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Advamced Class CHANGE!!!!!!


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Many people have been asking about advanced class changes! I am one of the many people who have requested an advanced class change, and more than half of these people are sages( also including me)! I want to know for me and my guildmates if these are coming out! Please, it may be trouble with armours, but can easily be fixed with a (Example) Sage to shadow pvp armour change! It will definetly make many people VERY Happy!


Edited by mmomasters
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Many people have been asking about advanced class changes! I am one of the many people who have requested an advanced class change, and more than half of these people are sages( also including me)! I want to know for me and my guildmates if these are coming out! Please, it may be trouble with armours, but can easily be fixed with a (Example) Sage to shadow pvp armour change!


This is the first I've heard of it.


Please point to the place where many people are requesting this.

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You know they warned you.


Heck they freakin beat the knowledge into you that there is NO ADVANCED CLASS SWITCH.


You made your choice, if you don't like it, buy the legacy xp rewards and level! It's not hard.

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Many people have been asking about advanced class changes! I am one of the many people who have requested an advanced class change, and more than half of these people are sages( also including me)! I want to know for me and my guildmates if these are coming out! Please, it may be trouble with armours, but can easily be fixed with a (Example) Sage to shadow pvp armour change! It will definetly make many people VERY Happy!



An advance class change is already in the game it is called an alt. I hope they don't waste time with it. I would rather see duel specs, a better legacy system or more content before this.

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Why stop at Advanced Class? I want to change my class! It's unfair to make me stay the class I rolled. Oh, and I should be able to change my race as well. It's not fair to make me keep that either! I should also be able to change factions. Or my Name, Legacy Name, or even gender! I should also be allowed to re-allocate DS/LS points at will. And don't get me started on facial features and eye color! Oh, and if I buy gear, especially with comms, I should be allowed to trade it in at any time.


I mean, really? How is it fair that Bioware would ever force me to make a decision I can't undo on a character?

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There's a really long thread in the Class Forums about Advanced Class changes, it occasionally pops up with people thinking they're being witty or new-thinkers.


Ah, the small, vocal minority.


Yes, I see them posting in this thread like crazy, there really must be a lot of people that want to be able to change their advanced class at any time.



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Actually it's mostly people shooting down the idea and telling others to "learn to read", with the occasional "you couldn't change class in THIS game" being met with "but you could in THIS game". Edited by Tatile
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Many people have been asking about advanced class changes! I am one of the many people who have requested an advanced class change, and more than half of these people are sages( also including me)! I want to know for me and my guildmates if these are coming out! Please, it may be trouble with armours, but can easily be fixed with a (Example) Sage to shadow pvp armour change! It will definetly make many people VERY Happy!



Won't happen. I wish they would, too, but they'd prefer you just reroll, so you play the game longer

and keep paying your sub. Bioware, don't send me a nasty letter about trolling or violating anything -

i'm not saying you're bad people for doing this, all pay to play companies do this. I know it's the real reason you won't do it, and that's fine. I keep paying & playing regardless, even though I wish, too, you'd allow this.

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You know they warned you.


Heck they freakin beat the knowledge into you that there is NO ADVANCED CLASS SWITCH.


You made your choice, if you don't like it, buy the legacy xp rewards and level! It's not hard.


Yeah, because we all enjoy mindless hours mindlessly mindless grind mindlessly on the higher planets :rolleyes:


I support 'Advanced' Class changing, as for basic class... if it's been brought up, you roll a new toon.

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Def not. We can respec our talent tree points, which means, no matter what class we pick, we're fully elidgible to customize it to our liking. if the CLASS you chose is not one you're satisfied with anymore, you roll a new character. It'd equal being able to switch from being a Sniper to being a maurader, considering the vast differences between classes.


Long story short = no. I do not support this motion at all, and there's not a 'SINGLE' point or shred of argument that can reasonable argue in favor of advanced class changes except people being too whiney to re-roll a character. You don't get to play one character up to level 50 and then simply enjoy all the perks possible for every class under that. This isn't Champions Online.

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How bout class-changing nerfs? Or the game being so boring nobody wants to sift through it all on a new toon?


Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's going to happen either and couldn't care less either way, but there IS reasons, and perfectly legit ones, as to why they feasibly COULD do it.


You have to ask...who is the bigger nimrod? The person asking, as per their right of opinion, for a game mechanic that has seen success in many other MMOs or the trolls that flame them with insults for having said opinion? These boards are the worst boards ever.

