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Force user companions for non force users.


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I think it would be awesome if i could have a Jedi Knight companion as a Trooper.. yeeahh


Sounds a bit offlore.


Perhaps in the Republic with a bit of lore bending it might budge.


But totally impossible in the Empire, where Force users are of a superior social class than the 'force blind'.

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Actually it makes a lot of sense that some force users would need non force users to follow. We tend to make the assumption that force users are more power, which they are in a straight fight, but they could easily need to follow Bounty Hunters/Smugglers (unable to really infiltrate the underworld). Troopers could be in charge of teaching more novice Jedi about battle tactics, and havoc squad could always use a force user.
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So force users will tag along w/ non-force users, so long as the force users is the head of the travel party?



So why do force users listen to other force users, when they can be just as powerful/more powerful than the leader?

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Ensign Temple is a force user but doesn't practice the ways. She has an ability called Force Bomb or something.



The Agent has one.





Temple hides her force powers, because she honestly believes she would not survive the Sith trials on Korriban. In a cutscene she does expose her force sensitivty to you by using a sort of Jedi mind trick :p


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classes must endeavor to be balanced, therefore no reason a non-force class couldn't get force using companions of lesser powers. first on the list: get guss tuno some force moves. force heal and whirlwind instead of electro trap spring to mind.
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only acceptable if they are failed jedi/sith that cannot fully grasp the force. Full masters or lords as companions to non force users is absurd.


A burnt out Imperial Guard maybe? Strongest non force weilding warriors there are. Tbh General Hesker would be an awesome companion, problem is that guy is nobodys 'companion' lol

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I don't see why my Bounty Hunter who's a war hero of the Empire couldn't have a sith underling who's less acomplished, seeks a different style of life and has aligning agendas. :o


More power to the blaster wielders! :D

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A burnt out Imperial Guard maybe? Strongest non force weilding warriors there are. Tbh General Hesker would be an awesome companion, problem is that guy is nobodys 'companion' lol


But the imperial guard are directly under the emperor and have a force connection of some sort with the emperor himself. I'm not sure, but according to lore, I believe they have more authority than full sith lords or at least equal status.

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Usually when a force use has another force user companion, it's in a Master/Padawan kind of way.


When you're playing a Jedi Knight, Kira is your Padawan. Same for the consular with Nadia. I haven't played the Sith Inquisitor far enough to know, but her bio says that Ashara is also padawan. I don't know about Jaesa.


I would, however, really like to see some male force user companion, seeing as, as far as I know, there are none. Seems weirdly sexist to only have female Padawans. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Don't Jedi usually work as commanding officers for troopers? So, that would be a weird relationship. And it would just be totally beneath a Sith to work with anyone who is not Sith.

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Usually when a force use has another force user companion, it's in a Master/Padawan kind of way.


When you're playing a Jedi Knight, Kira is your Padawan. Same for the consular with Nadia. I haven't played the Sith Inquisitor far enough to know, but her bio says that Ashara is also padawan. I don't know about Jaesa.


I would, however, really like to see some male force user companion, seeing as, as far as I know, there are none. Seems weirdly sexist to only have female Padawans. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Don't Jedi usually work as commanding officers for troopers? So, that would be a weird relationship. And it would just be totally beneath a Sith to work with anyone who is not Sith.


Basically this entire post is invalidated by Lord Scourge and whats his face.. the ugly boneface guy.

Edited by Marak
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Perhaps Vector (Imperial Agent) can count as force-user, too, at least willpower is his primary stat, if I remember correctly. And Scourge, of course.


The last companion of the Sith Inquisitor, Xalek, is also male, a Kaleesh, and the pupil of his master.



Jaesa is also designed to be the pupil of the player. My Sith warrior probably gets a huge ego kick whenever she calls him "Master".

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Perhaps Vector (Imperial Agent) can count as force-user, too, at least willpower is his primary stat, if I remember correctly. And Scourge, of course.


The last companion of the Sith Inquisitor, Xalek, is also male, a Kaleesh, and the pupil of his master.



Jaesa is also designed to be the pupil of the player. My Sith warrior probably gets a huge ego kick whenever she calls him "Master".


I don't think you can count Vector. I mean Temple's stat is cunning but she's still a force user, albeit an operative foremost. Vector is just a bug.

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I could actually quite easily see a force user following an agent or BH...just have them be an "alien." And a natural user. They're rare but they're already in game as NPCs. Empire has a quest on tattooine IIRC that has you run into force using aliens. Can you imagine an Ewok with a lightsaber and shooting lightning? :)
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I could actually quite easily see a force user following an agent or BH...just have them be an "alien." And a natural user. They're rare but they're already in game as NPCs. Empire has a quest on tattooine IIRC that has you run into force using aliens. Can you imagine an Ewok with a lightsaber and shooting lightning? :)


Yeah I can see something more like that than a Sith or Jedi.


A Voss companion for example would've been great.

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I would love to see Guss transform into a sage type healer later on in his story arc (even though i know companion stories will never be touched again :( )


And don't feed me this bull crap about master/app/pada nonsense. There have been thousands of stories about rogue force wielders not aligned with the empire or the jedi order. And adding sith purebloods by the hundreds to the republic fleet is just the trump card needed for sticking with lore regardless, it all went out the window with that.

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