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Rage Juggernaut~ The Bastion ~ Jugglove PvP Video


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Here is what I posted in your thread on the PVP forum


It was an entertaining movie to watch. I play Rage jugg and it is always fun to see the spec style form an outside view.


That being said, there are things you do, that you should really change to improve your efficiency.


1- Clipping of shockwave: Sometimes you Smash with less than 4 stacks of Shockwave and sometimes you use Crush and Choke at the same time. I get mad at myself every time i waste a single shockwave tick. In the long run of a WZ it really makes a difference. Lets say because of that you are stuck at 2 stacks of Shockwave, what do you do? Either you hit Smash and do some damage (lower than it would have been with good shockwave management) or wait for the next opportunity to build Shockwave (miss a full smash). Either way it's a loss.


2- Why use obliterate right after charge. Basically you waste rage by using obliterate, you waste your charge +10% damage buff by not smashing within 5 secs. You will need that Obliterate free-smash-crit if you are stuck melee range in the next few seconds of the fight. Extremely frequent vs Marauders. After a charge + force crush, Ravage is a much better filler. It doesn't cost rage, hits harder and you still have obliterate to close the gap + speed boost if necessary.


3- The positioning wasn't great either. I saw some backpeddaling while already being in front of the target and I don't recall seeing you ever go behind a target. People can't damage you if you are behind them, why not help out your healers? Beside they can't CC you if you are behind either.


It was my opinion of your video, you can either take it or leave it. I commented it simply to inform newcomers on this forum and give them stuff to look for. I'm not bashing your video at all.

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Here is what I posted in your thread on the PVP forum


It was an entertaining movie to watch. I play Rage jugg and it is always fun to see the spec style form an outside view.


That being said, there are things you do, that you should really change to improve your efficiency.


1- Clipping of shockwave: Sometimes you Smash with less than 4 stacks of Shockwave and sometimes you use Crush and Choke at the same time. I get mad at myself every time i waste a single shockwave tick. In the long run of a WZ it really makes a difference. Lets say because of that you are stuck at 2 stacks of Shockwave, what do you do? Either you hit Smash and do some damage (lower than it would have been with good shockwave management) or wait for the next opportunity to build Shockwave (miss a full smash). Either way it's a loss.


2- Why use obliterate right after charge. Basically you waste rage by using obliterate, you waste your charge +10% damage buff by not smashing within 5 secs. You will need that Obliterate free-smash-crit if you are stuck melee range in the next few seconds of the fight. Extremely frequent vs Marauders. After a charge + force crush, Ravage is a much better filler. It doesn't cost rage, hits harder and you still have obliterate to close the gap + speed boost if necessary.


3- The positioning wasn't great either. I saw some backpeddaling while already being in front of the target and I don't recall seeing you ever go behind a target. People can't damage you if you are behind them, why not help out your healers? Beside they can't CC you if you are behind either.


It was my opinion of your video, you can either take it or leave it. I commented it simply to inform newcomers on this forum and give them stuff to look for. I'm not bashing your video at all.


Good feedback here. Would rate you up if we had a system like that.

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I thought the video was great loved the damage. The above poster is correct on a few, like back peddling and always try to stay behind your opponent, i guess for me it has always been me trying to stay behind my opponent since i played a rogue for 6 years but it stuck with me. other then that you still did well, and i enjoyed it.
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hehe i played a DK and it was the exact same thing.


Charging to a target + going behind him can only be a gain for you and a loss for the target. Confuse him, use the extra uptime to take less damage while killing him. If people really want to see how this looks, simply look up WOW rogue duelling or arena videos on youtube. Some of them were just amazing at that backstab dance. Try to replicate that

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That was one of the best PvP video's I've seen in some time. I love the editing work/music you used.


Can you give me some advice though? I played a Jugg as my primary character until I switched to a Sin about 3 months ago. Since then, I have forgotton just about everything on the class as far as DPS setup and rotations. Can you please give me an idea as to your basic rotation and how you set up smash?


Also, what kind of gear are you using? For base stats, how much crit, power and surge do I need to work towards?



