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I would like to apologize from all the players who have been stunlocked to death by our team. Also, I would like to apologize from all people who have put time and effort in the pruduction of this game, because our childish actions resulted in many lost subscriptions.


I hereby declare that I quit the team of stunlocking operatives. I will no longer use any skills that stuns, if there is any other operatives on my warzone group, just in case someone accidentally gets stunlocked. I sincerely regret my actions, and I will repent by playing a healer OP for the rest of my subscription.


I really hope the developers eventually bring balance to PvP by removing all stuns and stealth from concealment/scrapper, because what I understand from reading the forums is that, these skills and the ability to vanish still cause some unrest in the community. I agree with the people who voice the concern that, even when concealment/scrapper players does half the damage when compared to other DPS, they still -somehow- give an unfair advantage to their team. I cannot explain it either, but I can feel it in my guts that there is indeed something wrong, something sinister with these specs.


Please accept my sincere apology and my best wishes,


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I would like to apologize from all the players who have been stunlocked to death by our team. Also, I would like to apologize from all people who have put time and effort in the pruduction of this game, because our childish actions resulted in many lost subscriptions.


I hereby declare that I quit the team of stunlocking operatives. I will no longer use any skills that stuns, if there is any other operatives on my warzone group, just in case someone accidentally gets stunlocked. I sincerely regret my actions, and I will repent by playing a healer OP for the rest of my subscription.


I really hope the developers eventually bring balance to PvP by removing all stuns and stealth from concealment/scrapper, because what I understand from reading the forums is that, these skills and the ability to vanish still cause some unrest in the community. I agree with the people who voice the concern that, even when concealment/scrapper players does half the damage when compared to other DPS, they still -somehow- give an unfair advantage to their team. I cannot explain it either, but I can feel it in my guts that there is indeed something wrong, something sinister with these specs.


Please accept my sincere apology and my best wishes,





Red Foremen, [That 70s Show]

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