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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How do you wanna die?


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I was watching the original trilogy today and it hit me that all of our characters were long gone before this time. So what happend to them? How did you die? Was it in battle against the sith? Was there a mistake in hypersapce calculations? Did you mock a wookie after winning at holochess?
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Interesting topic (half thought it was IRL :p). Best I could think of:

My Inquisitor, Amitalya: Killed by my Knight (her own sister) in combat.

My Knight, Aurelia: Old age, on Alderaan.

Smuggler, Edala: Crushed to death by male strippers on Nar Shadaa... Or an engine core explosion while she's fixing it, either works.

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My sith juggernaut and his crew died valiantly taking down an entire army of cybernetically enhanced monsters.


My scoundrel was killed on an ordinary smuggling mission to nal hutta. apparently, hut turf wars are very bloody.

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Agent ether inherits a set of safehouses from lokin, or buys a huge wad of land in a remote place where her, vector, and a starter colony of his bug buddies can live out in seclusion.


BH, probably viking style, in her early senior years, worn, grizzled, riddled in scars and healed wounds, in one last flash of glory.


smuggler- nobody knows really, she just vanishes one day

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Empire-All in all ironic

Agent-Betrayed on a mission, later dies in a Repubic Prision.

Warrior-Is granted imortallity by the Emperor after the formor Wrath joins the Knight, leads the Empire to many victories.

Bounty Hunter-Becomes a Great Hunt target, killed by an young hunter trying to make a name for him/her self.

Inq-Killed by an apprentice.



Smuggler-Builts giant smuggling empire, later killed by the Hutt Cartel.

Knight-Killed on the front lines.

Trooper-Also killed on the front lines.

Consular-I have yet to play a consular up to 50 so, old age.

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Warrior (Ravvok): Frozen in carbonite after a near fatal engagment with his brother Satrokos

Bounty Hunter (Ruark): After gunning down every Republic soldier onboard Bright Destiny, selfdestructed the frigate

Inquisitor (Kayto): Slain by his comrade Ravvok

Knight (Satrokos): Killed by his wounds after a fatal engagement with his brother Ravvok

Trooper (Axiar): Killed on board the frigate Bright Destiny by the Mandalorian bounty hunter Ruark

Smuggler (Casto): Killed on Ord Mantell by the Mandalorian bounty hunter Ruark

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I created stories for all my SWTOR characters, but I'll stick to my Repubic and Imperial mains for now.


Sarn Kyneris - Male Human - Jedi Shadow. (my main)

As a middle-aged Jedi Master, Sarn Kyneris was sent to a planet devastated by war to help evacuate civilians and scientists. To ensure that the last transport of people would make it out intact, Sarn choose not to board it and buy as much time as possible. Sarn sacrifices himself to save others, a death befitting of a Jedi.


Vireth Danea - Human Female - (Redeemed) Sith Marauder

After the Cold War, this former Sith managed to stay under the Jedi Council's radar while still operating in the war alongside her partner and lover Sarn Kyneris (then a Jedi Knight). Shortly after Sarn's death, Vireth leaves the Jedi Order to raise her children in peace. She dies of natural causes.


These events all take place years after the events of SWTOR.

Edited by Kyneris
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Sith Warrior Schtam - Executed by the Dark Council for treason.

Imperial Agent Veersest(Schtam's son) - Banned from the Empire and assasinated by a large group of Mandalorians hired by a radical Jedi.

Jedi Knight Schtum(Schtam's son) - Assasinated by "The True Republic"-radicals.

Jedi Consular Juggler(Veersest's wife) - Assasinated together with Veersest.

Republic Trooper Werksam(Schtum's son) - Death from old age after that he retired after that he was injured in action.

Bounty Hunter Yername(Veersest and Juggler's son) - Death from sickness in a Mandalorian priosn.

Sith Inquisitor Vonschtiff(Veersest and Juggler's adoptive son) - Death from old age after deserting from the Second Great Galactic War together with his son and Yername's daughter.