Edited by Rayneia
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It's entertaining and well edited with good choice of music and special fx, but I really saw nothing too special beyond being a smash crit montage. I didn't see very many skill oriented fights where you were truly put to the test, or crafty use of CC and utility. That voidstar bridge scene near the start, you had ample opportunity to force push that one guy, but then missed it with bad positioning. Granted, you were fighting three guys, and it looks like you may have had a lag spike as you jumped, but I think you waited too long to try it. I think you were too caught up in trying to time a crit smash when you could have just waltzed over and pushed him off. You still killed him, so I guess it doesn't really matter in the end though, but just my thoughts from watching. It's still a good video and fun to watch in the least. Nice job.
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That was one of the best PvP video's I've seen in some time. I love the editing work/music you used.


Can you give me some advice though? I played a Jugg as my primary character until I switched to a Sin about 3 months ago. Since then, I have forgotton just about everything on the class as far as DPS setup and rotations. Can you please give me an idea as to your basic rotation and how you set up smash?


Also, what kind of gear are you using? For base stats, how much crit, power and surge do I need to work towards?




Here for you to start gearing with the right spec:




Spec: This is the optimal Rage spec in terms of damage dealing. It is with this spec you will top the charts. It is as basic as it is advanced so anyone can use it. Keep in mind there is an alternate Rage spec focused on survivability while losing a tiny bit of damage. However that is a very advanced spec which require a lot of gear grinding and I will not be posting this spec here.


Gear: The gear grind is fairly simple:


1- Get all 67 Datacrons while you queue up for Warzones: http://ca.ign.com/wikis/star-wars-the-old-republic/Datacron_Locations

2- Get full BM gear. Augment your main battlemaster pieces, since you will have them for a long time using the +18 strength and + 12 endurance. This include Main and off hand weapons, head, chest, gloves, boots and pants

3- Start by getting the War Hero off pieces + augment them. This includes: ear piece, implants, relics

4- Finish with the War hero main pieces + augment them.


You do not have to worry about stats as you gear yourself in that order. The Full war hero set is well balanced. It is not optimized for the rage spec, it can be tuned later on. Much later on. So don't worry about this for now.


Rotation: Here is something i posted in a previous thread:


This is how you play it:


You build Shockwave stacks (4), leap or obliterate to a target (preferably where there are many enemies bunched up) then SMASH the trash.


Make sure you know what builds shockwave: Enrage, Force crush, force Choke


This spec allows you to be mobile and unload your burst very quickly then control your target for 5 secs and build up new shockwave. The trick to this spec is patience. Even if you have 4 stacks of shockwave and you leap, you don't have to use them right away. Yes you will loose the +10% damage from charge buff, but it's more optimal to walk to a pack of 3-4 people and then smash. Plus people often knock you back after a charge, screwing up your smash.




These are mine:

Biochem = Re-usable Rakata Stim and re-usable Might Stim. Unfortunately adrenals are not usable anymore in PVP.

Slicing = For credits. Credits buys gear and items for both PVP and PVE

Scavenging = For lvl 3 mats to send to my lowbie Cybertech alt to craft seismic and freeze grenades! Use them on your Jugg.


BTW diplomacy and bioanalysis are useless once you have maxed out Biochem.


Just to give you an exemple of my rotation vs a healer 1v1 :


1- Charge + pop Enrage (builds 4 shockwave) + Smash + force scream + Force crush


Interupt his 1st heal (beware of jukers always) + Ravage (the target is extremely slowed from force crush)


2- Obliterate + Smash + Force Scream


3- Force Choke (4 sec cast builds 4 stacks of shockwave) + force push (this part is important because the healer is desperately trying to heal himself after the burst you just did and successfully interrupted his 1st heal)


4- Charge + smash + scream + force crush

Interrupt his 2nd Heal (beware of jukers) + ravage (the target is again slowed by force crush)


In case the healer is not dead or you messed up the interrupts, you still have 2 important tools;


1- FEAR : Use it to buy time for your attacks to be ready

2- Crafted cryo grenades/seismic grenades, CC for 4 secs


You play this in Chi-cho stance. You need the +6% force damage and increase armor pen for your force scream + smash. Also better rage regen.


If your healer is being focussed start by taunting the enemies on him and and use intervene on him. This will reduce their damage by 20% and 30%. If it gets out of hand, go Soresu stances and guard him + taunt + intervene.


