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Executive Producer Rich Vogel Bails on TOR


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Yowza, Meridian 59 and UO?


That's quite the pedigree.


Good luck, Rich!


My $0.02 is that games often shed their executive producers post-launch -- the set of skills required to get a game launched aren't always the same ones required to to maintain and expand it.

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links or it didnt....nevermind. lol Never a good sign when the dude instrumental in the development of the game leaves on his own. the wheels are coming off the cart.. Edited by Rehme
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I wonder if all these people leaving are moving to work on Ultima forever quest for the avatar. A f2p game , that will be more worthy than this title . Not. Yeah doesn't seem good all this news of people leaving , strange really what did everyone expect SWTOR to smash that other MMO out the water instantly ? MMO's take years to grow and well if they shut all the servers appart from the 25 that are open atm then you can kiss this game goodbye.





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I wonder if all these people leaving are moving to work on Ultima forever quest for the avatar. A f2p game , that will be more worthy than this title . Not. Yeah doesn't seem good all this news of people leaving , strange really what did everyone expect SWTOR to smash that other MMO out the water instantly ? MMO's take years to grow and well if they shut all the servers appart from the 25 that are open atm then you can kiss this game goodbye.






It has been speculated that Team Bioware Mythic was going to work on it right after announcement, it wouldn't suprise me. They'll probably come back and force the f2p model from Ultima Forever down our throats.

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It has been speculated that Team Bioware Mythic was going to work on it right after announcement, it wouldn't suprise me. They'll probably come back and force the f2p model from Ultima Forever down our throats.


It'll be a while before they do that.


The udders haven't quite dried up yet around here, there is milking still to be done.

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It has been speculated that Team Bioware Mythic was going to work on it right after announcement, it wouldn't suprise me. They'll probably come back and force the f2p model from Ultima Forever down our throats.


Yeah that worries me too , I don't get it EA doesn't make as much money so they completely ruin this game , the amount of money put into this game and all what this game could be and they now want F2P games all over the place. EA don't be so bloody stupid , if you really are concerned about sub numbers just lower the sub its simple , not rocket science and advertise it as so. The level 15 FTP people will jump at the chance if you advertise it via your server admin messages. In case you haven't guessed I am against SWTOR becoming FTP.





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In case you haven't guessed I am against SWTOR becoming FTP.






Me too my friend, I will leave if this goes F2P and just watch the story updates on youtube. Maybe things will allign perfectly in some way that we can't imagine or fail to see and all will be good and F2P will be avoided.

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Me too my friend, I will leave if this goes F2P and just watch the story updates on youtube. Maybe things will allign perfectly in some way that we can't imagine or fail to see and all will be good and F2P will be avoided.


Taking this time to mention my complete opposition to F2P. I am enjoying swtor more than I have any other themepark mmo, but if it goes F2P I will never login again. I'll probably throw in a boycott on all EA games for a year for good measure.

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Layoffs can be a good thing.

There's been a lot of weird and bad programming practice in this game.

Maybe as the time passes, BW are able to find who's not talented enough, and replaces them.


I think the programming is fine, honestly. Their auto unstuck code was genius. Does anyone remember WOW 6 month in?


The only thing I would say is making SWTOR unlike WOW 6 months in is a HUGE world and too many servers which they fixed. To me SWTOR is right where they need to be to develop more content and cater to their subscribers. Hopefully, they will make some daunting PVE experience a la the first Naxx in WOW and build some nice PVP experience.

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Bioware has been going downhill nonstop since being acquired by EA (Real surprise there...)


-Dragon Age 2


-Mass Effect 3 crap endings / handling of the situation "Artistic Integrity"


-SWTOR content updates being slow / incompetent developers in some parts (lol lead pvp designer) + Geoerg and others leaving.



DICE and Bioware are currently on the chopping block for EA

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Taking this time to mention my complete opposition to F2P. I am enjoying swtor more than I have any other themepark mmo, but if it goes F2P I will never login again. I'll probably throw in a boycott on all EA games for a year for good measure.


If it goes F2P, I will just play the real F2P game, Team Fortress 2. There is something to be said about prestigious goods because if anyone can play, what is the luxury experience in that?

Edited by Dragerfroe
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Bioware has been going downhill nonstop since being acquired by EA (Real surprise there...)


-Dragon Age 2


-Mass Effect 3 crap endings / handling of the situation "Artistic Integrity"


-SWTOR content updates being slow / incompetent developers in some parts (lol lead pvp designer) + Geoerg and others leaving.



DICE and Bioware are currently on the chopping block for EA


Well, I can not argue about Electronic Arts. They surely do have a cookie cutter box for games. Lots of reused code, models, corporate strategic plays....and other devious tactics.

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The trolls with the usual replies need to grow up and act their age instead of trying to start flame wars.:rolleyes:


If you don't want to play the game just cancel and leave quitely like most other mature adults.

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Bioware isn't Bioware anymore. Or at least, not the Bioware it was 7 years ago. Ray and Gregg cashed in and now it's being run by EA suits instead of gamers.


Yep now it is BEAware. If I had a gaming company like the old Bioware I would never sell it unless I was dying or getting old and senile, such an amazing company that would be.

Edited by Tuscad
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