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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Classes' Most Realistic Form (May Contain Spoilers)


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I was recently reading a thread about Pureblood entitlement and thought that one of the posts included something that hinted at the most realistic race of a certain class. I saw some clues as to this on other storylines as well. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen hints of this in other storylines. I would like everyone to contribute to the list below. Additionally, it is important to note that all Imperial classes are supposed to be dark and all Republic classes are supposed to be light. This thread is not meant to do anything than provide speculation, so these answers are open for debate. Please do not flame because of the guess currently decided on.


Sith Warrior: Most likely Pureblood, gender uncertain.

Reason: There's a thread around here saying how Purebloods were treated better than humans in the Empire for a while, as also shown with Ffon in the early Inquisitor storyline. This is very similar to the beginning of the Warrior. You were transfered to Korriban, you never had to struggle to get what you needed, your Warblade came early, etc. Vemrin (remember him?) hates you for that. He's human, and if you are too, it never should have happened. Remember that, at first, everyone thought that Vemrin was stronger than you.


Inquisitor: Most likely female, species uncertain.

Reason: The Empire enslaves aliens. Therefore you must be an alien. When you find out you are related to a certain person, his mask looks like it was made for a human as there are no holes for Zabrak horns or Twi'lek lekku. Rattataki is the most human-esque of all the aliens. So, unless he had his cranial appendages sawn off, that Lord must have been Rattataki, meaning you are too. However, it has been said that you could be human or Pureblood, due to the fact that your ancestor was Sith. It does make sense, because it was only recently that the Empire started straining slaves as Sith. As for the female part, at the end of the storyline, you are given a Darth name. If you are DS, you become Nox. Nox sounds somewhat more feminine than it does masculine, so female is more realistic.


Imperial Agent: Leaning towards Chiss, gender uncertain.

Reason: There is Chiss specific dialogue in the storyline (if you are Chiss) (original post page 1, second to last post.)


Jedi Knight: Leaning towards male, species uncertain.

Reason: See 2nd post, page 3.


Jedi Consular: Leaning towards female, species uncertain.

Reason: See 2nd post, page 3.


I haven't gotten far in other storylines to make guesses, so that's where you come in. Please state your guess along with reasoning.

Edited by Termorn
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I like the supposition but I think you are wrong about the Inq. Here is why. Beware, the spoiler below assumes you have progressed significantly through chapter 1.



I hope this doesn't spoil anything for you. But your ancestor was a Sith Lord. Now assuming the old Sith are even more race/speices conscious than the current lot, it seems unlikely that an ancient Sith Lord would be anything other than Sith. The story does go on to reveal the real reason why you were born a slave.


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I like the supposition but I think you are wrong about the Inq. Here is why. Beware, the spoiler below assumes you have progressed significantly through chapter 1.



I hope this doesn't spoil anything for you. But your ancestor was a Sith Lord. Now assuming the old Sith are even more race/speices conscious than the current lot, it seems unlikely that an ancient Sith Lord would be anything other than Sith. The story does go on to reveal the real reason why you were born a slave.


Wasn't the ghost human looking though? (it was a long time ago I did the Inq. story - yes, 6 months is long at my age! Wait til your old and sen... I can't remember! ;)). :o

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Wasn't the ghost human looking though? (it was a long time ago I did the Inq. story - yes, 6 months is long at my age! Wait til your old and sen... I can't remember! ;)). :o


Sort of, yea. But he had a Sith mask.

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Yes, the Inquisitor could be human. The story hasn't explained much about my progeny (just finished Tatooine). All I know is that in the Empire, alien is synonymous with slave.


Including this in the OP now.

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Well, I think only the Sith really have races that aren't quite suited, mainly because they're racist!


Any of the Republic classes can very believably be any of the standard Republic races. Purebloods and Chiss are unlikely just because they'd be exceedingly rare.


BHs can obviously be anything. I do find Chiss to be the least believable, of the standard Imperial races, but not incredibly farfetched.


Alien Agents work as well, since it'd make sense for Intelligence to employ alien agents that may work better undercover in certain areas (Hutta, for example). Also Keeper's stance is rather liberal, as seen by other aliens he employs, so an alien Agent works. On the other hand, a classic human Agent works as well.

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Interesting. I think I agree with your conclusion about the Sith Warrior.


For Bounty Hunter, my guess would be human or cyborg. Gender, not sure. My experience has made pretty good sense as a female cyborg, but I don't doubt I've forgotten story details by now.


Although, actually, a ton of people made sure to tell me how scruffy and dirty I was, so maybe that's a form of anti-alien prejudice? But then that Alderaanian nobleman hit on my toon blatantly, and she managed to sleep with one human Imp officer, which might be less likely occurances for nonhumans in the human-loving Empire. And all the soldier types and Mandalorians acted familiar enough to indicate that human might be the BH default.