Since we are quite squishy, i use intervene alot. The reason is that it allows me to use intervene + charge often. So yes i jump everywhere. here are the advantages in doing that:


1- Enemies focussing you often lose interest when you get out of range, they will simply target whoever is the closest. That is really the main reason. Use it to reset the fight after they have popped their cooldowns.

2- Gives your healer a frequent 20% damage reduction + Builds rage when you Charge

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wow... /facepalm'd ALOT ..


After the first 5 times you charge then obliterated back to back, I stopped watching.


This is not a good video. sorry.


don't get me started on the backpeddling and keyboard turning.

Edited by Dire
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Here for you to start gearing with the right spec:




Spec: This is the optimal Rage spec in terms of damage dealing. It is with this spec you will top the charts. It is as basic as it is advanced so anyone can use it. Keep in mind there is an alternate Rage spec focused on survivability while losing a tiny bit of damage. However that is a very advanced spec which require a lot of gear grinding and I will not be posting this spec here.


Gear: The gear grind is fairly simple:


1- Get all 67 Datacrons while you queue up for Warzones: http://ca.ign.com/wikis/star-wars-the-old-republic/Datacron_Locations

2- Get full BM gear. Augment your main battlemaster pieces, since you will have them for a long time using the +18 strength and + 12 endurance. This include Main and off hand weapons, head, chest, gloves, boots and pants

3- Start by getting the War Hero off pieces + augment them. This includes: ear piece, implants, relics

4- Finish with the War hero main pieces + augment them.


You do not have to worry about stats as you gear yourself in that order. The Full war hero set is well balanced. It is not optimized for the rage spec, it can be tuned later on. Much later on. So don't worry about this for now.


Rotation: Here is something i posted in a previous thread:


This is how you play it:


You build Shockwave stacks (4), leap or obliterate to a target (preferably where there are many enemies bunched up) then SMASH the trash.


Make sure you know what builds shockwave: Enrage, Force crush, force Choke


This spec allows you to be mobile and unload your burst very quickly then control your target for 5 secs and build up new shockwave. The trick to this spec is patience. Even if you have 4 stacks of shockwave and you leap, you don't have to use them right away. Yes you will loose the +10% damage from charge buff, but it's more optimal to walk to a pack of 3-4 people and then smash. Plus people often knock you back after a charge, screwing up your smash.




These are mine:

Biochem = Re-usable Rakata Stim and re-usable Might Stim. Unfortunately adrenals are not usable anymore in PVP.

Slicing = For credits. Credits buys gear and items for both PVP and PVE

Scavenging = For lvl 3 mats to send to my lowbie Cybertech alt to craft seismic and freeze grenades! Use them on your Jugg.


BTW diplomacy and bioanalysis are useless once you have maxed out Biochem.


Just to give you an exemple of my rotation vs a healer 1v1 :


1- Charge + pop Enrage (builds 4 shockwave) + Smash + force scream + Force crush


Interupt his 1st heal (beware of jukers always) + Ravage (the target is extremely slowed from force crush)


2- Obliterate + Smash + Force Scream


3- Force Choke (4 sec cast builds 4 stacks of shockwave) + force push (this part is important because the healer is desperately trying to heal himself after the burst you just did and successfully interrupted his 1st heal)


4- Charge + smash + scream + force crush

Interrupt his 2nd Heal (beware of jukers) + ravage (the target is again slowed by force crush)


In case the healer is not dead or you messed up the interrupts, you still have 2 important tools;


1- FEAR : Use it to buy time for your attacks to be ready

2- Crafted cryo grenades/seismic grenades, CC for 4 secs


You play this in Chi-cho stance. You need the +6% force damage and increase armor pen for your force scream + smash. Also better rage regen.


If your healer is being focussed start by taunting the enemies on him and and use intervene on him. This will reduce their damage by 20% and 30%. If it gets out of hand, go Soresu stances and guard him + taunt + intervene.


Since we are quite squishy, i use intervene alot. The reason is that it allows me to use intervene + charge often. So yes i jump everywhere. here are the advantages in doing that:


1- Enemies focussing you often lose interest when you get out of range, they will simply target whoever is the closest. That is really the main reason. Use it to reset the fight after they have popped their cooldowns.

2- Gives your healer a frequent 20% damage reduction + Builds rage when you Charge



Thanks for this post! This is a ton of help and exactly what I needed!

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