Smuggler Vorckast(Werksam's son) - Crashed into a sun because someone sabotaged his escape from a mission.

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Eru'Mortalis (Juggernaut): Slain in combat when ambushed by a Jedi Master in his own meditation chamber. His spirit haunts the ruins of his temple.


Smiling-Jack (Smuggler): Dies with five others defending a transport of refugee's from marauders.


Rantora (Bounty Hunter): Upon reaching old age, journeys to the farthest reaches of the Dune Sea, never to be seen again, supposedly in search of the mythical Krayt Lord, for one final hunt.

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Tuldabar (Shadow) trains many apprentices (including both his biological and adopted kids) after refusing a seat on the Council, and upon reaching a fine old age with his wife Elena (Gunslinger) enters battle with her alone against an army of Sith and Imperial troops, the last remnants of the Empire.


The two of them die together, though not from the battle. When all the opposing forces are defeated, they find peace in each others' arms and become one with the Force.


His holocron is, in modern times, a testement to the Jedi who chose to walk their own path, remaining true to both the Light and to their own hearts.

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I would love to redeem my Inquisitor to the light side. He was fully lightside as i leveled him, and now sits on the Dark Council soley to protect/search for more relics and history of the force. My Jedi Knight is played as his twin brother, so having him redeem the Inquisitor to a full Jedi would be nice. Then the two brothers would spend the rest of their lives seeking out lost knowledge and relics, before vanishing into the Unknown Regions


My bounty hunter would spend his days on the hunt, until the war is finished and he attempts to find work in the new republic. Eventually age would catch up and he would have to settle down on Mandalore passing his knowledge down to the next generation and watching his kid grow up. I dont see him and Mako lasting as a couple, they have their fling now, when they are young, have a kid but she leaves him when its clear he cant give up the life and she cant deal with the danger anymore. Hopefully he dies an old man in one last great hunt, and gives his son something to aspire to.

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Sorrann will have won the Great Hunt and continued hunting. Racking up credits and kills, not to mention finall revenge on Nem'ro the Hutt for crossing him. After his last hunt when he killed a crime lord, he retired to Nar Shadaa and blew all his credits gambling. He eventually went down thrashing machines in the Nar Shadaa pits with his blaster that Braden gave him. He couldn't make it for Torian and Mako's marriage, because he died a week before. However his son took up the mantle of his father.
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my sith juggernaut died while fighting thousands of republic troops and jedi on republic fleet


my inquisitor got killed by quick death while he was pulling 5 republic crusiers out of the sky


my jedi knight died same as my juggernaut since he turned to the dark side and became my juggernaut

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My agent, Schwartz, will die in a fierce battle against an insane Dark Jedi. One of the few agents who feels the Empire was supposed to help his subjects, he will, after a fierce fight, barely manage to kill the Jedi, but die of wounds received in the battle.
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My Jedi knight and her padawan that I imagine she would have attained at some point where both walking along discussing how much the empire sucks, when they both trip and fall - impaling each other with the horns on their stupid Viking helmets.


My imperial agent with light side republic sympathies decided one day she finally had seen enough of the sith and their shenanigans, and flys to Korriban before calling HAVOC SQUAD and the trooper I shelved at lvl 30 and then they all storm into the sith academy and temple. Pew pew! Casualties are high, and MX that giant metal bastard with a heart of solid gold yells at the vile sith about the virtues of freedom and liberty while bravely taking several shots meant for my trooper and agent - encouraging the party to soldier on. The battle rages for hours, but our heroes are outnumbered and outgunned. *Eventually, only my agent, my trooper, and MX are still alive. The sith, realizing this, cautiously begin to close in in our doomed heroes. My agent and trooper open fire at the sith as they approach but there is too many, they will surely perish. Then, MX notices that the concrete pillars holding up the temple ceiling have been severely damaged during the day's fighting and comes up with a bold and desperate plan. A well aimed barrage of missiles could bring down the entire building, crushing the sith within. The three of them discuss the plan and solemly agree to it, knowing that although they will *likely be crushed as well ending the sith would be worth that sacrifice. As the sith begin to close in on their position, MX begins to play a recording of patriotic republic marching band music and then *fires the misses. The explosion and shockwave rudely shove the approaching sith to the floor, and the foreboding building collapses around them. The ship droids on the thunderclap and shadow have been waiting patiently all day preparing diet meal plans for their chunky passengers and increasing engine output by .0008% when all of a sudden they hear the thunderous roar of the demise of the sith. They step outside and see a pile of debri. There is no sign of our heroes. The end.