I'm interested to see what evidence others can bring up. :)

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In regards to the warrior I believe it feasible for you to be either Pureblood or Human. All of the historical sith lords have been one or the other.


In regards to inquisitor, you could be anything imo. I did happen to notice that some of the slaves on Drummond Kaas were human.


It's an interesting point you bring up.

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And the agent should be female since there was romance with a Chiss guy.


I disagree, actually. Although there is far more on Hoth if you're a female Chiss, having played both well...the story actually makes a lot more sense for a male Chiss agent. :( Although I think that the story is okay for a female agent, to me, it was pretty obvious that it was written for a male agent.

Mostly due to some weird cuts where as a female agent you know something is happening, but can't quite figure out what is meant to be going on - the same never happens for a male agent. The worst example is dealing with Hunter as a lightside agent. As a male, it makes a fair amount of sense. As a female, it falls apart due to lack of s/s romance options. It's kind of hard to have the whole "the villain is in love with you, except that she can't be as you're both female...oh, dear...well, there went that" when you're playing a female agent. Blah. The sad thing is, with s/s relationships, it would work out just fine. W/e


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I like the supposition but I think you are wrong about the Inq. Here is why. Beware, the spoiler below assumes you have progressed significantly through chapter 1.



I hope this doesn't spoil anything for you. But your ancestor was a Sith Lord. Now assuming the old Sith are even more race/speices conscious than the current lot, it seems unlikely that an ancient Sith Lord would be anything other than Sith. The story does go on to reveal the real reason why you were born a slave.



If you have an alien SI, it is actually stated that Kallig was an alien and it was unusual for the time in a companion conversation with Talos.


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I disagree, actually. Although there is far more on Hoth if you're a female Chiss, having played both well...the story actually makes a lot more sense for a male Chiss agent. :( Although I think that the story is okay for a female agent, to me, it was pretty obvious that it was written for a male agent.

Mostly due to some weird cuts where as a female agent you know something is happening, but can't quite figure out what is meant to be going on - the same never happens for a male agent. The worst example is dealing with Hunter as a lightside agent. As a male, it makes a fair amount of sense. As a female, it falls apart due to lack of s/s romance options. It's kind of hard to have the whole "the villain is in love with you, except that she can't be as you're both female...oh, dear...well, there went that" when you're playing a female agent. Blah. The sad thing is, with s/s relationships, it would work out just fine. W/e


Actually when hunter was in disguise he will flit with female agent quite a lot. When she showed her true self she also stated she likes you because you are alike to her.

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The Sith can be anything really. If you got the power and the rage, who is going to stop you? Darth Sidious was not a pureblood but (will be) a force sensitive human from Naboo. Edited by Lorica
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Interesting. I think I agree with your conclusion about the Sith Warrior.


For Bounty Hunter, my guess would be human or cyborg. Gender, not sure. My experience has made pretty good sense as a female cyborg, but I don't doubt I've forgotten story details by now.


Although, actually, a ton of people made sure to tell me how scruffy and dirty I was, so maybe that's a form of anti-alien prejudice? But then that Alderaanian nobleman hit on my toon blatantly, and she managed to sleep with one human Imp officer, which might be less likely occurances for nonhumans in the human-loving Empire. And all the soldier types and Mandalorians acted familiar enough to indicate that human might be the BH default.


I'm interested to see what evidence others can bring up. :)


Actually, I'm gonna say that BH works best as an alien, preferably a Rattataki or Zabrak over a Chiss. The BH is supposed to be a character of disrepute - that's why NPCs call you scruffy and dirty and want you to go away. When you're an alien, that dialogue gets all racist, calling you disgusting alien filth, etc.


Point being that you're supposed to be a loathsome, classless brute to the higher echelons of Imperial (or Alderaanian) society, which is easy as an alien. Plus way more fun to hate-flirt those Imperial ladies when they think your species is a blight.

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The Sith can be anything really. If you got the power and the rage, who is going to stop you? Darth Sidious was not a pureblood but (will be) a force sensitive human from Naboo.


That is also because at that point in the galactic time, the Sith as a species was gone. Millennia of breeding with humans had slowly made them more and more human, and eventually the few mixed blood "true" sith died out.


Inquisitor is most likely Sith Pureblood in a "pure class" form. Considering the time period basis you uncover it is the most logical. The most unlikely, near impossible would be a Chiss Inquisitor. The race was just discovered recently...so how could one have ties to an ancient family dynasty with the Sith?


Most other classes seem to be fairly mutable. As they make very few specific time or space referenced that would prevent another species from making a logical choice.

