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I envy those, who's main problem in life is the EGA


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Well, the youth have an excuse? I don't think so, really. All of the people, that I know, who turned out to be successful in their adult lives at least had a plan, and worked for it consciously since they were 15-16 at the latest - oh and they gamed too, don't get me wrong, but they could give less of a damn, about whether a game launched on the 13th or the 20th.


Yeah, the youth have an excuse. It's annoying but true.


I haven't beena teenager for a long time, but me and all my friends now realize we were ******** as teenagers as well. All of us, even they ones we thought were "mature"


You will realize it when you are older. There is nothing seriously wrong with it, it is just a part of growing up. You think you know and deserve everything.


When you get older you will realize that you don't. You only deserve what you earn.

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I get you. It's nice that so many have so few concerns with life that this is the most important thing in their day. I envy that. To the person getting Chemo. Stay tough and possitive. I just got news I don't have cancer and have to go to the GI today to find out if my wife does.


I wish playing a game was the most important thing on my list of to do's.

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It is truely amazing to see how many "8 year olds" that have been posting that indicate they think this game and the world revolve around them.


They say that you may get in 5 days early and people are whining, crying and telling Bioware how horrible they are because they were not able to get in 7 days early.


I will be honest and say that the state of the forums today has me seriously worried about this game. How immature is the player base going to be??


I feel for you Bioware, no one deserves to have to listen to all of the things that are being said in the forums today. I hope you just realize that it is but a small fraction of the players that feel the way they do and that you do not let it cause you to second guess what you have put together so far.

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RARARARARAAR! Ok no seriously, pipe down grandpa, these younger generation you hate so much are the ones that are going to be standing over you, when you are crippled and helpless in a bed. Not to mention most of the developments in society will be made by them.


This Millennial Generation you speak of has no respect for elders, and I doubt any of them are standing over crippled elders right now. Instead they are here posting complaints and boasting self indulgence over a video game and not getting to play it when they want to. Pathetic let me tell you, if this is the future of America we are in serious trouble folks!!!

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Get off your high horse, your generation was not holier than thou.


Like every generation, mine has a lot of faults - but we at least have respect for our elders and respect work. Good old fashioned work, that produce all those toys, that teenage boys and girls take for granted.


Look, my problem is, considering all the things that could be discusses in general chat now about the game, about each other, instead most threads are teenage rage demands - that don't make any sense at all. This attitude says a lot about a generation.

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I get you. It's nice that so many have so few concerns with life that this is the most important thing in their day. I envy that. To the person getting Chemo. Stay tough and possitive. I just got news I don't have cancer and have to go to the GI today to find out if my wife does.


I wish playing a game was the most important thing on my list of to do's.


My prayers are with you and yours! I bet you too wish early access was the worst prob in your life. Its the kids that play these games and the horrid sense of entitlement that their generation as been given over years of being told how special and awesome they are.

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People complaining about X = X being thier biggest problem. Seems like sound logic...


my biggest problem is the fact i cant impose my will upon the rest of the conceivable world. the first thing i would do, would be to regulate the human population. 7 billion? why not half it?

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Yeah, the youth have an excuse. It's annoying but true.


I haven't beena teenager for a long time, but me and all my friends now realize we were ******** as teenagers as well. All of us, even they ones we thought were "mature"


You will realize it when you are older. There is nothing seriously wrong with it, it is just a part of growing up. You think you know and deserve everything.


When you get older you will realize that you don't. You only deserve what you earn.



My dad had an interesting theory - politics is all about "stuff". There are reasons why liberals tend to be young and conservatives older. Because liberals are all about taking people's stuff and giving it to someone else, and conservatives are all about wanting to conserve their stuff.


So when you are young, you don't have much stuff, therefore the idea of someone just handing you free stuff sounds great, so you lean more liberal. But as you get older, you get more and more stuff, until finally, you have enough stuff that you worked hard for, and you then realize you don't want other people to take your stuff and give it to someone else when you worked hard for it and they didn't, thereby becoming a conservative.


Politics - the rule of stuff.


Lol, don't know how accurate it is but its good for a laugh :D

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Ty guys! The cancer thing has been fun to throw in people complaining about early access faces lol. "What you didn't get in early well I have cancer and i didn't get in!"



I am the caregiver, battlebuddy, and son of a great lady who was recetly diagnosed with a 4cm tumor.

No chemo nor radation for her but the radical surgery is launch day.

Keep up the fight and do not let the stress of ega wear you down, praying you kick this foul disease right in the nuts and knock it's teeth out.

I also understand the need for a reality escape, could have used one myself in he last few weeks.



Please feel free to pm me here if you just need to vent, scream or whatever.

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Well, I'm not a grandpa, but your lack of respect for those, who have built everything you have is quite telling of your lack of success as a generation. Unwarranted entitlement.


Grumpy old man (not a grandpa!) is right! I could care less about EGA myself considering all the more important issues we face today. Which is why instead of worrying about getting in the game I hang around on the TOR forums and tell people what is wrong with how they spend their time. This way I feel very much a productive member of society...


Seriously, those kids today, with the long hair and this "Rock and Roll" music. In my day we were happy when they gave us jobs and allowed us to work overtime.

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My prayers are with you and yours! I bet you too wish early access was the worst prob in your life. Its the kids that play these games and the horrid sense of entitlement that their generation as been given over years of being told how special and awesome they are.


Thank you and mine with you as well.

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Grumpy old man (not a grandpa!) is right! I could care less about EGA myself considering all the more important issues we face today. Which is why instead of worrying about getting in the game I hang around on the TOR forums and tell people what is wrong with how they spend their time. This way I feel very much a productive member of society...


Seriously, those kids today, with the long hair and this "Rock and Roll" music. In my day we were happy when they gave us jobs and allowed us to work overtime.




This was a good post! Sarcasm is not lost on me, and I do realize, that whining about whining is absurd and futile.

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I'm conflicted on whether or not not getting in today was a good thing. I'm going though chemo right now so I should be resting but what better way to rest then sitting playing a game!


Playing the chemo card to get your early invite?


Oh you were serious? get well soon!

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