My bounty hunter never got over the disses Nemro the Hutt threw at him on hutta and decides to kill that fat slob. The hunter storms nemro's palace and easily dispatches the guards. He callouslly points his blaster at Nemro and pulls the trigger. The shot is absorbed by Nemro's belly fat or possibly his thigh fat - these details have been lost to history and all we can do is speculate based on the only eyewitness testimony, that of torian cadera who was so shaken by what happened nextt that for the rest of his life he could not recall the events in his mind for more than a few minutes without uncontrollably projectile vomiting. Anyway, being such an unshakable ****** and realizing it would take a very long time for his puny blaster to penetrate the girth- the bounty hunter grabs torian's electro staff, backs up a few meters, and charges headlong full sprint at Nemro before diving into the hutt's gaping maw while screeching like an enraged lunatic. The massive Hutt is thrown into the wall behind him as his puny t-Rex arms flail wildly. Shortly thereafter, Nemro's eyes close and his giant body collapses on the floor at torian's feet. Torian, lacking the knowledge that this decision would scar his mind In a deep and painful way climbs inside Nemro to save his friend. Feeling around in the dark and Terrible place, he feels the heel of a worn boot. With several mighty tugs, torian and the bounty hunter are free from nemro's corpse. Unfortunately, the bounty hunter had passed away. Either by drowning in Nemro juice or by being crushed to death by Nemro's girth we will never know. His fate was to choke Nemro to death in the most unnesacarily violent way possible - exactly the same the way he did everything else his entire life.

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I'll bite-


Xyrias - Sith Warrior - Was slain after a fatal arguement with fellow Sith Balarak Jaster. Balarak consumes Xyrias' power, further enhancing his own formidable abilities. Xyrias died unknown and unmourned towards the twilight years of the Imperial and Republic war.


Tahrl Kiergos - Jedi Knight - Reaches the vaunted rank of Jedi Master. Dies at the ripe old age of 86, quietly, in his sleep. His descendants would go on to thrive well into the Galactic Civil War era.


Mark Shepherd - Trooper - During a rash assault by the Republic on a fortified Imperial world, the tides turned swiftly, with the Republic suffering a humiliating string of losses. As Republic forces began to withdraw against the overwhelming force of the Empire Mark and his squad worked in tangent with others in a rearguard action. Ultimately, they remained behind, entrenched against Imperial forces. After having held out against all odds for two days, Mark and the other Republic survivers were bombed from orbit, obliterated in a storm of superheated plasma.

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Knight: A a former Sith turned Jedi the Knight experienced many traumatic events which eventually took a toll on his mental stability. Suffering from past physical and mental abuse as a child, survivor's guilt from the War, and the constant reminder of the life he stole from the woman who had turned him to wards the Jedi Order he was driven insane and left known space. He was never seen again..


Sith Inquisitor: Dies of old age, surrounded by his many wives and children on his homeworld of Rattatak.


Consular: Fate is currently unknown


Warrior: Despite the defeat of the Sith Empire and the loss of the Cold War the Sith Warrior continued to bring death and ruin upon the Jedi Order, until he was finally cornered and killed on a no name world deep in the Outer Rim.

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