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These boards are the worst boards ever.


Oh, believe me I've seen worse. People are very ready to jump down each others throats, interbangs in hand, wherever you are on the Internet. There's no point in asking people to be nice, you'll just draw fire to yourself.


The problem I see with allowing AC changes is that some of the advanced classes are exceptionally different from each other, Sorcerer and Assassin being the most stark examples of this. It was not suggested in this thread, but rather in the very long, very punctuation-mark laden thread in the Class forum, that a preview period be granted before making your decision about your AC (this particular suggestion plopping you into a instance, granting you key skills of either AC and then giving you a task or time limit to test those skills and play style); there was also another which suggested renaming Class to 'Archetype' and having the AC's start at level 1 - this meaning that you get the Agent storyline, but play as an Operative or Sniper from level 1.


However the class-nerfs that make certain trees feel unplayable or just spoil the general feel of the class for players are somewhat problematic - after 1.2 I remember reading about a lot of Mercenaries who were considered, or who had, rerolled to Powertech for various reasons. Arguments are that allowing AC changes will bolster the "flavour of the month" play that occurs largely in PvP, but a fair amount in PvE as well - yes this already happens in that people roll from scratch, but the leveling play does have the possibility of the player learning that class - arguably doing this at level cap means that players might flood content that are truly inept at the class they play, but we do see that anyway.


There is also the time versus reward problem that people have. I know that my guild's Mercenary healer is complaining about his numbers; we keep suggesting that he reroll to another class (yes, I realise this isn't quite so relevant because the other healing class are Operative and Sorcerer, but the base principle is the same), but he counters with the planetary quests not being as engaging and then the slog for acquiring gear to get to the same level as his Mercenary is now (Rakata/Black Hole combination), even though we've stated we would help him with that. You can also see the Time versus Reward complaints in the massive, semi-flame war about buying gear with real money thread.


I think I've summed up most of the key arguments that are in this and other threads, so I'll give my own opinion. I don't really care that much. I would be worried about people's knowledge and ability to play their class, yes, and probably to a greater extent than I am now, but there are a lot of resources out there that will help players if they're willing to invest the time. I'm not going to say how I would think or hope such a system would be implemented, or whether or not there should be any restrictions (though a story-based quest chain could be a lot of fun), but I would worry for players in more demanding guilds than my own. I'd hate to think that Assassins would be pressured into Class-switching to Sorcerer, then made to run as healers; or that DPS Operatives be made into Snipers (I'm referring to PvE - I'm a PvE player with no knowledge of PvP). That being said, Advanced Class change would allow for more flexibility in Ops composition (far more so than Dual spec, which we unfortunately still lack). I still would maintain that class and/or spec change never be mandatory, but that's a case of I run my guild.

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there was also another which suggested renaming Class to 'Archetype' and having the AC's start at level 1 - this meaning that you get the Agent storyline, but play as an Operative or Sniper from level 1.

That would be only name change, and taking away some story/fun when you get to pick your AC. It wouldn't make people forget that those 2 are esentialy same base class.


However the class-nerfs that make certain trees feel unplayable or just spoil the general feel of the class for players are somewhat problematic


And just how different it is from any other game where your class could suddenly get nerfed? Only in that there is one other class that is somehow linked to this one, and they have similar gear(same main stat). That's still no reason to allow people to change them.

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I know that's no reason to allow people to change them - in fact it's partially an argument against allowing class swaps at level. I was trying to sum up previously stated arguments in this and other threads, not own them.


Again that suggestion belongs to someone else, in another thread. It's not a perfect solution as you've already stated, but it was put forward as a possible work around for the issues related to the Advanced classes being drastically different from each other. The intention behind it is to get rid of what some people believe is the arbitrary first ten levels of not being any specific class or that this non-specific class does not play like one of the advanced classes (or is not perceived to).


I personally think the preview system would work better, and be a superiour method, if there even is a need for a work around.

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Is Sage really that bad? I kinda want to go from Shadow to Sage. ;)

A fairly evident case of PEBKAC. Don't listen to him. Sage is a great class. Could use some work, but right specs can do wonders (got a fairly well-geared Sage alt in hybrid survival spec, and I can only laugh at sobs that try to take me down because, unless I'm badly overwhelmed, I can shake off and LoS a lot of attackers and keep healing).

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