Bounty Hunter can be anything, with the exception of a Pureblood. Even then, this could still logically work. There are sith purebloods who are NOT force sensitive. They are inclined to it, this does not mean they all automatically are. A non force sensitive would find escape as a Bounty Hunter.

Nearly every other race/class combination can work from a logical standpoint, with very little deviance to a "pure" class.


For the sake of the thread though, i think it would be as such.


Inquisitor- Sith Pureblood(as outlined above)

Sith Warrior - Human. The Empire is at the point where Purebloods are not the end all be all in politics, and you notice 90% of the npcs are human

Bounty Hunter - Cyborg. As a somewhat established nobody. It is safe to assume you made a name somehow. And in a dangerous galaxy may have been injured and modified as a result. This is also essentially human, the most prevalent species.

Imperial Agent - Chiss. As your race "story" establishes, the Chiss are working with the empire, not exactly a full part of it. As a result, and knowing the chiss society, Agents seem the most logical extension of this meta story.


Jedi Consular - Miraluka. A very prominent force species, who specialized more in the consular style of force than the brute force of the Knight. The most logical for this time period.

Jedi Knight - Human. Continuing from the KOTOR storyline, a human Jedi makes the most sense here.

Trooper - Human or Rattataki. Human is the most prevalent species in the galaxy, so it is only logical that a soldier would come from the largest percentage of the pooled forces. Rattataki however are a very martial race, and having thrown in with the republic lot, would also make for a most logical trooper choice.

Smuggler - Twilek. You are a rogue on the edge of the law. Twilek as a people have ridden that edge for centuries, since their entire race was essentially enslaved by the Hutts. The majority of Twilek NPCs back up and fit into this mold as well.


Keep in mind, before any posteriors are injured, this is the choices that seem to make the most logical sense and are backed up by ingame actions and lore.


Im sure your Miraluka Smuggler has a very convincing story. But taking these classes as a standard, they are not the most easily identifiable or logical choice.

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Personally, I must argue against Chiss being the most realistic form of the Imperial Agent. I would say that it comes in next to Human, both male. I think Human is just as possible, and even more likely, considering Chiss are somewhat rare in the galaxy at large, which doesn't work well for undercover missions. Additionally, Watcher 2 is an exclusively Human romance.
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Personally, I must argue against Chiss being the most realistic form of the Imperial Agent. I would say that it comes in next to Human, both male. I think Human is just as possible, and even more likely, considering Chiss are somewhat rare in the galaxy at large, which doesn't work well for undercover missions. Additionally, Watcher 2 is an exclusively Human romance.


True, Human is more prevalent among the empire. However as a whole i looked at it like this.

Chiss are much less likely to merely throw their citizens into the imperial war machine as common soldiers. An agent also fits the roles that other Chiss npcs seem to be fulfilling. That of battlefield advisors, and other means of support.


Having said that, logically you could fit human into nearly every role if i based everyone on pure numbers(which i tried not too, but does play a part). They are the most wide spread race across the galaxy. And will be found in nearly every role along the way. Especially considering Cyborg is essentially human with prosthetics, this is more true.

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I think for the most part, the classes all do a fairly good job of being unisex(not in romance options mind you, just in role). The exception could be perhaps Jedi Knight and Consular. They seem to heavily push a lot of male NPC Knights, and female Consulars. Everything else seems to equally be feasible for either side.

There is a plethora of both male and female troopers, smugglers, agents, Inquisitors, warriors and Bounty Hunters.


Maybe the Jedi are just gender biased in role assignments?

Or to *try* to spin it into something nice...Perhaps females have a keener grasp for force details and control. Making them much better consulars. Whereas the men of the galaxy by and large are brutes with the force?

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Interesting replies, everyone! I just got back from a short vacation, so I wasn't able to check on this thread until today. I started editing the OP with your ideas, and tried to change the title to something a little more eye-catching (is it possible?). Keep it coming! Edited by Termorn
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I have a hunch that the SI is a Zabrak female. I just see that same Zabrak woman be the poster child of the class, and it fits lore wise too. Kallig didn't have lekku, so he wasn't Twi'lek and BioWare was first going to not make Sith a playable race for SI, but gave in to pressure, so he/she probably isn't a pureblood. And Zabrak have been around for a long time and have had many known connections to the Force. So basically I think the SI can be either human or Zabrak. But once again, I think the best choice would be the black-haired Zabrak sorcerer BW has used in so many of its trailers.
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I think we shouldn't define the heroes species for each main class, but more like for each ADVANCED class.


IMO, for the Sith Warrior:

-Juggernaut: Cyborg ( because everyone wants a Vader/Malgus tank).

-Maraudeur: Sith Pureblood, fits more with the whole pureblood politics/culture, swift, cunning, very aggressive.


It makes more sense to me like that.

Edited by yoomazir
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