users and subs numbers, there could be factors you and I have no understanding of. I will stick with the official numbers. Same as we have to when it comes to those concerning TOR, right? We can speculate on other stuff, but that is all it will be without knowing the actual numbers reported.

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You quoted a inaccurate number. If anyone had done that with a TOR number, you would be all over it. As far as the number difference between the Battlenet users and subs numbers, there could be factors you and I have no understanding of. I will stick with the official numbers. Same as we have to when it comes to those concerning TOR, right? We can speculate on other stuff, but that is all it will be without knowing the actual numbers reported.


My apologies, wow has lost 1.8 million subscribers but we shall never know for sure which market those numbers come from exactly and battlenet which you have to have for wow only has 10 million users which covers wow, D3 and starcraft.. Is that better for you.

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I don't know why you people argue about this stuff.


WoW is still rocking and way out in front 7 years latter, If you think other wise you are smoking some good stuff and I want some.


The issue is how do you define "out in front"?


For most daily concurrent users, meaning who has the highest daily average of people playing every day, that's League of Legends.


If you're talking total registered users, that's Runescape with ... get this... 200 million registered users.


If you look at the top 5 games played in China, WoW isn't one of them. A lot of games there aren't released elsewhere. Of course, many of those are either F2P or pay by hour games.


When WoW lost it's 2 million subs that was at the end of 2011. No word if SWTOR affected that number or if any other mmos did. Of course companies usually refuse to release such numbers often we get them second or third hand from people reading investment reports or company financial statements.

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LOL what i love is when things go bad, people bail instead of trying to improve and/or fix the game


Well he could of been "encouraged" to leave too. SWTOR was his to run and very costly to develop and less than 6 months after release it's bleeding subs. Usually this means the Big Boss steps in and starts changing the staff.

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LOL what i love is when things go bad, people bail instead of trying to improve and/or fix the game


If a team of suits barged into the company I worked for and startes laying people off and ruining evertthing youve worked on over the last 5 years (see f2p) ... Id leave too the first chance I get.


In fact, ive done it twice before.

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They have 10.2 million subs based on the last report. Now if 80 - 90% of those are from Asiatic as you claim, then that would mean they only have 876, 000 subs( taking 85% X 10.2 million ) from the other places in the world. Not even the 2 million P2P subs you said. And if the 80 - 90% is true...why would they have 229 servers in NA alone? And why would 38 of those servers show as high pop and 156 show as medium pop? Look it up yourself...go to thier server status website. Which is kept live up to date. :cool:




This article says they made 250 million in the first quarter of 2012. That is 83 million a month. That is about 5.5 million PAYING subs at 15/month (5 million at 15 a month is 75 million.... hence 5.5 million is about 83ish mil). They may say they have 10.2 million subs but they are lying... an counting unpaying people.


WoW has NEVER had 10 million subs (people paying 15 dollars a month). WoW has NEVER had 12 million subs.... NEVER. When someone says they have 10 million subs... they are implying 10 million x 15$/month.... THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED.

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