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Anybody else playing both WoW and SWTOR?


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I still play WoW and run raids weekly (even though we have cleared all the current content). I have been playing SWTOR since beta and enjoy both. I still think that for raiding and end game content, WoW is still the best MMO, but I like what SWTOR has done with the leveling experience and other things. I spend most of my current game playing on SWTOR, but WoW raiding is still priority over this games end content.
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3)TOR is definitely NOT harder than WoW. What make it ''harder'' is the lack of add-ons.


The lack of addons may make TOR harder than WoW for some, but was not the case for me. I never have used any addons or mods in WoW and I found TOR to be overall easier than WoW. In over 8 years of playing WoW ( was in the closed beta for 6 months ) I never have had to reset my UI....not once. Just saying there are exceptions to everything I guess. :cool:

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People may still be stuck in wow because they dedicated a lot of their life to it. All the WoW folks I know still hang on to the game and their arena rating like that ex-high school kid still talks about taking state well into his 30's.


It's over, move on.

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Yet your on this forum talking about the game. Is anyone else confused or is it just me?


He is talking about liking SWTOR on a SWTOR forum...why would that confuse you?


I bet you really got thrown for a ringer when you figured out your pants had a hole for each leg.

Edited by Kurfer
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I may of gone back to Wow if the next expansion was not so childish and lame...Pandas...really?!

I could totally understand such a reaction... at the time when the addon was just announced and we didn't have any info about it. But now, when you can see most of the things with your own eyes in beta, such a reaction looks just silly. You will be surprised to know how many people are exited about the addon and are looking forward to try it on live.


I still play WoW and run raids weekly (even though we have cleared all the current content). I have been playing SWTOR since beta and enjoy both. I still think that for raiding and end game content, WoW is still the best MMO, but I like what SWTOR has done with the leveling experience and other things. I spend most of my current game playing on SWTOR, but WoW raiding is still priority over this games end content.

I do exactly the same, except for my WoW guild still didn't clear the place... yeah, you can laugh :) Every summer we have the same problem - people just don't show up for raids. Apart from raids i don't have anything to do in WoW right now. No big stuff that can keep my interest and i'm too lazy to do the unfinished small stuff. So i keep leveling my JK and BH, enjoying the stories. But when MoP comes out i'm planning to take a break from SWTOR in order to experience all the new stuff it has to offer.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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He is talking about liking SWTOR on a SWTOR forum...why would that confuse you?


I bet you really got thrown for a ringer when you figured out your pants had a hole for each leg.


Well if u notice i immediately changed my thread cause i quoted the wrong poster and didnt notice till after i hit submit. But thx for letting me know. You can have nap time and a snack when u wake up.

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I have played WoW for about 5 years, cancelled earlier this year. Then tried SWOTOR as I missed the MMO feeling a little bit and then cancelled this too!


I have seen soo many friends who have gone downhill because of these games. I look at my self and I wasted most of my best years sitting infront of a screen thinking life will be soo good if I get a drop, in a game from a world that does not exist, just to show off a piece of clothing in a virtual world.


People who play these games are generally not casual, we played every damn day, thats is all we did.


Now I have a family and I can assure you that when my kids are of age, they will not be allowed to play these games unless it is on an account I can control.


Young adults, like I was cant handle these type of games because they have to show off for others so they will stay upp all night, not eat, not sleep just to show a person on a screen what their toon looks like.


You guys enjoy, I am heading out to have some fun with real people.


This is the thread i ment to comment on. Now do u get it?

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No I quit wow. I went back this last week because a friend sent me a 7 day pass, but I just found it boring and I just sat in Stormwind....


^Same experience. Went back this week, to check things out. Missed the SWTOR graphics, voice acting and game play. Came right back.

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No, wow got boring this expansion. It just felt like Blizzard has ran out of ideas and started to force changes for the sake of selling a new expansion.


I didn't like the hunter mana to focus change, the warrior changes, the weak story, the decline of 25 man raiding, the cancellation of abyssal maw, and stale pvp. I played every class at max level in woltk and about half of those in cataclysm, minus a shaman and druid. Thus, there isn't a whole lot left for me to do in wow.


While this game may not have the best graphics compared to BF 3 or Skyrim they are miles better than wow. The voice acting is pretty good too. In wow you have another problem with the race models. The older the race the less polygons the model will have. Thus, in terms of polygons the race ranks go like this: worgen/goblin>blood elf/draenei>vanilla races.

Edited by Knockerz
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No I quit wow. I went back this last week because a friend sent me a 7 day pass, but I just found it boring and I just sat in Stormwind....


Same here. Trying to play out a bit of the end of my year pass....and I get so bored I log off and log back into TOR.

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It was tough to quit WoW after so many years of time invested, but I much prefer the SW venue. SWG was fun until they turned it into a console game with the NGE, which is when I left it for WoW which held my attention for many years. In fairness, that game shined through BC and then started the slow slippery slope decline. The engine works great, but the venue and lore is just exhausted on me.


I anticipated liking SWTOR for the venue of a Star Wars based universe, and so far I really have enjoyed the story arcs, but the infrastructure systems (PVE, PVP, GTN, UI, GF) all really need work to get up to speed for a 2012 MMO.


So I am patiently advancing alts through their respective class arcs in hopes that these systems get improved to make the game what it should have been when launching at this day and age of MMOs.

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Whats the point in playing both? They're about the same to be honest. WoW, SWTOR or Barbie fashion show they are all about the gear

WoW = great end-game experience + polished and bug free. SWTOR = great leveling experience + SW universe. So if you want to experience everything you have to play both :) Yeah, both games are all about gear but that's what i like them for. I enjoy playing games of this type.

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